A question I would like asked of all voters who intend to vote.

TRUMP no matter who he's against.............Biden will not last.....might make it til November and might not...............possible they pull another candidate at the convention........saying Biden is ill.

And whomever they end up picking will still win since the real voting isn't about the Democrats, its' about Rump.
Well your side has pulled out all the stops and the establishment is in full gear for it.........doesn't mean they will win..............The people in this country may just surprise you yet again.............LOL

What is pathetic..............had you run Gabby who isn't establishment I wouldn't have cared so much IF Trump loses......because she wasn't establishment.

You talk like I am taking sides between the Reps and the Dems. Noper. I just want Rump gone, simple as that.
And that is not taking sides???? My, my.
TRUMP no matter who he's against.............Biden will not last.....might make it til November and might not...............possible they pull another candidate at the convention........saying Biden is ill.

And whomever they end up picking will still win since the real voting isn't about the Democrats, its' about Rump.
Well your side has pulled out all the stops and the establishment is in full gear for it.........doesn't mean they will win..............The people in this country may just surprise you yet again.............LOL

What is pathetic..............had you run Gabby who isn't establishment I wouldn't have cared so much IF Trump loses......because she wasn't establishment.

You talk like I am taking sides between the Reps and the Dems. Noper. I just want Rump gone, simple as that.
And that is not taking sides???? My, my.

Noper, and all the BS from both sides doesn't really interest me. I just want Rump gone, simple as that.
TRUMP no matter who he's against.............Biden will not last.....might make it til November and might not...............possible they pull another candidate at the convention........saying Biden is ill.

And whomever they end up picking will still win since the real voting isn't about the Democrats, its' about Rump.
Well your side has pulled out all the stops and the establishment is in full gear for it.........doesn't mean they will win..............The people in this country may just surprise you yet again.............LOL

What is pathetic..............had you run Gabby who isn't establishment I wouldn't have cared so much IF Trump loses......because she wasn't establishment.

You talk like I am taking sides between the Reps and the Dems. Noper. I just want Rump gone, simple as that.
And that is not taking sides???? My, my.

Noper, and all the BS from both sides doesn't really interest me. I just want Rump gone, simple as that.

Wait, what? All the BS from both sides doesn't interest you? Why's that, you bring you own BS to spread?
TRUMP no matter who he's against.............Biden will not last.....might make it til November and might not...............possible they pull another candidate at the convention........saying Biden is ill.

And whomever they end up picking will still win since the real voting isn't about the Democrats, its' about Rump.
Well your side has pulled out all the stops and the establishment is in full gear for it.........doesn't mean they will win..............The people in this country may just surprise you yet again.............LOL

What is pathetic..............had you run Gabby who isn't establishment I wouldn't have cared so much IF Trump loses......because she wasn't establishment.

You talk like I am taking sides between the Reps and the Dems. Noper. I just want Rump gone, simple as that.
And that is not taking sides???? My, my.

Noper, and all the BS from both sides doesn't really interest me. I just want Rump gone, simple as that.
Because Trump is the meanie who cheated Hilary out of her promised presidency Right Daryl. I don't know who has the worst case of TDS, Daryl or Lakhota
TRUMP no matter who he's against.............Biden will not last.....might make it til November and might not...............possible they pull another candidate at the convention........saying Biden is ill.

And whomever they end up picking will still win since the real voting isn't about the Democrats, its' about Rump.
Well your side has pulled out all the stops and the establishment is in full gear for it.........doesn't mean they will win..............The people in this country may just surprise you yet again.............LOL

What is pathetic..............had you run Gabby who isn't establishment I wouldn't have cared so much IF Trump loses......because she wasn't establishment.

You talk like I am taking sides between the Reps and the Dems. Noper. I just want Rump gone, simple as that.
And that is not taking sides???? My, my.

Noper, and all the BS from both sides doesn't really interest me. I just want Rump gone, simple as that.
Because Trump is the meanie who cheated Hilary out of her promised presidency Right Daryl. I don't know who has the worst case of TDS, Daryl or Lakhota

Ding, Ding, Ding, we have a winner. And, Johnny, what has he won? Well Monty, he's won an all expense paid up Rump's rectum where he gets a personal tour of Rumps colin.

Trump will win. Normal people have had enough of this BLM/Antifa rioting, burning, looting, tearing down statues, cancel culture

Add to that tax payer funded healthcare for illegals, open borders, defunding police and abortion until birth and the left is fucked.

I haven’t even mentioned how the democrats could make a sitting president the outsider yet. But they did, running a 40 year veteran of graft and corruption candidate. Complete with a retarded drug addled kid getting a sweet multimillion dollar job from a foreign country.

Trump wins this thing. And I’ll be helping him.

Don't assume.

Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.

There is an entire section of the American public that sees BLM and Antifa, and the murder rates, and applauds it.

There honestly are people that see rioters and looters, smashing windows and stealing TVs, and think "These are just people looking for bread to feed their children, who are upset Trump brought Corona to the US!"

The DNC wouldn't exist without stupid people, and there are a ton of them.
TRUMP no matter who he's against.............Biden will not last.....might make it til November and might not...............possible they pull another candidate at the convention........saying Biden is ill.

And whomever they end up picking will still win since the real voting isn't about the Democrats, its' about Rump.
Well your side has pulled out all the stops and the establishment is in full gear for it.........doesn't mean they will win..............The people in this country may just surprise you yet again.............LOL

What is pathetic..............had you run Gabby who isn't establishment I wouldn't have cared so much IF Trump loses......because she wasn't establishment.

You talk like I am taking sides between the Reps and the Dems. Noper. I just want Rump gone, simple as that.
And that is not taking sides???? My, my.

Noper, and all the BS from both sides doesn't really interest me. I just want Rump gone, simple as that.
Because Trump is the meanie who cheated Hilary out of her promised presidency Right Daryl. I don't know who has the worst case of TDS, Daryl or Lakhota

Ding, Ding, Ding, we have a winner. And, Johnny, what has he won? Well Monty, he's won an all expense paid up Rump's rectum where he gets a personal tour of Rumps colin.

View attachment 365581

Case and point, for my previous post.
And whomever they end up picking will still win since the real voting isn't about the Democrats, its' about Rump.

Comrade traitor, about the raping and pillaging you democrats are doing across the nation. Do you think that has won you a lot of votes, particularly from the white people you vow to exterminate?

I mean, I get it, the white people you openly hate and engage in institutional racism against are only 64% of the population, you're free to engage in your pogroms against whites - after all the public schools have mind raped the next generation to hate their parents and themselves due to the color of their skin.

But Comrade, did it ever dawn on you that the whites you so bitterly hate are about 75% of those who show up to vote?
Noper, and all the BS from both sides doesn't really interest me. I just want Rump gone, simple as that.

Lie much?

You're a dedicated Marxist who seeks the complete destruction of America and the establishment of global Marxist dictatorship under the rule of China.
Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
Then why are you even here?

Wow, you are quite the sleazy fucking liar. Reported.
How is a question a lie?

You edited select words and pasted them together to make them appear to mean something entirely different than the poster intended.

You're a lying troll.
Are you on acid or something?

Please,.show me where that happened.
As for mental acuity, you would be the expert on not stringing a coherent sentence together, but I don't think that actually qualifies you to criticize someone ELSE for it.

Your sentence is incoherent, poor constructed, and makes very little sense. Much like the person who wrote it.
Poorly, the proper word would be poorly. Especially in a rant challenging someone’s English skills.

I was rather struck by her sentence fragment myself, but you are correct.
TRUMP no matter who he's against.............Biden will not last.....might make it til November and might not...............possible they pull another candidate at the convention........saying Biden is ill.

Why would they want another candidate? They seem rather pleased with the idea of running an ineffectual, dimwitted figurehead and ruling through him, with no messy accountability to worry about.
The only other candidate with a chance of winning is Joe Biden who is the Democratic Party Nominee. If the Spotted Owl Party had a nominee who had a legitimate shot of beating Trump, I'd be voting for whomever their nominee is/was.

I don't think Biden will win but I will vote for him. Simply because the blob is unfit for office and a joke of human being.

I just heard, "Nothing matters but hating TRRRRRUUUUUMMMMMMP!!!!"

You're correct. Trump is garbage. His supporters act like garbage.

Yes, thank you, I didn't need you to explain that your deranged, hate-filled obsession takes precedence over the country and whatever shred of decency you might have harbored all these years of being an evil-spewing leftist drone. It's not like anything coming out of your piehole is deep and layered and complex. Nor do I need to hear you justifying that you think you're noble and moral for throwing the nation and everyone in it down the sewer for your personal pique. I'm already well aware that you wouldn't know right from wrong if you had a schematic.
Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
Then why are you even here?

Wow, you are quite the sleazy fucking liar. Reported.
How is a question a lie?

You edited select words and pasted them together to make them appear to mean something entirely different than the poster intended.

You're a lying troll.
Are you on acid or something?

Please,.show me where that happened.
Go to post #1 and start over again.
Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
Then why are you even here?

Wow, you are quite the sleazy fucking liar. Reported.
How is a question a lie?

You edited select words and pasted them together to make them appear to mean something entirely different than the poster intended.

You're a lying troll.
Are you on acid or something?

Please,.show me where that happened.
Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
Then why are you even here?

Wow, you are quite the sleazy fucking liar. Reported.
How is a question a lie?

You edited select words and pasted them together to make them appear to mean something entirely different than the poster intended.

You're a lying troll.
Are you on acid or something?

Please,.show me where that happened.
I wonder how many people would
a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or

b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.

c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.

I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

Copy of OP.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.
I’m so annoyed I wasted time reading this
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.
I’m so annoyed I wasted time reading this
I'm sorry you are annoyed.

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