A question I would like asked of all voters who intend to vote.

Trump has the silent majority and will rise to heights you have never heard or dreamed of.


The Communists have nothing to worry about. They just need to keep raping and looting across America. They are winning the hearts and minds of everyone.

Relax Comrade democrats, your Chinese masters have everything under control. It's in the bag.

Standard Disclaimer: love ya Athena!
It amazes me Biden is the best the democrats is the best they have to offer.

It's obvious he's suffering from some sort of mental issues. Likely dementia/Alzheimer's but given that his record is horrendous. That Ukraine deal is disturbing

Well, in fairness, they're not running him because they want or expect him to actually run anything. They're running him as a figurehead so that people who could never get elected themselves can run the country through him.

A good President operates much like Captain Kirk. Everyone gets an input without repercussions but at some point, a President shut off the discussion and tells them what he wants and he gets it. But he relies on those more qualified than him in an given subject on his Crew. He doesn't hire his cronies because they are Yes men and doesn't require them to totally loyal to him. They are Loyal to Star Fleet. But they are loyal to him. Not because he's the captain but because he's earned that loyalty. He's not as good at any one thing in the operation of the Ship. Spock is many times brighter, McCoy understands his field beyond reproach, Scotty knows things about the Ship that no one else does and Sulu is a shit hot pilot.

Meanwhile, Rump requires you to be loyal to him first. And to do whatever cockamany idea he comes up with and to support way past reason. Rump could benefit from watching Star Trek the original series.
TRUMP no matter who he's against.............Biden will not last.....might make it til November and might not...............possible they pull another candidate at the convention........saying Biden is ill.
The only other candidate with a chance of winning is Joe Biden who is the Democratic Party Nominee. If the Spotted Owl Party had a nominee who had a legitimate shot of beating Trump, I'd be voting for whomever their nominee is/was.

I don't think Biden will win but I will vote for him. Simply because the blob is unfit for office and a joke of human being.

I just heard, "Nothing matters but hating TRRRRRUUUUUMMMMMMP!!!!"

Reminds me of something that almost everyone has said in the past and you people said that everyone else is for open borders.

We said, we need some kind of Border Security.
1. Boots on the Ground
2. Adequate Security Barriers
3. Electronic sensors
4. Better immigration courts that work much faster.

What you heard from all of that is
1. Wall
2. Wall
3. Wall
4. Wall

since a wall is only effective in select areas and the other 3 are more effective away from population centers, you respond to that with WALL. And if you can't get your wall all the way then obviously everyone else is for open borders.

Now you are saying, no matter what the Orange Deity does, if you disagree or don't show blind loyalty you automatically hate Rump. I don't hate Rump. Never met the man. But this bizarre twisted Twilight Zone can't continue. We have to change the channel sooner or later and it's now later.
Don't be sucked in. This is another leftist pseudo event. This is NOT happening, it's a fraud, a hoax, it's just an attempt by the democrats and their Brown Shirts to win sympathy.

One Brown Shirt, a Mark Pettibone, who has a history producing YouTube videos is behind all of this, but our garbage media, our little Goebbles, run with it because it fits the narrative.
It's very real

Very wrong

And very disturbing
I find it patriotic. Trump is doing the right thing, stopping domestic terrorism.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

I'd vote for Trump even if Biden didn't have dementia.
Trump...regardless of who runs against him.
Thank you Thinker. So would I. This damn pandemic has really fouled things up, but Trump; remains still the winner of accomplishments.
Thank you Thinker. So would I. This damn pandemic has really fouled things up, but Trump; remains still the winner of accomplishments.

Trump,all the way.
Wow talk about demented.

I voted for dumb Don last time, but only because I thought SHE was worse. This time there is no lesser evil with Don and Joe, but you guys evidently don’t know this transparent fact.

You have the right to be wrong.

Um, I'm looking at mayors and Democrats that support destruction of property, violence in the streets, defunding the police and so on.

I'm looking at Democrats in office, that are busy painting words on a the street, rather than now hundreds on hundreds of deaths from crime and violence.

I'm looking at Democrats who tried to pass the "No Ban" act in congress, to prevent travel restrictions to China, and then claim Trump didn't do enough to stop the spread of Corona.

I see Democrats justifying violence in NYC is because people 'need to feed their children', and blaming the police department they just cut.

I'm looking at a left-wing that wants to destroy history, take over sections of cities as "autonomous zones", destroy peoples lives, trample private property, and set a house on fire with children in it, and block fire trucks from putting out the blaze.

Absolutely everything that entire Democrat and left-wing ideology stands for today, is 100% pure unquestioned evil.

Comparing the flaws of Trump, to the evil of the left-wing, is like comparing a puddle on the sidewalk, to the Atlantic ocean, and saying there is more water on the sidewalk.

It is absurd.
Trump’s a failure. Just accept it.
and Biden has been a failure in government for over 40 years
True enough, yet you still cling to dumb Don. Why?

Did you somehow think I support sniffy Joe because I know Don is an awful failure? WTF...do you think everyone is a brain dead partisan like you?
In this election you only have 3 choices,
1. Trump not perfect but loves America
2. Biden has dementia and support socialism
3. Stay home and do not vote.
So quit acting like you have another choice... so what is it going to be?
That’s delusional too. Don doesn’t love America and Biden doesn’t support socialism. Wake the fuck up and open your eyes.

Wake the fuck up and open our eyes . . . to something other than his own damned statements?

You said Biden doesn't support socialism. His own statements say differently. So what are we supposed to "open our eyes" to in regard to him?

Again, Socialism isn't a Governing Method. It's an Economic method. We are suppose to be a Federal Republic but that's been lost for a few decades. You don't want any Socialism in your life, stop posting in here because you are using Socialist methods to do it like Electricity, Gasoline to go get your computer, and two really socialist entities invented the Internet; The US Military and the Universities. Oh, did I mention, stop using any and all public supported properties and services like driving on paved roads and more. Not to worry, if you stopped all Social Programs, I am sure that some Strongman will come and force your sorry ass to do his bidding or die. I mean, what's to stop him. No Military, No Cops, nothing. And since your guns were made where social programs contributed, you don't get a gun. You have to out and find a Club. Sorry, no knives either.

So by you posting here, you are supporting forms of Socialism because without it you would live in the wild and die in a matter of about a month due to exposure. I guess that makes you a Socialist as well.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.
If you don't vote you don't get any say whatsoever.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.
The truth is very few people will vote for Biden because the think he would make a good president. Democrats and fellow travellers are voting against President Trump because the have been told they should by the media although few of them understand why they are. In fact, they would vote for a potato plant if it got the Democratic nomination. In fact a potato plant will get the nomination and they will vote for it.

Actually, it's more like a Kosher Ham Sandwich. And that Sandwich is a better choice than Rump and will do less damage.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

Biden has to pick his replacement. While he probably will go the whole 4 years, he won't go for the full 8. So he has to pick his Heir Apparent. Biden also has some good people to pick from. So, yes, if he picks a solid running mate, we are going to vote for him. Pick another nightmare and we won't.
I hear you Darryl, but I would question his choice for his running mate. he didn't say he was developing a list of strong Democratic leaders whose issues mirror his, he just wants a black woman. Hell, if that is what he wants, go down to the grocery store and pick the first black lady in the check out line! Come on! Just shakin' my head.

Looking at the black women he's actually considering, we might be better off with the first black lady in the checkout line.

Well, we did vote in the guy with the mask and gun robbing the grocery store.
Don't be sucked in. This is another leftist pseudo event. This is NOT happening, it's a fraud, a hoax, it's just an attempt by the democrats and their Brown Shirts to win sympathy.

One Brown Shirt, a Mark Pettibone, who has a history producing YouTube videos is behind all of this, but our garbage media, our little Goebbles, run with it because it fits the narrative.
It's very real

Very wrong

And very disturbing
I find it patriotic. Trump is doing the right thing, stopping domestic terrorism.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

I'd vote for Trump even if Biden didn't have dementia.
Trump...regardless of who runs against him.
Thank you Thinker. So would I. This damn pandemic has really fouled things up, but Trump; remains still the winner of accomplishments.
Thank you Thinker. So would I. This damn pandemic has really fouled things up, but Trump; remains still the winner of accomplishments.

Trump,all the way.
Wow talk about demented.

I voted for dumb Don last time, but only because I thought SHE was worse. This time there is no lesser evil with Don and Joe, but you guys evidently don’t know this transparent fact.

You have the right to be wrong.

Um, I'm looking at mayors and Democrats that support destruction of property, violence in the streets, defunding the police and so on.

I'm looking at Democrats in office, that are busy painting words on a the street, rather than now hundreds on hundreds of deaths from crime and violence.

I'm looking at Democrats who tried to pass the "No Ban" act in congress, to prevent travel restrictions to China, and then claim Trump didn't do enough to stop the spread of Corona.

I see Democrats justifying violence in NYC is because people 'need to feed their children', and blaming the police department they just cut.

I'm looking at a left-wing that wants to destroy history, take over sections of cities as "autonomous zones", destroy peoples lives, trample private property, and set a house on fire with children in it, and block fire trucks from putting out the blaze.

Absolutely everything that entire Democrat and left-wing ideology stands for today, is 100% pure unquestioned evil.

Comparing the flaws of Trump, to the evil of the left-wing, is like comparing a puddle on the sidewalk, to the Atlantic ocean, and saying there is more water on the sidewalk.

It is absurd.
Trump’s a failure. Just accept it.
and Biden has been a failure in government for over 40 years
True enough, yet you still cling to dumb Don. Why?

Did you somehow think I support sniffy Joe because I know Don is an awful failure? WTF...do you think everyone is a brain dead partisan like you?
In this election you only have 3 choices,
1. Trump not perfect but loves America
2. Biden has dementia and support socialism
3. Stay home and do not vote.
So quit acting like you have another choice... so what is it going to be?
That’s delusional too. Don doesn’t love America and Biden doesn’t support socialism. Wake the fuck up and open your eyes.

Wake the fuck up and open our eyes . . . to something other than his own damned statements?

You said Biden doesn't support socialism. His own statements say differently. So what are we supposed to "open our eyes" to in regard to him?
He doesn’t and never has. WTF is wrong with you cons? Biden has been in government damn near 50 years. He has done nothing to support socialism. He has supported crony capitalism in spades. He is corrupt supporter of the 1%, like nearly all in DC.

Fucking liar.
TRUMP no matter who he's against.............Biden will not last.....might make it til November and might not...............possible they pull another candidate at the convention........saying Biden is ill.

And whomever they end up picking will still win since the real voting isn't about the Democrats, its' about Rump.
Well your side has pulled out all the stops and the establishment is in full gear for it.........doesn't mean they will win..............The people in this country may just surprise you yet again.............LOL

What is pathetic..............had you run Gabby who isn't establishment I wouldn't have cared so much IF Trump loses......because she wasn't establishment.
Don't be sucked in. This is another leftist pseudo event. This is NOT happening, it's a fraud, a hoax, it's just an attempt by the democrats and their Brown Shirts to win sympathy.

One Brown Shirt, a Mark Pettibone, who has a history producing YouTube videos is behind all of this, but our garbage media, our little Goebbles, run with it because it fits the narrative.
It's very real

Very wrong

And very disturbing
I find it patriotic. Trump is doing the right thing, stopping domestic terrorism.
I wonder how many people would a) Vote for Trump if Biden was running against him (which is true) or
b) Vote for Trumps opponent if someone younger and well spoken was running against him.
c) Won't be voting for either. Will play video games on election day.
I believe that makes the difference in this race and I would like a poll to find out if that makes a difference on voting day.

I'd vote for Trump even if Biden didn't have dementia.
Trump...regardless of who runs against him.
Thank you Thinker. So would I. This damn pandemic has really fouled things up, but Trump; remains still the winner of accomplishments.
Thank you Thinker. So would I. This damn pandemic has really fouled things up, but Trump; remains still the winner of accomplishments.

Trump,all the way.
Wow talk about demented.

I voted for dumb Don last time, but only because I thought SHE was worse. This time there is no lesser evil with Don and Joe, but you guys evidently don’t know this transparent fact.

You have the right to be wrong.

Um, I'm looking at mayors and Democrats that support destruction of property, violence in the streets, defunding the police and so on.

I'm looking at Democrats in office, that are busy painting words on a the street, rather than now hundreds on hundreds of deaths from crime and violence.

I'm looking at Democrats who tried to pass the "No Ban" act in congress, to prevent travel restrictions to China, and then claim Trump didn't do enough to stop the spread of Corona.

I see Democrats justifying violence in NYC is because people 'need to feed their children', and blaming the police department they just cut.

I'm looking at a left-wing that wants to destroy history, take over sections of cities as "autonomous zones", destroy peoples lives, trample private property, and set a house on fire with children in it, and block fire trucks from putting out the blaze.

Absolutely everything that entire Democrat and left-wing ideology stands for today, is 100% pure unquestioned evil.

Comparing the flaws of Trump, to the evil of the left-wing, is like comparing a puddle on the sidewalk, to the Atlantic ocean, and saying there is more water on the sidewalk.

It is absurd.
Trump’s a failure. Just accept it.
and Biden has been a failure in government for over 40 years
True enough, yet you still cling to dumb Don. Why?

Did you somehow think I support sniffy Joe because I know Don is an awful failure? WTF...do you think everyone is a brain dead partisan like you?
In this election you only have 3 choices,
1. Trump not perfect but loves America
2. Biden has dementia and support socialism
3. Stay home and do not vote.
So quit acting like you have another choice... so what is it going to be?
That’s delusional too. Don doesn’t love America and Biden doesn’t support socialism. Wake the fuck up and open your eyes.

Wake the fuck up and open our eyes . . . to something other than his own damned statements?

You said Biden doesn't support socialism. His own statements say differently. So what are we supposed to "open our eyes" to in regard to him?
He doesn’t and never has. WTF is wrong with you cons? Biden has been in government damn near 50 years. He has done nothing to support socialism. He has supported crony capitalism in spades. He is corrupt supporter of the 1%, like nearly all in DC.

Fucking liar.
Jesus...research his record. It’s not hard so I know you can do it.
The only other candidate with a chance of winning is Joe Biden who is the Democratic Party Nominee. If the Spotted Owl Party had a nominee who had a legitimate shot of beating Trump, I'd be voting for whomever their nominee is/was.

I don't think Biden will win but I will vote for him. Simply because the blob is unfit for office and a joke of human being.

I just heard, "Nothing matters but hating TRRRRRUUUUUMMMMMMP!!!!"

You're correct. Trump is garbage. His supporters act like garbage.
The only other candidate with a chance of winning is Joe Biden who is the Democratic Party Nominee. If the Spotted Owl Party had a nominee who had a legitimate shot of beating Trump, I'd be voting for whomever their nominee is/was.

I don't think Biden will win but I will vote for him. Simply because the blob is unfit for office and a joke of human being.

I just heard, "Nothing matters but hating TRRRRRUUUUUMMMMMMP!!!!"

You're correct. Trump is garbage. His supporters act like garbage.
TRUMP no matter who he's against.............Biden will not last.....might make it til November and might not...............possible they pull another candidate at the convention........saying Biden is ill.

And whomever they end up picking will still win since the real voting isn't about the Democrats, its' about Rump.
Well your side has pulled out all the stops and the establishment is in full gear for it.........doesn't mean they will win..............The people in this country may just surprise you yet again.............LOL

What is pathetic..............had you run Gabby who isn't establishment I wouldn't have cared so much IF Trump loses......because she wasn't establishment.

You talk like I am taking sides between the Reps and the Dems. Noper. I just want Rump gone, simple as that.

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