A Question That Must Be Asked: Did Hermain Cain Ever Benefit From Affirmative Action?

Obama admitted that he benefited from Affirmative Action ... because he did.

Still hasn't been shown to be the case in Herman Cain's situation.

On the other hand, in this thread we have witnessed another profound demonstration of the damage which the mere existence of the twisted phenomenon known as AA can do to the record and aspirations of a qualified black person who had the misfortune of being alive while AA was on the books.

All blacks benefited from the Civil Rights Act which established Affirmative Action.

Obama and Colin Powell are honest about it. Cain is not.

I think Obama, Powell and Cain are talented and successful men, all of them. AA helps but is not the cause of blacks succeeding.

Until you acknowledge the difference between benefiting from the civil rights movement and benefiting from Affirmative Action, I don't see much way this conversation can go forward.

Cain's position on Affirmative Action is reasonable:

Some of my opponents in the race for the U.S. Senate seem to like to ask me if I am in favor of affirmative action. I'm sick and tired of people trying to divide us on race. So let me make my answer as plain as day, so that even a congressman can understand it. If by affirmative action you mean quotas - then no. But if you mean, do I favor giving all people equal opportunity? You bet. I don't understand how my opponents could not agree with the idea of removing all barriers for people to have equal opportunity.

Affirmative action is negative step | chronicle.augusta.com

The ways so-called Affirmative Action has been used and abused in such a way as to give reason to doubt the qualifications of someone who has been pushed forward by means of it - those are reasons to oppose Affirmative Action as it exists today.

Are you now claiming that Cain has denied having benefited from the Civil Rights movement?

Affirmative action is not about quotas. It's about a level playing field.
Such racism. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

I don't know if it is racism but it sure as hell is all lies. I won't guess whether intentional or taught via the stuff picked up on leftwing hate sites. I do know I clearly demonstrated that she made a very erroneous statement that she has yet to admit and correct. That alone disqualifies a person as having any credibility in denigrating what appears to be a very good man.

When in doubt, call your opponent a liar. Nice one, Fox. Keep going. You're on a roll.

Your opinion of me has NOTHING to do with this discussion. Get back to the topic. You claim Cain did not benefit from the Civil Rights Act. I say he did.

You stated without qualification and without any possibility of being misunderstood that Cain was hired by Pillsbury AFTER 1984 and after Pillsbury was sued on a civil rights issue. Almost EVERY big company at that time was being sued re something or other re civil rights, but that is irrelevent.

I clearly showed that Pillsbury hired and promoted Herman Cain well before the lawsuit was filed and well before the period that the lawsuit covered.

You have yet to acknowledge that. I didn't call you a liar. I said you are stating or repeating a lie and even gave you an out for that being intentional.

You can either own up to that or I will have every reason to believe you intentionally lied.
I don't know if it is racism but it sure as hell is all lies. I won't guess whether intentional or taught via the stuff picked up on leftwing hate sites. I do know I clearly demonstrated that she made a very erroneous statement that she has yet to admit and correct. That alone disqualifies a person as having any credibility in denigrating what appears to be a very good man.

When in doubt, call your opponent a liar. Nice one, Fox. Keep going. You're on a roll.

Your opinion of me has NOTHING to do with this discussion. Get back to the topic. You claim Cain did not benefit from the Civil Rights Act. I say he did.

You stated without qualification and without any possibility of being misunderstood that Cain was hired by Pillsbury AFTER 1984 and after Pillsbury was sued on a civil rights issue. Almost EVERY big company at that time was being sued re something or other re civil rights, but that is irrelevent.

I clearly showed that Pillsbury hired and promoted Herman Cain well before the lawsuit was filed and well before the period that the lawsuit covered.

You have yet to acknowledge that. I didn't call you a liar. I said you are stating or repeating a lie and even gave you an out for that being intentional.

You can either own up to that or I will have every reason to believe you intentionally lied.

I do not intentionally lie and you know it. You call me a liar? I stop talking to you, simple. Are you right about the dates of his promotion? I'm checking on that.

Your claim is that Cain EVER benefited in ANY way due to affirmative action. You are wrong about that.

Without the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Cain would never have had his career. He even acknowledges that. Why won't you?

Cain plays the race card when he chooses to. He threw out that Obama had a white mother, as though he is blacker than Obama. He makes race part of his campaign when he chooses to.

I intend to have civil discourse. I hope you do the same.

My source for the affirmative action claim was a site called WAKE UP BLACK AMERICA.
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Herman Cain is fully qualified to run a business. He doesn't have experience to run the government.

He benefited from the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

You can keep calling me a racist till doomday and all you do is make yourself sick with hate. You know perfectly well I'm not a racist.

President Obama had no experience to run anything.

According to your logic, lass, he too benefitted from AA.

Nice of you to marginalize all accomplishments of all blacks in America.

And you still can't see why lots of people believe that AA fosters racism.

You cannot attack the Cain positions on the merits. That much is crystal clear. So you engage in this childish sophistry in place of honest or intelligent debate.


I can attack Cain on the merits of his positions. I'm sorry you continue to use personal attacks.

All blacks alive in 1964 benefited from AA. I have the utmost respect for the accomplishment of blacks in America.

Herman Cain is not unqualified to run a corporation, but he is to be POTUS.

Yet again we see you being dishonest. You have not been subject to (or the subject of) "personal attacks." I have, however, called bullshit on you when you have repeatedly engaged in spewing it.

The claim that YOU made that all blacks alive in 1964 benefited from AA is not supported. What blacks in America HAVE benefited from is the termination of permitted racist governmental policies. But lots of black people alive in 1964 got no benefit at all from AA and you would not be able to ever prove your claim.

It's nice that you have respect for the accomplishments of black people. Very liberal of you.

Barack Obama was unqualified to run a corporation (perhaps in part explaining why he never did). He remains unqualified to serve as President of the United States.

Mr. Cain is far more qualified -- today, at this very instant -- for the job even after President Obama has been holding that job for 3 years.
Herman Cain claims to have brought Godfather’s Pizza from the edge of bankruptcy to profitability during his time there. He has never released any annual profit and loss statements to back this up. The company reached all time high profits in 1983, was still profitable in 1984, and only apparently was not profitable in 1985 due to a lawsuit. That lawsuit was settled before Cain became manager in 1986. It is a false statement that the company was on the edge of bankruptcy when he took over.

The only real objective evidence that is publicly available for how well he did is annual sales. How much did sales increase or decrease during Cain’s time at Godfather’s Pizza? Competition wise, Godfather’s dropped from fifth largest sales among Pizza chains to 11th during the time he was associated with the company. Here is a year by year breakdown:

Complete Godfather’s Pizza Sales Figure from the Herman Cain Years « Notes to Aphrodite
Folks bent on debating how well Mr. Cain served the interests of Godfather's Pizza can approach the discussion from a variety of perspectives.

Figures lie and liars figure.

But the somewhat unbiased Politifact has an interesting read on it. They concluded:

A PolitiFact examination of Godfather’s, based on interviews with industry analysts and company officials, shows Cain is largely correct. The chain wasn’t literally preparing paperwork for bankruptcy, but it was widely considered troubled. Cain changed that by uniting the franchisees, overhauling the chain's advertising, and getting his team focused on its core mission: pizza.

By the way, Sky Dancer, it is considered appropriate to indicate a quote when directly quoting the work of another.

ALSO, I wonder how valid the Notes to Aphrodite figures are? The company was a PRIVATELY held company and its figures are not a matter of any reporting requirement.

The author of that piece expresses frustration that the media doesn't make the demand of Mr. Cain that HE release that company's figures, but nobody seems troubled that our Law Review President has yet to reveal his own college and law school transcripts.
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All blacks benefited from the Civil Rights Act which established Affirmative Action.

Obama and Colin Powell are honest about it. Cain is not.

I think Obama, Powell and Cain are talented and successful men, all of them. AA helps but is not the cause of blacks succeeding.

Until you acknowledge the difference between benefiting from the civil rights movement and benefiting from Affirmative Action, I don't see much way this conversation can go forward.

Cain's position on Affirmative Action is reasonable:

Some of my opponents in the race for the U.S. Senate seem to like to ask me if I am in favor of affirmative action. I'm sick and tired of people trying to divide us on race. So let me make my answer as plain as day, so that even a congressman can understand it. If by affirmative action you mean quotas - then no. But if you mean, do I favor giving all people equal opportunity? You bet. I don't understand how my opponents could not agree with the idea of removing all barriers for people to have equal opportunity.

Affirmative action is negative step | chronicle.augusta.com

The ways so-called Affirmative Action has been used and abused in such a way as to give reason to doubt the qualifications of someone who has been pushed forward by means of it - those are reasons to oppose Affirmative Action as it exists today.

Are you now claiming that Cain has denied having benefited from the Civil Rights movement?

Affirmative action is not about quotas. It's about a level playing field.

It morphed to included quotas. It is not what it set out to be. There is legitimate reason to question the merit of its continuing existence. At the very minimum it needs to be highly scrutinized and significantly reformed.

And I still see no evidence for the suggestions that Herman Cain benefited from Affirmative Action or that he denied benefiting from the civil rights movement.
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I don't know if it is racism but it sure as hell is all lies. I won't guess whether intentional or taught via the stuff picked up on leftwing hate sites. I do know I clearly demonstrated that she made a very erroneous statement that she has yet to admit and correct. That alone disqualifies a person as having any credibility in denigrating what appears to be a very good man.

When in doubt, call your opponent a liar. Nice one, Fox. Keep going. You're on a roll.

Your opinion of me has NOTHING to do with this discussion. Get back to the topic. You claim Cain did not benefit from the Civil Rights Act. I say he did.

You stated without qualification and without any possibility of being misunderstood that Cain was hired by Pillsbury AFTER 1984 and after Pillsbury was sued on a civil rights issue. Almost EVERY big company at that time was being sued re something or other re civil rights, but that is irrelevent.

I clearly showed that Pillsbury hired and promoted Herman Cain well before the lawsuit was filed and well before the period that the lawsuit covered.

You have yet to acknowledge that. I didn't call you a liar. I said you are stating or repeating a lie and even gave you an out for that being intentional.

You can either own up to that or I will have every reason to believe you intentionally lied.

She didn't just say after Pillsbury was sued. She said after Pillsbury lost:

When Cain was promoted at Pillsbury, Pillsbury had just lost a racial discrimination suit. Are you telling me this had no effect on his promotion?

Even if it can be shown that he received some particular promotion in 1984 later in the year than when the lawsuit was filed, the fact remains that he was working his way up the ladder before 1984, based on qualifications.
When in doubt, call your opponent a liar. Nice one, Fox. Keep going. You're on a roll.

Your opinion of me has NOTHING to do with this discussion. Get back to the topic. You claim Cain did not benefit from the Civil Rights Act. I say he did.

You stated without qualification and without any possibility of being misunderstood that Cain was hired by Pillsbury AFTER 1984 and after Pillsbury was sued on a civil rights issue. Almost EVERY big company at that time was being sued re something or other re civil rights, but that is irrelevent.

I clearly showed that Pillsbury hired and promoted Herman Cain well before the lawsuit was filed and well before the period that the lawsuit covered.

You have yet to acknowledge that. I didn't call you a liar. I said you are stating or repeating a lie and even gave you an out for that being intentional.

You can either own up to that or I will have every reason to believe you intentionally lied.

I do not intentionally lie and you know it. You call me a liar? I stop talking to you, simple. Are you right about the dates of his promotion? I'm checking on that.

Your claim is that Cain EVER benefited in ANY way due to affirmative action. You are wrong about that.

Without the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Cain would never have had his career. He even acknowledges that. Why won't you?

Cain plays the race card when he chooses to. He threw out that Obama had a white mother, as though he is blacker than Obama. He makes race part of his campaign when he chooses to.

I intend to have civil discourse. I hope you do the same.

My source for the affirmative action claim was a site called WAKE UP BLACK AMERICA.

I did not call you a liar. I called what you said a lie. There is a difference between those two things.

I did not say that Herman Cain never benefitted from Affirmative Action. I very clearly left open the possibility that he did when he went to work for Coca Cola. You still seem to have that reading comprehension deficiency problem and still accuse me of saying things I have not said. I have not accused you of saying anything you have not said.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act was a help in applying Affirmative action (that had actually been initiated in 1961 by President Kennedy) but you have presented zero evidence that Affirmative Action was the reason Heman Cain was hired for anything even as you announced, without qualification, that he was helped by Afffirmative Action the entire way and also provided the assumption that he has no accomplishments he can boast of because of that.

You have stated a lot of things that make you look less than honest and at least somewhat racist unless you are willing to correct them now.

And you linked "Notes to Aphrodite? Wow, now there's an authoritative source. Not.
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Cain received an affirmative action promotion at Pillsbury. They promoted him because they were being sued for racial discrimination, a case that Pillsbury lost. With affirmative action helping him and Pillsburys money he couldn't go wrong.

404 error "page could not be found" can you re-post the link or a non-broken one?

I understand companies responding to affirmative action all to well. When I worked for ames some minority workers, in management, sued over what they thought was discrimination and won.

Shortly after I did not receive my promotion that I was slated to get and was told by the regional VP that they needed to fill a quota as a result of a lawsuit and that I would be back on the list once they did! Yeah I still hate affirmative action to this day over that.
Yeah, I bet you hate AA. Funny thing is, stuff like that has happened to me too, and I don't resent AA.

Herman Cain would not have succeeded had there been no civil rights act or AA.

Yes but do we have any proof that Cain moved up the corporate chain do to affirmative action?

All I have seen is speculation that he might have but no actual proof.
Okay we've all probably been ganging up on Sky because she was pretty much the lone voice on her side of the argument. Not even those who probably agree with her were going to wade in with her throwing out so many contradictions that fast.

She went from being too civil to do character assassination to doing character assassination, accused most of us of saying something we didn't say, went from saying Cain was spoonfed his success to Cain was qualified to run a corporation to Cain failed at running a corporation. Even those who probably agree with her weren't going to wade in on all that.

She did give two sources after repeated requests: "Notes to Aphrodite" (cough) and Wake Up Black America which is just another blog but actually would not support her position if you really get to exploring there which may be why she didn't link it.

But we didn't have a total meltdown either. Oh well.
You stated without qualification and without any possibility of being misunderstood that Cain was hired by Pillsbury AFTER 1984 and after Pillsbury was sued on a civil rights issue. Almost EVERY big company at that time was being sued re something or other re civil rights, but that is irrelevent.

I clearly showed that Pillsbury hired and promoted Herman Cain well before the lawsuit was filed and well before the period that the lawsuit covered.

You have yet to acknowledge that. I didn't call you a liar. I said you are stating or repeating a lie and even gave you an out for that being intentional.

You can either own up to that or I will have every reason to believe you intentionally lied.

I do not intentionally lie and you know it. You call me a liar? I stop talking to you, simple. Are you right about the dates of his promotion? I'm checking on that.

Your claim is that Cain EVER benefited in ANY way due to affirmative action. You are wrong about that.

Without the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Cain would never have had his career. He even acknowledges that. Why won't you?

Cain plays the race card when he chooses to. He threw out that Obama had a white mother, as though he is blacker than Obama. He makes race part of his campaign when he chooses to.

I intend to have civil discourse. I hope you do the same.

My source for the affirmative action claim was a site called WAKE UP BLACK AMERICA.

I did not call you a liar. I called what you said a lie. There is a difference between those two things.

I did not say that Herman Cain never benefitted from Affirmative Action. I very clearly left open the possibility that he did when he went to work for Coca Cola. You still seem to have that reading comprehension deficiency problem and still accuse me of saying things I have not said. I have not accused you of saying anything you have not said.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act was a help in applying Affirmative action (that had actually been initiated in 1961 by President Kennedy) but you have presented zero evidence that Affirmative Action was the reason Heman Cain was hired for anything even as you announced, without qualification, that he was helped by Afffirmative Action the entire way and also provided the assumption that he has no accomplishments he can boast of because of that.

You have stated a lot of things that make you look less than honest and at least somewhat racist unless you are willing to correct them now.

And you linked "Notes to Aphrodite? Wow, now there's an authoritative source. Not.

I did not lie. I stated my view after reading some articles. I never said Cain didn't deserve his promotion, or he has no personal accomplishments. I merely state that he has benefited from civil rights policies like AA. I stated Cain, Powell and Obama all benefited from AA and all are worthy of their positions.

You are the one that thinks AA would hire unqualified candidates. I don't. It merely levels the playing field.

I wouldn't vote for Cain for many reasons, but none have to do with his race. I think he's a loud mouthed bore.

You always attack my sources. That's what I don't bother offering them. Unless the source is one of your favorite right wing ones, you don't respect it.

You mistate my view.
Okay we've all probably been ganging up on Sky because she was pretty much the lone voice on her side of the argument. Not even those who probably agree with her were going to wade in with her throwing out so many contradictions that fast.

She went from being too civil to do character assassination to doing character assassination, accused most of us of saying something we didn't say, went from saying Cain was spoonfed his success to Cain was qualified to run a corporation to Cain failed at running a corporation. Even those who probably agree with her weren't going to wade in on all that.

She did give two sources after repeated requests: "Notes to Aphrodite" (cough) and Wake Up Black America which is just another blog but actually would not support her position if you really get to exploring there which may be why she didn't link it.

But we didn't have a total meltdown either. Oh well.

Neither did I.

I hold up my side very well. You don't like my views. Oh well.
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I do not intentionally lie and you know it. You call me a liar? I stop talking to you, simple. Are you right about the dates of his promotion? I'm checking on that.

Your claim is that Cain EVER benefited in ANY way due to affirmative action. You are wrong about that.

Without the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Cain would never have had his career. He even acknowledges that. Why won't you?

Cain plays the race card when he chooses to. He threw out that Obama had a white mother, as though he is blacker than Obama. He makes race part of his campaign when he chooses to.

I intend to have civil discourse. I hope you do the same.

My source for the affirmative action claim was a site called WAKE UP BLACK AMERICA.

I did not call you a liar. I called what you said a lie. There is a difference between those two things.

I did not say that Herman Cain never benefitted from Affirmative Action. I very clearly left open the possibility that he did when he went to work for Coca Cola. You still seem to have that reading comprehension deficiency problem and still accuse me of saying things I have not said. I have not accused you of saying anything you have not said.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act was a help in applying Affirmative action (that had actually been initiated in 1961 by President Kennedy) but you have presented zero evidence that Affirmative Action was the reason Heman Cain was hired for anything even as you announced, without qualification, that he was helped by Afffirmative Action the entire way and also provided the assumption that he has no accomplishments he can boast of because of that.

You have stated a lot of things that make you look less than honest and at least somewhat racist unless you are willing to correct them now.

And you linked "Notes to Aphrodite? Wow, now there's an authoritative source. Not.

I did not lie. I stated my view after reading some articles. I never said Cain didn't deserve his promotion, or he has no personal accomplishments. I merely state that he has benefited from civil rights policies like AA. I stated Cain, Powell and Obama all benefited from AA and all are worthy of their positions.

You are the one that thinks AA would hire unqualified candidates. I don't. It merely levels the playing field.

I wouldn't vote for Cain for many reasons, but none have to do with his race. I think he's a loud mouthed bore.

You always attack my sources. That's what I don't bother offering them. Unless the source is one of your favorite right wing ones, you don't respect it.

You mistate my view.

Would you like me to post everything you have said on this thread? I can you know. I attack anybody's sources when they are clearly not credible or cannot be backed up. You are not the only one who does that. You clearly said Herman Cain was spoonfed his success. That doesn't sound like somebody 'qualified to me'.

And you have yet to rescind your clearly false statements about his record. Until you do that you will have no credibility in your arguments at all.
I did not call you a liar. I called what you said a lie. There is a difference between those two things.

I did not say that Herman Cain never benefitted from Affirmative Action. I very clearly left open the possibility that he did when he went to work for Coca Cola. You still seem to have that reading comprehension deficiency problem and still accuse me of saying things I have not said. I have not accused you of saying anything you have not said.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act was a help in applying Affirmative action (that had actually been initiated in 1961 by President Kennedy) but you have presented zero evidence that Affirmative Action was the reason Heman Cain was hired for anything even as you announced, without qualification, that he was helped by Afffirmative Action the entire way and also provided the assumption that he has no accomplishments he can boast of because of that.

You have stated a lot of things that make you look less than honest and at least somewhat racist unless you are willing to correct them now.

And you linked "Notes to Aphrodite? Wow, now there's an authoritative source. Not.

I did not lie. I stated my view after reading some articles. I never said Cain didn't deserve his promotion, or he has no personal accomplishments. I merely state that he has benefited from civil rights policies like AA. I stated Cain, Powell and Obama all benefited from AA and all are worthy of their positions.

You are the one that thinks AA would hire unqualified candidates. I don't. It merely levels the playing field.

I wouldn't vote for Cain for many reasons, but none have to do with his race. I think he's a loud mouthed bore.

You always attack my sources. That's what I don't bother offering them. Unless the source is one of your favorite right wing ones, you don't respect it.

You mistate my view.

Would you like me to post everything you have said on this thread? I can you know. I attack anybody's sources when they are clearly not credible or cannot be backed up. You are not the only one who does that. You clearly said Herman Cain was spoonfed his success. That doesn't sound like somebody 'qualified to me'.

And you have yet to rescind your clearly false statements about his record. Until you do that you will have no credibility in your arguments at all.

Cain benefited from civil rights legislation and AA. You are the one who thinks AA means he couldn't have been qualified. I don't.

I think he's interesting, but I would not vote for him for many reasons.

You continue to try and bait me but I'm not falling for it.

I appreciate you fact checking my posts and I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong.

Until I find other sources, I concede that your dates have more credence then mine do. I trusted WAKE UP BLACK AMERICA. That's just the kind of gal I am. I had no reason to think they mistated Cain's record.

You can attack my sources, but I am free to hold my own opinions. I know that you consistently favor a right wing view. I don't trust you, frankly.
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Cain frequently invokes race on the campaign trail, far more often than Obama did during his first campaign for the White House. Cain does not question whether the GOP has done anything to alienate black voters. Instead, he argues that African-Americans who won’t consider voting Republican aren’t thinking for themselves.

Unemployment among African-Americans at double what it is for whites, I doubt he'll get the black vote.
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You are the one that thinks AA would hire unqualified candidates. I don't. It merely levels the playing field.

Dayton's News Source :: Top Stories - Civil Service Board Announces Police Recruit Scores

The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing standards for recruits.

It's a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not enough African-Americans passed the exam.

This example was so bad that even the NAACP disagreed with it.

“The NAACP does not support individuals failing a test and then having the opportunity to be gainfully employed,” agreed Dayton NAACP President Derrick Foward.
It is a question that we Americans, especially white Americans who work and pay taxes need to know. We have seen what the catastrophic results of a black man who benefited from affirmative action has done to America. It is the most needed question that needs to be answered. The question was never directly asked to Obama by the jewish dominated media if he benefited from affirmative action but as we all now know, he was. Obama's rise was a direct result of it and with the help of the media not vetting his true past, especially his credentials like grades and how he got into college. The same needs to be done with Cain. You have to ask yourself this, does anyone else think the rise in support for Herman cain seems a bit fabricated? The relentless media attention and poll changes makes it seem like something is trying to place Cain at the top or near the top. The way I see this, Cain will try and "out-Black" Obama, and if they do pick him then the whole election is going to be about race. The Obama camp will call Cain an "Uncle Tom" and question his "Black" credentials because he's a rich CEO (Was it by affirmative action?). Then the Cain camp might fire back by bringing up the fact that Obama's an affirmative action beach boy from Hawaii. The whole election will come down to "Our guy is Blacker than your guy!"

A hypothetical match-up between Cain and Obama would be the biggest American debacle of all time with white Americans caught in the crosshairs of black violence, and if it happens then these Repub voters will be to blame for not wanting Palin as their president who never benefited from affirmative action with credentials running a government far greater than Cains and Obama's. Watch these polls Americans, the jews are manipulating them. For example, the jewish dominated MSM on TV always ask for opinions and show what they want. They could have asked 100 people about illegal immigration in which 90%+ say they need to clamp down. They'll show you 4 to 6 clips of people in which looks like 50/50 on the news just to numb the mass. Nice and balanced art of propaganda. Again remember, Cain recently was way behind in the polls until he declared himself a huge supporter of the Zionist bandit state named Israel, then he shot to the top.

My fellow tax paying working Americans and retirees, you are witnessing affirmative action happen before your eyes with Cain but the question that remains, did he benefit from it in the past? We need to know because I believe he did and even if he didn't, a black man has proven that they are incapable of running a country as factual history has proven. Even though Cain is a republican, a "DARK CLOUD" with remain over America if he is elected president.......just as it has with Obama. He will always side with his brothers over whites in any crisis. Cain is not the answer to America.

Affirmative action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

still upset about sarah fucking the darkies, huh?
You have a bad opinion of AA, I don't.

I have a bad opinion of a program which says that police departments must hire unqualified people because not enough of the qualified people were black.

Even the NAACP in Dayton has a bad opinion of a program which would put public safety in the hands of people who fail exams.

You don't?

Of course you're entitled to your opinion.

However, when you claim that AA doesn't result in the hiring of unqualified people, expect rebuttal.

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