A Question That Must Be Asked: Did Hermain Cain Ever Benefit From Affirmative Action?

At every step of his career, Herman Cain benefited from AA.

It seems to me that the most accurate statement which could be made by someone who doesn't like Cain would be that "at some steps in his career, Herman Cain benefited from companies not having a policy which said 'Blacks need not apply'."

Please give some evidence if it is your belief that Cain was promoted over a more qualified white person.

I didn't say that. I say Cain benefited from the civil rights movement and AA.

You said he benefited from AA, which is a different issue from benefiting from the civil rights movement.

Yes, he benefited from the civil rights movement insofar as it made people not have a blanket policy of discriminating against blacks.

However, how did he benefit from affirmative action?

I claim he benefited from not having the door slammed in his face simply due to his color.

Your claim about AA amounts to saying that he benefited from something more proactive than simply saying, "We won't hold your color against you."

I would like to see evidence that AA was a factor in his hiring and promotion. Sounds to me like his accomplishments have spoken for themselves at each stage of the game.
Herman Cain was in college during the civil rights era in the 60′s. When federal civil rights laws were codified, Cain benefited from them on the way to his lofty perch as Godfather’s Pizza CEO. At no point have I ever heard of Cain saying he was going to pass up civil rights programs or not take advantage of them because he thought the playing field was level.

Cain received an affirmative action promotion at Pillsbury. They promoted him because they were being sued for racial discrimination, a case that Pillsbury lost. With affirmative action helping him and Pillsburys money he couldn't go wrong.

can you please give me a link to read up on it from? I'll read whatever you link me, possibly research it further, and get back to you.

:eusa_whistle: pretty please? :eusa_whistle:

At every step of his career, Herman Cain benefited from AA.

pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?
It seems to me that the most accurate statement which could be made by someone who doesn't like Cain would be that "at some steps in his career, Herman Cain benefited from companies not having a policy which said 'Blacks need not apply'."

Please give some evidence if it is your belief that Cain was promoted over a more qualified white person.

I didn't say that. I say Cain benefited from the civil rights movement and AA.

You said he benefited from AA, which is a different issue from benefiting from the civil rights movement.

Yes, he benefited from the civil rights movement insofar as it made people not have a blanket policy of discriminating against blacks.

However, how did he benefit from affirmative action?

I claim he benefited from not having the door slammed in his face simply due to his color.

Your claim about AA amounts to saying that he benefited from something more proactive than simply saying, "We won't hold your color against you."

I would like to see evidence that AA was a factor in his hiring and promotion. Sounds to me like his accomplishments have spoken for themselves at each stage of the game.

When Cain was promoted at Pillsbury, Pillsbury had just lost a racial discrimination suit. Are you telling me this had no effect on his promotion?
Cain received an affirmative action promotion at Pillsbury. They promoted him because they were being sued for racial discrimination, a case that Pillsbury lost. With affirmative action helping him and Pillsburys money he couldn't go wrong. When Pillsbury bought Godfathers Pizza they were intended to buy just Burger King stores. Godfathers Pizza was not the major reason for the acquisition. Pillsbury, not Herman Cain saved Godfathers Pizza. After Cain took over he never posted any profits and loss statements.

Are we going to have to define "proof" for you yet again? As usual, you seem to think that restating your assertions constitutes evidence. You flatter yourself if you think your word for something carries the weight of a warm puff of hydrogen. Please do not waste any more of our time and get on with showing us something of value.
Cain received an affirmative action promotion at Pillsbury. They promoted him because they were being sued for racial discrimination, a case that Pillsbury lost. With affirmative action helping him and Pillsburys money he couldn't go wrong. When Pillsbury bought Godfathers Pizza they were intended to buy just Burger King stores. Godfathers Pizza was not the major reason for the acquisition. Pillsbury, not Herman Cain saved Godfathers Pizza. After Cain took over he never posted any profits and loss statements.

Are we going to have to define "proof" for you yet again? As usual, you seem to think that restating your assertions constitutes evidence. You flatter yourself if you think your word for something carries the weight of a warm puff of hydrogen. Please do not waste any more of our time and get on with showing us something of value.

I'm not going to waste MY time trying to prove anything to you. I'm stating my opinion. I am no longer going to try and provide proof to any of you.

I've done that in the past, and all you folks do is dismiss it.


The class action suit consisted of all black current and former salaried employees of Pillsbury between 1984 and 1990. Of the total monetary settlement, the Consent Decree required Pillsbury to use $1.76 million to create a Cultural Diversity and Training Fund. The purpose of the fund was to create and operate a cultural diversity department, cultural diversity programs, cultural diversity training, and individual cultural diversity awards and to recruit, hire and support a newly created position of Training Director. Another $600,000 of the total was allocated to four separate funds to further the employment and career opportunities of minority employees at Pillsbury".

The suit was brought on behalf of "all" Black employees, consistent and concurrent with the time Cain was in Pillsbury's employ. Seems pretty obvious to me that the racial discrimination lawsuit had something to do with Cains ascension within the company. Moreover, it is quite a valid to suggest that, being that Cain was the benefactor of A.A. policies, also backed by Pillsbury, one of the largest foodstuffs company's (now General Mills-Smuckers) in the world, hell, only a a person of total incompetence could fail. Basically, Cain was spoon fed his success.
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no...... NO, it doesn't need to be asked. Sara isn't running, retard. Deal with your grief and move on.
Herman Cain was in college during the civil rights era in the 60′s. When federal civil rights laws were codified, Cain benefited from them on the way to his lofty perch as Godfather’s Pizza CEO. At no point have I ever heard of Cain saying he was going to pass up civil rights programs or not take advantage of them because he thought the playing field was level.

And still you continue wasting our time pretending that your asserting something is anything but meaningless background noise. "This happened, and this happened, because I say so" is just as valuable as the emanations coming from your other end, not to put too fine a point on it.

I can only assume that either A) there IS no proof, and you know it and hope to cover it up by flapping your gums, or B) are too stupid to understand the definition of "proof".

Which would you prefer we believe?
Cain says, "it is documented that Obama's mother was white and his father was from Africa. If he wants to call himself black, fine."

Cain believes he "real" because he has two Black parents, and President Obama does not.

It's obvious that Cain believes he's "owed" something because he Black. Sounds like Affirmative Action to me.
Herman Cain was in college during the civil rights era in the 60′s. When federal civil rights laws were codified, Cain benefited from them on the way to his lofty perch as Godfather’s Pizza CEO. At no point have I ever heard of Cain saying he was going to pass up civil rights programs or not take advantage of them because he thought the playing field was level.

And still you continue wasting our time pretending that your asserting something is anything but meaningless background noise. "This happened, and this happened, because I say so" is just as valuable as the emanations coming from your other end, not to put too fine a point on it.

I can only assume that either A) there IS no proof, and you know it and hope to cover it up by flapping your gums, or B) are too stupid to understand the definition of "proof".

Which would you prefer we believe?

I really don't care what you believe. You aren't even addressing my arguments.
The infamous Pillsbury lawsuit covered the period 1984 to 1990. Herman Cain went to work for Pillsbury in 1977 and he was assigned the rescue operation of the Burger King chain earlier than 1984. Sorta blows those leftwing accusations that Cain's successes are due to that lawsuit out of the water doesn't it.
At every step of his career, Herman Cain benefited from AA.

::sigh:: What part of "Repeating the assertion isn't proof" is too hard for you? You, especially, can repeat something until your face is blue, and all you would accomplish is to convince people it WASN'T, simply because it's you saying it.
The infamous Pillsbury lawsuit covered the period 1984 to 1990. Herman Cain went to work for Pillsbury in 1977 and he was assigned the rescue operation of the Burger King chain earlier than 1984. Sorta blows those leftwing accusations that Cain's successes are due to that lawsuit out of the water doesn't it.

Cain was promoted after the lawsuit. Wake up.
Cain received an affirmative action promotion at Pillsbury. They promoted him because they were being sued for racial discrimination, a case that Pillsbury lost. With affirmative action helping him and Pillsburys money he couldn't go wrong.

404 error "page could not be found" can you re-post the link or a non-broken one?

I understand companies responding to affirmative action all to well. When I worked for ames some minority workers, in management, sued over what they thought was discrimination and won.

Shortly after I did not receive my promotion that I was slated to get and was told by the regional VP that they needed to fill a quota as a result of a lawsuit and that I would be back on the list once they did! Yeah I still hate affirmative action to this day over that.
At every step of his career, Herman Cain benefited from AA.

::sigh:: What part of "Repeating the assertion isn't proof" is too hard for you? You, especially, can repeat something until your face is blue, and all you would accomplish is to convince people it WASN'T, simply because it's you saying it.

I don't care what you think of me. I'm stating my opinion, and why I hold it.
Cain received an affirmative action promotion at Pillsbury. They promoted him because they were being sued for racial discrimination, a case that Pillsbury lost. With affirmative action helping him and Pillsburys money he couldn't go wrong.

404 error "page could not be found" can you re-post the link or a non-broken one?

I understand companies responding to affirmative action all to well. When I worked for ames some minority workers, in management, sued over what they thought was discrimination and won.

Shortly after I did not receive my promotion that I was slated to get and was told by the regional VP that they needed to fill a quota as a result of a lawsuit and that I would be back on the list once they did! Yeah I still hate affirmative action to this day over that.
Yeah, I bet you hate AA. Funny thing is, stuff like that has happened to me too, and I don't resent AA.

Herman Cain would not have succeeded had there been no civil rights act or AA.
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I didn't say that. I say Cain benefited from the civil rights movement and AA.

You said he benefited from AA, which is a different issue from benefiting from the civil rights movement.

Yes, he benefited from the civil rights movement insofar as it made people not have a blanket policy of discriminating against blacks.

However, how did he benefit from affirmative action?

I claim he benefited from not having the door slammed in his face simply due to his color.

Your claim about AA amounts to saying that he benefited from something more proactive than simply saying, "We won't hold your color against you."

I would like to see evidence that AA was a factor in his hiring and promotion. Sounds to me like his accomplishments have spoken for themselves at each stage of the game.

When Cain was promoted at Pillsbury, Pillsbury had just lost a racial discrimination suit. Are you telling me this had no effect on his promotion?

That's not the same as AA.

A company ending its "Blacks need not apply" policy and thus opening the door for a well-qualified and very accomplished black man to take on the mantle of authority is WAY different from AA.
You said he benefited from AA, which is a different issue from benefiting from the civil rights movement.

Yes, he benefited from the civil rights movement insofar as it made people not have a blanket policy of discriminating against blacks.

However, how did he benefit from affirmative action?

I claim he benefited from not having the door slammed in his face simply due to his color.

Your claim about AA amounts to saying that he benefited from something more proactive than simply saying, "We won't hold your color against you."

I would like to see evidence that AA was a factor in his hiring and promotion. Sounds to me like his accomplishments have spoken for themselves at each stage of the game.

When Cain was promoted at Pillsbury, Pillsbury had just lost a racial discrimination suit. Are you telling me this had no effect on his promotion?

That's not the same as AA.

A company ending its "Blacks need not apply" policy and thus opening the door for a well-qualified and very accomplished black man to take on the mantle of authority is WAY different from AA.

You have the wrong idea about AA. I'm not saying Cain was not qualified for his promotion. I'm saying he benefited from Pillsbury having lost a racial discrimination suit. He benefited from AA. AA merely allows qualified racial minorities to have a level playing field for employment. Cain is currently benefiting from GOP affirmative action as a candidate for POTUS.

Familiarity with pizza does not generally qualify somebody for the presidency. Cain may do well speaking to Tea Party groups, but the fact is that nobody with his resume would be treated as a serious Republican presidential candidate unless he was black. It’s not like Cain has a huge following or any sort of chance of winning. Republicans are facing a black president this election, and it would be helpful to their image to have a black man on the stage for their debates. This is affirmative action, something Republicans are supposed to detest. It may not be Cain who’s self-loathing; it may be his party.

Cain is actually a Republican Party version of Jesse Jackson. With his southern lilt and exaggerated solutions Cain makes the world’s problems seem easy to solve as he provides sing-songy answers in rhymed verses.
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Cain received an affirmative action promotion at Pillsbury. They promoted him because they were being sued for racial discrimination, a case that Pillsbury lost. With affirmative action helping him and Pillsburys money he couldn't go wrong. When Pillsbury bought Godfathers Pizza they were intended to buy just Burger King stores. Godfathers Pizza was not the major reason for the acquisition. Pillsbury, not Herman Cain saved Godfathers Pizza. After Cain took over he never posted any profits and loss statements.

Are we going to have to define "proof" for you yet again? As usual, you seem to think that restating your assertions constitutes evidence. You flatter yourself if you think your word for something carries the weight of a warm puff of hydrogen. Please do not waste any more of our time and get on with showing us something of value.

I'm not going to waste MY time trying to prove anything to you. I'm stating my opinion. I am no longer going to try and provide proof to any of you.

I've done that in the past, and all you folks do is dismiss it.


The class action suit consisted of all black current and former salaried employees of Pillsbury between 1984 and 1990. Of the total monetary settlement, the Consent Decree required Pillsbury to use $1.76 million to create a Cultural Diversity and Training Fund. The purpose of the fund was to create and operate a cultural diversity department, cultural diversity programs, cultural diversity training, and individual cultural diversity awards and to recruit, hire and support a newly created position of Training Director. Another $600,000 of the total was allocated to four separate funds to further the employment and career opportunities of minority employees at Pillsbury".

The suit was brought on behalf of "all" Black employees, consistent and concurrent with the time Cain was in Pillsbury's employ. Seems pretty obvious to me that the racial discrimination lawsuit had something to do with Cains ascension within the company. Moreover, it is quite a valid to suggest that, being that Cain was the benefactor of A.A. policies, also backed by Pillsbury, one of the largest foodstuffs company's (now General Mills-Smuckers) in the world, hell, only a a person of total incompetence could fail. Basically, Cain was spoon fed his success.

This is why your posts are viewed as worthless garbage. "I don't have to prove anything. I state it as fact, but when called on it, I say 'I'm just stating my opinion'." And you're too damned dumb to realize that you've just labeled EVERYTHING you say as unsubstantiated marsh gas emanating from your diseased imagination.

You're ignorant, you're racist, and you're done here. Move along and bother someone else with your "blacks can't accomplish anything without help" bullshit. I don't talk to bigots, and you've finally made it clear beyond any shadow of a doubt.

Racist trash FLUSH!
Are we going to have to define "proof" for you yet again? As usual, you seem to think that restating your assertions constitutes evidence. You flatter yourself if you think your word for something carries the weight of a warm puff of hydrogen. Please do not waste any more of our time and get on with showing us something of value.

I'm not going to waste MY time trying to prove anything to you. I'm stating my opinion. I am no longer going to try and provide proof to any of you.

I've done that in the past, and all you folks do is dismiss it.


The class action suit consisted of all black current and former salaried employees of Pillsbury between 1984 and 1990. Of the total monetary settlement, the Consent Decree required Pillsbury to use $1.76 million to create a Cultural Diversity and Training Fund. The purpose of the fund was to create and operate a cultural diversity department, cultural diversity programs, cultural diversity training, and individual cultural diversity awards and to recruit, hire and support a newly created position of Training Director. Another $600,000 of the total was allocated to four separate funds to further the employment and career opportunities of minority employees at Pillsbury".

The suit was brought on behalf of "all" Black employees, consistent and concurrent with the time Cain was in Pillsbury's employ. Seems pretty obvious to me that the racial discrimination lawsuit had something to do with Cains ascension within the company. Moreover, it is quite a valid to suggest that, being that Cain was the benefactor of A.A. policies, also backed by Pillsbury, one of the largest foodstuffs company's (now General Mills-Smuckers) in the world, hell, only a a person of total incompetence could fail. Basically, Cain was spoon fed his success.

This is why your posts are viewed as worthless garbage. "I don't have to prove anything. I state it as fact, but when called on it, I say 'I'm just stating my opinion'." And you're too damned dumb to realize that you've just labeled EVERYTHING you say as unsubstantiated marsh gas emanating from your diseased imagination.

You're ignorant, you're racist, and you're done here. Move along and bother someone else with your "blacks can't accomplish anything without help" bullshit. I don't talk to bigots, and you've finally made it clear beyond any shadow of a doubt.

Racist trash FLUSH!

You're name caling. Bye bye.

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