A Question That Must Be Asked: Did Hermain Cain Ever Benefit From Affirmative Action?

I'll be completely respectful skydancer.

Please show me the proof that Cain was a beneficiary of affirmative action. If he was we shall discuss it, if there is no proof then this topic is over.

Cain received an affirmative action promotion at Pillsbury. They promoted him because they were being sued for racial discrimination, a case that Pillsbury lost. With affirmative action helping him and Pillsburys money he couldn't go wrong.

can you please give me a link to read up on it from? I'll read whatever you link me, possibly research it further, and get back to you.
That is ridiculous. No one wants anyone to be victimized. I sure don't want to "keep my power". LOL. What power would that be anyway? Racism is not over. Discrimination still exists.

Herman Cain is running for POTUS, that makes his record open for criticism.

Stop demonizing the left, Fox. We're allowed to disagree with you.

I love how you spin things to make the left racist.

And yet, I don't see you protesting when the left do the same to the right. Fucking hypocrite.

And now you name call. Point out a post that is racist by a left leaning poster and I will comment on it.

I'm sorry you have decided to play the rude card. I'm done with that, myself.
I said that benefiting from AA while criticising it MAY be hypocritical. I did not call Mr Cain a hypocrite.

I'm not going to name call, and I invite to do the same. If you don't, that's fine, I'll just stop talking to you.

Your posts are filled with personal insults. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf. I'm not going to respond to character assassination.

Again, I have not engaged in name calling in this thread. If you want to PRETEND that labeling a racist as a racist is "name calling," you are free to do so. I reject that sophistry.

You noted that if Mr. Cain benefited from AA that MIGHT constitute hypocrisy. But it might not. And you didn't even know if he ever got any. So your entire "point" was really quite pointless.

I don't care with whom you choose to communicate. But I see no reason not to call bullshit on you when you are so busy flinging such poo.

"Guilty white liberals", "racist". Name calling.

Wrong. Labels. And accurate labels at that.

Your argument is childish. In fact, your form of argumentation is childish.

There ARE such things as white liberals who are motivated by some silly notion of guilt over things they weren't even possibly responsible for. Denying that doesn't change it.

There ARE such critters as "racists." Wishing it weren't so doesn't make it disappear.

The application of proper labels is not the same thing as "name calling."

If you are incapable of defending your position on the merits and insist on engaging in such plodding deflection efforts as you have been doing, you should probably be advised that there is no gun to your head. If a discussion like this is that far above your abilities, you are free to engage in other pursuits, lass.
Herman Cain was in college during the civil rights era in the 60′s. When federal civil rights laws were codified, Cain benefited from them on the way to his lofty perch as Godfather’s Pizza CEO. At no point have I ever heard of Cain saying he was going to pass up civil rights programs or not take advantage of them because he thought the playing field was level.
Again, I have not engaged in name calling in this thread. If you want to PRETEND that labeling a racist as a racist is "name calling," you are free to do so. I reject that sophistry.

You noted that if Mr. Cain benefited from AA that MIGHT constitute hypocrisy. But it might not. And you didn't even know if he ever got any. So your entire "point" was really quite pointless.

I don't care with whom you choose to communicate. But I see no reason not to call bullshit on you when you are so busy flinging such poo.

"Guilty white liberals", "racist". Name calling.

Wrong. Labels. And accurate labels at that.

Your argument is childish. In fact, your form of argumentation is childish.

There ARE such things as white liberals who are motivated by some silly notion of guilt over things they weren't even possibly responsible for. Denying that doesn't change it.

There ARE such critters as "racists." Wishing it weren't so doesn't make it disappear.

The application of proper labels is not the same thing as "name calling."

If you are incapable of defending your position on the merits and insist on engaging in such plodding deflection efforts as you have been doing, you should probably be advised that there is no gun to your head. If a discussion like this is that far above your abilities, you are free to engage in other pursuits, lass.

Now you're calling me "childish". You insist on using labels. Bye bye.
Herman Cain was in college during the civil rights era in the 60′s. When federal civil rights laws were codified, Cain benefited from them on the way to his lofty perch as Godfather’s Pizza CEO. At no point have I ever heard of Cain saying he was going to pass up civil rights programs or not take advantage of them because he thought the playing field was level.

I'll be completely respectful skydancer.

Please show me the proof that Cain was a beneficiary of affirmative action. If he was we shall discuss it, if there is no proof then this topic is over.

Cain received an affirmative action promotion at Pillsbury. They promoted him because they were being sued for racial discrimination, a case that Pillsbury lost. With affirmative action helping him and Pillsburys money he couldn't go wrong.

can you please give me a link to read up on it from? I'll read whatever you link me, possibly research it further, and get back to you.

:eusa_whistle: pretty please? :eusa_whistle:
It is small wonder that liberals are so often and so easily misled. They "hear" things such as "Cain got an Affirmative Action promotion at Pillsbury" and accept that cheap rhetoric as "truth" without ever rooting it out to check its validity themselves.

Let's stand by patiently for Sky Dancer to substantiate the claim that Mr. Cain got AA treatment at Pillsbury. I wonder if she will be as quick to note his accomplishments when that corporation entrusted him to turn 400 Burger Kings around in PA?
"Guilty white liberals", "racist". Name calling.

Wrong. Labels. And accurate labels at that.

Your argument is childish. In fact, your form of argumentation is childish.

There ARE such things as white liberals who are motivated by some silly notion of guilt over things they weren't even possibly responsible for. Denying that doesn't change it.

There ARE such critters as "racists." Wishing it weren't so doesn't make it disappear.

The application of proper labels is not the same thing as "name calling."

If you are incapable of defending your position on the merits and insist on engaging in such plodding deflection efforts as you have been doing, you should probably be advised that there is no gun to your head. If a discussion like this is that far above your abilities, you are free to engage in other pursuits, lass.

Now you're calling me "childish". You insist on using labels. Bye bye.

Your argumentation is childish and you have been childish, too.

And now, to that litany of accomplishments, let us add: "coward."

Run away.
"Guilty white liberals", "racist". Name calling.

Wrong. Labels. And accurate labels at that.

Your argument is childish. In fact, your form of argumentation is childish.

There ARE such things as white liberals who are motivated by some silly notion of guilt over things they weren't even possibly responsible for. Denying that doesn't change it.

There ARE such critters as "racists." Wishing it weren't so doesn't make it disappear.

The application of proper labels is not the same thing as "name calling."

If you are incapable of defending your position on the merits and insist on engaging in such plodding deflection efforts as you have been doing, you should probably be advised that there is no gun to your head. If a discussion like this is that far above your abilities, you are free to engage in other pursuits, lass.

Now you're calling me "childish". You insist on using labels. Bye bye.

Actually, he said your argument was childish, not you. But I'll give you a label.... 'Board Drama Queen'.
Will Herman Cain tell White America that slavery did black people a favor because it got them out of Africa and brought Christianity to a formerly savage people?
At every step of his career, Herman Cain benefited from AA.

More unsubstantiated claims from the lass who sees no reason to support her baseless contentions.

It appears that Sky Prancer here couldn't back up one of her premises if her life depended upon it.
Wrong. Labels. And accurate labels at that.

Your argument is childish. In fact, your form of argumentation is childish.

There ARE such things as white liberals who are motivated by some silly notion of guilt over things they weren't even possibly responsible for. Denying that doesn't change it.

There ARE such critters as "racists." Wishing it weren't so doesn't make it disappear.

The application of proper labels is not the same thing as "name calling."

If you are incapable of defending your position on the merits and insist on engaging in such plodding deflection efforts as you have been doing, you should probably be advised that there is no gun to your head. If a discussion like this is that far above your abilities, you are free to engage in other pursuits, lass.

Now you're calling me "childish". You insist on using labels. Bye bye.

Actually, he said your argument was childish, not you. But I'll give you a label.... 'Board Drama Queen'.

You're right. He called my argument childish. You on the other hand, are labelling me with character assassination.
At every step of his career, Herman Cain benefited from AA.

It seems to me that the most accurate statement which could be made by someone who thinks that Cain benefited from AA would be "at some steps in his career, Herman Cain benefited from companies not having a policy which said 'Blacks need not apply'."

Please give some evidence if it is your belief that Cain was promoted over a more qualified white person.
At every step of his career, Herman Cain benefited from AA.

More unsubstantiated claims from the lass who sees no reason to support her baseless contentions.

It appears that Sky Prancer here couldn't back up one of her premises if her life depended upon it.

Well there are always the far leftwing wacko sites that promote this kind of dishonesty. And there are always those gullible enough to believe it.
Now you're calling me "childish". You insist on using labels. Bye bye.

Actually, he said your argument was childish, not you. But I'll give you a label.... 'Board Drama Queen'.

You're right. He called my argument childish. You on the other hand, are labelling me with character assassination.

Nope. You, by your behavior, are labeling yourself.

Do you really not realize that we all see it?

Don't make baseless claims.

Step up.

If you wish to be heard to claim that Mr. Cain got AA treatment from Pillsbury, back that shit up.

But you won't.

You will, instead, whine a bit more about "labels."

Oh nozies!
At every step of his career, Herman Cain benefited from AA.

It seems to me that the most accurate statement which could be made by someone who doesn't like Cain would be that "at some steps in his career, Herman Cain benefited from companies not having a policy which said 'Blacks need not apply'."

Please give some evidence if it is your belief that Cain was promoted over a more qualified white person.

I didn't say that. I say Cain benefited from the civil rights movement and AA.
At every step of his career, Herman Cain benefited from AA.

More unsubstantiated claims from the lass who sees no reason to support her baseless contentions.

It appears that Sky Prancer here couldn't back up one of her premises if her life depended upon it.

Well there are always the far leftwing wacko sites that promote this kind of dishonesty. And there are always those gullible enough to believe it.

And now you refer to me as using "left wing wacko" and "dishonest" websites.

Nice one.

You're into labels too. I'm sorry you resort to such tactics.

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