A Question To Conservatives Who Believe In A Ban On Abortions

Just like abortion, written law can be overturned and the Constitution returned to a pre-Heller interpretation of 2A.

The law IS whatever YOU want….at the moment.

Well, no, not "just like abortion", since abortion ISN'T written law. Even the lawyers for your evil side admitted that by never once citing an actual law in their arguments.

So go ahead and continue trying your, "Killing babies is just like owning guns, because I don't like guns and everything is about my emotions" line. It's not like you can make anyone respect you less, after all.
Texas’ trigger law if Roe overturned.

There is no exception for women at risk of suicide or self-harm, pregnant as a result of rape or incest, or in the case of severe or potentially lethal fetal abnormalities.

Then you and the physicians of Texas ought to be writing the lawmakers of Austin instead of me telling them that. A doctor certainly should be able to diagnose a medical condition wherein the pregnancy of the woman poses a real health threat or due to forced rape to write a script to undergo an abortion.
Damn, Adolf! Eugenics went out with Margaret Sanger and the Nazis. Well, the commies tried it for a while, too, but now it's pretty much just American and Euro lefties who want to murder "imperfect" people.

“The Unvaccinated” are in their sights, as well.
it'ss very compassionate, isn't it?

to subject a person, whether child or adult, to Post Abortion Syndrome.. (yeh, u can do a search on that)

and force a person to have to live w/ the knowledge she murdered her child... when she could have given the child up for adoption, gone on w/ her life... then maybe in the future see the child... who btw is still innocent, no matter howw he or she got there..

pro aborts know NOTHING about REAL compassion
Yet you oppose free birth control and sex education.
Indigent people have low cost or free contraceptives.

Where has anyone objected to appropriate sex education?
Indigent people have low cost or free contraceptives.

Where has anyone objected to appropriate sex education?
Indigent only doesn’t cut it.

Apparently so.

Utah may boast the most restrictive sexual education laws in the country if a new bill passed through the state legislature is signed into law. The new law would restrict schools from teaching any type of sex ed in public schools outside of abstinence and would prohibit discussion on contraception and sexually transmitted diseases.

it'ss very compassionate, isn't it?

to subject a person, whether child or adult, to Post Abortion Syndrome.. (yeh, u can do a search on that)

and force a person to have to live w/ the knowledge she murdered her child... when she could have given the child up for adoption, gone on w/ her life... then maybe in the future see the child... who btw is still innocent, no matter howw he or she got there..

pro aborts know NOTHING about REAL compassion
You don’t “get on with your life” after giving up a child. It is far more traumatic than an early abortion.
Yeah, we can tell by the asinine, unscientific arguments you parrot how "informed" you are.

And please stop with this "as a woman" schtick, as though the coincidence of you having a vagina somehow entitles you to speak for all women. As another woman, I know exactly how ignorant most people are of basic biology. I also know how hard your masters have worked at making them so.
As far as I can see, lots of Liberal Democrats just follow the party line without thinking about it.
So . . . you think disabled people should be killed? How very "master race" of you.
You didn’t read any of the posts up to this before opening your yapper did you?

The scenario in question is birth defects severe enough that the child dies at or shortly after birth.
Yeah, we can tell by the asinine, unscientific arguments you parrot how "informed" you are.

And please stop with this "as a woman" schtick, as though the coincidence of you having a vagina somehow entitles you to speak for all women. As another woman, I know exactly how ignorant most people are of basic biology. I also know how hard your masters have worked at making them so.
How well informed you are dear, I’m so proud of you! Why don’t just trot off and tell all your masters we can care of our own bodies thank you very much, and while you you are at it how about a plug on behalf of science based sex educations for those who are less well informed BEFORE they get pregnant?
Just like abortion, written law can be overturned and the Constitution returned to a pre-Heller interpretation of 2A.

The law IS whatever YOU want….at the moment.

Your side has a lot of nerve saying that as you pick and choose what laws you will obey. Sanctuary cities as you take a Giant dump on the laws of this country and our borders

We don't give a damn about if your feelings are hurt here. That is the point. You want to do this in your state then it's on you. You have NO RIGHT to tell us we have to follow suit. Here you are defending 50 million plus abortions since Roe V Wade.

How well informed you are dear, I’m so proud of you! Why don’t just trot off and tell all your masters we can care of our own bodies thank you very much, and while you you are at it how about a plug on behalf of science based sex educations for those who are less well informed BEFORE they get pregnant?
At least in Mississippi we know the difference between a man and a woman you MOONBAT.
You don’t “get on with your life” after giving up a child. It is far more traumatic than an early abortion.

I'm sure all the women who have put a baby up for adoption and gone on to have careers and families would be surprised to hear you definitively stating that they didn't get on with their lives because you know better than they do. Likewise, I'm sure all the women who are traumatized because they listened to infanticidal sociopaths like you and got abortions would be equally shocked to hear that they're much better off.

But, of course, you're a leftist, so you think that if you just say that what you want is reality enough times, the universe will reorder itself to suit you.
You didn’t read any of the posts up to this before opening your yapper did you?

The scenario in question is birth defects severe enough that the child dies at or shortly after birth.

Yes, the problem MUST be that I just didn't understand how wise and non-evil you were, because it can't possibly be that someone could read your words and still think you're an evil piece of garbage.
How well informed you are dear, I’m so proud of you! Why don’t just trot off and tell all your masters we can care of our own bodies thank you very much, and while you you are at it how about a plug on behalf of science based sex educations for those who are less well informed BEFORE they get pregnant?

I'm glad that you have recognized the effectiveness of my posts enough to try to parrot them back. Now if you could just figure out that it's the truth they speak about what you are that causes that, not the mere configuration of the words.

Ah, well. We already knew that leftists are too dumb to realize that words have meanings.

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