A Question To Conservatives Who Believe In A Ban On Abortions

Can't argue with stupid. Stupid is Tipsycatlover
You appear to be a woman? True?

You get raped, molested, etc..... Do you, YES YOU, have an obligation to bring this spawn to birth.
If so, then you support ................exactly what.
So true that I know how women lie if it benefits them. Pass some dippy law that only rape victims can get abortions and women will have great incentive to lie about being raped. Treat each claim of rape as a crime, with identifying the alleged rapist, cooperate with DNA testing and prosecution and you just might see a different outcome.

Of course you won't see that. It would be mistreatment of women. Why make them miserable cooperating with putting the rapist away. Give her the abortion and let her get on with her life. Including getting back to fucking the boyfriend that got her pregnant in the first place.
If a rape victim has to have the child then the govt can give her a check for 50 grand to help with expenses. And free food also.
I am fine aborting the child and the person that raped her but you will most likely disagree with aborting the one who raped her…

Now why can’t a woman just take the morning after pill if she is a slut?
If a woman and man too for that matter cannot control themselves a responsible people must step up and be responsible for them. So what we do for irresponsible dogs and cats. Neuter them.
If a rape victim has to have the child then the govt can give her a check for 50 grand to help with expenses. And free food also.
Plenty of childless couples will pay hefty sums of money to a pregnant woman to adopt the child. It's a good solution.
A Question To Conservatives Who Believe In A Ban On Abortions

Idiot, no one wants to ban abortions for the raped or otherwise medically-endangered. But people need to take responsibility for themselves instead of making their mistakes someone else's problem. Abortion of a human being is not a sane, civilized, moral solution just because someone couldn't be bothered to use birth control or abstinence.
Yes. But in the case of rape the govt also owes the woman $$$ in case she is going to keep it. Imagine having to be a 12 year old mother. The morning after pill sounds like a great invention. No excuse after that.
A decline in conceptions is never a negative. Abortion isn't the way to get there though with all the forms of contraception. We need to push contraception alot more. Then there's alot less conceptions which is necessary.
Opposing abortion is purely religious, and conservatives would never allow exceptions for rape, incest, or to save the mother's life if they could get away with it.

Fascinating how your predictions of what people who you've never bothered to talk to are thinking are universally wrong. It's almost like you don't bother to know anything before rushing out to make assertions.
Weirdly…I agree. In that if you oppose abortion because human life is precious, the only ethical exception is to save the mother’s life. Of course that also means you oppose capital punishment.

Typical. "If you believe this thing I absolutely hate, then you HAVE to believe it THIS way. Obviously, I'm the expert on how beliefs I don't share must be practiced!"
According to you RWI's, that is Complete BullShit.

You hate Muslims.
You hate Immigrants, legal or illegal. As trump says, unless they are from Norway.
You hate black babies being born into welfare, with ZERO help of you RWI's.
You hate any baby after born into poverty.

Bottom Line, You just HATE.
Your God hates you too.

"Well . . . well, I just KNOW you think these things, so that proves me right!"

Uh huh.
Conservatives won't rest until those options disappear. And Mississippi is a piece of shit. People are about to have yet another reason to get the hell out of there.

So don't go there. I'm fairly certain that Mississippi would be happier without your company, as would pretty much everyone.
Typical. "If you believe this thing I absolutely hate, then you HAVE to believe it THIS way. Obviously, I'm the expert on how beliefs I don't share must be practiced!"

Usually what you find is that people's believes are full of contradictions.

"I'm pro-life" but I support wars, executions and eating meet.
"I support smaller government", unless it's about gay people, fetuses, wars, your religion, rather than mine.
Two inquiries for the pro abortionists if I may.

At how many weeks may an abortion be legal?

What percentage of all abortions are performed due to rape or incest?
Can't argue with stupid. Stupid is Tipsycatlover
You appear to be a woman? True?

You get raped, molested, etc..... Do you, YES YOU, have an obligation to bring this spawn to birth.
If so, then you support ................exactly what.

Ah, yes. I knew we'd get around to mansplaining to women what they "really" need, rather than the silly thoughts they dare to have for themselves without a man to tell them what to think.
You just make up Math. Don't You?

You don't even know the fractional equivalent of .001%
If you actual do, then please share.

You probably think .001% means 1/100. Am I right?

Tell us the fractional equivalent to .001%.

You got this, Don't disappoint.
Then tell me how often does a twelve year old get raped and pregnant from the rape? Go ahead, let me know.
You disagree Bob Blaylock a d progressive hunter …why?

What part do you disagree with?

That late term abortions are rare?
That it is seldom elective?
That these are usually wanted children?

Or are you one of those who believe a woman should be forced to complete a pregnancy that will end in a dead baby or take her life?

I disagree that murdering an innocent child in cold blood is something that ever ought to be considered acceptable.

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