A Question To Conservatives Who Believe In A Ban On Abortions

Doctors know full well if there will be a catastrophic abnormality in an infant WAY before birth. And oddly enough..many of those mothers and fathers choose to have that child even if for just a brief period. AND EVEN MORE ODD is that there are times when those doctors are DEAD WRONG on their prognosis.

A question for the leftists who run straight to, "RAPE!" for every abortion question: if we stipulated that we would accept abortion being legal for cases of rape, incest, and danger to the life of the mother, would you accept outlawing all other abortions?

If not, your question is a lie and you are cordially invited to go fuck your dishonest, hypocritical self.
Doctors know full well if there will be a catastrophic abnormality in an infant WAY before birth. And oddly enough..many of those mothers and fathers choose to have that child even if for just a brief period. AND EVEN MORE ODD is that there are times when those doctors are DEAD WRONG on their prognosis.
Actually they don’t. It depends on the abnormality.

If they choose to go ahead and carry it through, that is fine, it’s their choice and I applaud it. But should she be forced too?

How often are they wrong about severe fetal abnormalities…typically, multiple tests are done to be sure.
As I pointed out, most later term abortions occur for two reasons, one of which is severe fetal abnormality which usually leads to earth shortly before or after birth.

Should she be allowed to have an abortion?
What you pointed out isn't true.
No. you're one sick mother fucker, that would force that girl to give birth to the rapists child, that did that to her.

No, YOU are one dishonest, sick motherfucker, that pretends that all abortions are raped 12-year-olds. YOU are the one who doesn't give a fuck about such a girl, except to use her as a tool for your agenda. Kind of a political rape, you might say.

Keep holding your breath waiting for anyone to accept moral condemnations from the likes of you.
A question for the leftists who run straight to, "RAPE!" for every abortion question: if we stipulated that we would accept abortion being legal for cases of rape, incest, and danger to the life of the mother, would you accept outlawing all other abortions?

If not, your question is a lie and you are cordially invited to go fuck your dishonest, hypocritical self.
They do it every time. And it's a LIE...........Those raped can get the abortion, but they try and sell it by showing EVIL PICTURES. Garbage. Yeah, Hypocrites to the core.

Bottom line. States will be allowed to DECIDE for themselves THEIR LAWS.......and not be FORCED to others views from places like California.

We WILL NOT TELL YOU HOW TO LIVE........and You will NOT TELL US EITHER. Those that don't like that can move to a state that allows it.

15 weeks is enough time to decide. And the law here already allows late term for the health of the mother. This is about States that allow abortions at any time for any reason to not to push their unethical views on us.

States rights versus Federal Rights and the Constitution are what is being challenged.
This child should have control of her body, and NOT have to carry this pregnancy.
Do you seriously consider the LIFE of an unwanted pregnancy > the LIFE of the Raped 12 YR Old.

You are one sick MF.

Please let your So-called GOD help guide you.
You are one sick MF'er.


Same question to you, Chuckles: if we stipulated that we would accept abortion being legal for cases of rape, incest, and danger to the life of the mother, would you accept outlawing all other abortions?

Get over the idea that you're going to sweep in and claim the moral high ground and demand that other defend themselves to you. We aren't the ones defending millions of babies dying, and politically raping victims by heartlessly using them as memes and debate tools.
Who is banning guns? No one, you Fuck.
Who is banning abortions? THE SCOTUS is being forced to consider it by you RWI's.

Another lie. Tell me, is that you're too stupid to know the truth, or you're so leftist you're actually allergic to it?
The right isn't forcing anyone to do anything.

The left is like a spoiled teenager. They want to do something and if the parents says no, then the teenagers considers that he is being forced when all he's getting is a response to his selfish desires.

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