A Question To Conservatives Who Believe In A Ban On Abortions

Let’s talk about lies…

I pointed out that late term abortions are exceedingly rare and seldom, if EVER elective. Agree or disagree?

I pointed out that it is almost always for the life or health of the mother or severe fetal abnormalities. Agree or disagree?

You accuse me of supporting late term abortions, well in the above, yes I do.

Why don’t you?
"IF EVER"??? where the fuck did you come up with that load of crap..

and how about you provide a link to your claim its almost always for the health of the mother??
Reminder that not only do leftists want to kill the ultimate innocent human beings, they want to prevent people from defending themselves against rapists.

Leftism is a death cult.
Meanwhile rightists want forced gestation for pregnant children.
Let’s talk about lies…

I pointed out that late term abortions are exceedingly rare and seldom, if EVER elective. Agree or disagree?

I pointed out that it is almost always for the life or health of the mother or severe fetal abnormalities. Agree or disagree?

You accuse me of supporting late term abortions, well in the above, yes I do.

Why don’t you?
You are attempting to spin the argument to your favor. For cases of mothers health they will be allowed via Doctors involved saying there is no choice. But just to go I'M NOT HAVING IT at 8 months is PURE GARBAGE.

Roe Versus Wade has allowed many late term abortions. Patial birth abortions.

How often does this scenario happen? .001%?
You just make up Math. Don't You?

You don't even know the fractional equivalent of .001%
If you actual do, then please share.

You probably think .001% means 1/100. Am I right?

Tell us the fractional equivalent to .001%.

You got this, Don't disappoint.
The left is so loving to children.

1. kIll them before they make their appearance.
2. put them in 'schools' just after birth to indoctrinate them.
3. Legalize pedophilia, all sorts of perversion and teach the babies early about this.
4. Encourage transgenderism, surgery and no counselling if it was a wrong decision..which they are.
5. No fault divorce, encourage frequent partner changes, nothing lasts for EV ER.
6. Do everything you can to destroy the family unit by separation, distrust of parent, obedience to state.

yep. model for destruction.
Or maybe not…either way, what difference does it make?


That are LIES.
"IF EVER"??? where the fuck did you come up with that load of crap..

Disprove it. Weren’t you the loon that claimed there were abortions at 9 months? Still waiting for evidence of that.

and how about you provide a link to your claim its almost always for the health of the mother??

You are lying about my claim. I stated it is either for severe fetal abnormality or the mothers life or health. Go back and read what I said.

Let’s talk about lies…

I pointed out that late term abortions are exceedingly rare and seldom, if EVER elective. Agree or disagree?

I pointed out that it is almost always for the life or health of the mother or severe fetal abnormalities. Agree or disagree?

You accuse me of supporting late term abortions, well in the above, yes I do.

Why don’t you?
I posted a video that says you are wrong. Over 77000 a year.
Is it the child's fault? No.
Every day of the child's nine months of pregnancy and the actual pain of delivery, is a constant reminder of the rape.
My overall opinion of abortion is that I "generally" don't care one way or another, however, in the case of rape, the "morning-after" pill or other method to get rid it is acceptable.
coyote said:
Disprove it. Weren’t you the loon that claimed there were abortions at 9 months? Still waiting for evidence of that.

kermit gosnell ring a bell. And he's just the one we found out about.

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