A Question To Conservatives Who Believe In A Ban On Abortions


Show me a case of an abortion performed at nine months.

They are making it legal.
If you think you're pregnant, then take the damn pill the next day and you won't have to worry about killing a child. Matter of fact, keep a bunch handy all the time and take them everyday since leftist women seem to have a problem keeping your knees together. Now that's the best i can do for you and you pay for it yourself. NOT ME.
I'm an agorist, fuckwit.

You fucking ghouls have the 15 week window and the morning after pill, yet you still isnist on lying out your asses and bellering ABORTION BAN!

So shove it up your lying ass.
American Taliban is what you are. Go fuck yourself.
Who is banning guns? No one, you Fuck.
Who is banning abortions? THE SCOTUS is being forced to consider it by you RWI's.
The bill is not a ban on abortions...it limits abortions to 15 weeks...which is more time than any other nation on earth...so stop over reacting....
And it's not even a ban. It's a state's issue. So if you want to kill all your offspring make a vacay out of it and go to a blue state.
Who is banning abortions? THE SCOTUS is being forced to consider it by you RWI's.
Abortion laws were never passed by Congress. Therefore, about fifty years ago, the Supreme Court itself stepped outside the Constitution. The Constitution states that powers not directly given to the Federal government are reserved to the States. Mississippi is making/arguing this point.

Interesting thought: There is no appeal to Supreme Court rulings. Therefore, can the Supreme Court ruling of Roe v Wade made five decades ago be appealed?
I don't know but 12 year olds having full term babies seems to be a cultural thing...

Or maybe not…either way, what difference does it make?

Or maybe not…either way, what difference does it make?

I wonder if they ended up loving their child despite the conditions it was conceived under??
What difference does it make? That a child is carried to full term vs murdered before birth?

I'm not sure what your indifference applies to?
You fucking ghouls have the 15 week window and the morning after pill, yet you still isnist on lying out your asses and bellering ABORTION BAN!
I have NO Problem with the 15 week rule.
Decide within 15 weeks, with the exception of the Mothers Life Threatened after 15 months.
Protect Human Lives (Mother) over Fetus Potential Life.
The bill is not a ban on abortions...it limits abortions to 15 weeks...which is more time than any other nation on earth...so stop over reacting....
I'm fine with that.
Are you?
Late term abortions are exceedingly rare and seldom if ever, elective. Usually severe fetal abnormality (as in would result in death soon after birth) or the mother‘s health or life. Usually at that point, this is a wanted baby.

Should they be forced to carry it through?
You disagree Bob Blaylock a d progressive hunter …why?

What part do you disagree with?

That late term abortions are rare?
That it is seldom elective?
That these are usually wanted children?

Or are you one of those who believe a woman should be forced to complete a pregnancy that will end in a dead baby or take her life?

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