A Question To Conservatives Who Believe In A Ban On Abortions

Says someone who will allow late term abortions. Excuses excuses.
Late term abortions are exceedingly rare and seldom if ever, elective. Usually severe fetal abnormality (as in would result in death soon after birth) or the mother‘s health or life. Usually at that point, this is a wanted baby.

Should they be forced to carry it through?
Why 15? We decided long ago 30 for a reason. What’s your reason for 15?
To remove the BS allowing late term abortions. 50 million Abortions since Roe v. Wade. Time to end that BS.

21 weeks is the earliest child born that I can find. Doesn't matter. Time for States to decide for themselves. If it is the will of the people of Mississippi to ban it. Then we have the right to do so by ending this nonsense of being told what to do by the FEd.
That is the long held argument of when does life begin. You have 15 weeks to decide with the new law. Whats the problem......hmmm

You want to wait til 9 months and change your mind..............Do it in another State because in JUNE YOU WILL LOSE THIS ARGUMENT.
And right here is the fallacy of your position.There is no abortion at nine months.
To remove the BS allowing late term abortions. 50 million Abortions since Roe v. Wade. Time to end that BS.

21 weeks is the earliest child born that I can find. Doesn't matter. Time for States to decide for themselves. If it is the will of the people of Mississippi to ban it. Then we have the right to do so by ending this nonsense of being told what to do by the FEd.
Let’s have states decide about gun laws then. Heller can be overturned.
No. you're one sick mother fucker, that would force that girl to give birth to the rapists child, that did that to her.
Okay. All 12 year old girls beaten and raped can get an abortion. How many do you think that will be.? Out of the 62 million abortions already performed, how many were beaten 12 year old girls?
The child does nothing at that stage of his or her life but grow from conception on.
What about the raped 11 year old child, with an immature body, and no concept of what is happening to her? Does she deserve this?

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