A question to the left, is border security now racism?

I was part of the Medical community when the overwhelming influx of illegals from around the world overburdened the system to the extent that many clinics and hospitals could no longer remain viable and were shut down, denying medical care to natural born Americans and others who had legal citizenship. The Clintons were responsible in large part and their bad policies were continued and made worse by subsequent administrations, with Donald Trump being the first in a long time to try to reign in the corruption while being opposed by every leftists in D.C. and, for that matter, the world. Some of you may remember that Jimmy Carter is the one who instituted putting the imported families of others already here on the welfare and Social Security eligibility lists immediately, again without their paying one red cent into the system. Clinton is also the criminal who instituted the second Social Security deduction from working Americans' paychecks/incomes, with his weeping promise that the monies would be put "in the box" for that purpose only, his word, another of his promises he immediately broke and set about cleaning out almost everything from the funds for his pet projects, the way Obama did to finance his criminal Obamacare/ACA fiasco. No democrat can be trusted. Those of us who have lived history and remember it know that for a fact.

Good analysis and I agree 100%. My greatest concern is the drug problem and if we have a better wall system, not only drugs but gangs and sex trafficking will decrease.
This is what burns my butt.

Our nation was founded on the Constitution , rules and laws...for some reason the left wants to commit felonies, endager fellow citizens because of there "feelings"

And it's funny he changed his page so it doesn't claim he wants to commit a felony..

There's now a hilarious GoFundMe to build escalators over Trump's border wall

O'Neil delved further into what he feels the border wall campaign reveals about Trump supporters, showing "this sub-dom relationship that people have with him."

"These sad people just want to belong to something and throwing their money at this weird racism wall makes them feel like they're buying a membership to part of something bigger than themselves," he added.

No it’s not racist at fave value. Dems supported 1.3 billion for border security last year. There are absolutely racist tones and intentions flying around in this border debate though.

How so?

We have rules and laws as a nation..to use the race card shows the left is desperate..
When you try to label and denigrate an entire group of people you are flirting with racism. Yes the race card is over used by many, that’s a fair criticism but don’t pretend that there aren’t emboldened racists engaging in this debate as well

We have laws , so some guy saying we are racist to fund our national security ourselves is racist?.

It's bull crap . The left is inviting illegals in and they all should be charged with felony's..
Simply enforcing the law is racist according to Dims.
How so?

We have rules and laws as a nation..to use the race card shows the left is desperate..
When you try to label and denigrate an entire group of people you are flirting with racism. Yes the race card is over used by many, that’s a fair criticism but don’t pretend that there aren’t emboldened racists engaging in this debate as well

We have laws , so some guy saying we are racist to fund our national security ourselves is racist?.

It's bull crap . The left is inviting illegals in and they all should be charged with felony's..
How about we stop playing games and get down to specifics. Post a quote of a leftie inviting illegals in this country and another of a leftie calling somebody racist for simply supporting border security. Try and pick somebody reputable please, not a whack job you find on google.

Obama's dream act was a Hallmark card , thousands of children came across the border .or did you forget?
That’s not inviting illegals over it’s trying to handle a tragic situation of have hundreds of thousands of children who have grown up here in the shadows. Let them work and go to school and live life. It was actually a great idea but should have been supported with border security and passed by Congress. Too bad our leadership is full of partisan hacks
It's amnesty. It's inviting illegals over. The "tragic situation" was created when Mexicans though they could break US immigration laws with no consequences, and DACA only confirms that belief.

Who do you think you're fooling?
The Democrat Party had B. Hussein O as POTUS, the House of Reps and a filibuster proof Senate- yet they did not use the opportunity to open the border and replace the Border Guards with Costco-style greeters.
We have laws , so some guy saying we are racist to fund our national security ourselves is racist?.

It's bull crap . The left is inviting illegals in and they all should be charged with felony's..
How about we stop playing games and get down to specifics. Post a quote of a leftie inviting illegals in this country and another of a leftie calling somebody racist for simply supporting border security. Try and pick somebody reputable please, not a whack job you find on google.

Here is what your reputable Dream Queen said and the article is in link.

Pelosi is so sequestered into her own illegal immigration bubble that she actually thanked illegal immigrants for breaking the law, and claimed that the U.S. owes these illegals a debt.

“I say to their parents: Thank you for bringing these Dreamers to America. We’re in your debt for the courage it took, for you to take the risk, physically, politically, in every way, to do so,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi Thanked Illegal Immigrants for Breaking the Law During Her Filibuster, Says US Owes Them a Debt
No excuses for that. I understand why she is trying to reach out and be sympathetic to poor people looking for a better life, however they broke the law to get here and that should not be thanked or celebrated by our leaders. Perhaps if her opposition didn’t try so hard to demonize these people the tone would get a little more civil on both sides.

It just blows my mind a public official like her just doesn't get thrown in prison for encouraging lawless acts .

How does that blow your mind? Our system is set up in a way for our laws to be challenged and changed. For any reform or change to happen leaders need to speak out against existing laws. If we thew people in prison for challenging the status quo then what kind of nation would we be?
Why would anyone want to make it legal for anyone to cross our border without our permission?

She's a douchebag who despises America.
When you try to label and denigrate an entire group of people you are flirting with racism. Yes the race card is over used by many, that’s a fair criticism but don’t pretend that there aren’t emboldened racists engaging in this debate as well

We have laws , so some guy saying we are racist to fund our national security ourselves is racist?.

It's bull crap . The left is inviting illegals in and they all should be charged with felony's..
How about we stop playing games and get down to specifics. Post a quote of a leftie inviting illegals in this country and another of a leftie calling somebody racist for simply supporting border security. Try and pick somebody reputable please, not a whack job you find on google.

Obama's dream act was a Hallmark card , thousands of children came across the border .or did you forget?
That’s not inviting illegals over it’s trying to handle a tragic situation of have hundreds of thousands of children who have grown up here in the shadows. Let them work and go to school and live life. It was actually a great idea but should have been supported with border security and passed by Congress. Too bad our leadership is full of partisan hacks
It's amnesty. It's inviting illegals over. The "tragic situation" was created when Mexicans though they could break US immigration laws with no consequences, and DACA only confirms that belief.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I think you’re being fooled pretty good by the propaganda you listen to, that’s pretty obvious
How about we stop playing games and get down to specifics. Post a quote of a leftie inviting illegals in this country and another of a leftie calling somebody racist for simply supporting border security. Try and pick somebody reputable please, not a whack job you find on google.

Here is what your reputable Dream Queen said and the article is in link.

Pelosi is so sequestered into her own illegal immigration bubble that she actually thanked illegal immigrants for breaking the law, and claimed that the U.S. owes these illegals a debt.

“I say to their parents: Thank you for bringing these Dreamers to America. We’re in your debt for the courage it took, for you to take the risk, physically, politically, in every way, to do so,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi Thanked Illegal Immigrants for Breaking the Law During Her Filibuster, Says US Owes Them a Debt
No excuses for that. I understand why she is trying to reach out and be sympathetic to poor people looking for a better life, however they broke the law to get here and that should not be thanked or celebrated by our leaders. Perhaps if her opposition didn’t try so hard to demonize these people the tone would get a little more civil on both sides.

It just blows my mind a public official like her just doesn't get thrown in prison for encouraging lawless acts .

How does that blow your mind? Our system is set up in a way for our laws to be challenged and changed. For any reform or change to happen leaders need to speak out against existing laws. If we thew people in prison for challenging the status quo then what kind of nation would we be?
Why would anyone want to make it legal for anyone to cross our border without our permission?

She's a douchebag who despises America.
Only an insignificant few support open borders in our leadership. The majority support border security. But Trumps wall is not the only possible solution. It’s not even a good one
We have laws , so some guy saying we are racist to fund our national security ourselves is racist?.

It's bull crap . The left is inviting illegals in and they all should be charged with felony's..
How about we stop playing games and get down to specifics. Post a quote of a leftie inviting illegals in this country and another of a leftie calling somebody racist for simply supporting border security. Try and pick somebody reputable please, not a whack job you find on google.

Obama's dream act was a Hallmark card , thousands of children came across the border .or did you forget?
That’s not inviting illegals over it’s trying to handle a tragic situation of have hundreds of thousands of children who have grown up here in the shadows. Let them work and go to school and live life. It was actually a great idea but should have been supported with border security and passed by Congress. Too bad our leadership is full of partisan hacks
It's amnesty. It's inviting illegals over. The "tragic situation" was created when Mexicans though they could break US immigration laws with no consequences, and DACA only confirms that belief.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I think you’re being fooled pretty good by the propaganda you listen to, that’s pretty obvious
What "propaganda?" What have I said that isn't an irrefutable fact?
Here is what your reputable Dream Queen said and the article is in link.

Pelosi is so sequestered into her own illegal immigration bubble that she actually thanked illegal immigrants for breaking the law, and claimed that the U.S. owes these illegals a debt.

“I say to their parents: Thank you for bringing these Dreamers to America. We’re in your debt for the courage it took, for you to take the risk, physically, politically, in every way, to do so,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi Thanked Illegal Immigrants for Breaking the Law During Her Filibuster, Says US Owes Them a Debt
No excuses for that. I understand why she is trying to reach out and be sympathetic to poor people looking for a better life, however they broke the law to get here and that should not be thanked or celebrated by our leaders. Perhaps if her opposition didn’t try so hard to demonize these people the tone would get a little more civil on both sides.

It just blows my mind a public official like her just doesn't get thrown in prison for encouraging lawless acts .

How does that blow your mind? Our system is set up in a way for our laws to be challenged and changed. For any reform or change to happen leaders need to speak out against existing laws. If we thew people in prison for challenging the status quo then what kind of nation would we be?
Why would anyone want to make it legal for anyone to cross our border without our permission?

She's a douchebag who despises America.
Only an insignificant few support open borders in our leadership. The majority support border security. But Trumps wall is not the only possible solution. It’s not even a good one
Horseshit. Virtually all Dims support open borders, especially Nazi Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer.
How about we stop playing games and get down to specifics. Post a quote of a leftie inviting illegals in this country and another of a leftie calling somebody racist for simply supporting border security. Try and pick somebody reputable please, not a whack job you find on google.

Obama's dream act was a Hallmark card , thousands of children came across the border .or did you forget?
That’s not inviting illegals over it’s trying to handle a tragic situation of have hundreds of thousands of children who have grown up here in the shadows. Let them work and go to school and live life. It was actually a great idea but should have been supported with border security and passed by Congress. Too bad our leadership is full of partisan hacks
It's amnesty. It's inviting illegals over. The "tragic situation" was created when Mexicans though they could break US immigration laws with no consequences, and DACA only confirms that belief.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I think you’re being fooled pretty good by the propaganda you listen to, that’s pretty obvious
What "propaganda?" What have I said that isn't an irrefutable fact?
That’s easy, you got fake blubber in just about every post. I’ll point some out from your last statement.

You say DACA is inviting illegals over. It in no way does that. You also point at Mexicans when the illegal population is comprised of people of most of the worlds nationalities. Your posts are laughable.
Obama's dream act was a Hallmark card , thousands of children came across the border .or did you forget?
That’s not inviting illegals over it’s trying to handle a tragic situation of have hundreds of thousands of children who have grown up here in the shadows. Let them work and go to school and live life. It was actually a great idea but should have been supported with border security and passed by Congress. Too bad our leadership is full of partisan hacks
It's amnesty. It's inviting illegals over. The "tragic situation" was created when Mexicans though they could break US immigration laws with no consequences, and DACA only confirms that belief.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I think you’re being fooled pretty good by the propaganda you listen to, that’s pretty obvious
What "propaganda?" What have I said that isn't an irrefutable fact?
That’s easy, you got fake blubber in just about every post. I’ll point some out from your last statement.

You say DACA is inviting illegals over. It in no way does that. You also point at Mexicans when the illegal population is comprised of people of most of the worlds nationalities. Your posts are laughable.


You want to revise history now and say after south America children heard about the dream act they didn't come here in record numbes?

Hell Obama gave a bunch of them a free vacation in Hawaii .

No excuses for that. I understand why she is trying to reach out and be sympathetic to poor people looking for a better life, however they broke the law to get here and that should not be thanked or celebrated by our leaders. Perhaps if her opposition didn’t try so hard to demonize these people the tone would get a little more civil on both sides.

It just blows my mind a public official like her just doesn't get thrown in prison for encouraging lawless acts .

How does that blow your mind? Our system is set up in a way for our laws to be challenged and changed. For any reform or change to happen leaders need to speak out against existing laws. If we thew people in prison for challenging the status quo then what kind of nation would we be?
Why would anyone want to make it legal for anyone to cross our border without our permission?

She's a douchebag who despises America.
Only an insignificant few support open borders in our leadership. The majority support border security. But Trumps wall is not the only possible solution. It’s not even a good one
Horseshit. Virtually all Dims support open borders, especially Nazi Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer.
Show a quote where they support open borders... want me to post quotes of them supporting border security. Cause that’s easy
So according to the left US laws are now racist and must be broken so rapist killer Mexicans can kill white people??.

No. That’s according to partisan right wing nutjobs who try and use that argument to demean the Left
The left demeans itself.
Right back at ya
Your logic is stunning!

He is smoking pot and trying real hard..

Obama's dream act was a Hallmark card , thousands of children came across the border .or did you forget?
That’s not inviting illegals over it’s trying to handle a tragic situation of have hundreds of thousands of children who have grown up here in the shadows. Let them work and go to school and live life. It was actually a great idea but should have been supported with border security and passed by Congress. Too bad our leadership is full of partisan hacks
It's amnesty. It's inviting illegals over. The "tragic situation" was created when Mexicans though they could break US immigration laws with no consequences, and DACA only confirms that belief.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I think you’re being fooled pretty good by the propaganda you listen to, that’s pretty obvious
What "propaganda?" What have I said that isn't an irrefutable fact?
That’s easy, you got fake blubber in just about every post. I’ll point some out from your last statement.

You say DACA is inviting illegals over. It in no way does that. You also point at Mexicans when the illegal population is comprised of people of most of the worlds nationalities. Your posts are laughable.
DACA is an invitation for illegals to come over. It tells them they can become legal if they manage to stay here illegally long enough.

Mexicans make up the overwhelming majority of illegal aliens. The fact simply isn't deniable..

It just blows my mind a public official like her just doesn't get thrown in prison for encouraging lawless acts .

How does that blow your mind? Our system is set up in a way for our laws to be challenged and changed. For any reform or change to happen leaders need to speak out against existing laws. If we thew people in prison for challenging the status quo then what kind of nation would we be?
Why would anyone want to make it legal for anyone to cross our border without our permission?

She's a douchebag who despises America.
Only an insignificant few support open borders in our leadership. The majority support border security. But Trumps wall is not the only possible solution. It’s not even a good one
Horseshit. Virtually all Dims support open borders, especially Nazi Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer.
Show a quote where they support open borders... want me to post quotes of them supporting border security. Cause that’s easy
Please do. I'm sure it will be good for many laughs.

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