A question what if they lower the minimum wage to $2 an hour

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Just curious on your thoughts? I would think the unemployment rate would drop to 3%. salarys would rise for middle class workers {less competition}. the illegals would go back to mexico {heck they could make that much there} no one would really make $2 bucks an hour and even if they did we would just give them foodstamps and stuff like we already do now with the minimum wage at $7.25.
Side Note: All I am is just a plastic industrial maintenance man I get paid to fix machines not how to spell or use correct grammer......
If you're over 16 I hope the minimum wage is not a problem for you. If it was lowered unemployment would probably drop but I imagine employers would be more likely to abuse their workers. And don't the illegals mostly get paid under the table anyways?
I'm sure it would make all the right wingers ecstatic - until their employers dropped their salaries to $2 /hour.
No employer would pay $2 per hour. Some employers might drop pay to around $5 per hour if they are hiring high school kids, and depending on location. Unemployment would not change significantly.
If you're over 16 I hope the minimum wage is not a problem for you. If it was lowered unemployment would probably drop but I imagine employers would be more likely to abuse their workers. And don't the illegals mostly get paid under the table anyways?

my life is always better when we have a low unemployment rate. I always have head hunters trying go get a hold of me. but so much more in the 90's and also wouldnt there be less work for illegals and wouldnt there be less outsourcing?
Now I'm thinking this thread would hurt both the left and right. the left couldnt get any votes and the right would have to pay higher wages to the middle class. so both couldnt have that.
Just curious on your thoughts? I would think the unemployment rate would drop to 3%. salarys would rise for middle class workers {less competition}. the illegals would go back to mexico {heck they could make that much there} no one would really make $2 bucks an hour and even if they did we would just give them foodstamps and stuff like we already do now with the minimum wage at $7.25.
Side Note: All I am is just a plastic industrial maintenance man I get paid to fix machines not how to spell or use correct grammer......

Everyone would live off welfare. No one is going to work for two bucks an hour. I'd live off the taxpayer if that was the case.
The reason min wage is an issue for the left is because they don't believe we have any inflation under Obama... See how that works? It doesn't.
You could abolish the Federal minimum wage. The states would still have their own. And since it should be a state issue, we would all be happy.
Just curious on your thoughts? I would think the unemployment rate would drop to 3%. salarys would rise for middle class workers {less competition}. the illegals would go back to mexico {heck they could make that much there} no one would really make $2 bucks an hour and even if they did we would just give them foodstamps and stuff like we already do now with the minimum wage at $7.25.
Side Note: All I am is just a plastic industrial maintenance man I get paid to fix machines not how to spell or use correct grammer......

Everyone would live off welfare. No one is going to work for two bucks an hour. I'd live off the taxpayer if that was the case.

Because naturally everyone would be making minimum wage
If you're over 16 I hope the minimum wage is not a problem for you. If it was lowered unemployment would probably drop but I imagine employers would be more likely to abuse their workers. And don't the illegals mostly get paid under the table anyways?

ABUSE their workers!! MY god you are so archaic! Abuse???
And again.. please stop the hyperbole.."illegals" paid under the table... stereotyping!

YOU tell me should a union worker be paid $65/hour to cut grass when YOU probably pay $10/hour to that illegal!
My point is you bitch about jobs going overseas... CHINESE worker is paid $.14 an hour!
You want your Walmart goods ONLY made in America? Your purse you paid $10?? Easily $40!
And it isn't just labor cost!

Do you know PER OSHA requires if a business has 1 water closet for 15 workers and decide to hire 1 more person...
per OSHA law the employer must provide 2 water closets! The employer to abide by Government regulations must spend thousands to add one more
if the employer hires one more worker over the 15 already employees.

So it isn't just minimum wages that affect employers and why China gets all the outsourcing it is total crap like this that ships jobs overseas!
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Who would work for 2 dollars an hour? Teenagers working parttime after school wouldn't.

Four hours after school to make 8 bucks? lol.
It doesn't matter what the minimum wage is. It never did.

The earning scale is a ladder not a bed. You are supposed to climb the ladder not lie down at the bottom for your entire life.
Corporate/company profits will rise, investors/owners will get a much higher return on their investment. For employees, not so good.
Just curious on your thoughts? I would think the unemployment rate would drop to 3%. salarys would rise for middle class workers {less competition}. the illegals would go back to mexico {heck they could make that much there} no one would really make $2 bucks an hour and even if they did we would just give them foodstamps and stuff like we already do now with the minimum wage at $7.25.
Side Note: All I am is just a plastic industrial maintenance man I get paid to fix machines not how to spell or use correct grammer......

Everyone would live off welfare. No one is going to work for two bucks an hour. I'd live off the taxpayer if that was the case.

well if every one would live off of welfare and not work I could get a job with bill gates and earn big bucks. as a golf caddy or the like. people ike I enjoy working, not sitting around.
Just curious on your thoughts? I would think the unemployment rate would drop to 3%. salarys would rise for middle class workers {less competition}. the illegals would go back to mexico {heck they could make that much there} no one would really make $2 bucks an hour and even if they did we would just give them foodstamps and stuff like we already do now with the minimum wage at $7.25.
Side Note: All I am is just a plastic industrial maintenance man I get paid to fix machines not how to spell or use correct grammer......

If I am paying someone $7.50 an hour to sweep the floors and I now have to only pay $2.00 an hour.....am I going to hire more floor sweepers?

Or will I just pocket the extra money?
You could abolish the Federal minimum wage. The states would still have their own. And since it should be a state issue, we would all be happy.

That is an excellent point!

Why should the minimum wage be the current $8.09 (Please always add employer's contributions to SS/Medicare,etc.)
in New York where the cost of living is higher then West Virginia?

But that's the major problem with "one size fits all" Federal government solution!
You could abolish the Federal minimum wage. The states would still have their own. And since it should be a state issue, we would all be happy.

That is an excellent point!

Why should the minimum wage be the current $8.09 (Please always add employer's contributions to SS/Medicare,etc.)
in New York where the cost of living is higher then West Virginia?

But that's the major problem with "one size fits all" Federal government solution!

States are free to require a higher minimum wage. That is why it is a "minimum"

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