A Rare Moment Of Sanity From The GOP, McCain Unloads On Paul

Is the "Maverick" actually back?

Speaking on the Senate floor Thursday, Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) tore into Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) “ridiculous” 13-hour filibuster, chastising the junior senator for a speech that was “not helpful” and not in keeping with Republican orthodoxy on the terror war.

McCain specifically objected to Paul saying that a future president as evil as Nazi leader Adolph Hitler could one day come to power and use drones to kill political opponents like actress and peace activist Jane Fonda.

“To allege that the United States of America, our government would drop a drone hellfire missle on Jane Fonda, that, that is… that brings the conversation from a serious discussion about U.S. policy to the realm of the ridiculous,” McCain said.

McCain also quoted from a Wall Street Journal editorial that mocked Paul. “If Mr. Paul wants to be taken seriously, he needs to do more than pull political stunts that fire up impressionable libertarian kids in college dorms,” the editorial jibes.

McCain blasts Rand Paul?s filibuster as a ?political stunt? | The Raw Story

McCain has been feeble minded for some time now

one step away from being a lefty
Is there evidence of this? That may be the case. But I dont think it wise to accuse things without evidence.
I'm not talking about "crack, the drug". He said he "cracked" after being beaten by the Viet Cong.

He said it? When? Id love to see the citation for this. I've read some of the things he wrote, I dont remember every seeing him mention this. Of course, I havent listened to everything he has said.

It was in his book.

John McCain: Torture Worked on Me
Is the "Maverick" actually back?

Speaking on the Senate floor Thursday, Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) tore into Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) “ridiculous” 13-hour filibuster, chastising the junior senator for a speech that was “not helpful” and not in keeping with Republican orthodoxy on the terror war.

McCain specifically objected to Paul saying that a future president as evil as Nazi leader Adolph Hitler could one day come to power and use drones to kill political opponents like actress and peace activist Jane Fonda.

“To allege that the United States of America, our government would drop a drone hellfire missle on Jane Fonda, that, that is… that brings the conversation from a serious discussion about U.S. policy to the realm of the ridiculous,” McCain said.

McCain also quoted from a Wall Street Journal editorial that mocked Paul. “If Mr. Paul wants to be taken seriously, he needs to do more than pull political stunts that fire up impressionable libertarian kids in college dorms,” the editorial jibes.

McCain blasts Rand Paul?s filibuster as a ?political stunt? | The Raw Story
It's amazing. On this one: The right is going ape shit over their very own party standard bearer of only a few years ago.:eek:

That might be because the right never liked him, or Romney.
I get the feeling McCain's war stories are fake, and that he sold people out. I mean, as a politician he is the polar opposite of honorable and honest.
He did crack. There was a time when he would have been considered a traitor.

Idiot. Most all who were tortured less than McCian cracked? You are a pathetic moron. :confused:

McCain's injuries? And he was offered an early release and refused. McCain is a genuine war hero

Who cracked under torture. The only people that don't crack under torture are in movies.
Please dont pretend you are one of us Jake.

Independents went overwhelmingly for Romney. It was people like who you are always attacking the based that caused the lackluster turn out.

I am not a crazy reactionary or libertarian, for sure. It was people like you who drove the independents into Obama's camp. You are not the base, only the fringe.

HELLO?! The Independents werent driven from Romney's camp to Obamas camp. The Independents overwhelmingly came out to support Romney. Romney lost BECAUSE THE BASE DIDN'T. You are the fringe.

You are Mr. Fringe. Independents and Centrists flocked to Obama, because you freaks to the far right and the libertarian fringe drove them away. Which world do you live in: fantasyville?
He did crack. There was a time when he would have been considered a traitor.

Idiot. Most all who were tortured less than McCian cracked? You are a pathetic moron. :confused:

McCain's injuries? And he was offered an early release and refused. McCain is a genuine war hero

Who cracked under torture. The only people that don't crack under torture are in movies.
McCain cracked, and I agree with you that he is a genuine war hero. Unfortunately, he's also a liberal.
Idiot. Most all who were tortured less than McCian cracked? You are a pathetic moron. :confused:

McCain's injuries? And he was offered an early release and refused. McCain is a genuine war hero

Who cracked under torture. The only people that don't crack under torture are in movies.
McCain cracked, and I agree with you that he is a genuine war hero. Unfortunately, he's also a liberal.

I don't have a problem with people cracking under torture, I have a problem who sing under threat.
So McCain wants to kill American citizens on American soil?

Why the heck are our political leaders so ridiculous?

Our political leaders are Authoritarians (on both sides). When Libertarians, like Republican Senator Paul, or Democratic Senator Wyden, invoke the "radical" ideas of our founding fathers, the Authoritarians on both sides come out and denounce them, you lemmings/sheep follow them in their ridicule, while the Big Corporate Banks laugh all the way tot he bank while they restrict your freedoms.


Good one!!
Yeah, well until McCain can no longer effect public policy, I will give a crap about him. Oh heck, Ill probably still give a crap after he's gone. I dont wish ill on him. I wish good things on him. I just wish he wouldnt use his power to undermine what's good for the country.

Right, I don't want anything bad to happen to him either... But he couldn't be gone fast enough for me. He's as bad to watch talk as Obama.

I think the Tea Party missed a good opportunity to go up against McCain at the last election. There is no reason we shouldn't have had a candidate to beat him.

I mean think about it. The guy sponsored legislation to eliminate free speech. He supported Amnesty. He opposed tax cuts. Hasnt supported spending cuts. And while Im for a strong defense, his military positions do put him alittlte more pro war than I particularly care for. And Im not exactly a dove.

Republicans had another choice. Ron Paul stayed in it up until the end, but Republicans called him crazy and unelectable. He was there for a good part of the 2012 race as well, but the same thing happened. Most Republicans are partisan hacks. They don't vote based on principle, but on whoever the establishment tells them to vote for.
So McCain wants to kill American citizens on American soil?

Why the heck are our political leaders so ridiculous?

Our political leaders are Authoritarians (on both sides). When Libertarians, like Republican Senator Paul, or Democratic Senator Wyden, invoke the "radical" ideas of our founding fathers, the Authoritarians on both sides come out and denounce them, you lemmings/sheep follow them in their ridicule, while the Big Corporate Banks laugh all the way tot he bank while they restrict your freedoms.

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Good one!!

I also believe these won't be "Rare Moments" in the near future. There will be a quick realignment of the parties based on Authoritarian vs Libertarian principles when the US dollar crashes, that's if our government can even survive the crash to begin with.
Idiot. Most all who were tortured less than McCian cracked? You are a pathetic moron. :confused:

McCain's injuries? And he was offered an early release and refused. McCain is a genuine war hero

Who cracked under torture. The only people that don't crack under torture are in movies.
McCain cracked, and I agree with you that he is a genuine war hero. Unfortunately, he's also a liberal.

scum bag, you inferred McCain was a traitor ... even ages ago what he went through would have been admired not denounced .

fringe wingnuts need to be thrown out into a torture chamber themselves
Who cracked under torture. The only people that don't crack under torture are in movies.
McCain cracked, and I agree with you that he is a genuine war hero. Unfortunately, he's also a liberal.

scum bag, you inferred McCain was a traitor ... even ages ago what he went through would have been admired not denounced .

fringe wingnuts need to be thrown out into a torture chamber themselves
Fuck you, I did NOT. Sober up, you fucking lush.
McCain cracked, and I agree with you that he is a genuine war hero. Unfortunately, he's also a liberal.

scum bag, you inferred McCain was a traitor ... even ages ago what he went through would have been admired not denounced .

fringe wingnuts need to be thrown out into a torture chamber themselves
Fuck you, I did NOT. Sober up, you fucking lush.

Sober up? I'm not staff from PFFA :lol:

and you did too
Who cracked under torture. The only people that don't crack under torture are in movies.
McCain cracked, and I agree with you that he is a genuine war hero. Unfortunately, he's also a liberal.

scum bag, you inferred McCain was a traitor ... even ages ago what he went through would have been admired not denounced .

fringe wingnuts need to be thrown out into a torture chamber themselves

No one is denouncing him, all we are doing is pointing out the truth. Technically, giving anything beyond name, rank, and serial is a violation of the Code of Conduct. McCain was tortured, and talked, which is actually permissible under the CoC. I admire the man a lot for what he went through, but I am not going to pretend he is Rambo just to satisfy boot licking scum like you.
McCain is a rabid militarist who would just assume make Iraq the 58th state under Obama. :lol:

Not sure I'd go that far. But I am always amazed how much of our liberty McCain wants to just give up on. I mean you'd think someone who suffered as he did for this country would be a stronger advocate for the liberty it provides.

I get the feeling McCain's war stories are fake, and that he sold people out. I mean, as a politician he is the polar opposite of honorable and honest.[/QUOTEThat

You should be ashamed of saying something like that of a man who suffered in POW camps for you. you can disagree with Sen. McCains political theories until your blue in the face, but attacking a mans service record is just disrespectful. i was going to post on this thread about the legitimecy of his words, but that is by far the stupidest thing i have ever heard on this site.
Not sure I'd go that far. But I am always amazed how much of our liberty McCain wants to just give up on. I mean you'd think someone who suffered as he did for this country would be a stronger advocate for the liberty it provides.

I get the feeling McCain's war stories are fake, and that he sold people out. I mean, as a politician he is the polar opposite of honorable and honest.

You should be ashamed of saying something like that of a man who suffered in POW camps for you. you can disagree with Sen. McCains political theories until your blue in the face, but attacking a mans service record is just disrespectful. i was going to post on this thread about the legitimecy of his words, but that is by far the stupidest thing i have ever heard on this site.

He did not suffer in the POW camps for me.
McCain cracked, and I agree with you that he is a genuine war hero. Unfortunately, he's also a liberal.

scum bag, you inferred McCain was a traitor ... even ages ago what he went through would have been admired not denounced .

fringe wingnuts need to be thrown out into a torture chamber themselves

No one is denouncing him, all we are doing is pointing out the truth. Technically, giving anything beyond name, rank, and serial is a violation of the Code of Conduct. McCain was tortured, and talked, which is actually permissible under the CoC. I admire the man a lot for what he went through, but I am not going to pretend he is Rambo just to satisfy boot licking scum like you.

The truth? :doubt: You sound exactly like a Reagan Republican, supporting a myth over reality. Rambo was a fictional Hollywood Character. :laugh2:

Like the progressive left and the crazy mia/pow scam artists who have attacked McCain, you are the scum. Anyone who thinks breaking under torture is a violation of any sort needs to be smacked across their face with a two-by-four.

People like you deserve a beating for thinking others would allow you to get away with this shit and then even entertain the idea that you could somehow 'admire' a real man and war hero, while posting what you did.:evil:
Progressives for the expansion of the Patriot act!!! Black_Lable is on the front lines!!!

The board is swimming with McCain-kissing Libs

You people and the scum bag pow/mia scam artists who attacked McCain and others, along with the progressive left do not get it.

Real Americans, real men and real women, real people respect and admire McCain for not leaving Vietnam early by doing the bidding of his torturers.

You people are no better than those who condemn Jews who survived the concentration camps.

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