A real racial dilemma


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Let's say your child needed a pint of blood to save his or her life. Could you pick the pint that came from a white person? If you could, would you reject it because it came from a certain race or another? But in reality you wouldn't care would you? Where would your cries of racism or white guilt be when you come calling for a vital blood transfusion for your loved one? Things like the liberal arguments on race become very small in the face of realities like these.

We all bleed red, not black, white or any other color. Think about that before playing the race card. And if you happen to be a flat out racist, I hope this blows your mind. Racism is such a petty political issue, only there to divide us, liberals and racists beware.

Also, if you want to go further, let's address homosexuality. Pick the blood that comes from a gay person. You can't. So, lets think about that before we make judgements about race or sexual orientation.

Let's say your child needed a pint of blood to save his or her life. Could you pick the pint that came from a white person? If you could, would you reject it because it came from a certain race or another? But in reality you wouldn't care would you? Where would your cries of racism or white guilt be when you come calling for a vital blood transfusion for your loved one? Things like the liberal arguments on race become very small in the face of realities like these.

We all bleed red, not black, white or any other color. Think about that before playing the race card. And if you happen to be a flat out racist, I hope this blows your mind. Racism is such a petty political issue, only there to divide us, liberals and racists beware.

Also, if you want to go further, let's address homosexuality. Pick the blood that comes from a gay person. You can't. So, lets think about that before we make judgements about race or sexual orientation.

Most racists are conservatives not liberals. So you get a B- instead of an A
Let's say your child needed a pint of blood to save his or her life. Could you pick the pint that came from a white person? If you could, would you reject it because it came from a certain race or another? But in reality you wouldn't care would you? Where would your cries of racism or white guilt be when you come calling for a vital blood transfusion for your loved one? Things like the liberal arguments on race become very small in the face of realities like these.

We all bleed red, not black, white or any other color. Think about that before playing the race card. And if you happen to be a flat out racist, I hope this blows your mind. Racism is such a petty political issue, only there to divide us, liberals and racists beware.

Also, if you want to go further, let's address homosexuality. Pick the blood that comes from a gay person. You can't. So, lets think about that before we make judgements about race or sexual orientation.

Most racists are conservatives not liberals. So you get a B- instead of an A

Liberals are the most racist people on God's Earth, and black Liberals are the racist of all
Less than 1 percent of blood donations are from African Americans or Hispanics.
Though compatibility is not based on race, genetically similar blood is best for patients who need repeated or large volumes of blood transfusions, or those who have produced red blood cell antibodies for various diseases and conditions like sickle cell, heart disease and kidney disease.

Blood that closely matches a patient’s ethnicity is less likely to be rejected by the patient and provides fewer risks for complications. For example, some African American donors have different combinations of antigens in their blood like U-negative or Duff y-negative. Because these antigens are rarely found in other ethnic groups, these patients often depend on African American blood donations.

Central Blood Bank Ethnicity and Blood Donation Blood Donation
Let's say your child needed a pint of blood to save his or her life. Could you pick the pint that came from a white person? If you could, would you reject it because it came from a certain race or another? But in reality you wouldn't care would you? Where would your cries of racism or white guilt be when you come calling for a vital blood transfusion for your loved one? Things like the liberal arguments on race become very small in the face of realities like these.

We all bleed red, not black, white or any other color. Think about that before playing the race card. And if you happen to be a flat out racist, I hope this blows your mind. Racism is such a petty political issue, only there to divide us, liberals and racists beware.

Also, if you want to go further, let's address homosexuality. Pick the blood that comes from a gay person. You can't. So, lets think about that before we make judgements about race or sexual orientation.

Most racists are conservatives not liberals. So you get a B- instead of an A

actually...which conservatives...the racist democrat conservatives who fought to keep slavery....or the modern American conservatives who would actually be defined as "classical liberals" today?

and of course all racism today is found in the democrat party...so do you mean them...since they are now calling themselves "progressives" to hide their left wing statism.
Let's say your child needed a pint of blood to save his or her life. Could you pick the pint that came from a white person? If you could, would you reject it because it came from a certain race or another? But in reality you wouldn't care would you? Where would your cries of racism or white guilt be when you come calling for a vital blood transfusion for your loved one? Things like the liberal arguments on race become very small in the face of realities like these.

We all bleed red, not black, white or any other color. Think about that before playing the race card. And if you happen to be a flat out racist, I hope this blows your mind. Racism is such a petty political issue, only there to divide us, liberals and racists beware.

Also, if you want to go further, let's address homosexuality. Pick the blood that comes from a gay person. You can't. So, lets think about that before we make judgements about race or sexual orientation.

Most racists are conservatives not liberals. So you get a B- instead of an A

actually...which conservatives...the racist democrat conservatives who fought to keep slavery....or the modern American conservatives who would actually be defined as "classical liberals" today?

and of course all racism today is found in the democrat party...so do you mean them...since they are now calling themselves "progressives" to hide their left wing statism.
Both are one and the same. The old Dems were conservative and the new Reps are conservative.
Let's say your child needed a pint of blood to save his or her life. Could you pick the pint that came from a white person? If you could, would you reject it because it came from a certain race or another? But in reality you wouldn't care would you? Where would your cries of racism or white guilt be when you come calling for a vital blood transfusion for your loved one? Things like the liberal arguments on race become very small in the face of realities like these.

We all bleed red, not black, white or any other color. Think about that before playing the race card. And if you happen to be a flat out racist, I hope this blows your mind. Racism is such a petty political issue, only there to divide us, liberals and racists beware.

Also, if you want to go further, let's address homosexuality. Pick the blood that comes from a gay person. You can't. So, lets think about that before we make judgements about race or sexual orientation.


Yo, I`m white, but if I did get blood, and started talking black? I would sue the Hospital!

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Let's say your child needed a pint of blood to save his or her life. Could you pick the pint that came from a white person? If you could, would you reject it because it came from a certain race or another? But in reality you wouldn't care would you? Where would your cries of racism or white guilt be when you come calling for a vital blood transfusion for your loved one? Things like the liberal arguments on race become very small in the face of realities like these.

We all bleed red, not black, white or any other color. Think about that before playing the race card. And if you happen to be a flat out racist, I hope this blows your mind. Racism is such a petty political issue, only there to divide us, liberals and racists beware.

Also, if you want to go further, let's address homosexuality. Pick the blood that comes from a gay person. You can't. So, lets think about that before we make judgements about race or sexual orientation.


Yo, I`m white, but if I did get blood, and started talking black? I would sue the Hospital!

View attachment 47287

Not after all the new pussy you'd be getting
Let's say your child needed a pint of blood to save his or her life. Could you pick the pint that came from a white person? If you could, would you reject it because it came from a certain race or another? But in reality you wouldn't care would you? Where would your cries of racism or white guilt be when you come calling for a vital blood transfusion for your loved one? Things like the liberal arguments on race become very small in the face of realities like these.

We all bleed red, not black, white or any other color. Think about that before playing the race card. And if you happen to be a flat out racist, I hope this blows your mind. Racism is such a petty political issue, only there to divide us, liberals and racists beware.

Also, if you want to go further, let's address homosexuality. Pick the blood that comes from a gay person. You can't. So, lets think about that before we make judgements about race or sexual orientation.


Yo, I`m white, but if I did get blood, and started talking black? I would sue the Hospital!

View attachment 47287
You cant sue if you get "improved" and hope to actually win. You can only sue if you experience a loss.
I went to see "Predator" with friends when it was first released, and one who actually was a tad racist. There is a scene in the film where 4-5 dead guys are strung up by their ankles in the Predator's lair. They have all been skinned.

I nudged him with an elbow and asked "Hey, which one's the black guy?"
I'm O-

I joined the gallon club before I was 30.

I was unfortunately stationed in England during the Mad Cow problem, and have been unable to donate blood since.

I dont' give a rats ass who received my blood.
I would prefer to get a blood transfusion from a blood relative because of genetics but if that's not possible, it doesn't make any difference. Blood is blood.

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