A reminder to those that want to kill the Golden egg layers"....


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"Killing The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs" -- Aesop's Fables

"A cottager and his wife had a Goose that laid a golden egg every day. They supposed that the Goose must contain a great lump of gold in its inside, and in order to get the gold they killed it. Having done so, they found to their surprise that the Goose differed in no respect from their others.
The foolish pair, thus hoping to become rich all at once, deprived themselves of the gain of which they were assured day by day."

Now to all you obviously IGNORANT "tax the rich" of the above Fable.. remember..
A) This is a FABLE... It means it describes in childish terms realities of the world and while there ARE NO golden eggs.. THERE are people that create jobs!
B) The Majority of the job creators are for shame "wealthy"!!
C) The IRS tables... FACTS folks.. show that in 2009 for example: AND Please Down load the FACTS.. The realities of tax payments by the "wealthy"!!!
1) Total tax returns over $200,000 adjustable income 3.895 million taxpayers
2) Paid $405 billion of the $865 billion in taxes or 46%

These "golden Geese" ALREADY pay nearly 40% of the $1.015 trillion paid in personal taxes AND AND many people don't COUNT in as TAXES paid those Employers' share of payroll taxes which constitutes 53% of the payroll taxes.

Payroll taxes accounted for $818 billion in 2011 (Social security/Medicare) of which 53% paid by employers or $436 billion in 2011.
Add $436 billion of Employer share of SS/Medicare to $405 billion in taxes for payers over $200,000 total taxes $800 billion of $1.4 trillion in personal/payroll or nearly 60% of Federal Income/payroll taxes paid by taxpayers reporting over $200,000!

So YOU people that want to KILL the geese that pay nearly 60% of all Income/payroll (for which the employers get NO RETURN like employees get payments) taxes !

Again just to remind you that seem to forget this:
Employers GET NO benefits from paying 53% of the payroll taxes (SS/Medicare) that are paid OUT in form of retirement checks to employees from SS/Medicare.
Employers Pay TAXES on corporate earnings PLUS taxes on their salaries, PLUS taxes on the dividends that are paid out and taxes on capital gains!
So Kill the golden geese i.e. those Wealthy people making over $200,000 a year and you kill society!

SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
The difference between the "makers" and the Obama supporter types "takers" is the total shortsighted behavior as exhibited by the ignorant people in the fable that KILLED the goose thinking they would get all the eggs is what the "takers" would do!
Instead of feeding the goose better, breeding the goose to get MORE geese that lay golden eggs.. the Obama types KILL the goose!
Obama types are KILLING businesses that create the eggs with excessive rules, regulations.
Obama takers are killing by STEALING more tax payments thus forcing the "wealthy" to do as French actors are now doing.. leaving their countries!

Obamatakers KILL the goose... more intelligent people FEED the goose to lay MORE golden eggs!
We don't want to kill them.....we just want them to give up a few more of those golden eggs
Taxing income above $250,000 an additional three percent will have zero effect on job creation. Stop drinking Boehner's piss and regurgitating it so quickly.

This is all theater for the rubes.

Tax rates are not what is holding back our economy. We have had the Bush tax rates now for 9 years, and yet unemployment is still at an unacceptable level.

Figure it out. The Democrats and Republicans are playing you like fiddles. Stop whoring out your brains to assholes.

Taxing income above $250,000 an additional three percent will have zero effect on job creation. Stop drinking Boehner's piss and regurgitating it so quickly.

This is all theater for the rubes.

Tax rates are not what is holding back our economy. We have had the Bush tax rates now for 9 years, and yet unemployment is still at an unacceptable level.

Figure it out. The Democrats and Republicans are playing you like fiddles. Stop whoring out your brains to assholes.


Where am I regurgitating anything?
Please retort the FACTS I laid out, i.e.
Tax payers including S-corps.. (which due to your level of comprehension it is impossible to explain to you..) proprietorships, and corporations pay over 60% of the total income,payroll,dividend and capital gain taxes paid to the government and you like the Obamatakers want to KILL those egg layers!

Think for a minute if you can..
the golden geese are telling us that:
cutting employees back to 30 hours (like one of my sister's employer has done!!) because of Obamacare.
Businesses,farms (like my sister who last week re-structured their farms ownerships) selling because of the ESTATE taxes in 2013!
Small businesses that want to hire but it will COST them more then what they'll make from the new hirers i.e. taxes,rules,regulations!

It is not just the taxes. It is the entire ANTI-BUSINESS ANTI-Capitalism of Obama and people like you that operating out of total ignorance are like the pitchfork mob mentality of middle ages want to hang the golden eggers!

Oh as far as Bush tax rates>..
FACTS AGAIN!!! Do you remember what happened in 2000? 2001, from 2003 to 2008?? HERE and PLEASE refute that NONE of these events occurred OK?? Please tell me they didn't and PROVE THEY DIDN"T HAPPEN!!!

1) Do you remember the dot.com bubble THAT BURST in 2000?
The Stock Market Crash of 2000-2002 caused the loss of $5 trillion in the market value of companies from March 2000 to October 2002.
Dot-com bubble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caused a recession that started then in 3/2001 and $5 trillion in market losses. Allowed taxpayers to deduct each year after 2002 $166 billion from their taxable income.
Lost 300,000 jobs

2) Does the minor event on 9/11/2001 mean anything to you? $2 trillion in losses that again are being written off and in so doing reduces the tax payments to the USA
145,000 jobs lost

3) From 2003 to 2008 WORST HURRICANE SEASONS in history with 7 of the worst 10 hurricanes rom 2004 through 2008 $1 trillion and 400,000 jobs..

YET in spite of that:
Bush had 5 million more people working at the end of his term !
The GDP grew 16% with a $769 billion growth in 2005 the best in 50 years!

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