A Rightists Advice for Donald Trump Supporters

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
Okay so this is my personal advice for ALL Donald Trump supporters. The Leftists aka Communists we know are now completely unhinged and psychotic, they are literally shooting at Trump supporters for BEING Trump supporters and they have no control over themselves because they are operating on PURE organic hatred.

When you go out DO NOT indicate that you support Donald Trump, do NOT wear a MAGA hat or have any sign saying Trump 2020 or have ANY stickers on your vehicle that says Trump 2020 or ANYTHING Pro-Trump. By having ANY or ALL of these indicators you are potentially making yourself a TARGET for random unhinged Leftists aka Communists to either beat you up or attempt to literally murder you.

REMAIN The SILENT Majority, NEVER in PUBLIC SAY to ANYONE you support Donald Trump, as a type of Soviet-Style Political Tyranny is being operated among the Leftist aka Communist crowd mentioning Donald Trump is potentially going to make you a target for psychotic violence from them.

Take COMFORT and JOY from KNOWING PRIVATELY you support Donald Trump and in November you WILL be voting IN PERSON - not by Mail-In - for Donald Trump.
In 2016 there was a gal I bought eggs that came unhinged on facebook about me being a racist for supporting a racist like Trump. It was surreal then and many of those same people have gotten much worse. It even pissed her off more when I put up Trump's history in Palm Beach on how he helped blacks get into the exclusive all white clubs.
In 2016 there was a gal I bought eggs that came unhinged on facebook about me being a racist for supporting a racist like Trump. It was surreal then and many of those same people have gotten much worse. It even pissed her off more when I put up Trump's history in Palm Beach on how he helped blacks get into the exclusive all white clubs.

It's very sad when it's come to this and it is impossible to reason with the irrational. The situation now it seems is completely out of control and so becomes literally an issue of PERSONAL safety 24/7 which is why I think NO public indication of support for Donald Trump is the most sensible thing to do for Trump supporters, just keep ALL support PRIVATE and go IN PERSON to vote for him, but IF asked at random by some Pollster for their Exit Poll or whatever SAY you voted for Creepy Joe.
Excellent advice, Lucy. Thank you for being so on-top of events as they unfold. They are certainly shocking and distressing. I would also add that as we collaborate with our colleagues virtually at work, or even in person as we return to employer sites (after COVID-19)... be very careful about your water cooler conversations. Corporate America is not what it once was...woke, leftist, PC apologist culture has shown up in Town Halls, forced training on it, etc.

Be safe, and don't show your cards. I wish you and your family well, and to anyone else reading this thread.



(one red speck in a sea of blue)
Okay so this is my personal advice for ALL Donald Trump supporters. The Leftists aka Communists we know are now completely unhinged and psychotic, they are literally shooting at Trump supporters for BEING Trump supporters and they have no control over themselves because they are operating on PURE organic hatred.

When you go out DO NOT indicate that you support Donald Trump, do NOT wear a MAGA hat or have any sign saying Trump 2020 or have ANY stickers on your vehicle that says Trump 2020 or ANYTHING Pro-Trump. By having ANY or ALL of these indicators you are potentially making yourself a TARGET for random unhinged Leftists aka Communists to either beat you up or attempt to literally murder you.

REMAIN The SILENT Majority, NEVER in PUBLIC SAY to ANYONE you support Donald Trump, as a type of Soviet-Style Political Tyranny is being operated among the Leftist aka Communist crowd mentioning Donald Trump is potentially going to make you a target for psychotic violence from them.

Take COMFORT and JOY from KNOWING PRIVATELY you support Donald Trump and in November you WILL be voting IN PERSON - not by Mail-In - for Donald Trump.
Thanks for this advice, Lucy. The Left really HAVE become unhinged, there's no doubt about that. I think, deep down they KNOW they have NO chance of winning the election in November. Biden MAY be the worst presidential candidate I've seen in my lifetime, and I was born in 1961.
Excellent advice, Lucy. Thank you for being so on-top of events as they unfold. They are certainly shocking and distressing. I would also add that as we collaborate with our colleagues virtually at work, or even in person as we return to employer sites (after COVID-19)... be very careful about your water cooler conversations. Corporate America is not what it once was...woke, leftist, PC apologist culture has shown up in Town Halls, forced training on it, etc.

Be safe, and don't show your cards. I wish you and your family well, and to anyone else reading this thread.



(one red speck in a sea of blue)

Thanks, you also are giving excellent and common sense advice about personal safety in your above comments.

"I wish you and your family well, and to anyone else reading this thread."

And the same to you and your family :)
Excellent advice, Lucy. Thank you for being so on-top of events as they unfold. They are certainly shocking and distressing. I would also add that as we collaborate with our colleagues virtually at work, or even in person as we return to employer sites (after COVID-19)... be very careful about your water cooler conversations. Corporate America is not what it once was...woke, leftist, PC apologist culture has shown up in Town Halls, forced training on it, etc.

Be safe, and don't show your cards. I wish you and your family well, and to anyone else reading this thread.



(one red speck in a sea of blue)
Thanks for your post, and welcome to the site.
Okay so this is my personal advice for ALL Donald Trump supporters. The Leftists aka Communists we know are now completely unhinged and psychotic, they are literally shooting at Trump supporters for BEING Trump supporters and they have no control over themselves because they are operating on PURE organic hatred.

When you go out DO NOT indicate that you support Donald Trump, do NOT wear a MAGA hat or have any sign saying Trump 2020 or have ANY stickers on your vehicle that says Trump 2020 or ANYTHING Pro-Trump. By having ANY or ALL of these indicators you are potentially making yourself a TARGET for random unhinged Leftists aka Communists to either beat you up or attempt to literally murder you.

REMAIN The SILENT Majority, NEVER in PUBLIC SAY to ANYONE you support Donald Trump, as a type of Soviet-Style Political Tyranny is being operated among the Leftist aka Communist crowd mentioning Donald Trump is potentially going to make you a target for psychotic violence from them.

Take COMFORT and JOY from KNOWING PRIVATELY you support Donald Trump and in November you WILL be voting IN PERSON - not by Mail-In - for Donald Trump.
Thanks for this advice, Lucy. The Left really HAVE become unhinged, there's no doubt about that. I think, deep down they KNOW they have NO chance of winning the election in November. Biden MAY be the worst presidential candidate I've seen in my lifetime, and I was born in 1961.

I don't know in the short term or even possibly in the long term how some type or order can be restored in America without resorting to what would be called Brute Force, the Leftists aka Communists are now so far gone. In the immediate short term I think the most important thing is to make sure ALL Trump supporters and ALL Non-Leftists even take measures to ensure their OWN PERSONAL SAFETY and the PERSONAL SAFETY of their family and houses 24/7

When you see footage of gangs of feral BLM Thugs marching into residential streets SCREAMING and attempting to INTIMIDATE law abiding citizens, you KNOW you need to take measures to protect your FAMILY AND your PROPERTY because it is NOT outside the realm of possibility that these filthy feral BLM Thugs would NOT TORCH a house and burn alive a family, they have ALREADY made several attempts to burn alive Police Officers in their OWN Police Buildings.

You CANNOT think at this time you can count on the Police, so you are going to have only YOURSELF and your CLOSEST FRIENDS to count on to PROTECT each other. Also NEVER lose Communications with your closest friends and always set up an Alternative set of Communications in case your immediate Communications are compromised, that way you have a Back Up.

A general side point here is that I HOPE we do NOT have ANYMORE STUPID situations where a group of Trump Supporters think it's a good idea to go into Enemy Territory. Portland is a Communist Stronghold, in the Mayor Election the Republican only got 4% so WTF were those IDIOTS thinking going like that into Enemy Territory WITHOUT A PLAN?

You do NOT go into Enemy Territory like that without Advanced Planning. You automatically assume that you might come under attack from the Communists and so BEFORE you go in you already have a COUNTER-ATTACK PLAN and you NEVER go into Enemy Territory WITHOUT an Exit Plan that should ALL be about Exiting Enemy Territory WITHOUT getting ANY of your Team killed.
Okay so this is my personal advice for ALL Donald Trump supporters. The Leftists aka Communists we know are now completely unhinged and psychotic, they are literally shooting at Trump supporters for BEING Trump supporters and they have no control over themselves because they are operating on PURE organic hatred.

When you go out DO NOT indicate that you support Donald Trump, do NOT wear a MAGA hat or have any sign saying Trump 2020 or have ANY stickers on your vehicle that says Trump 2020 or ANYTHING Pro-Trump. By having ANY or ALL of these indicators you are potentially making yourself a TARGET for random unhinged Leftists aka Communists to either beat you up or attempt to literally murder you.

REMAIN The SILENT Majority, NEVER in PUBLIC SAY to ANYONE you support Donald Trump, as a type of Soviet-Style Political Tyranny is being operated among the Leftist aka Communist crowd mentioning Donald Trump is potentially going to make you a target for psychotic violence from them.

Take COMFORT and JOY from KNOWING PRIVATELY you support Donald Trump and in November you WILL be voting IN PERSON - not by Mail-In - for Donald Trump.

Hawaiian shirts and MAGA hats . . . it's the only way to be sure. While I appreciate your advice, it is not for me. I've served my country in uniform for twenty-eight years. What that means to me is that I have earned the fucking right to show patriotism and open, public support for my President. I am armed every second of every day—even while sleeping. If the terrorist revolutionaries or some other anti-American bumble fuck wants to disagree violently with my political and religious and/or racial appearance, I will welcome it and return the sentiment; tag, you're it . . .
Okay so this is my personal advice for ALL Donald Trump supporters. The Leftists aka Communists we know are now completely unhinged and psychotic, they are literally shooting at Trump supporters for BEING Trump supporters and they have no control over themselves because they are operating on PURE organic hatred.

When you go out DO NOT indicate that you support Donald Trump, do NOT wear a MAGA hat or have any sign saying Trump 2020 or have ANY stickers on your vehicle that says Trump 2020 or ANYTHING Pro-Trump. By having ANY or ALL of these indicators you are potentially making yourself a TARGET for random unhinged Leftists aka Communists to either beat you up or attempt to literally murder you.

REMAIN The SILENT Majority, NEVER in PUBLIC SAY to ANYONE you support Donald Trump, as a type of Soviet-Style Political Tyranny is being operated among the Leftist aka Communist crowd mentioning Donald Trump is potentially going to make you a target for psychotic violence from them.

Take COMFORT and JOY from KNOWING PRIVATELY you support Donald Trump and in November you WILL be voting IN PERSON - not by Mail-In - for Donald Trump.

Hawaiian shirts and MAGA hats . . . it's the only way to be sure. While I appreciate your advice, it is not for me. I've served my country in uniform for twenty-eight years. What that means to me is that I have earned the fucking right to show patriotism and open, public support for my President. I am armed every second of every day—even while sleeping. If the terrorist revolutionaries or some other anti-American bumble fuck wants to disagree violently with my political and religious and/or racial appearance, I will welcome it and return the sentiment; tag, you're it . . .

This is your choice and I respect it, just stay safe at ALL times and have eyes in the back of your head at ALL times.
Excellent advice, Lucy. Thank you for being so on-top of events as they unfold. They are certainly shocking and distressing. I would also add that as we collaborate with our colleagues virtually at work, or even in person as we return to employer sites (after COVID-19)... be very careful about your water cooler conversations. Corporate America is not what it once was...woke, leftist, PC apologist culture has shown up in Town Halls, forced training on it, etc.

Be safe, and don't show your cards. I wish you and your family well, and to anyone else reading this thread.



(one red speck in a sea of blue)

I forgot to say Welcome to the Forum.
Okay so this is my personal advice for ALL Donald Trump supporters. The Leftists aka Communists we know are now completely unhinged and psychotic, they are literally shooting at Trump supporters for BEING Trump supporters and they have no control over themselves because they are operating on PURE organic hatred.

When you go out DO NOT indicate that you support Donald Trump, do NOT wear a MAGA hat or have any sign saying Trump 2020 or have ANY stickers on your vehicle that says Trump 2020 or ANYTHING Pro-Trump. By having ANY or ALL of these indicators you are potentially making yourself a TARGET for random unhinged Leftists aka Communists to either beat you up or attempt to literally murder you.

REMAIN The SILENT Majority, NEVER in PUBLIC SAY to ANYONE you support Donald Trump, as a type of Soviet-Style Political Tyranny is being operated among the Leftist aka Communist crowd mentioning Donald Trump is potentially going to make you a target for psychotic violence from them.

Take COMFORT and JOY from KNOWING PRIVATELY you support Donald Trump and in November you WILL be voting IN PERSON - not by Mail-In - for Donald Trump.
Thanks for this advice, Lucy. The Left really HAVE become unhinged, there's no doubt about that. I think, deep down they KNOW they have NO chance of winning the election in November. Biden MAY be the worst presidential candidate I've seen in my lifetime, and I was born in 1961.

They have a Senile Candidate who is literally LIVING in his Basement and FRIGHTENED to appear Above Ground, it would be hilarious if it wasn't so completely pathetic.
I have posted such on my Facebook Community page.
Keep your mouth shut and speak with your vote.

Good that you have and you and ALL your Orthodox friends take EXTRA care because you KNOW these filthy Leftist aka Communist POS hate you, they have already targeted Orthodox many times in the past few months in NYC and the filthy Commie Mayor did ZERO about it....Shalom and Tishmor al Atzmecha.
I have posted such on my Facebook Community page.
Keep your mouth shut and speak with your vote.
The time for revolution comes AFTER the election if they continue to "Act Up" (remember them?)

Sadily, I think they will only get worse after his reelection. I am concerned for this president. We've already had a left wing nut try to murder 30 congressmen. Trump is enemy #1 to these lunatics.
Okay so this is my personal advice for ALL Donald Trump supporters. The Leftists aka Communists we know are now completely unhinged and psychotic, they are literally shooting at Trump supporters for BEING Trump supporters and they have no control over themselves because they are operating on PURE organic hatred.

When you go out DO NOT indicate that you support Donald Trump, do NOT wear a MAGA hat or have any sign saying Trump 2020 or have ANY stickers on your vehicle that says Trump 2020 or ANYTHING Pro-Trump. By having ANY or ALL of these indicators you are potentially making yourself a TARGET for random unhinged Leftists aka Communists to either beat you up or attempt to literally murder you.

REMAIN The SILENT Majority, NEVER in PUBLIC SAY to ANYONE you support Donald Trump, as a type of Soviet-Style Political Tyranny is being operated among the Leftist aka Communist crowd mentioning Donald Trump is potentially going to make you a target for psychotic violence from them.

Take COMFORT and JOY from KNOWING PRIVATELY you support Donald Trump and in November you WILL be voting IN PERSON - not by Mail-In - for Donald Trump.

You reap what you sow...
Okay so this is my personal advice for ALL Donald Trump supporters. The Leftists aka Communists we know are now completely unhinged and psychotic, they are literally shooting at Trump supporters for BEING Trump supporters and they have no control over themselves because they are operating on PURE organic hatred.

When you go out DO NOT indicate that you support Donald Trump, do NOT wear a MAGA hat or have any sign saying Trump 2020 or have ANY stickers on your vehicle that says Trump 2020 or ANYTHING Pro-Trump. By having ANY or ALL of these indicators you are potentially making yourself a TARGET for random unhinged Leftists aka Communists to either beat you up or attempt to literally murder you.

REMAIN The SILENT Majority, NEVER in PUBLIC SAY to ANYONE you support Donald Trump, as a type of Soviet-Style Political Tyranny is being operated among the Leftist aka Communist crowd mentioning Donald Trump is potentially going to make you a target for psychotic violence from them.

Take COMFORT and JOY from KNOWING PRIVATELY you support Donald Trump and in November you WILL be voting IN PERSON - not by Mail-In - for Donald Trump.

You reap what you sow...
You just KNEW a Leftist knucklehead like Moonglow would show and stink up this fine thread. Dreadful.

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