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A Sensible Post About Iraq


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
Here is going to be the only SENSIBLE post about what is happening in Iraq. I'll use past notes from all parties to help the people think for themselves.

Should we go to war with Iraq again?

First off ask yourself, IS IT NECESSARY THAT WE GO TO WAR WITH IRAQ AGAIN. These "why not" wars have to stop. Why do we keep jumping to War before taking time to think about Diplomacy (that means an alternate smarter route!) The Pen is still mightier than the sword. I'm sick with people who haven't grasped that OLD concept yet..

Right now we are in the NEW stage of something extreme that happened. It reminds me of the school shootings when lot's of America wanted to ban Assault Rifles. But the Right Wing wanted to let time go by so emotions were not part of the decision making process. Emotions should play a part in all decisions but I digress.. The point is, don't jump to conclusions too soon...

Also, ask yourself why we were there. Bush had MILLIONS of dollars of donations from the Military Industrial Complex. He had "intelligence" and the Congress followed. Could we have avoided this war like we could have avoided almost every war for centuries now if we had used our brains?

What has this war done to America?
If you are pro-life, read this word for word...
iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities Details
And if you are a Fiscal Conservative, watch as Halliburton (Dick Cheney's Construction Corporation/Head of the Federal Reserve) still gets paid to rebuild Iraq.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5_ThKD2g4U]Ron Paul, anti-war - YouTube[/ame]


BTW I am not Libertarian. They aren't allowed to think beyond "Liberty no matter what". But Ron Paul is a great brain.
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[ sénssəb'l ]

showing good sense: having or demonstrating sound reason and judgment
practical: practical, usually comfortable and hard-wearing, and not worn as an adornment
subject to perception: able to be perceived through the senses

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXS3vW47mOE]The Plan -- according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-23kmhc3P8U]With Us or Against Us - YouTube[/ame]

Awesome, you know a word! "Progress" (R)ight?

Yeah, you didn't want to make a 'sensible' post about Iraq, you wanted to be a troll.

Awesome, you know how to be a troll. Progress, right?

My post was unbias and sensible kiddo.... Sorry you had bias about it.

It simply stated that everyone is able to think for themselves. It held some history and some political knowledge.

You don't seem to know what the word "TROLL" actually is. Because your post #2 is 100% TROLL. No information, no argument, no debate, just TROLL.

Educate yourself little guy.
Here is going to be the only SENSIBLE post about what is happening in Iraq. I'll use past notes from all parties to help the people think for themselves.

Should we go to war with Iraq again?

First off ask yourself, IS IT NECESSARY THAT WE GO TO WAR WITH IRAQ AGAIN. These "why not" wars have to stop. Why do we keep jumping to War before taking time to think about Diplomacy (that means an alternate smarter route!) The Pen is still mightier than the sword. I'm sick with people who haven't grasped that OLD concept yet..

Right now we are in the NEW stage of something extreme that happened. It reminds me of the school shootings when lot's of America wanted to ban Assault Rifles. But the Right Wing wanted to let time go by so emotions were not part of the decision making process. Emotions should play a part in all decisions but I digress.. The point is, don't jump to conclusions too soon...

Also, ask yourself why we were there. Bush had MILLIONS of dollars of donations from the Military Industrial Complex. He had "intelligence" and the Congress followed. Could we have avoided this war like we could have avoided almost every war for centuries now if we had used our brains?

What has this war done to America?
If you are pro-life, read this word for word...
iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities Details
And if you are a Fiscal Conservative, watch as Halliburton (Dick Cheney's Construction Corporation/Head of the Federal Reserve) still gets paid to rebuild Iraq.

Ron Paul, anti-war - YouTube


Armed Chinese Troops in Texas! - YouTube

BTW I am not Libertarian. They aren't allowed to think beyond "Liberty no matter what". But Ron Paul is a great brain.

Given the fact it wasn’t necessary to invade Iraq in the first place, as the invasion was illegal and unwarranted, it’s clearly not necessary to ‘go to war’ now.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq-ZmatOlvs]How CIA Kills Countries - YouTube[/ame]
Awesome, you know a word! "Progress" (R)ight?

Yeah, you didn't want to make a 'sensible' post about Iraq, you wanted to be a troll.

Awesome, you know how to be a troll. Progress, right?

My post was unbias and sensible kiddo.... Sorry you had bias about it.

It simply stated that everyone is able to think for themselves. It held some history and some political knowledge.

You don't seem to know what the word "TROLL" actually is. Because your post #2 is 100% TROLL. No information, no argument, no debate, just TROLL.

Educate yourself little guy.

Uh, no.

When you use terms such as 'military industrial complex' your post is far from unbiased. Your attack on the right wing for being 'emotional' also speaks against the objectivity of your post.

I don't take trolls seriously, and I don't appreciate liars much either. Your post is pockmarked with political rhetoric. "If you are pro-life, read this word for word."

Pretty shameless to sit there and say your post is 'unbiased.'

Please, educate yourself.
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When you use terms such as 'military industrial complex' your post is far from unbiased....

Please, educate yourself.

Have you ever heard of "Eisenhower Republicans"?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWiIYW_fBfY]Eisenhower Farewell Address (Full) - YouTube[/ame]

Please, educate yourself.
When you use terms such as 'military industrial complex' your post is far from unbiased....

Please, educate yourself.

Have you ever heard of "Eisenhower Republicans"?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWiIYW_fBfY]Eisenhower Farewell Address (Full) - YouTube[/ame]

Please, educate yourself.

The left loves that quote of Ike. It's been tortured and abused by them to death.
Iraq is begging for America's help as they are under attack by a terrorist army. This is not some rebel force that's beheading its way to Baghdad. ISIS and Levant are well known terror groups.

We would not be going to war with Iraq.
The left loves that quote of Ike. It's been tortured and abused by them to death.
So now Republicans aren't Republican enough for Republicans. You people are fucking insane.

Did he use the term "military industrial complex" or not? Yes he did.

A Republican talking monkey just said that people who use that term are biased. A Republican made the term popular. By your neo-Republican talking monkey "logic", Republicans are biased. But that's okay because Eisenhower was a RINO, right? He wasn't a real Republican like stupid racist FOX-watching neo-Confederate Teabaggers.
Here is going to be the only SENSIBLE post about what is happening in Iraq. I'll use past notes from all parties to help the people think for themselves.

Should we go to war with Iraq again?

First off ask yourself, IS IT NECESSARY THAT WE GO TO WAR WITH IRAQ AGAIN. These "why not" wars have to stop. Why do we keep jumping to War before taking time to think about Diplomacy (that means an alternate smarter route!) The Pen is still mightier than the sword. I'm sick with people who haven't grasped that OLD concept yet..

Right now we are in the NEW stage of something extreme that happened. It reminds me of the school shootings when lot's of America wanted to ban Assault Rifles. But the Right Wing wanted to let time go by so emotions were not part of the decision making process. Emotions should play a part in all decisions but I digress.. The point is, don't jump to conclusions too soon...

Also, ask yourself why we were there. Bush had MILLIONS of dollars of donations from the Military Industrial Complex. He had "intelligence" and the Congress followed. Could we have avoided this war like we could have avoided almost every war for centuries now if we had used our brains?

What has this war done to America?
If you are pro-life, read this word for word...
iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities Details
And if you are a Fiscal Conservative, watch as Halliburton (Dick Cheney's Construction Corporation/Head of the Federal Reserve) still gets paid to rebuild Iraq.

Ron Paul, anti-war - YouTube


Armed Chinese Troops in Texas! - YouTube

BTW I am not Libertarian. They aren't allowed to think beyond "Liberty no matter what". But Ron Paul is a great brain.

Given the fact it wasn’t necessary to invade Iraq in the first place, as the invasion was illegal and unwarranted, it’s clearly not necessary to ‘go to war’ now.

They've begged for America's help. If ISIS seizes Baghdad they will open up a whole new level of terrorism that will make bin Laden look like a boyscout.

When they grabbed Mosul they became the richest terror group on the planet by raiding the banks. Over 400 million dollars are lining their pockets now. And one must remember all the military hardware they get to play with if they take over Iraq.

This is no Arab Spring.
If someone self describes their post as sensible, the last thing you should expect is sensibility.

Here is going to be the only SENSIBLE post about what is happening in Iraq. I'll use past notes from all parties to help the people think for themselves.

Should we go to war with Iraq again?

If, by some chance, we actually went back into Iraq we wouldn't be going to war with them we would be going in at the invitation of the government to help fight an invading force. The difference between being sensible and being an idiot is recognizing that difference, and acknowledging it.

First off ask yourself, IS IT NECESSARY THAT WE GO TO WAR WITH IRAQ AGAIN. These "why not" wars have to stop. Why do we keep jumping to War before taking time to think about Diplomacy (that means an alternate smarter route!) The Pen is still mightier than the sword. I'm sick with people who haven't grasped that OLD concept yet..

Is it necessary for you to lie every time you put your fingers to a keyboard?

The answer seems to be yes.

Right now we are in the NEW stage of something extreme that happened. It reminds me of the school shootings when lot's of America wanted to ban Assault Rifles. But the Right Wing wanted to let time go by so emotions were not part of the decision making process. Emotions should play a part in all decisions but I digress.. The point is, don't jump to conclusions too soon...

Emotions should play a part in all decisions, but wait now because emotions are wrong.

Got it, more drivel from the kid that thinks he is smart because his parents have lied to him his entire life.

Also, ask yourself why we were there. Bush had MILLIONS of dollars of donations from the Military Industrial Complex. He had "intelligence" and the Congress followed. Could we have avoided this war like we could have avoided almost every war for centuries now if we had used our brains?

How would our brains have helped us avoid WWII? If you look at history you will see that there was a very strong isioalationist movement that wanted us to stay out of that war, and it was pretty successful, right up to the moment Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Our brains can accomplish a lot of things, but they cannot control the actions of other people.

And stop blaming Bush for everything you do not like, that is the antithesis of sensible.

What has this war done to America?
If you are pro-life, read this word for word...
iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities Details
And if you are a Fiscal Conservative, watch as Halliburton (Dick Cheney's Construction Corporation/Head of the Federal Reserve) still gets paid to rebuild Iraq.

Ron Paul, anti-war - YouTube


Armed Chinese Troops in Texas! - YouTube

BTW I am not Libertarian. They aren't allowed to think beyond "Liberty no matter what". But Ron Paul is a great brain.

Damn, you are still hung up on the fact that libertarians are better educated than you and trying to belittle them because you hate looking stupid. The solution to that is to learn, not attack.
So um, just a question...

People want to have compassion on the poor and less fortunate, who beg for our help here in the states. They want to clothe and feed them, make life an easier path to travel. But when a country abroad begs for our help in quelling a major threat to stability in the region, to stop a band of ruthless barbarians and murderers, why do some wish to abandon them in their time of need? Does that not contradict the very idea of you being compassionate?
Here is going to be the only SENSIBLE post about what is happening in Iraq. I'll use past notes from all parties to help the people think for themselves.

Should we go to war with Iraq again?

First off ask yourself, IS IT NECESSARY THAT WE GO TO WAR WITH IRAQ AGAIN. These "why not" wars have to stop. Why do we keep jumping to War before taking time to think about Diplomacy (that means an alternate smarter route!) The Pen is still mightier than the sword. I'm sick with people who haven't grasped that OLD concept yet..

Right now we are in the NEW stage of something extreme that happened. It reminds me of the school shootings when lot's of America wanted to ban Assault Rifles. But the Right Wing wanted to let time go by so emotions were not part of the decision making process. Emotions should play a part in all decisions but I digress.. The point is, don't jump to conclusions too soon...

Also, ask yourself why we were there. Bush had MILLIONS of dollars of donations from the Military Industrial Complex. He had "intelligence" and the Congress followed. Could we have avoided this war like we could have avoided almost every war for centuries now if we had used our brains?

What has this war done to America?
If you are pro-life, read this word for word...
iCasualties | OIF | Iraq | Fatalities Details
And if you are a Fiscal Conservative, watch as Halliburton (Dick Cheney's Construction Corporation/Head of the Federal Reserve) still gets paid to rebuild Iraq.

Ron Paul, anti-war - YouTube


Armed Chinese Troops in Texas! - YouTube

BTW I am not Libertarian. They aren't allowed to think beyond "Liberty no matter what". But Ron Paul is a great brain.

Can you not imagine any situations where a POTUS might have a need to act in the best long term interests of peace and liberty and prosperity for the most numbers of people but not be able to explain the details to us?


Of course not.

You take half a story and weave a narrative which indicts Pres. Bush for what he did. Yet you have never once tried to imagine what might have caused him to do what he did and be well justified in doing so, have you?


And why haven't you?

Because you are either, too intellectually limited or too bigoted.

How do you explain the CBS 60 Minutes revelation by FBI Agent and Saddam's interrogator, George Pirro?
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