A serious question

What should I have done?

  • Leave the useless bugger to his fate and hung up on the dispatcher

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Do as I did. No actual help except defend the scene from a accident

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Helped him as requested by the dispatcher

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Get arrested for being a bastard

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Here we go with a split from the EMT nurse refusing to help thread.

One evening, I was on my way home from Doncaster. I was stone cold sober, not tired, in good health and in peak condition to drive.
As I rounded a corner; I spotted a young man in the road, clearly unconscious. I stopped my van in the usual defensive position, all lights and beacons turned on and front wheels turned roadside in case of a rear shunt.
I immediately called 999 (UK emergency number) and, using bluetooth so I had both hands free, examined the person whom I thought was the victim of a hit and run.
The first thing I noticed was he was a drug addict. I've seen so many, I can spot the useless turds as soon as I see one.
Anyway, he was in a drug induced state and breathing very badly, probably close to death.

The dispatcher, a really useless cow who couldn't get basic directions right, ordered me to check and, if required, clear his airways.
She got the following, "Get fucked; he's a druggie and I'm not going to put myself at any risk to save him".
The operator got a bit stroppy and asked, "Are you refusing to help him".
"I am" replied I, and gave her my reasons.
I told her I would protect traffic from hitting him until the emergency services arrived but that was it.
My main concern at that point was some poor sod having an accident because of the druggie's stupidity.
Anyway, the cops turned in first, closely followed by a paramedic on a motorcycle.
I, true to my word, told the cops the story and sodded off.

The question is, was I right to follow this course of action or should I have put myself in danger of HIV/AIDS or whatever to save this useless lump of semi humanity.
Should I be arrested or did I call it right?

In case you think this is a lie in order to troll; it isn't.
My account is true.
Its highly unlikely you would have been infected with anything. The least you could have done is to roll him into the recovery position and try and keep him awake until the ambulance arrived. I wouldn't have left him lying there - you say you had no intention of helping him, yet you called the ambulance and kept traffic away from him, so a part of you did care enough.

I think you could have done more to assist.
Its highly unlikely you would have been infected with anything. The least you could have done is to roll him into the recovery position and try and keep him awake until the ambulance arrived. I wouldn't have left him lying there - you say you had no intention of helping him, yet you called the ambulance and kept traffic away from him, so a part of you did care enough.

I think you could have done more to assist.

I called the ambulance before I realised he was just a druggie.
Injecting drug users have a very high risk of HIV infection and, as you are probably aware, HIV can be passed via body fluid, including saliva.
The operator wanted me to put my unprotected hands into his mouth where, had I even the slightest break in my skin, I may well have been in direct contact with the HIV virus.
I should note - even health care staff aren't allowed to do this as the risk to them is far too great.

Her request was totally unreasonable and unprofessional as, if I'd been stupid enough to comply, I would have been at risk myself.
As for touching him, he was in a filthy state and may well have had lice or other parasites on him.
I backed off very quickly.

One other concern was his place in society.
Most crime in the UK, including serious, violent crime, is down to drug use so I would have been risking serious health problems, even death, to save an idiot who may very well have gone out and mugged someone's grandmother to get himself into the same state again.

I have to be entirely honest - I decided he wasn't worth the slightest risk to myself and the main reason I stayed around was to protect other drivers from an accident if they hit him.

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