A short but interesting conversation


VIP Member
Dec 25, 2013
This weekend I had a short but interesting conversation with a young black man in a local convenience store. I asked him if he thought Ukrainians could win, and then he said I hope not. We both had stopped for gas, and we both were in a hurry, so I didn't get a chance to ask him why he wanted the Russians to win, or at least Ukrainians to lose. However, that got me thinking. I wonder about the attitude among black people about the Ukrainians and the Russians and the war in Ukraine. I'm placing this post here because I'm interested in how black people see this conflict. And if it differs that much from the general opinion of white people. Because if the Russians win, it won't be good for any of us.
Maybe it is all staged? IN the end, we are all slaves. :dunno:

It might just be, that all the global elites are in on the big joke, and if the button is pushed to depopulate tomorrow? They all get to survive in their bunkers while we all melt.

This weekend I had a short but interesting conversation with a young black man in a local convenience store. I asked him if he thought Ukrainians could win, and then he said I hope not. We both had stopped for gas, and we both were in a hurry, so I didn't get a chance to ask him why he wanted the Russians to win, or at least Ukrainians to lose. However, that got me thinking. I wonder about the attitude among black people about the Ukrainians and the Russians and the war in Ukraine. I'm placing this post here because I'm interested in how black people see this conflict. And if it differs that much from the general opinion of white people. Because if the Russians win, it won't be good for any of us.
Did you ask him why he felt that way?
It might just be, that all the global elites are in on the big joke, and if the button is pushed to depopulate tomorrow? They all get to survive in their bunkers while we all melt.

Yep, I absolutely agree, at the highest levels they're all in on it. The world is being fooled, in a major way. But what else is new? :dunno:

For those here (like LA RAM FAN and others) who think Putin isn't one of them, not only is he chummy with Kissinger (as the video you shared above shows), he's onboard with the Covid agenda, Agenda 2030, and he has a long association with the WEF and Klaus Schwab, even though they're now trying to hide that.


Putin: “We have always maintained relations with your forum that you founded and we will continue to support it. And, of course, Russian representatives have always taken part and will take part in the events you hold. For our part, we are holding similar events, which, of course, aim to establish business contacts with Russia’s partners above all else. You know we are holding the St. Petersburg Economic Forum here in St. Petersburg as well as in the Far East, in Siberia, and in southern Russia”, Putin said.

Schwab noted that the World Economic Forum and Russia have had a high level of cooperation for many years: “It has always been important for me that Russian representatives take part in our events in Davos. This has always been of particular importance to me [...]. Our goal, as you already mentioned, is to strengthen cooperation between business people and government agencies. We are convinced that the significant challenges that we face today, be it climate and environmental problems or problems of economic growth, can only be solved through cooperation, specifically at the global level”.

Yep, I absolutely agree, at the highest levels they're all in on it. The world is being fooled, in a major way. But what else is new? :dunno:

For those here (like LA RAM FAN and others) who think Putin isn't one of them, not only is he chummy with Kissinger (as the video you shared above shows), he's onboard with the Covid agenda, Agenda 2030, and he has a long association with the WEF and Klaus Schwab, even though they're now trying to hide that.


Putin: “We have always maintained relations with your forum that you founded and we will continue to support it. And, of course, Russian representatives have always taken part and will take part in the events you hold. For our part, we are holding similar events, which, of course, aim to establish business contacts with Russia’s partners above all else. You know we are holding the St. Petersburg Economic Forum here in St. Petersburg as well as in the Far East, in Siberia, and in southern Russia”, Putin said.

Schwab noted that the World Economic Forum and Russia have had a high level of cooperation for many years: “It has always been important for me that Russian representatives take part in our events in Davos. This has always been of particular importance to me [...]. Our goal, as you already mentioned, is to strengthen cooperation between business people and government agencies. We are convinced that the significant challenges that we face today, be it climate and environmental problems or problems of economic growth, can only be solved through cooperation, specifically at the global level”.

Christian, from the Ice Age farmer made an new post. ..

I put it here, I have been basically putting all of the end game stuff here;

These two articles are in that thread, these are about the end game. If you go there, and watch that post by Christian, it all comes together.

From just this February. . . so, even though the COVID is past, they are still doing this.

WHO making moves on international vaccine 'passport'​

02/24/2022 10:00 AM EST

And why? For this. . . eventually, after the food shortages. Just August of last year.

Personal carbon allowances revisited​

Yep, I absolutely agree, at the highest levels they're all in on it. The world is being fooled, in a major way. But what else is new? :dunno:

For those here (like LA RAM FAN and others) who think Putin isn't one of them, not only is he chummy with Kissinger (as the video you shared above shows), he's onboard with the Covid agenda, Agenda 2030, and he has a long association with the WEF and Klaus Schwab, even though they're now trying to hide that.


Putin: “We have always maintained relations with your forum that you founded and we will continue to support it. And, of course, Russian representatives have always taken part and will take part in the events you hold. For our part, we are holding similar events, which, of course, aim to establish business contacts with Russia’s partners above all else. You know we are holding the St. Petersburg Economic Forum here in St. Petersburg as well as in the Far East, in Siberia, and in southern Russia”, Putin said.

Schwab noted that the World Economic Forum and Russia have had a high level of cooperation for many years: “It has always been important for me that Russian representatives take part in our events in Davos. This has always been of particular importance to me [...]. Our goal, as you already mentioned, is to strengthen cooperation between business people and government agencies. We are convinced that the significant challenges that we face today, be it climate and environmental problems or problems of economic growth, can only be solved through cooperation, specifically at the global level”.

just shaking hands with someone does not prove they are chummey with them.:auiqs.jpg:Kennedy was a patriot,that cant be debated, and there are pictures with HIM going around hanging out with dictaters as well.:abgg2q.jpg:

If you have a pic of Putin doing what Obama,clinton and bush did,on a plane together yucking it up with drinks with him yucking it up with schaub having a jolly old good time,then you would have far more evidence but this is a MAJOR fail.:auiqs.jpg:

I can only say this sooooo many times till i am blue in the face to you and misterbeal that there are patriotic researchers in the alternative media and show videos of them talking about what they know of being friends with high ranking military officers that are friends with trump that are working with him that confide with them about stuff but if you both ignore it and refuse to watch the videos because you THINK what you believe is the truth,,i can only lead the horse to the water soooo many times but cant make him drink it.

One of these researchers i mentioned MANY times on beals threads that i just got done talking about,him and his father were poisoned and this reseacher,HE was lucky,the hospital staff that came to the event for patriots like me in the know on trump and how he is fighting the deep state,it happened right there at the conference,HE got lucky,the medics saved HIM,however his father was not so lucky,they successfully poisoned him.

Its pointless for me to mention his name and post a video of him and his research cause you both wont watch it,you just listen to that dumbass Jim Corbin whos bullshit on trump has been debunked.

Not only did they murder this trump supporters father and tried to poison and kill him as well,they ALSO murdered another well known patriotic alternative researcher,a great lady he was friends with who had special connections and special sources not even the most the other alternative researchers had access to.

That lady and this dude that are know trump well and the high ranking military offciers they are friends with close to trump,they were obviously onto something the fact the elite murdered this guys father,his lady friend alternative reseacher,and tried to kill him.

I have friends that have met this guy that has friends in the military that has met trump,he DOES NOT LIE proof of that is they tried to murder him,murdered his father and murdered another friend of his in the alternative media.

if you wont watch his videos i refer you to,you only see what you WANT TO SEE and cant get past your thinking of what you THINK is the truth.

The military does not recognize biden as their president. the white house has been boarded up.you cant get around this little fact that this is a staged white house here Biden is at. :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: WHY for the first time in our lifes,do we have a FAKE white house the media is telling us Biden is in washington DC at? LOL


slowly but surely,I am seeing positive changes taking place. The fact the supreme court overturned commie Bidens vaccine mandates is a major victory,I cant ever remember our court system doing something that was for the people instead of the elite in my lifetime.ten years ago,this would NEVER have happened,they would easily have ruled in FAVOR of Biden.

In the end,things are going to be nothing but great in the future,but before that happens,things are going to get a worse and it will seem like nothing is happening but like i said,I have seen things like the supreme court ruling against Biden that I have never seen before in my life that indicate things are slowly changing,that the elite for the first time in DECADES,is slowly but surely being taken down.:yes_text12:

this is coming from a guy who has ALWAYS been pessimistic my whole life about the future and always expected the worse,For the longest time i did not believe things would ever change,I have to see some hard facts before i ever get convinced of anything and i am SEEING things happening that i have never seen before that the deep state indeed in a slow process,is being taken down. In a perfect world,it would happen overnight but this is not a perfect world and there is so much corruption,its going to be a slow process for the white hats in the military to take down the black hats because this corruption has gone on for so many decades now but its slowly happening.

If you would watch the videos i refer you to nad have an open mind,you would see it to but you wont watch them cause you cant get past what you THINK is the truth.I cant show you if you wont look at the evidence,thats on you two.
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Oh and if that was too much reading for ya,NATO with Biden and zelenskys blessing,had the black hats dressed as Russians murdering the citizens in the ukraine,you two of all people,should know better after the boston marathon bombing and sandy hook,about crisis actors. :abgg2q.jpg: thats whats happening here as well only this time not crisis actors but demonic satanic murderers funded by NATO and the CIA murdering ukraine citizens,you can choose to believe it or not and NOT listen to the researchers on Beals stay informed thread I listed MANY times or not listen to them,thats on you,i can only lead the horse to the water so many times,if he wont drink it,then i cant help that horse.

when your ready to watch the videos i have referred you two guys to HUNDREDS of times of those reseachers that know their stuff but you both refused to watch them,then will talk,

I dont know why i even bother posting these videos here sense they will go unwatched and always fall on death ears because it does not go along with your narrative.

Here in the states I feel like im on a deserted island talking to a brick wall so many here wont turn off the idiot box in the living room,where i go online and chat with my facebook friends from outher countries,THEY are awake and understand all this cause they DONT listen to the western controlled media.

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This weekend I had a short but interesting conversation with a young black man in a local convenience store. I asked him if he thought Ukrainians could win, and then he said I hope not. We both had stopped for gas, and we both were in a hurry, so I didn't get a chance to ask him why he wanted the Russians to win, or at least Ukrainians to lose. However, that got me thinking. I wonder about the attitude among black people about the Ukrainians and the Russians and the war in Ukraine. I'm placing this post here because I'm interested in how black people see this conflict. And if it differs that much from the general opinion of white people. Because if the Russians win, it won't be good for any of us.
Actually, I think it would better for us if the Russians win quickly than if it is long and drawn out over several years and the Ukrainians somehow manage to "win". I don't see the Ukrainians being able to win quickly.

Note: I am in now way supporting the Russian invasion of Ukraine, simply stating what I think would be better for us.
Oh and if that was too much reading for ya,NATO with Biden and zelenskys blessing,had the black hats dressed as Russians murdering the citizens in the ukraine,you two of all people,should know better after the boston marathon bombing and sandy hook,about crisis actors. :abgg2q.jpg: thats whats happening here as well only this time not crisis actors but demonic satanic murderers funded by NATO and the CIA murdering ukraine citizens,you can choose to believe it or not and NOT listen to the researchers on Beals stay informed thread I listed MANY times or not listen to them,thats on you,i can only lead the horse to the water so many times,if he wont drink it,then i cant help that horse.

when your ready to watch the videos i have referred you two guys to HUNDREDS of times of those reseachers that know their stuff but you both refused to watch them,then will talk,

I dont know why i even bother posting these videos here sense they will go unwatched and always fall on death ears because it does not go along with your narrative.

Here in the states I feel like im on a deserted island talking to a brick wall so many here wont turn off the idiot box in the living room,where i go online and chat with my facebook friends from outher countries,THEY are awake and understand all this cause they DONT listen to the western controlled media.

As always, your point of view is always welcome, and extremely valuable. Thank you so much for the video.

I hope I can return the favor.

Poroshenko sums up results of World Economic Forum in Davos

Ukraine’s President named a number of meetings that he managed to hold during the forum​

Viktor Yanukovych to Attend the 40th World Economic Forum in Davos​


The Biden Ukraine Bribe Tapes​

one last thing i forgot to mention is NATO has violated an internatiional agreement I forgot to mention as well earlier is that in 1999 under the clinton administration,,NATO signed an agreement to keep missiles out of the ukraine,Russia border. NATO has not only violated that agreement putting missiles on the border but the ukrainian government with the blessing of biden and zelensky,NATO is murdering the ukrainain citizens. whats putin suppose to do,just say to them okay go ahead and do that thats fine.? He is not taking that crap and his forces are conquering the black hat satanic monsters in NATO and the thugs in the ukrainan government murdering the citizens there thank god.

this is the cuban missile crisis all over again except this time it is the UNITED STATES provoking a war. Imagine if Russia agreed to an international agreement a couple decades ago not to put missiles in Mexico on the mexico, san diego california border.

The Russians violated that agreement and placed missiles in mexico and started murdering citizens n Mexico.we would feel threatened and we would not sit back and take that crap neither is Russia. You have not done your homework buttercup.:no_text11:
one last thing i forgot to mention is NATO has violated an internatiional agreement I forgot to mention as well earlier is that in 1999 under the clinton administration,,NATO signed an agreement to keep missiles out of the ukraine,Russia border. NATO has not only violated that agreement putting missiles on the border but the ukrainian government with the blessing of biden and zelensky,NATO is murdering the ukrainain citizens. whats putin suppose to do,just say to them okay go ahead and do that thats fine.? He is not taking that crap and his forces are conquering the black hat satanic monsters in NATO and the thugs in the ukrainan government murdering the citizens there thank god.

this is the cuban missile crisis all over again except this time it is the UNITED STATES provoking a war. Imagine if Russia agreed to an international agreement a couple decades ago not to put missiles in Mexico on the mexico, san diego california border.

The Russians violated that agreement and placed missiles in mexico and started murdering citizens n Mexico.we would feel threatened and we would not sit back and take that crap neither is Russia. You have not done your homework buttercup.:no_text11:
There are no nuclear missiles in Ukraine.

In fact, Ukraine is not a member of NATO. Ukraine has only been offered the member application process.

The US and NATO have, thus far, violated no international agreements, they have only betrayed the understanding that they would not expand NATO that they made to Gorbachev.

If you have documented evidence, feel free to post it. I had a blow out argument with Politichic over the Budapest Agreement, and proved her wrong at every turn. ..

Probably because of this

I saw the interviews of the Nigerians I think it was that were not being allowed to cross over into another country. As much as race baiters would like to make it simply 'racism' it is not that simple.

Sep 13 2021 Article excerpt;
In the past two months alone, Russia has signed military cooperation agreements with Nigeria and Ethiopia, Africa’s two most populous nations.

Putin has wars going on at several fronts.

He is still bombing Syrians too.
This weekend I had a short but interesting conversation with a young black man in a local convenience store. I asked him if he thought Ukrainians could win, and then he said I hope not. We both had stopped for gas, and we both were in a hurry, so I didn't get a chance to ask him why he wanted the Russians to win, or at least Ukrainians to lose. However, that got me thinking. I wonder about the attitude among black people about the Ukrainians and the Russians and the war in Ukraine. I'm placing this post here because I'm interested in how black people see this conflict. And if it differs that much from the general opinion of white people. Because if the Russians win, it won't be good for any of us.


They have a point but are still missing why is Putin going after these areas. Europe is screwed and they must like the idea of being under Putin's boot as they like the money from Russia's oligarchs.

Per the media why have these guys and gals been silent while Syrian families were being bombed by Putin's thugs as they took care of their sick in the hospitals or tried to flee? I hadn't heard a peep outta any of them about Putin's war in Africa as he seeks to gain control of the oil there. None of them mentioned what they were fleeing from when all those Africans were trying to get to Europe via boats.
Oh and if that was too much reading for ya,NATO with Biden and zelenskys blessing,had the black hats dressed as Russians murdering the citizens in the ukraine,you two of all people,should know better after the boston marathon bombing and sandy hook,about crisis actors. :abgg2q.jpg: thats whats happening here as well only this time not crisis actors but demonic satanic murderers funded by NATO and the CIA murdering ukraine citizens,you can choose to believe it or not and NOT listen to the researchers on Beals stay informed thread I listed MANY times or not listen to them,thats on you,i can only lead the horse to the water so many times,if he wont drink it,then i cant help that horse.

when your ready to watch the videos i have referred you two guys to HUNDREDS of times of those reseachers that know their stuff but you both refused to watch them,then will talk,

I dont know why i even bother posting these videos here sense they will go unwatched and always fall on death ears because it does not go along with your narrative.

Here in the states I feel like im on a deserted island talking to a brick wall so many here wont turn off the idiot box in the living room,where i go online and chat with my facebook friends from outher countries,THEY are awake and understand all this cause they DONT listen to the western controlled media.

Okay I have said my peace on this thread,given enough evidence that the MSM media is all a propaganda piece on Russia.Putin is not Hitler as the MSM media is painting him to be:rolleyes-41:,zelensk is and NATO with the blessing of commie Biden,is the third reich.

I have seen you many times Buttercup,when talking about the fake virus hoax they need to turn off the idiot box,hmmmmm,seems you dont practice what you preach.

I would think YOU of all people would know not to listen to the idiot box in the living room and go to bitchute the best alternative news site there is for your information

These two videos here are EASILY hands down the best documentary videos on what is REALLY going on in Russia with two people that are on the front lines down there that are whistleblowers.

I think i will listen to whistle blowers over the CIA controlled media, you of all people should know that whatever the CIA media tells you,the OPPOSITE is the case.:auiqs.jpg:

Like I said,here in the states when i try to reason with people that Trump is working Putin to fight the new world order,they got their head buried in the sand and i might as well be talking to a brick wall,its only the people from OTHER COUNTRIES my facebook friends that are awake on all this,they realise this cause they dont listen to the western controlled media and dumbasses like jim corbett.

as i said earlier,I am seeing slowly but surely signs the tide is turning the deep state is being taken down by the white hats in the military that are working with trump to take them down,As I said earlier,this is the first time in my lifetime i can EVER recall the supreme court ruliing in favor of the PEOPLE over the government overturing commir Bidens vaccine mandates.

five to ten years ago,NO WAY IN HELL do those mandates get overturned by the supreme court. If you believe otherwise,then i got some land in a swamp i want to sell you.:cuckoo:

oh one more video,

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Actually, I think it would better for us if the Russians win quickly than if it is long and drawn out over several years and the Ukrainians somehow manage to "win". I don't see the Ukrainians being able to win quickly.

Note: I am in now way supporting the Russian invasion of Ukraine, simply stating what I think would be better for us.
The nazi thug Ukraininan army,NATO,zelensky,and biden are all getting their fucking asses kicked. :auiqs.jpg: :yes_text12::banana::mm:
There are no nuclear missiles in Ukraine.

In fact, Ukraine is not a member of NATO. Ukraine has only been offered the member application process.

The US and NATO have, thus far, violated no international agreements, they have only betrayed the understanding that they would not expand NATO that they made to Gorbachev.

If you have documented evidence, feel free to post it. I had a blow out argument with Politichic over the Budapest Agreement, and proved her wrong at every turn. ..


my mistake on the Nuclear weapons of NATO being there,I got that confused with BIO labs of NATO being there funing the ukrainian government murdering citizens in the ukrain AND the Russian people. Okay no nuclear weapons but BIO LABS funded by NATO for those demonic monster in the ukraine government murdering their citizens and the Russians as well is just as bad,probably worse.


putin like any rational person is not going to take that crap so he invaded THEM first before they did which was their plan and Russia is taking out their evil demonic plans.yahoo!!!

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I have seen you many times Buttercup,when talking about the fake virus hoax they need to turn off the idiot box,hmmmmm,seems you dont practice what you preach.

I would think YOU of all people would know not to listen to the idiot box in the living room and go to bitchute the best alternative news site there is for your information

I don't watch TV. At all. Obviously it's propaganda. No offense, but I'm not gullible enough to take either side. What you haven't yet grasped is that at the highest levels, they're all bad news. You don't get to that level of power if you're an honest good person who actually cares about people and freedom.

I don't have time right now to reply to your earlier post point by point. So I'm just going to say a couple things real quick.

What I posted the other day was NOT merely one incident of Putin shaking hands. Putin's relationship with the WEF goes back many years. He was a member (and probably still is, but they purposely scrubbed his name from the list since now he's playing the role of the bad guy) and it appears you didn't even read the text I posted the other day. Let me repost it for you, don't close your eyes to reality:

Putin: “We have always maintained relations with your forum that you founded and we will continue to support it. And, of course, Russian representatives have always taken part and will take part in the events you hold.​

Also, his friendship with Kissinger goes back many years. In fact, reportedly Kissinger was a confidant/mentor. And since it appears you didn't watch the video Mister Beale posted, Putin's grandfather was Stalin's personal cook and he also worked for Lenin. But that probably means nothing to you, because he's a good guy trying to fight the NWO, just like Trump! :laugh: (sigh)

We can agree to disagree, but it appears you haven't done much research outside of what you have already chosen to believe.

I think i will listen to whistle blowers over the CIA controlled media, you of all people should know that whatever the CIA media tells you,the OPPOSITE is the case.:auiqs.jpg:

Yes, that's true but the crooks in power are more deceptive than you seem to realize. They know that if the CIA-controlled media (especially the "liberal" networks like CNN) say something, conservatives and patriots will believe the opposite.

That's where you're falling into their trap. Sometimes it's not as simple as "the opposite of what they say is the truth." For example, if a puppet world leader is playing a role, then if CNN says they're bad, that doesn't necessarily mean they're good. It means they're playing a role. What you still don't understand is that the PTSB control both sides. They'll put up someone as controlled opposition, or a total fraud, and instead of falling for it you need to realize that at that level of power, there are no white hats. There are no true patriots at that level.

But you know what? I understand why you think the way you do. Can I ask you, are you an atheist? I know you've said that you're not a Christian, so to me that explains a lot about why you put your trust in corrupt world leaders, namely the ones who play the role of the "savior"... coming to save the day against the NWO! lol. Sorry, that ain't gonna happen. There IS a savior, but it's no one from this corrupt world.

Like I said,here in the states when i try to reason with people that Trump is working Putin to fight the new world order,they got their head buried in the sand and i might as well be talking to a brick wall,its only the people from OTHER COUNTRIES my facebook friends that are awake on all this,they realise this cause they dont listen to the western controlled media and dumbasses like jim corbett.

as i said earlier,I am seeing slowly but surely signs the tide is turning the deep state is being taken down by the white hats in the military that are working with trump to take them down,As I said earlier,this is the first time in my lifetime i can EVER recall the supreme court ruliing in favor of the PEOPLE over the government overturing commir Bidens vaccine mandates.

five to ten years ago,NO WAY IN HELL do those mandates get overturned by the supreme court. If you believe otherwise,then i got some land in a swamp i want to sell you.

It would be wonderful if that were true, but again, we're living in a time of great deception. The NWO is going to happen, it's not a matter of if, but when.

Btw, did you ever read that classic book "Behold a Pale Horse"? If not, you really should read it. Almost everything he said in that book written many years ago is now coming to pass.

WWI brought us the League of Nations. WWII brought the United Nations. And based on that pattern, I wouldn't be surprised if WWIII is what brings about the New World Order. AKA "the Great Reset" according to the WEF, the group Putin has been associated with for many years.

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my mistake on the Nuclear weapons of NATO being there,I got that confused with BIO labs of NATO being there funing the ukrainian government murdering citizens in the ukrain AND the Russian people. Okay no nuclear weapons but BIO LABS funded by NATO for those demonic monster in the ukraine government murdering their citizens and the Russians as well is just as bad,probably worse.


putin like any rational person is not going to take that crap so he invaded THEM first before they did which was their plan and Russia is taking out their evil demonic plans.yahoo!!!


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