A sign that this nation is beyond recovery - Blacklisted Hand Gestures


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
My God.
I can't believe how incredibly stupid, politically correct and just plain dumb this nation has become.

THIS (OK Symbol below) is now generally accepted as a HATE symbol !?!

It FREAKING MEANS OK !!! So "Some" people use it otherwise. So THEY are stupid.
People getting suspended from school for making a gun HAND GESTURE?
10-year-old suspended over finger gun - CNN

What's next? An open palm waving hello means "I will grab your genitals" ???

Granted, when someone works for Disney and makes a symbol supposedly associated with hatred when being photographed with guests would indicate malice and VERY poor decision making skills if any.

But we as a nation are adding common things to blacklists meaning very different things at an alarming rate.

NewYork now claims they can fine you $250,000 for uttering the words "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT"
You can now be fined up to $250,000 for calling someone an 'illegal alien' in New York

Who is doing all this madness? I have an idea. it's the MEDIA, hyping anything and everything they can to further divide us as if we aren't already divided enough. What symbols or words that NON whites use are universally blacklisted? Are there any? Why are we allowing the media to steal our words, colors and hand gestures that have had totally innocent meanings for hundreds of years and using them against us?

If the LGBTQ community considers Christians practicing their faith hatred, and going after them because of it, why not call rainbow colors and the term "Gay Pride" hate symbols? Or the Cross as a "hate Symbol" ?
FOOLS !!!!

I swear we are becoming one totally screwed, nation. JUST LIKE EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. A shit hole full of morons.
I'm old school and have used that symbol for decades and NOT ONCE did it ever mean "White Power"

I'm SICK of stupid people stealing common words and phrases and making them into "Hate"Symbols.
Then worse, labeling me a "Racist" or some kind of evil beast if I use the same things I've been using for DECADES.
WHAT'S NEXT ??? THUMB UP MEANING "UP YOUR ASS (Insert race here)" ????

The Anti-Defamation League is building an online database of hate symbols.

Guess what? I don't see the MS-13 symbol in their list

Americans as a whole are on a course reversal heading back into stupidity. For old schoolers it's saddening and sickening to see where we're headed.
I am perplexed... I just can't imagine the motive for silly reactionary crap like this... Is it power? Do the minds that think this crap up get a charge out of it? Life is just to good when things of this nature trips folks trigger... Society in general have it way to good when they worry about 'nothing burgers' like this...
You can hold a random object in front of a Democrat and that Democrat will tell you why that random object is racist.

Democrats live breathe and obsess in racism.
PC has been a long, slow process, over decades. Drip, drip, drip. Inch by inch.

Now the zealots appear to be convinced that they have enough influence to run with pretty much anything.

Say the wrong thing, think the wrong thing, write the wrong thing, wear the wrong thing, and they'll do everything they can to destroy you.

Oh, and watch your hand movements too.
So in modern America, if I do the "OK" symbol to someone and the wrong person sees it, I could get arrested and charged with a hate crime. Great.
The end is near folks. We're reaching a point of self-destructive madness.
I am perplexed... I just can't imagine the motive for silly reactionary crap like this... Is it power? Do the minds that think this crap up get a charge out of it? Life is just to good when things of this nature trips folks trigger... Society in general have it way to good when they worry about 'nothing burgers' like this...

There's a lot of truth in this. And I agree.
Odd as it sounds, America needs a national disaster of epic proportions to wipe this garbage away.
I don't see any other way.
An X100 class solar flare that takes down the grid, a pandemic that wipes out half the population, Yellowstone eruption, war.....

Sad as it is, I think it will take something on that level to bring people back to reality.
Just wear proper clothing so one doesn't trigger thin skinned morons...
Since the beginning of recorded history Mankind has always been a strange lot... My son and DIL just brought into this world a new daughter 6 weeks ago... She is the cats meow... Four other grand kids from 6 to 14...The change I have seen in the last 20 years scares the bejesus out of me for all of them... I don't know maybe I am just paranoid, but things just don't seem right...
Since the beginning of recorded history Mankind has always been a strange lot... My son and DIL just brought into this world a new daughter 6 weeks ago... She is the cats meow... Four other grand kids from 6 to 14...The change I have seen in the last 20 years scares the bejesus out of me for all of them... I don't know maybe I am just paranoid, but things just don't seem right...

Did you ever think that we’d get to a point that freedom of thought, freedom of speech and freedom of expression would be looked down upon?

That only a few select people would have control of what they believe is right and wrong and it can’t be challenged?
Did you ever think that we’d get to a point that freedom of thought, freedom of speech and freedom of expression would be looked down upon?

That only a few select people would have control of what they believe is right and wrong and it can’t be challenged?

I am a firm believer in the total indoctrination of the yutful sculls full of mush in the Institutions of higher learning... A few self motivated thinkers make it out of the universities and colleges, but I believe the vast majority are brainwashed with peer pressure and tenured teapots spewing their Pablum on unsuspecting scull's full of mush...

Looks like a white supremacist to me, anyone else?
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