A Sign That We Will Become a Moral Country Again

OK, then that makes a big difference somehow.
I was just correcting another one of your errors. And yes, it DOES make a difference. Kamala Harris, who got to the VP via favoritism extended to “poor oppressed African-Americans” was herself from a family that EXPLOITED blacks as slaves.
I was just correcting another one of your errors. And yes, it DOES make a difference. Kamala Harris, who got to the VP via favoritism extended to “poor oppressed African-Americans” was herself from a family that EXPLOITED blacks as slaves.
And American blacks owned black slaves along with Native Americans, Kamala was picked because she was a female and black, I did tend to notice the job always had old white dudes in office, favoritism abounded for the whites.
And American blacks owned black slaves along with Native Americans, Kamala was picked because she was a female and black, I did tend to notice the job always had old white dudes in office, favoritism abounded for the whites.
So that was in the past. Why elevate an unqualified woman because she’s black and female and punish whites who are better qualified and had nothing to do with the past?
So that was in the past. Why elevate an unqualified woman because she’s black and female and punish whites who are better qualified and had nothing to do with the past?
Why keep on sticking white guys in there they have not proven to be any better.
Why keep on sticking white guys in there they have not proven to be any better.
Why select based on race at all?

And P.S. Kamala is the WORST, most idiotic VP we’ve ever had. That’s what happens when the most important thing is skin color and gender rather than competence.
For all you people who are saying that Harris is descended from a slave owner, it very well may be true. BUT...............it's also been stated that the person who was the slave owner had a fling or two with some of his slaves, which resulted in children, which is why he is in Harris' bloodline.
Who's morals? Yours? Mine? Joe Shit the ragpicker down the street?

That's the problem with morals, because everyone has a slightly different view of what is and isn't "moral".

Some Christians believe that drinking is a sin, some think there is nothing wrong with it. Who's "moral" stance is right on that issue?
ALL LAW is a reflection of SOMEONE'S morals. EVERY. SINGLE. LAW.
Whites were better educated because at one time in this country, there were laws against black people being educated.
Except for two generations there have been policies and practices that favor blacks over whites for education, along with Pell Grants that help them pay for it. They should have all caught up by now.
So that was in the past. Why elevate an unqualified woman because she’s black and female and punish whites who are better qualified and had nothing to do with the past?
From what I've seen here <sarcasm>, you guys need to be punished for interminable bitchiness.
Except for two generations there have been policies and practices that favor blacks over whites for education, along with Pell Grants that help them pay for it. They should have all caught up by now.

Got any links to back this garbage up, or is this just another bullshit opinion you pulled outta your ass?
Got any links to back this garbage up, or is this just another bullshit opinion you pulled outta your ass?
You don’t know about Affirmative Action that favors blacks over whites? Charts have been posted here multiple times, showing that blacks with much lower scores and grades than whites are accepted while the whites are rejected.

Don’t play dumb. It’s common knowledge.
You don’t know about Affirmative Action that favors blacks over whites? Charts have been posted here multiple times, showing that blacks with much lower scores and grades than whites are accepted while the whites are rejected.

Don’t play dumb. It’s common knowledge.

You said they have always had those opportunities except for 2 generations. Got news for you chick, blacks weren't allowed even close to the same education as whites until school integration, and even then, it was still heavily in favor of whites. YOU are the one who appears to be playing dumb.
You said they have always had those opportunities except for 2 generations. Got news for you chick, blacks weren't allowed even close to the same education as whites until school integration, and even then, it was still heavily in favor of whites. YOU are the one who appears to be playing dumb.
I said for the last two generations. Got news for you, bud. My dad went to college in the 40s, and blacks were in his class.

And since the 1970’s, blacks have been getting favored OVER whites for admission. It’s gotten especially bad in the last ten years or so, as liberals twist themselves into pretzels to justify why whites and Asians get rejected with a 3.8 GPA and Blacks get in with a 3.3.

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