A similarity between Muslims and left wingers

Is the "Innocence of Muslims" protected speech?

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Watching the video, I would expect the response to be laughter. Then again, I actually think with my brain, not my gonads. The really weird thing, even if the expected response was outrage, it is still not irresponsible to make it, the only irresponsible people in this equation are the ones that react with outrage and violence.

You know, in a perfect world I'd agree with you. But we don't live in a perfect world. There are a great number more Muslim losers who can't take criticism of their stupid religion than there are Christians. Thankfully Christians for the most part have been cowed into nonviolence, at least on an individual level.

It's a ridiculous religion, along with its' brother religions Christianity and Islam. It should be able to made fun of, but you have to know that your jokes or vicious insults have a chance of igniting something that will haunt you.

You know, the only way the world will be perfect is if we make it that way. The way to do that is not to let people who have no sense control the way the rest of us live.

That makes you wrong, the video is not responsible for how people react to it.

We don't have enough lives and money to spare to make the world perfect. It's never going to be perfect.

If you wanted things to be better, how about you change the fucking middle east policies you support that enflames the Muslim world?

And don't give me that "nothing we do will make them not want to kill us and dominate us under Sharia" bullshit. We have and have had peaceful relations with Islamic nations, and if we made a greater push towards doing that, we could have a real chance to enact societal change that could pacify Islam much in the same way Christianity has been pacified and cowed by being part of a more enlightened culture.
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A similarity between Muslims and left wingers

Beisdes hating Israel
and both being statists for wanting
gov't to impose their way on the people

A large percentage of both of them
hate Christians, as well
So far, of the left (or left leaning) votes it's 2-2.

A couple of notably vocal leftwingers posting in this thread have elected to abstain.

Shocker! :lol:
You know, in a perfect world I'd agree with you. But we don't live in a perfect world. There are a great number more Muslim losers who can't take criticism of their stupid religion than there are Christians. Thankfully Christians for the most part have been cowed into nonviolence, at least on an individual level.

It's a ridiculous religion, along with its' brother religions Christianity and Islam. It should be able to made fun of, but you have to know that your jokes or vicious insults have a chance of igniting something that will haunt you.

You know, the only way the world will be perfect is if we make it that way. The way to do that is not to let people who have no sense control the way the rest of us live.

That makes you wrong, the video is not responsible for how people react to it.

We don't have enough lives and money to spare to make the world perfect. It's never going to be perfect.

If you wanted things to be better, how about you change the fucking middle east policies you support that enflames the Muslim world?

And don't give me that "nothing we do will make them not want to kill us and dominate us under Sharia" bullshit. We have and have had peaceful relations with Islamic nations, and if we made a greater push towards doing that, we could have a real chance to enact societal change that could pacify Islam much in the same way Christianity has been pacified and cowed by being part of a more enlightened culture.

I see how it works, because you think it is impossible we shouldn't even try, we should just let the idiots win.

Which Middle East polices do I support? I think we should have pulled out of Afghanistan as soon as we toppled the Taliban, Obama disagrees. I think we should not use drones to kill people, Obama disagrees. I think we should leave the place alone, Obama disagrees.

Damn, it looks to me like it is the policies you support that are causing the problem.

By the way, the video did not inflame the entire Muslim world, it only inflamed the idiots you think should actually be in charge.
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Idiots like Lahkota and Noomi think it's hate speech because of the Muslim response. I'm sure neither of them considered Piss Christ hate speech, but maybe they would if Christians the world over went on murderous rampages in protest of it. :dunno:

Of course they both still have more courage than cowards like Ravi who don't have the guts to go on record, so at least I can respect them for that.
I see how it works, because you think it is impossible we shouldn't even try, we should just let the idiots win.

If you fucking read what I said, you wouldn't be making this dumb ass post. I said you should stop fucking looking to military action as a way to pacify them. It's clearly not an intelligent plan to make friends and develop a less violent culture. And if you don't personally think we should still be warring in the middle east, that leaves all your fucking brethren that do. Iraq, Afghanistan(until Obama took over).

We need to get our asses out of Afghanistan, not leave ANY presence... let them sort their own shit out even if it means the Taliban props themselves up again. And trust me, that will happen. No matter how many years we war against them, the Taliban will be back. No matter how many of their people we kill, that isn't going to be changed.

We need to fucking let the middle east sort out the middle east, stop giving them reasons to hate us, and change them through our influence.
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I see how it works, because you think it is impossible we shouldn't even try, we should just let the idiots win.

If you fucking read what I said, you wouldn't be making this dumb ass post. I said you should stop fucking looking to military action as a way to pacify them. It's clearly not an intelligent plan to make friends and develop a less violent culture. And if you don't personally think we should still be warring in the middle east, that leaves all your fucking brethren that do. Iraq, Afghanistan(until Obama took over).

We need to get our asses out of Afghanistan, not leave ANY presence... let them sort their own shit out even if it means the Taliban props themselves up again. And trust me, that will happen. No matter how many years we war against them, the Taliban will be back. No matter how many of their people we kill, that isn't going to be changed.

We need to fucking let the middle east sort out the middle east, stop giving them reasons to hate us, and change them through our influence.

Feel free to point out where I said military action would pacify anyone, idiot.

What we need to do is trade with them, not ignore them.
And here is another glaring similarity between Muslims and left wingers...

They both hate Christians. :thup:

Today's bible-thumping, Ayn Rand-ite, moral majority hypocrites are not "Christians".

They're anything but.

If Christ himself were around today, the first thing he'd do is bitch-slap Pat Robertson.

Did you put Ayn Rand and bible thumping in the same descriptor?!?!?! :lol: thats too funny dude, Ayn Rand and bible thumping are opposites :rofl:
The Islamic protestors are using alleged insults toward Islam as an excuse to commit murder and acts of terrorism.

Much like left wingers use murder and terrorism as an excuse to silence free speech.

More emotional retardation on both sides.

Umm, "voter suppression" is the ultimate exercise in silencing "free speech".

Sounds like you support voter ID laws. Being against voter ID laws is the same as wanting to surpress legitimate votes. For every non-citizen, dead person, and multiple vote that gets through due to lack of ID you are surpressing one person's vote who voted legally.

You could compare that to Bush asking newspapers to not publish the Mo cartoons, but there is nothing from either the left or right asking it to be criminalized in either request.

I already said this but I'll say it again, this applies doubly to Obama with his penchant for executive orders

Ask today, pass executive orders or look for legislation tommorrow..........semper vigilio

You could compare that to Bush asking newspapers to not publish the Mo cartoons, but there is nothing from either the left or right asking it to be criminalized in either request.

I already said this but I'll say it again, this applies doubly to Obama with his penchant for executive orders

Ask today, pass executive orders or look for legislation tommorrow..........semper vigilio
Obama isn't retarded.

The US government tried to get a private company to suppress legal speech, and all you can do is pretend it is OK because you agree with the results.

Scary when people don't care about right or wrong over party lines isn't it?

Just like I stood up for those westboro baptist asshole's right to be assholes at funerals even if I totally think they are wrong I'm going to stand up for this guy's right to free speech even if I think he is an asshole for doing it.

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