A simple economic lesson... raise capital gains to 43% will do what?

Nobody will change anything.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Funny, my financial advisor has called several times already since Biden took office. He wants to make appropriate moves to counteract the " financial incompetency" of this administration. His words exactly. This is why I use the guy. I run as fast as I can if I walk into any financial advisor's office and they have MSNBC or CNN on the TV. That is a sure sign of ignorance.
if you have an effective tax rate of $400k/yr
I, nor anybody else, knows what "an effective tax rate of $400k/yr" is or means

$400k/yr you are not “rich” after paying taxes.

Only 1.8% of US taxpayers make $400k or above. It is 6 times the median income. Even if one lives in a large city, $400k a year allows you to afford a $2 million home. Biden defines $400,000 a year as 'wealthy': Here’s what that buys in a big city

So you're completely full of shit.

How on earth can you call paying 39.6%(proposed new rate) of your money in taxes “welfare” for the rich?
I didnt, dumbass. And like I said before, the 39.6% rate STARTS at any income AFTER $400k. The entire $400k isnt charged 39.6%. You know that, idiot.

Secondly, that rate is a higher rate than anyone else so they are certainly paying “their fair share”,
Effective tax rate is what matters, dummy. You know, the rate you ACTUALLY pay?
I personally have been expecting this change and have my "playtime" portfolio already adjusted for this tax increase and coming stagflation and inflation and probable recession.

Congress agrees with me and has followed my investing strategies because they have been buying the exact stocks I've been holding. (They do have to declare and their veil of investments is too thin)

You are wasting your time trying to explain investing to these people. They likely have no more than $1000 to invest and don't need a strategy.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Funny, my financial advisor has called several times already since Biden took office. He wants to make appropriate moves to counteract the " financial incompetency" of this administration. His words exactly. This is why I use the guy. I run as fast as I can if I walk into any financial advisor's office and they have MSNBC or CNN on the TV. That is a sure sign of ignorance.

Nothing has changed since Biden has taken over so I call B.S. on this. Did he suggest you invest in oil?

What you are suggesting is what you don't do. Over react to something you see in the media.
You are wasting your time trying to explain investing to these people. They likely have no more than $1000 to invest and don't need a strategy.

I retired at 58. I'm sitting in my recliner at home watching it rain.
You are wasting your time trying to explain investing to these people. They likely have no more than $1000 to invest and don't need a strategy.
I know....they have $50 in a Robinhood account and made $10 playing a meme stock so they now feel completely competent to discuss economics. (They slept through that class in college)
You have no idea what you are talking about. Funny, my financial advisor has called several times already since Biden took office. He wants to make appropriate moves to counteract the " financial incompetency" of this administration. His words exactly. This is why I use the guy. I run as fast as I can if I walk into any financial advisor's office and they have MSNBC or CNN on the TV. That is a sure sign of ignorance.
He knows what buttons to push with you
I, nor anybody else, knows what "an effective tax rate of $400k/yr" is or means

Of course, what I mean is if your income after deductions is $400k then any money above that amount will be taxed at the highest rate.

Only 1.8% of US taxpayers make $400k or above. It is 6 times the median income. Even if one lives in a large city, $400k a year allows you to afford a $2 million home. Biden defines $400,000 a year as 'wealthy': Here’s what that buys in a big city

So you're completely full of shit.

LOL...$400k doesn't buy you a 2 million dollar home, it simply allows you to potentially borrow that amount of money to buy a home. In my mind, a "rich" person doesn't need to borrow money to buy a home.

I didnt, dumbass. And like I said before, the 39.6% rate STARTS at any income AFTER $400k. The entire $400k isnt charged 39.6%. You know that, idiot.

Yes, I am well aware of how the progressive income tax system works. He would pay 39.6% on everything above the 400k and everything below that amount is taxed at the FULL rate for each tax bracket all the way down to 0. He doesn't get any deductions for any of the income below that $400k. How is this person not paying their fair share? Do tell.

Effective tax rate is what matters, dummy. You know, the rate you ACTUALLY pay?

Yes, moron, I am well aware of that. Again, tell me how a person that makes $400k after deductions is not paying their fair share.
"Unintended Consequences"...
1) Analyses show that every 10% gain in the capital gains tax rate leads to a 7% change in capital gains realizations. That suggests Biden’s rate increase — which represents a 66% effective increase in the rate, could lead to a 45% to 50% increase in capital gains sales, which could create a large downward force in the market.
So this would mean 401K fund managers would be selling easily 50% reduction in values.
So what are 401ks value today:
About one-third of U.S. adults (35%) said they personally owned stocks, bonds or mutual funds outside of retirement accounts in a Pew Research Center survey from September 2019.
With 39% of the $6 trillion total 401K assets invested in the market..or about $2.4 Trillion will be at risk of dropping at least 50% in value.
Now that is just the affect on stock market and then on 401ks and then on the 60 million Americans with 401ks.
Now what about jobs in America?
At one point under Trump

U.S. companies have repatriated $1 trillion since tax overhaul​

Corporations have brought back more than $1 trillion of overseas profits to the U.S. since Congress overhauled the international tax system and prodded companies to repatriate offshore funds, a report showed Thursday. (snip)
Investment banks and think tanks have estimated that American corporations held $1.5 trillion to $2.5 trillion in offshore cash at the time the law was enacted. Before the overhaul, companies were incentivized to keep profits overseas because they owed a 35% tax when bringing it back and could defer payment by keeping funds offshore.
The law set a one-time 15.5% tax rate on cash and 8% on non-cash or illiquid assets.
Compare and contrast the way that Presidents Trump and Obama chose to stimulate the American economy, each of them generating roughly a trillion dollars in “stimulus.”
In summary folks... all the economic benefits of the "repatriation" and the capital gains tax cuts will result in nearly $10 trillion in economic losses to 60 million Americans at the minimum!
This should have been done 40 years ago.
It's now essentially too late to recover the $20 trillion shift in wealth which took place..
He knows what buttons to push with you

Actually, he knows that I know more than many of his clients. I doubt he replaces a "Coexist" window sticker with a "Proud to be a Republican" window sticker on his SUV every time I visit his office.
Actually, he knows that I know more than many of his clients. I doubt he replaces a "Coexist" window sticker with a "Proud to be a Republican" window sticker on his SUV every time I visit his office.
He is playing you
When you get to the level of 400,000/yr income usually you have money in several exchanges which aren't in America.

(Asian and European traditionally)

And what Jo is counting on is hyperinflation in most of the world causing capital Flight to America when the Fed begins strengthening the Dollar.

This in turn will increase tax revenue and allow the USA to experience some inflation which will reduce the national debt without doing anything about the principal.
We have different definitions of rich.
Fair enough. That doesnt mean your definition is correct. Yes, of course someone making $400k have a different view of what rich is. I'm guessing the people you mainly hang out with are in or around your same income level. So you probably just think making $400k is normal, and you look at richer people at your country club and think, "damn, I'm poor". That doesnt make you poor lol.

By any other measurement level outside your mind, someone making $400k a year is rich. And you'll never be able to convince me otherwise.
Fair enough. That doesnt mean your definition is correct. Yes, of course someone making $400k have a different view of what rich is. I'm guessing the people you mainly hang out with are in or around your same income level. So you probably just think making $400k is normal, and you look at richer people at your country club and think, "damn, I'm poor". That doesnt make you poor lol.

By any other measurement level outside your mind, someone making $400k a year is rich. And you'll never be able to convince me otherwise.

Ok, so let's assume they are. How is it that they are not paying their fair share?

Remember, we aren't talking about people with 10s of millions in the bank living off of gains.
We have had numerous discussions which would say otherwise. Keep in mind I don't live in an area where indoctrination has taken hold. We still have some free thinkers here.
Did he tell you to invest in the record Biden Stock Market?
Did he tell you to invest in the record Biden Stock Market?

Biden stock market? LOL! The market is rising DESPITE Biden's policies, not because of them. The market was going to boom after COVID lockdowns regardless, but Biden is doing everything he can to limit that boom. We can't have the "rich" folks getting richer now, can we? We need to pay people;e to stay home. That is a winning strategy for sure. It will all come tumbling down in the not too distant future.

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