A simple economic lesson... raise capital gains to 43% will do what?

Did you forget that we’re debating the ultra rich not poor workers?

Poor workers have little income, but you still want them to pay income taxes. Sad and dumb. Surely you know they pay other taxes which greatly harm them. I know I know you don’t care about the working poor. Fuck those losers. Right?
Oh, gosh, I thought we were looking for ways to control our spending and have a stable economy. WHO KNEW?

Why is it sad and dumb to expect everyone who lives in this great country to help foot the bill? Do you believe that forty-seven percent of workers paid no taxes when the "rich" paid a top tax rate of 90%?

capital gains includes working americans. You're against us huh?
The tax increasde only affects single individuals who earn $445,850 and married couples who earn $501,600.
Uh oh....looks like the guy you responded to is about to brag about how rich he is on an internet message board.
like the guy your kissing with claims he's a financial officer. Dude, that just makes you stupid. looky looky at you, mr stupid!!!!
So somehow you believe that a corporate entity that isn't a non-profit doesn't pay taxes in America?

Have you ever been to DC? Actually seen the number and size of buildings the IRS has there?
I'm positive that you really don't need to play in the stock market.
I'm sure every working corporation pays taxes. It's you that doesn't think that. Your roll reversal is hilarious.
You don't tell the fund what to buy or sell.... LoL
You own shares of a fund that increase in value. (Hopefully)

No different than a SPAC...no different than a stock.
agreed. not sure what you are saying. I never suggested otherwise

but you don’t have gains, until it’s realized. A mutal fund is made up of stocks
Capital Gains on houses are not figured that way. Simplified you can roll C.G. into your next house.
That has not been the case for probably 20 or more years.

Capital gain on a primary residence excludes the first $250,000 in capital gain if you are single and $500,000 if married. That isn't the sale price, that's how much gain you realize.
You said nothing to dispute what I said. If you lose money you also get to write that off. I don't if I lose my job.
But if I don't invest in your company by taking a crapshoot, you are MORE likely to lose your job. See how that works!
agreed. not sure what you are saying. I never suggested otherwise

but you don’t have gains, until it’s realized. A mutal fund is made up of stocks
A mutual fund pays it's own taxes from it's own capital gains...which in turn lowers the shareholder's returns.
When you lose at craps, you LOSE, but when you lose in the stock market you get to deduct your loses from your tax burden, so in the long run no REAL loss on investments.
No, it is a deduction of your taxable income, not your tax burden. Major difference.
No capital gains ever in a 401k or IRA. That's the advantage in a tax advantage plan.

I'm sure there's minor exceptions someone smarter than me knows about, but I've had every sort of account. I only pay capital gains on a retail investment account.
The problem with qualified retirement plans is that you pay ordinary income tax on the gains and you have to abide by the required minimum withdrawal annually to avoid stiff penalties. They are designed to wring out every last tax dollar possible
First off, a person who makes $400k a year doesnt have an effective tax rate of 37% just by the nature of how tax rates are calculated. Second of all, I would think someone making $400k a year would be smart enough to use every legal means available to lower their effective tax rate. Now whether this welfare for the rich should be allowed is a completely different discussion. Stop clutching your pearls and quit trying to make people think you're paying 37% of I'm sure hard earned money in taxes.

Ok, so no matter your write-offs and deductions, if you have an effective tax rate of $400k/yr you are not “rich” after paying taxes. You are well-off and comfortable, but not ”rich”. I might add, if you make $400k/yr you don’t have a team of accountants working for you. It is all about perspective. To a minimum wage worker, a $400k earner may as well be Bill Gates, but that same earner is a pauper to someone with Bill Gates wealth. There are a myriad of misconceptions and assumptions made by the lower income workers about the life of those making more than them.

How on earth can you call paying 39.6%(proposed new rate) of your money in taxes “welfare” for the rich? For starters, welfare is money you didn’t earn. That is a key. Secondly, that rate is a higher rate than anyone else so they are certainly paying “their fair share”, in fact, more. You have bought into a false narrative fueled by envy and politics that the wealthy ($400k-$500k) don’t pay taxes. That is nothing more than political fodder used to get votes and create division.
And you house either goes to heirs/will devisees or a reverse mortgage.

I just don't see that the dems proposals on cap gains affects most or our taxes.

Now as rightwinger discussed, the plans could negatively impact the econ as a whole.

Paying off your debt in general impacts things in that way. Odd though that some argue that we should be deadbeats though.
Well, I thought you were advocating for changing the law, and doing away with cap gains...so it appears you aren't necessarily in favor of considering everything income then...

Also the home owner gain cap rollover rule was abolished by Bill Clinton in 1997. The rule that replaced it, The new law, allows married couples to exclude up to $500K permenantly, single folks $250K of cap gains...but under your new rule, there is no cap gains....so...

What other loopholes are you going to include?

I'm not going to include any as I have nothing to do with any of this.

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