A simple economic lesson... raise capital gains to 43% will do what?

Capital Gains on houses are not figured that way. Simplified you can roll C.G. into your next house.
Well, I thought you were advocating for changing the law, and doing away with cap gains...so it appears you aren't necessarily in favor of considering everything income then...

Also the home owner gain cap rollover rule was abolished by Bill Clinton in 1997. The rule that replaced it, The new law, allows married couples to exclude up to $500K permenantly, single folks $250K of cap gains...but under your new rule, there is no cap gains....so...

What other loopholes are you going to include?
You're trying to discuss economics with people who have received their education and training from Limbaugh, Hannity and Carlson.

I do admire your patience, but I'm sure you're not hoping to break through.
Zero chance I break through. We are mainly dealing with mentally ill people on the right who have lost touch with reality. I just show up here to show people how dumb they are.
I thought the dems were going to exempt small biz and farms. I know someone who owns an insane about of rural land that is only marginally productive in earnings, but it's got a low property tax because of that ..... and the owner could cash out but now he won't.

But the problem with cap gains, macroeconomically, back in the 70s was people not selling long term investments. People held onto marginal investments rather than looking for more growth. Both centrist dems and gopers knew it was bad. My fear is that people like AOC and Red Bernie are ... nuts.
You guys are wasting your energy. Our corrupt criminal government is never going to pay back $30 trillion and counting. It’s all funny money now.

What I don’t understand is why Americans aren’t demanding their government provide more services for the people, since it’s spending so much. We have this massive growing debt yet Americans aren’t provided healthcare. No free education. No living wage. No job protections. No housing for the homeless.

It’s ludicrous and even mind blowing when you look at what our corrupt criminal government has done to protect and enrich the wealthy. They are the ones who have benefited the most from this massive debt.
Well, I thought you were advocating for changing the law, and doing away with cap gains...so it appears you aren't necessarily in favor of considering everything income then...

Also the home owner gain cap rollover rule was abolished by Bill Clinton in 1997. The rule that replaced it, The new law, allows married couples to exclude up to $500K permenantly, single folks $250K of cap gains...but under your new rule, there is no cap gains....so...

What other loopholes are you going to include?
Capital gains from Primary residences sold and put into a new house aren't really considered capital gains...that's the main loophole I know of.
You guys are wasting your energy. Our corrupt criminal government is never going to pay back $30 trillion and counting. It’s all funny money now.

What I don’t understand is why Americans aren’t demanding their government provide more services for the people, since it’s spending so much. We have this massive growing debt yet Americans aren’t provided healthcare. No free education. No living wage. No job protections. No housing for the homeless.

It’s ludicrous and even mind blowing when you look at what our corrupt criminal government has done to protect and enrich the wealthy. They are the ones who have benefited the most from this massive debt.

I think Biden is counting on a combination of inflation and strong dollar policy to eventually fix all debt issues. If a few trillions of debt is actually now just a few billion...hey...can't beat that.
It can be frustrating.
Not really. You just have to set your expectations at the lowest level possible. Although I did break through to 1 person on here they actually thanked me for providing them with info that they didnt know. But that is about a 1 in 300 shot.
I know you would. You're an arrogant, ignorant Trumpster.

Obviously less ignorant than you if you didn't see this coming. Tell us again how inflation won't be a long-term problem under this administration.

Being a so-called Trumpster is far better than being a blind Bidenista. I can sleep at night knowing I didn't sell my country out and that I didn't support this administration's policies.
Capital gains from Primary residences sold and put into a new house aren't really considered capital gains...that's the main loophole I know of.
today they are, considered cap gains. There is just a law exempting the first 250k for single folks. and 500k for married folks

The poster i was responding to suggested that there should be no special treatment for income from investments..cap gains…instead it should all be treated as ordinary income and taxed the same.

Hence my line if questions
The corporate entities that you hold shares of do pay taxes as a regular business expense
The corporations that a mutual fund is invested in do pay corporate tax. That’s actually double taxation. The mutual fund itself is not paying taxes.

I’d get rid of that.

No corporate tax. Dividends and capital gains are regular income.
The corporations that a mutual fund is invested in do pay corporate tax. That’s actually double taxation. The mutual fund itself is not paying taxes.

I’d get rid of that.

No corporate tax. Dividends and capital gains are regular income.
huh? why would a mutual fund pay taxes? it’s merely a fund. When you sell the items in the fund, then you are required to pay taxes.
It can be frustrating.

We can't all be as smart as you folks on the left but evidently, we can make more informed and better decisions with our money. Sure is a strange dichotomy. ;)
All income should be taxed at the exact same rate, whatever percentage that is decided to be. Manual labor or Capital Gains should be the same.
So you believe double taxation is not right? Because at least one group of Americans I know get taxed double.
The corporations that a mutual fund is invested in do pay corporate tax. That’s actually double taxation. The mutual fund itself is not paying taxes.

I’d get rid of that.

No corporate tax. Dividends and capital gains are regular income.
It's called a "distribution". The mutual fund has various distributions that are passed on to the investor then the investor pays the taxes. Read about it here Mutual Funds and Taxes - Fidelity.

Uh how exactly is a corporation being double taxed? Corps are supposed to pay taxes on what they make. Individual investors then separately make profits off of what they invest. Who is getting double taxed??????
Do lefties really feel better when the Biden administration claims a 43% capital gains tax impacts only the wealthy? Sure the wealthy are impacted but so is Joe Sixpack and everyone else. If you win a new car in a raffle you can't afford to drive it because Uncle gets half the value in taxes up front. God forbid the head of a family dies without a will the rest of the family has to chip in and pay the government half the value of the farm or property in order to keep it. Big win at the casino? Don't forget you have to split it with the government before you can collect. Capital gains is a guaranteed economy killer.
It's called a "distribution". The mutual fund has various distributions that are passed on to the investor then the investor pays the taxes. Read about it here Mutual Funds and Taxes - Fidelity.

Uh how exactly is a corporation being double taxed? Corps are supposed to pay taxes on what they make. Individual investors then separately make profits off of what they invest. Who is getting double taxed??????
Corporations pay taxes on their profits. They turn some of this post-tax money into dividends. The dividends go to the investors. The investors pay taxes on the dividends.

Double taxation.


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