A simple economic lesson... raise capital gains to 43% will do what?

"People" would, but government wouldn't.

Government will raise taxes, and then find new ways to spend more money.

What needs to happen is for government to stop wasting so much money and find ways to cut taxes. In fact, that should always be the mission of government, to work to become more efficient and to try to take as little of our money (read: labor) as possible.

The problem that people lose sight of is, it's so normal now that people just kind of have gotten used to it. They see this big organization out there "working on our behalf" and they say "yeah, we need to give them more of our money so they can do more for us!". Government has also gotten used to this. They see a big pile of money and they don't make the connection of where it came from. They just think "hey, we got all this money, let's spend it all on things WE THINK would be good for the country. What they NEED to be thinking is "this is the people's money, we need to use it wisely and try to take as little from them as possible".

It's become so common place that people lose sight of the fact that your money represents your time and labor. I think most people work about 30% of their hours in a year for free! That's working to give money to the government. I would think our government would be more mindful of that.
what needs to happen is the people take back our country from traitors who's goal is to destroy american values.
well technically, that's correct. When a demofk can't listen to anyone, they've decided only their ways are allowed. We know it, we live it. my god, where do you live?
This proves exactly how delusional you are. Get help.
I did. Labor and Capital Gains taxed at the same rate. Income taxed as income. Period.
Why should there be a Capital Gains tax? Most of it is investment money. one has to move passed that lazy people are equal to hard working people.
Why should there be a Capital Gains tax? Most of it is investment money.

Irrelevant. It's invested to create income. But all the same, I answered your question but that still isn't good enough for you.
The highest bracket in the 50's was 90% during one of the greatest economic booms in American history. That was deemed fair.

The "hard working Americans" that you are referring to will not feel a tax increase. You somehow conflate the wealthiest of Americans with the "hard working Americans". It's pretty amazing.
no I really don't. Those wealthiest people pay my fking salary and most all working americans. You're as wrong as any demofk in here. The fk, you still don't get how the fking money world functions. fk I hate stupid fks like this.
no I really don't. Those wealthiest people pay my fking salary and most all working americans. You're as wrong as any demofk in here. The fk, you still don't get how the fking money world functions. fk I hate stupid fks like this.
The wealthy people dont directly pay your salary. You actually think your pay comes directly from a CEO's personal bank account? You really do need help.
Irrelevant. It's invested to create income. But all the same, I answered your question but that still isn't good enough for you.
that's not equal, I tried to point that out to you and you went around the bush. it's taxing someone twice for earned income. that's not equal. Especially when lazy fks don't pay any taxes to the federal government.
The wealthy people dont directly pay your salary. You actually think your pay comes directly from a CEO's personal bank account? You really do need help.
the fk they don't. They also control the price of goods I spend my dollars on. again, you're merely clueless. A 1%er never loses. NEVER.
that's not equal, I tried to point that out to you and you went around the bush. it's taxing someone twice for earned income. that's not equal. Especially when lazy fks don't pay any taxes to the federal government.

LOL, I have went around on this totally bogus made up complete B.S. of an argument so many times and on top of that you know it is but you just couldn't stop yourself because you have NO valid argument.

There is no double taxation but you (and everyone else) knows that.
the fk they don't. They also control the price of goods I spend my dollars on. again, you're merely clueless. A 1%er never loses. NEVER.
I think any sane person reading what you write can see who amongst us is "clueless".
I cant wait to travel on dirt roads! You nut jobs literally want to regress to the 1800's.
son, you have no clue how shit works. You think xiden builds your roads. We have fking local authorities that take care of our roads. Our entire infrastructure at that. When the fk will you get an education?

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