A simple request of the Man made warming crowd


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
You claim that man made CO2 has caused the warming and will continue to do so.

Simple request.

Prove it. Do a repeatable experiment that shows that the amount of CO2 put in the air by man has caused the current rise in temperatures. And that it will continue to cause more rising temperature.

You claim you have science on your side, the scientific method is proven by a repeatable experiment.

And no I don't want a link to something that happened over 100 years ago. Current, repeatable experiment that shows the amount of CO2 added to the earth's atmosphere has caused the current increase.

With this simple experiment you prove the point. And since NO ONE has done it and continues to make excuses for why it isn't needed, I would suggest you are afraid it will not support your claim.
Do you have a spare earth I can use in my experiment?
Do you have a spare earth I can use in my experiment?

SO your argument is they can not in anyway recreate conditions on earth to carry out the experiment? Then prey tell why do they keep claiming they have models to predict the future?
Venus and extrasolar planets like it within the habitual zone Kepler 69....

Nothing works without the green house effect from co2. Water simply freezes out of our atmosphere as it turns to ice.
Venus and extrasolar planets like it within the habitual zone Kepler 69....

Nothing works without the green house effect from co2. Water simply freezes out of our atmosphere as it turns to ice.

Do the damn experiment or admit you are afraid of the results. Our atmosphere is not the same as the other planets in this solar system.

I just don't get it. IF as you claim you are so sure CO2 is causing it then prove it with an experiment. The ONLY reason not to do it is because you either know or suspect the results will not support your claim.
Venus and extrasolar planets like it within the habitual zone Kepler 69....

Nothing works without the green house effect from co2. Water simply freezes out of our atmosphere as it turns to ice.

Topic: Here

Your reply: Out in Lalaland

See the problem?

What does that have to do with a lab experiment?
Venus and extrasolar planets like it within the habitual zone Kepler 69....

Nothing works without the green house effect from co2. Water simply freezes out of our atmosphere as it turns to ice.

Oh my the AGW cult follow the scripture without question especially if goes against real science.
And the AGW cultists have yet to prove the datasets with source code that prove CO2 drives climate.
Contributers to Greenhouse Effect

Those gas molecules in the Earth's atmosphere with three or more atoms are called "greenhouse gases" because they can capture outgoing infrared energy from the Earth, thereby warming the planet. The greenhouse gases include water vapor with three atoms (H2O), ozone (O3), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4). Also, trace quantities of chloro-fluoro-carbons (CFC's) can have a disproportionately large effect.
The Greenhouse Effect

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Why Carbon Dioxide Is a Greenhouse Gas: Scientific American

How do we know more CO2 is causing warming?

Surface measurements of downward longwave radiation

The increase in atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases has increased the amount of infrared radiation absorbed and re-emitted by these molecules in the atmosphere. The Earth receives energy from the Sun in the form of visible light and ultraviolet radiation, which is then re-radiated away from the surface as thermal radiation in infrared wavelengths. Some of this thermal radiation is then absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and re-emitted in all directions, some back downwards, increasing the amount of energy bombarding the Earth's surface. This increase in downward infrared radiation has been observed through spectroscopy, which measures changes in the electromagnetic spectrum.


Figure 2: Spectrum of the greenhouse radiation measured at the surface. Greenhouse effect from water vapor is filtered out, showing the contributions of other greenhouse gases (Evans 2006).

Satellite measurements of outgoing longwave radiation

The increased greenhouse effect is also confirmed by NASA's IRIS satellite and the Japanese Space Agency's IMG satellite observing less longwave leaving the Earth's atmosphere.

Figure 3: Change in spectrum from 1970 to 1996 due to trace gases. 'Brightness temperature' indicates equivalent blackbody temperature (Harries 2001).

The increased energy reaching the Earth's surface from the increased greenhouse effect causes it to warm. So how do we quantify the amount of warming that it causes?
Increases in greenhouse forcing inferred from the outgoing longwave radiation spectra of the Earth in 1970 and 1997 : Abstract : Nature

Radiative Transfer Models

Radiative transfer models use fundamental physical equations and observations to translate this increased downward radiation into a radiative forcing, which effectively tells us how much increased energy is reaching the Earth's surface. Studies have shown that these radiative transfer models match up with the observed increase in energy reaching the Earth's surface with very good accuracy (Puckrin 2004). Scientists can then derive a formula for calculating the radiative forcing based on the change in the amount of each greenhouse gas in the atmosphere (Myhre 1998). Each greenhouse gas has a different radiative forcing formula, but the most important is that of CO2:

dF = 5.35 ln(C/Co)

Where 'dF' is the radiative forcing in Watts per square meter, 'C' is the concentration of atmospheric CO2, and 'Co' is the reference CO2 concentration. Normally the value of Co is chosen at the pre-industrial concentration of 280 ppmv.

Now that we know how to calculate the radiative forcing associated with an increase in CO2, how do we determine the associated temperature change?

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Ever since that correspondence school got the curriculum for Meterology and Meteorism confused the chart-makers keep having brain-farts.
Contributers to Greenhouse Effect

Those gas molecules in the Earth's atmosphere with three or more atoms are called "greenhouse gases" because they can capture outgoing infrared energy from the Earth, thereby warming the planet. The greenhouse gases include water vapor with three atoms (H2O), ozone (O3), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4). Also, trace quantities of chloro-fluoro-carbons (CFC's) can have a disproportionately large effect.
The Greenhouse Effect

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Why Carbon Dioxide Is a Greenhouse Gas: Scientific American

How do we know more CO2 is causing warming?

Surface measurements of downward longwave radiation

The increase in atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases has increased the amount of infrared radiation absorbed and re-emitted by these molecules in the atmosphere. The Earth receives energy from the Sun in the form of visible light and ultraviolet radiation, which is then re-radiated away from the surface as thermal radiation in infrared wavelengths. Some of this thermal radiation is then absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and re-emitted in all directions, some back downwards, increasing the amount of energy bombarding the Earth's surface. This increase in downward infrared radiation has been observed through spectroscopy, which measures changes in the electromagnetic spectrum.


Figure 2: Spectrum of the greenhouse radiation measured at the surface. Greenhouse effect from water vapor is filtered out, showing the contributions of other greenhouse gases (Evans 2006).

Satellite measurements of outgoing longwave radiation

The increased greenhouse effect is also confirmed by NASA's IRIS satellite and the Japanese Space Agency's IMG satellite observing less longwave leaving the Earth's atmosphere.

Figure 3: Change in spectrum from 1970 to 1996 due to trace gases. 'Brightness temperature' indicates equivalent blackbody temperature (Harries 2001).

The increased energy reaching the Earth's surface from the increased greenhouse effect causes it to warm. So how do we quantify the amount of warming that it causes?
Increases in greenhouse forcing inferred from the outgoing longwave radiation spectra of the Earth in 1970 and 1997 : Abstract : Nature

Radiative Transfer Models

Radiative transfer models use fundamental physical equations and observations to translate this increased downward radiation into a radiative forcing, which effectively tells us how much increased energy is reaching the Earth's surface. Studies have shown that these radiative transfer models match up with the observed increase in energy reaching the Earth's surface with very good accuracy (Puckrin 2004). Scientists can then derive a formula for calculating the radiative forcing based on the change in the amount of each greenhouse gas in the atmosphere (Myhre 1998). Each greenhouse gas has a different radiative forcing formula, but the most important is that of CO2:

dF = 5.35 ln(C/Co)

Where 'dF' is the radiative forcing in Watts per square meter, 'C' is the concentration of atmospheric CO2, and 'Co' is the reference CO2 concentration. Normally the value of Co is chosen at the pre-industrial concentration of 280 ppmv.

Now that we know how to calculate the radiative forcing associated with an increase in CO2, how do we determine the associated temperature change?

How do we know more CO2 is causing warming?

^ Not a lab experiment.

I predict the AGWCult will respond with ridicule then just ignore the threat like they've done every other times we've asked them for real science
Model Experiment about the Greenhouse Effect

n the experiment transport of heat we saw that the transfer of energy in the air via normal heat conductivity is not as easy as e.g. in water. The energy of light is transported in the air as electromagnetical radiation. Only a small fraction of this energy spectrum (visible light) can be experienced by our eyes. Other parts are invisible and damage e.g. our skin (as ultraviolet light) or we can feel it as warm radiation (infrared radiation). The temperature in the atmosphere is considerably governed by the capability of the air molecules to absorb this radiation.

An important fraction of the sunlight reaching the earth’s surface is absorbed, transformed into thermal energy and emitted again as infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are these gases who efficiently absorb this infrared radiation emitted by the earth in order to keep the heat in the atmosphere like in a greenhouse.

In order to investigate this phenomenon we carry out the following experiment:

Experimental setup:

Glass vessels containing air (right) and CO2 (left)
two lights of identical output
two pans with water
black cardboard
Temperature feeler (data registration by a computer)

Experiment - The Greenhouse Effect

Here's a experiment.
Do you have a spare earth I can use in my experiment?

SO your argument is they can not in anyway recreate conditions on earth to carry out the experiment? Then prey tell why do they keep claiming they have models to predict the future?

I prefer computer models and simulations backed up by small scale scoentific experiments

But I am wise enough to realize that assholes like the OP will not accept any evidence smaller than a full scale earth
Model Experiment about the Greenhouse Effect

n the experiment transport of heat we saw that the transfer of energy in the air via normal heat conductivity is not as easy as e.g. in water. The energy of light is transported in the air as electromagnetical radiation. Only a small fraction of this energy spectrum (visible light) can be experienced by our eyes. Other parts are invisible and damage e.g. our skin (as ultraviolet light) or we can feel it as warm radiation (infrared radiation). The temperature in the atmosphere is considerably governed by the capability of the air molecules to absorb this radiation.

An important fraction of the sunlight reaching the earth’s surface is absorbed, transformed into thermal energy and emitted again as infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are these gases who efficiently absorb this infrared radiation emitted by the earth in order to keep the heat in the atmosphere like in a greenhouse.

In order to investigate this phenomenon we carry out the following experiment:

Experimental setup:

Glass vessels containing air (right) and CO2 (left)
two lights of identical output
two pans with water
black cardboard
Temperature feeler (data registration by a computer)

Experiment - The Greenhouse Effect

Here's a experiment.
Model Experiment about the Greenhouse Effect

n the experiment transport of heat we saw that the transfer of energy in the air via normal heat conductivity is not as easy as e.g. in water. The energy of light is transported in the air as electromagnetical radiation. Only a small fraction of this energy spectrum (visible light) can be experienced by our eyes. Other parts are invisible and damage e.g. our skin (as ultraviolet light) or we can feel it as warm radiation (infrared radiation). The temperature in the atmosphere is considerably governed by the capability of the air molecules to absorb this radiation.

An important fraction of the sunlight reaching the earth’s surface is absorbed, transformed into thermal energy and emitted again as infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are these gases who efficiently absorb this infrared radiation emitted by the earth in order to keep the heat in the atmosphere like in a greenhouse.

In order to investigate this phenomenon we carry out the following experiment:

Experimental setup:

Glass vessels containing air (right) and CO2 (left)
two lights of identical output
two pans with water
black cardboard
Temperature feeler (data registration by a computer)

Experiment - The Greenhouse Effect

Here's a experiment.

It is KNOWN that CO@ follows rising heat it does not create it. Further it is known that CO2 has a diminishing effect in the atmosphere on creating heat.

I repeat do an experiment that shows the increased CO2 levels caused the current warming and that further increases in CO2 will show a corresponding increase in heat.
If RetiredGySgt wants this experiment conducted, why doesn't he conduct it himself? This experiment and experiments of this nature have been done by the thousands in the almost 200 years since the Greenhouse Effect was first discovered. This is stupid. If he refuses to believe the numerous write ups, I see no chance he would believe that anyone here had actually done the thing. The idea that the world's scientists (and I'm not talking just climate scientists, but ALL of them) would accept the Greenhouse Effect (as they most certainly do) without pathetically easy to obtain experimental evidence is just asinine.

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