A simple science test to see who knows more ..

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Question one:

A human fetus when born is

A. A turnip

B. A grapefruit

C. A baby

Question two:

The hottest year on earth was

A. 2015

B. Billions and billions of years ago.

Question three:

Climate change was discovered by

A. Al Gore

B. The climate has always changed ya big dummie.
These are TOO easy.
1. C
2. B
3. B

Allow me to introduce some more advanced questions.

1. A human in the state of being exists
A. when it is born.
B. at 12 weeks after gestation.
C. at conception.
D. at 3rd trimester.

2. The main greenhouse gas is
A. Oxygen.
B. Carbon.
C. Carbon Dioxide.
D. water vapor.

3. Global climate change
A. began at the start of the industrial revolution.
B. is a myth and doesn't exist.
C. began with the evolution of man.
D. has always existed.

4. The universe is mostly comprised of
A. atoms.
B. dark matter.
C. Hydrogen.
D. Helium.

5. Science conclusively proves
A. nothing.
B. everything.
C. some things.
D. only theories it can support.

6. Scientific theories are
A. proven facts supported by evidence.
B. speculative guesses.
C. hypothesis supported by testing and observation.
D. science fiction.

7. Entangled quantum particles can communicate with each other
A. at near the speed of light.
B. faster than the speed of light.
C. instantly across billions of light years.
D. different speeds depending on the particles.

8. The origin of life is explained by
A. Evolution.
B. God's creation.
C. spontaneous generation.
D. something we do not know at this time.

9. Science has discovered things
A. that disprove the existence of God.
B. that contradict all known physical sciences.
C. that contradict spiritual nature.
D. that prove life exists elsewhere in the universe.

10. It is proven that human spiritual beliefs
A. have existed since the civilization of man.
B. were invented by man to explain the unexplained.
C. are nothing more than human imagination.
D. were created by ancient Chinese.

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