A simple way to fix healthcare and pay off national debt in 6 years

You cannot give $8000 a year to someone on Medicare take it away and say there you go, you go over you're on your own. They will all go over, if not on Medicare there are no negotiated prices or Medicare fee schedule.
$8322 is average.Old people would get 4 times as much and what their vouchers could not pay for the govt would

OK, do you know how much chemo, immunotherapy, open heart surgery and other major health related expenses cost? After the money is gone then what do you want? Death panels.

govt pays after voucher is spent
You want me to do the work? No you started this crazy thread, but I know for a fact immunotherapy per infusion is normally between $75,000 and $110,000 before Medicare fee schedule or negotiated prices.
Let's see! 320 million people times 8000 dollars each comes out to about $2.6 trillion per year, which would be about two-thirds of the current federal budget of $3.8 trillion.

When you reach middle school they will explain why this won't work.
You cannot give $8000 a year to someone on Medicare take it away and say there you go, you go over you're on your own. They will all go over, if not on Medicare there are no negotiated prices or Medicare fee schedule.
$8322 is average.Old people would get 4 times as much and what their vouchers could not pay for the govt would

OK, do you know how much chemo, immunotherapy, open heart surgery and other major health related expenses cost? After the money is gone then what do you want? Death panels.

Those people will just have to die.
Let's see! 320 million people times 8000 dollars each comes out to about $2.6 trillion per year, which would be about two-thirds of the current federal budget of $3.8 trillion.

When you reach middle school they will explain why this won't work.

$8322 is what we spend now per person on health care. Do you understand??
You want me to do the work? No you started this crazy thread, but I know for a fact immunotherapy per infusion is normally between $75,000 and $110,000 before Medicare fee schedule or negotiated prices.
do you have any idea what subject you are on???
Put everyone on Medicare
That's the Democrat/Trump plan. I've said at least a hundred times that Trump will lead his Chumps into the liberal/socialist camp, little by little, step by step.

As for the debt, we give away $1.4 trillion in government gifts in the form of tax expenditures every year. The only way we will ever balance the budget and pay down the debt is to ban them.
Put everyone on Medicare
That's the Democrat/Trump plan. I've said at least a hundred times that Trump will lead his Chumps into the liberal/socialist camp, little by little, step by step.

As for the debt, we give away $1.4 trillion in government gifts in the form of tax expenditures every year. The only way we will ever balance the budget and pay down the debt is to ban them.

why not use OP plan??????
Put everyone on Medicare
That's the Democrat/Trump plan. I've said at least a hundred times that Trump will lead his Chumps into the liberal/socialist camp, little by little, step by step.

As for the debt, we give away $1.4 trillion in government gifts in the form of tax expenditures every year. The only way we will ever balance the budget and pay down the debt is to ban them.

why not use OP plan??????
You provide ZERO evidence that giving an $8332 government gift to every American would cause health care prices to drop 80%.

And giving everyone $8332 would INCREASE the debt.
Let's see! 320 million people times 8000 dollars each comes out to about $2.6 trillion per year, which would be about two-thirds of the current federal budget of $3.8 trillion.

When you reach middle school they will explain why this won't work.

$8322 is what we spend now per person on health care. Do you understand??

We do not spend $2.6 trillion dollars on healthcare each year. Are you stupid or just plain ignorant?

So you are increasing my taxes by $8000 just to give it back to me if I don't get sick?

Look at the numbers! It will not work!
Let's see! 320 million people times 8000 dollars each comes out to about $2.6 trillion per year, which would be about two-thirds of the current federal budget of $3.8 trillion.

When you reach middle school they will explain why this won't work.

$8322 is what we spend now per person on health care. Do you understand??

We do not spend $2.6 trillion dollars on healthcare each year. Are you stupid or just plain ignorant?
Actually, we spend much more than that each year on health care.

So guess who is ignorant...
Here's the smart way to fix health care:

1. We should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our home, auto, and life insurance. I should be able to pick up the phone and call any insurance company in the country and buy the insurance I want. This way, I have maximum leverage since I can hang up if I am not satisfied and call any one of a constellation of competitors, just like I do now with my home, auto, and life insurance.

2. We need to eliminate employer sponsored health insurance (ESHI). ESHI is one of the biggest drivers of increasing health care costs. Also, employees are completely hostage to their employer's insurance. There is no negotiation. It is a take it or leave it proposition from a single insurer. And if you lose your job, you lose your health insurance. And you don't get new insurance until you have been in your new job for up to six months. With my home, auto, and life insurance, I get bundle discounts and long term customer discounts.

We can easily disincentivize ESHI by eliminating the tax exemption we currently have for ESHI.

3. We need LESS government in health care, not more. The government is the biggest market entity in the health insurance market, and it gets to write the rules for its private sector competitors. This is not the case in the auto, home, and life insurance markets, where prices have been DROPPING.

4. The idiot liberals have demanded more and more government takeover of health care. When you concentrate power in one place, you make it easier to capture. The liberals have NEVER learned this lesson. In every aspect of our lives, they have continually repeated this insanity over and over and over and over. And then when that centralized power gets captured by corrupt special interests, the liberals demand we solve the problem with MORE government takeover.

Those people will just have to die.
wrong medicare can pay

Hey nimrod! The federal government has to get that money somewhere! It will come out of taxes, and I mean a LOT more taxes.

Most health care spending comes from govt now. OP plan is that this money be given to Americans as vouchers. What they don't spend they keep thus reducing total cost 80% enough to pay off debt.

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