A simple way to fix healthcare and pay off national debt in 6 years

People would avoid preventative care to hang onto their 8000 in cash.

so govt libNazi govt must infantalize them so they will take care of themselves properly????

I'm stating a fact. It's hard enough to get people to do preventative care. I'm terrible myself. Your plan exacerbates that by incentivizing them not to go to the doctor unless absolutely necessary.

In short, your plan PAYS people not to go to the doctor.
Put everyone on Medicare [or what we'll call Medicare capitalism] all providers publish prices, and give everyone vouchers for $8332 (on average) to buy health care that could be converted to cash if unspent at the end of the year.

As prices would slowly drop 80%, govt could reduce the vouchers accordingly until eventually most people could afford their own health care. The savings could pay off the national debt in 6 years. It's the perfect plan, it seems.

People would avoid preventative care to hang onto their 8000 in cash.

I say have the government self insure everyone via taxes up to a certain point of cost, and then buy catastrophic stop loss insurance from the insurance market to cover the costs if the self insure payouts exceed a certain level.

far better to use capitalism to drive down prices 80% and then pay off national debt!!!

Wherever in outer space you got that 80% number I suggest you avoid that place in the future.
In short, your plan PAYS people not to go to the doctor.

hey when the boss gives you your pay check he does not tell you how to spend it!! If you want to use it for gambling rather than food its your business. We don't want libNazis infantalizing us for obvious reasons. Do you know the reasons??
And you think that the money they spend now is the same as if they gave everyone 8000 dollars? Really?

if they gave everyone a voucher for $8000 that they would use to buy health care( keep what they don't spend) in a capitalist environment they would shop very carefully and thus save 80% over time.

I'd use my 8 grand to buy weed

Figure we could save 80% of we had capitalism and pat off national debt in 6 years.

Where in the healthcare market are there 80 percentage point differences in treatment costs etc., that are readily available for a person to shop for?
Put everyone on Medicare [or what we'll call Medicare capitalism] all providers publish prices, and give everyone vouchers for $8332 (on average) to buy health care that could be converted to cash if unspent at the end of the year.

As prices would slowly drop 80%, govt could reduce the vouchers accordingly until eventually most people could afford their own health care. The savings could pay off the national debt in 6 years. It's the perfect plan, it seems.

People would avoid preventative care to hang onto their 8000 in cash.

I say have the government self insure everyone via taxes up to a certain point of cost, and then buy catastrophic stop loss insurance from the insurance market to cover the costs if the self insure payouts exceed a certain level.

far better to use capitalism to drive down prices 80% and then pay off national debt!!!

Wherever in outer space you got that 80% number I suggest you avoid that place in the future.

we can compare East/West Germany and 132 other examples to see difference between capitalism and socialism
Where in the healthcare market are there 80 percentage point differences in treatment costs etc., that are readily available for a person to shop for?

in 1980 you paid 10 years pay in Hungary for a car without a gas gage(dip stick instead) that had to be backed up a hill because of a gravity fed carburetor.
They employed engineers by the 1000's all of whom swore that was the best they could do.

it is not until you have had years and years of free Republican capitalist competition that you have any idea how many engineers are needed and at what salary to bring price and quality to the correct level.

Can you understand the analogy?
In short, your plan PAYS people not to go to the doctor.

hey when the boss give you your pay check he does not tell you how to spend it!! If you want to use it for gambling rather than food its your business. We don't want libNazi infantalizing us

You have it all backwards.

You could, if you want people to shop, standardize insurance payments for common procedures, then let the patient shop for procedures under the standard price, and let him keep the difference.
An actual free-market based health care system is not going to happen. It's not going to happen because the Republicans know it's not going to work.

Conservatives should put all of this wasted energy into hoping Congress does the smart thing and expands current Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system to all. Because otherwise, we're gonna end up with REAL Single Payer, and it will be their own fault for being so damn stubborn.
Where in the healthcare market are there 80 percentage point differences in treatment costs etc., that are readily available for a person to shop for?

in 1980 you paid 10 years pay in Hungary for a car without a gas gage(dip stick instead) that had to be backed up a hill because of a gravity fed carburetor.
They employed engineers by the 1000's all of whom swore that was the best they could do.

it is not until you have had years and years of free Republican capitalist competition that you have any idea how many engineers are needed and at what salary for bring price and quality to the correct level.

Can you understand the analogy?

I understand how frantically you dodged my question.
In short, your plan PAYS people not to go to the doctor.

hey when the boss give you your pay check he does not tell you how to spend it!! If you want to use it for gambling rather than food its your business. We don't want libNazi infantalizing us

You have it all backwards.

You could, if you want people to shop, standardize insurance payments for common procedures, then let the patient shop for procedures under the standard price, and let him keep the difference.

that's somewhat the same principle but insurance muddies the water since the consumer never knows what the price is thus there is far less competition plus most American don't have $10k sitting around to buy a policy
Those people will just have to die.
wrong medicare can pay

Hey nimrod! The federal government has to get that money somewhere! It will come out of taxes, and I mean a LOT more taxes.

Most health care spending comes from govt now. OP plan is that this money be given to Americans as vouchers. What they don't spend they keep thus reducing total cost 80% enough to pay off debt.

You have got to be one of the most off-the-wall manure spreaders ever to grace this forum. You don't even understand what YOU write, much less any responses to you half-witted ideas.
Perhaps you can explain where you got that $8332 number

Its a little different depending on how its calculated but not important for purposes of OP argument

$10,345 per person: U.S. health care spending reaches new peak ...

Jul 13, 2016 ... The nation's health care tab this year is expected to surpass $10000 perperson for the first time. The new peak means the Obama ...

The government doesn't spend that money. That is everyone included! Now, do you see where you fucked up your numbers?
expands current Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system to all. Because otherwise, we're gonna end up with REAL Single Payer, and it will be their own fault for being so damn stubborn.

Medicare is very similar to single payer 1+1=2. Socialism does not work, obviously. Do you want it in all industries?? Capitalism would cut prices 80%, enough to pay off national debt.
Those people will just have to die.
wrong medicare can pay

Hey nimrod! The federal government has to get that money somewhere! It will come out of taxes, and I mean a LOT more taxes.

Most health care spending comes from govt now. OP plan is that this money be given to Americans as vouchers. What they don't spend they keep thus reducing total cost 80% enough to pay off debt.

You have got to be one of the most off-the-wall manure spreaders ever to grace this forum. You don't even understand what YOU write, much less any responses to you half-witted ideas.

You're right. That's exactly why I gave up on this thread, he is either a kid or not from the U.S. and does not understand our system. Oh shit, here's a thought, he might be a congressman.
You do realize that for 300 million people that would be 2.4 trillion dollars?

so??? its what we spend now!!! Only with capitalism plan we could cut $2.4 trillion by 80% and pay off national debt in 6 years.

No, it is NOT! You provided the link and proved yourself WRONG!
FastStats - Health Expenditures - CDC

Jan 20, 2017 ... Per capita national health expenditures: $9,523 (2014); Total nationalhealth expenditures: ... Source: Health, United States, 2015, table 93[PDF - 9.8 ... Percent of national health expenditures for hospital care: 32.1% (2014) .

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