A simple way to fix healthcare and pay off national debt in 6 years

The government doesn't spend that money. That is everyone included! Now, do you see where you fucked up your numbers?

the govt spends much of the money. Under op plan govt would collect all of the money and distribute it in the form of vouchers which all Americans could use to buy health care. What they did not spend they could keep thus driving down prices about 80%, enough to pay off national debt in 6 years.
You do realize that for 300 million people that would be 2.4 trillion dollars?

so??? its what we spend now!!! Only with capitalism plan we could cut $2.4 trillion by 80% and pay off national debt in 6 years.

No, it is NOT! You provided the link and proved yourself WRONG!
FastStats - Health Expenditures - CDC

Jan 20, 2017 ... Per capita national health expenditures: $9,523 (2014); Total nationalhealth expenditures: ... Source: Health, United States, 2015, table 93[PDF - 9.8 ... Percent of national health expenditures for hospital care: 32.1% (2014) .

You keep saying the government spends that amount and then you post data that refutes your silly claims. Are you that much of a masochist that you hurt yourself? Let us do it for you!
The government doesn't spend that money. That is everyone included! Now, do you see where you fucked up your numbers?

the govt spends much of the money. Under op plan govt would collect all of the money and distribute it in the form of vouchers which all Americans could use to buy health care. What they did not spend they could keep thus driving down prices about 80%, enough to pay off national debt in 6 years.

Where do you get the fucked up idea that prices are going to go down 80%? It is covered in brown goop and stinks because you pulled that number out of your ass!
not from the U.S. and does not understand our system..

the world understands our system does not work costing Americans 3-4 times what others pay for about the same results. A good system, like OP system, would save 80% and save enough to pay off national debt.
You keep saying the government spends that amount and then you post data that refutes your silly claims.

what do you mean????

You keep saying the government spends over $8000 a year and the post links that show that is the national average expenditure and NOT what the government spends.

You provide no basis for any of your claims other than links that prove you are clueless.
You keep saying the government spends over $8000 a year and the post links that show that is the national average expenditure and NOT what the government spends.

op says every American should get a voucher for $8000 of health care each year which is about what we spend on health care now. Do you understand now?
Sure. What the fuck does that have to do with the topic?

topic is op which is about switching current health care system to capitalism. Have you read op? Do you agree or disagree-why?

Is English not your first language? Your posts are incomprehensible garbage! You sound like a third grader.

Have you read op? Do you agree or disagree-why? How will you learn if you are afraid to try?
Do you really think you are fooling anyone with personal attacks?
You provide no basis for any of your claims other than links that prove you are clueless.

what claim in particular do you need further basis for.

Only the ones that have been asked for throughout this thread!

Where does the 80 percent savings come from? Be forewarned! If you say "capitalism", I will slap you into ignore-land so fast your head will spin!
You keep saying the government spends over $8000 a year and the post links that show that is the national average expenditure and NOT what the government spends.

op says every American should get a voucher for $8000 of health care each year which is about what we spend on health care now. Do you understand now?

Where are you going to get $8000 dollars for every man, woman, and child in this country?
Sure. What the fuck does that have to do with the topic?

topic is op which is about switching current health care system to capitalism. Have you read op? Do you agree or disagree-why?

Is English not your first language? Your posts are incomprehensible garbage! You sound like a third grader.

Have you read op? Do you agree or disagree-why? How will you learn if you are afraid to try?
Do you really think you are fooling anyone with personal attacks?

What the fuck is op? You don't even know!

If you are talking about the original post, yes, I have read it and it makes absolutely no fucking sense.

That is what everyone has been asking questions and you repeat the same utter bullshit responses.
Where are you going to get $8000 dollars for every man, woman, and child in this country?

Govt spends almost that now!!!!!! What is spent by individuals and corporations could be taxed, at no net loss to individuals and corporations, giving the govt $8000 per capita to distribute as vouchers. Now do you understand?
Where does the 80 percent savings come from?

we know from East/West Germany and 132 other example how rich people get under capitalism because prices are so low and quality is so high.

No we don't! We know that Germany's economy almost collapsed because of the added weight of the old East Germany's debts, mismanagement and leftovers from communist rule.

Get an education before you spout such bullshit!
Screw this.

Want to simplify it?

We go Single Payer on a nationwide scale... socialized medicine, American style.

Every procedure (or service) is coded.

Every procedure (or service) has a range of allowable prices that providers can charge.

Every procedure (or service) is adjusted by region to account for differences in cost of living, et al.

Every procedure (or service) has established invocation and authorization protocols.

Every procedure (or service) can be ordered outside the realm of such protocols but providers must defend their decisions, to ensure accountability.

Pay off the Big Healthcare Insurance Company shareholders, then walk into each, and turn off the lights.

Bring Big Pharma to heel and nationalize any Big Pharma asset which fails to play ball with the overhaul.

Every American, from the loftiest officials, to the lowliest plebian, is obliged to subscribe to the American National Healthcare System.

Throw in another couple of hundred details and we've got a ballgame.

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