A simple way to fix healthcare and pay off national debt in 6 years

Where are you going to get $8000 dollars for every man, woman, and child in this country?

Govt spends almost that now!!!!!! What is spent by individuals and corporations could be taxed, at no net loss to individuals and corporations, giving the govt $8000 per capita to spend. Now do you understand?

No, they do not! That is why you are completely useless in this thread. I showed your figures are almost two and half TRILLION dollars which is about 2/3 of the current federal budget.

Show some intellectual honesty instead of gross incompetence.
your figures are almost two and half TRILLION dollars which is about 2/3 of the current federal budget.

yes that is what we spend now( federal state local indian etc). If we spent that much in a capitalist environment prices would come down 80%, enough to pay off national debt.
Screw this.

Want to simplify it?

We go Single Payer on a nationwide scale... socialized medicine, American style.

Every procedure (or service) is coded.

Every procedure (or service) has a range of allowable prices that providers can charge.

Every procedure (or service) is adjusted by region to account for differences in cost of living, et al.

Every procedure (or service) has established invocation and authorization protocols.

Every procedure (or service) can be ordered outside the realm of such protocols but providers must defend their decisions, to ensure accountability.

Pay off the Big Healthcare Insurance Company shareholders, then walk into each, and turn off the lights.

Bring Big Pharma to heel and nationalize any Big Pharma asset which fails to play ball with the overhaul.

Every American, from the loftiest officials, to the lowliest plebian, is obliged to subscribe to the American National Healthcare System.

Throw in another couple of hundred details and we've got a ballgame.

Why not let all of those who support that system move to a country that has that program?
it makes absolutely no fucking sense.

why not tell us what you don't understand? How else will you understand it.

OK, since you apparently have shit for brains! I was once a health and life insurance agent. I also worked handling employee benefits for one of the countries largest employers. I have forgotten more on this topic than you apparently know.

You keep throwing out bullshit, inaccurate numbers and off the wall figures you pulled out of your ass, yet you can't answer the simplest question.
, yet you can't answer the simplest question.

why so afraid to tell us what the simplest question is??

Try to post in English! If not, find a board where your limited language skills are not a problem.

Where do you get the idea that prices will go down?

There would be no incentive to become a doctor or nurse or work anywhere in the healthcare system if there is no profit motive.
If they reduce prices by 80% there will not be a profit motive, dumb ass!

all industries have to compete for customers ( dental, autos for example) and the best survive with supply equal to demand at prices about 80% lower than they would be without capitalist competition. Do you understand?

you are perfect proof that the average liberal lacks the IQ to understand the fundamentals of capitalism. How can America survive under the circumstances??.
Healthcare is broken, healthcare needs to be fixed, maybe if people stop trying to make healthcare free it will fix it'self. At some point we have to look at the government and say you have screwed it up so get the hell out of it and let the free market handle the entire industry.
Of course a safety net must be in place as it always has been. We will cover and treat anyone that can't afford the treatment as we always have. But if you have the means you must cover yourself at a COMPETITIVE rate as soon as you turn 18. No free rides you will be billed for care full price if you have no coverage. If you don't pay or set up a payment plan your credit will suffer. You make it a no brainer to have insurance. Not a penalty if you don't just a big bill.

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