A "Slow But Steady" Genocide

Good point. Make that --- how do we get those Zionists to UNDERSTAND this "slow motion genocide" when there are almost six times as many Palestinians living in Israel now than there were in 1948? Back to you Sheri.

So how do we get those Zionists to under this "slow motion genocide" when there are almost six times as many Palestinians living in Israel now than there were in 1948?

Slow-motion genocide is still a war crime:

"Israel is a serial human rights international law abuser. The UN Human Rights Commission affirms that it violates nearly all 149 articles of the Fourth Geneva Convention that governs the treatment of civilians in war and under occupation and is guilty of grievous war crimes."

Israel's Slow-Motion Genocide in Occupied Palestine


What are you saying?

What does "to under" something mean?

I'd like to know that as well.


Wow, you cannot even go back to a prior post and read it and go to the links there.

Here is a link to a website that defines genocide, and a legal anaysis on this website also shows that Israel is guilty of the crime of genoocide.

Crime of Genocide Law (1950)

I read:

"Genocide" -
pretation. 1.
(a) In this Law, "genocide" means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group (hereinafter referred to as "group"), as such:
(1) killing members of the group;
(2) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(3) inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction, in whole or in part;
(4) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(5) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
(b) In subsection (a), "child" means a person under eighteen years of age

Notice, there is no requirement population decrease, it is the intent to destroy an ethnic group that is the focus of the crime. Palestinian population today has been largely influenced by a naturally high birth rate within this society. I have to wonder how much this is influenced by men taking multiple wives. (I actually have no data that addresses the question I just raised, but it is simply something I find myself thinking about, as I write this post).

Another point, over 5 million Palestinian refugees now live outside Israel and the OPT, many forced to flee, many even formally deported from the region by the Israeli Occupier.


What are the Israelis doing to stop the Palestinians from reproducing? according to the definition you listed:(4) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

The Israelis are not doing anything like that.

You do not have to engage in all stated acts to find genocide.

All the deliberate killings the human rights groups document is sufficient for a finding of genocide, deliberate killing of Palestinians that goes back decades.

Further, I will argue Israel has tried to interfere with births, there have been incidents of woman having babies at checkpoints for years, and many deaths have occurred as well, as Israel hinders pregnant women from getting to hospitals to give birth. UNICEF has been reporting for years, that thousands of children die from preventable medical conditions and lack of proper care for newborns. Israel deprives pregnant women of proper nutrition, that increases premature births and children regularly experience maltrition and stunted growth. UNICEF has documented these practices for years.

Crime of Genocide

Now you are just talking total BS. It's comments like this that make me pissed at Israel for hospitalizing any Palestinians that are not Israeli citizens. Don't you wish the Palestinian squatters would at least build their own hospitals to save their own lives, especially those of Palestinian terroirsts Israel hospitilizes so they can get well to kill even more Israeli's?


Wow, you cannot even go back to a prior post and read it and go to the links there.

Here is a link to a website that defines genocide, and a legal anaysis on this website also shows that Israel is guilty of the crime of genoocide.

Crime of Genocide Law (1950)

I read:

"Genocide" -
pretation. 1.
(a) In this Law, "genocide" means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group (hereinafter referred to as "group"), as such:
(1) killing members of the group;
(2) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(3) inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction, in whole or in part;
(4) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(5) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
(b) In subsection (a), "child" means a person under eighteen years of age

Notice, there is no requirement population decrease, it is the intent to destroy an ethnic group that is the focus of the crime. Palestinian population today has been largely influenced by a naturally high birth rate within this society. I have to wonder how much this is influenced by men taking multiple wives. (I actually have no data that addresses the question I just raised, but it is simply something I find myself thinking about, as I write this post).

Another point, over 5 million Palestinian refugees now live outside Israel and the OPT, many forced to flee, many even formally deported from the region by the Israeli Occupier.


What are the Israelis doing to stop the Palestinians from reproducing? according to the definition you listed:(4) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

The Israelis are not doing anything like that.

You do not have to engage in all stated acts to find genocide.

All the deliberate killings the human rights groups document is sufficient for a finding of genocide, deliberate killing of Palestinians that goes back decades.

Further, I will argue Israel has tried to interfere with births, there have been incidents of woman having babies at checkpoints for years, and many deaths have occurred as well, as Israel hinders pregnant women from getting to hospitals to give birth. UNICEF has been reporting for years, that thousands of children die from preventable medical conditions and lack of proper care for newborns. Israel deprives pregnant women of proper nutrition, that increases premature births and children regularly experience maltrition and stunted growth. UNICEF has documented these practices for years.

Crime of Genocide


Wow, you cannot even go back to a prior post and read it and go to the links there.

Here is a link to a website that defines genocide, and a legal anaysis on this website also shows that Israel is guilty of the crime of genoocide.

Crime of Genocide Law (1950)

I read:

"Genocide" -
pretation. 1.
(a) In this Law, "genocide" means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group (hereinafter referred to as "group"), as such:
(1) killing members of the group;
(2) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(3) inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction, in whole or in part;
(4) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(5) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
(b) In subsection (a), "child" means a person under eighteen years of age

Notice, there is no requirement population decrease, it is the intent to destroy an ethnic group that is the focus of the crime. Palestinian population today has been largely influenced by a naturally high birth rate within this society. I have to wonder how much this is influenced by men taking multiple wives. (I actually have no data that addresses the question I just raised, but it is simply something I find myself thinking about, as I write this post).

Another point, over 5 million Palestinian refugees now live outside Israel and the OPT, many forced to flee, many even formally deported from the region by the Israeli Occupier.


What are the Israelis doing to stop the Palestinians from reproducing? according to the definition you listed:(4) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

The Israelis are not doing anything like that.

You do not have to engage in all stated acts to find genocide.

All the deliberate killings the human rights groups document is sufficient for a finding of genocide, deliberate killing of Palestinians that goes back decades.

Further, I will argue Israel has tried to interfere with births, there have been incidents of woman having babies at checkpoints for years, and many deaths have occurred as well, as Israel hinders pregnant women from getting to hospitals to give birth. UNICEF has been reporting for years, that thousands of children die from preventable medical conditions and lack of proper care for newborns. Israel deprives pregnant women of proper nutrition, that increases premature births and children regularly experience maltrition and stunted growth. UNICEF has documented these practices for years.

Crime of Genocide

Can you dig up some AP or UPI photos of all those bodies you talk about?
What are the Israelis doing to stop the Palestinians from reproducing? according to the definition you listed:(4) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

The Israelis are not doing anything like that.

You do not have to engage in all stated acts to find genocide.

All the deliberate killings the human rights groups document is sufficient for a finding of genocide, deliberate killing of Palestinians that goes back decades.

Further, I will argue Israel has tried to interfere with births, there have been incidents of woman having babies at checkpoints for years, and many deaths have occurred as well, as Israel hinders pregnant women from getting to hospitals to give birth. UNICEF has been reporting for years, that thousands of children die from preventable medical conditions and lack of proper care for newborns. Israel deprives pregnant women of proper nutrition, that increases premature births and children regularly experience maltrition and stunted growth. UNICEF has documented these practices for years.

Crime of Genocide

Can you dig up some AP or UPI photos of all those bodies you talk about?
Don't ask her to support evidence for her lies! What do you think this is?
What are the Israelis doing to stop the Palestinians from reproducing? according to the definition you listed:(4) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

The Israelis are not doing anything like that.

You do not have to engage in all stated acts to find genocide.

All the deliberate killings the human rights groups document is sufficient for a finding of genocide, deliberate killing of Palestinians that goes back decades.

Further, I will argue Israel has tried to interfere with births, there have been incidents of woman having babies at checkpoints for years, and many deaths have occurred as well, as Israel hinders pregnant women from getting to hospitals to give birth. UNICEF has been reporting for years, that thousands of children die from preventable medical conditions and lack of proper care for newborns. Israel deprives pregnant women of proper nutrition, that increases premature births and children regularly experience maltrition and stunted growth. UNICEF has documented these practices for years.

Crime of Genocide

Can you dig up some AP or UPI photos of all those bodies you talk about?


Btselem has been identifying each person in the conflict who has been killed, for years now. They identify their name and age and the details of how they died, they identify whether they were participating in the hostilities when killed.

Btselem was founded by Isrealis, including members of the Knesset, and is operated by Isrealis.

You do not have to engage in all stated acts to find genocide.

All the deliberate killings the human rights groups document is sufficient for a finding of genocide, deliberate killing of Palestinians that goes back decades.

Further, I will argue Israel has tried to interfere with births, there have been incidents of woman having babies at checkpoints for years, and many deaths have occurred as well, as Israel hinders pregnant women from getting to hospitals to give birth. UNICEF has been reporting for years, that thousands of children die from preventable medical conditions and lack of proper care for newborns. Israel deprives pregnant women of proper nutrition, that increases premature births and children regularly experience maltrition and stunted growth. UNICEF has documented these practices for years.

Crime of Genocide

Can you dig up some AP or UPI photos of all those bodies you talk about?
Don't ask her to support evidence for her lies! What do you think this is?

name caller,

You are obviously not interested in the truth, just distorting it and running from it. What is it that leads you, fear?

How long will we Americans allow Israel to get away with their brutal treatment of the Palestinians with their damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to keep the Palestinians in Israel so Israel can continue to annihilate the Palestinians with their "slow but steady" GENOCIDE?

When a group of people derives a worldview based upon slogans such as "we love death - you love life", it tends to put into question the reasoning capacity of those people.

It is quite an interesting dynamic that statehood would be conferred upon a group of people whose collective consciousness is consumed with driving every Jew into the Dead Sea by machine gun fire. And just think, these stateworthy people have an entire U.N. funded welfare agency devoted to their continued proscription of Jew killing.

Definitely a state-worthy bunch.
Can you dig up some AP or UPI photos of all those bodies you talk about?
Don't ask her to support evidence for her lies! What do you think this is?

name caller,

You are obviously not interested in the truth, just distorting it and running from it. What is it that leads you, fear?

Please tell us how you would describe the killing of Israelis via the indiscriminate firing of rockets into a sovereign nation.
How long will we Americans allow Israel to get away with their brutal treatment of the Palestinians with their damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to keep the Palestinians in Israel so Israel can continue to annihilate the Palestinians with their "slow but steady" GENOCIDE?

When a group of people derives a worldview based upon slogans such as "we love death - you love life", it tends to put into question the reasoning capacity of those people.

It is quite an interesting dynamic that statehood would be conferred upon a group of people whose collective consciousness is consumed with driving every Jew into the Dead Sea by machine gun fire. And just think, these stateworthy people have an entire U.N. funded welfare agency devoted to their continued proscription of Jew killing.

Definitely a state-worthy bunch.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OClShsQ4EHk]Rafeef Ziadah 'We teach life, sir', London, 12 11 11 - YouTube[/ame]
How long will we Americans allow Israel to get away with their brutal treatment of the Palestinians with their damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to keep the Palestinians in Israel so Israel can continue to annihilate the Palestinians with their "slow but steady" GENOCIDE?

When a group of people derives a worldview based upon slogans such as "we love death - you love life", it tends to put into question the reasoning capacity of those people.

It is quite an interesting dynamic that statehood would be conferred upon a group of people whose collective consciousness is consumed with driving every Jew into the Dead Sea by machine gun fire. And just think, these stateworthy people have an entire U.N. funded welfare agency devoted to their continued proscription of Jew killing.

Definitely a state-worthy bunch.


All I see is Hasbara, Zionist Propaganda being slung by you into a post.

Nobody believes all that BS but Zionists, and their defenders.

Genocide involves "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group"

Have we agreed on a method for determining intent?
How long will we Americans allow Israel to get away with their brutal treatment of the Palestinians with their damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to keep the Palestinians in Israel so Israel can continue to annihilate the Palestinians with their "slow but steady" GENOCIDE?

When a group of people derives a worldview based upon slogans such as "we love death - you love life", it tends to put into question the reasoning capacity of those people.

It is quite an interesting dynamic that statehood would be conferred upon a group of people whose collective consciousness is consumed with driving every Jew into the Dead Sea by machine gun fire. And just think, these stateworthy people have an entire U.N. funded welfare agency devoted to their continued proscription of Jew killing.

Definitely a state-worthy bunch.


All I see is Hasbara, Zionist Propaganda being slung by you into a post.

Nobody believes all that BS but Zionists, and their defenders.

Your fascination with Zionists is not healthy. Your insensate Jew hatred is even less healthy. You really will need to find a new scapegoat for your self-hate.
The occupied territories are a grand example of genocide failing. The God Damned Jews are muttering to themselves, "We bomb and we bomb, we try to cut off supplies, but it doesn't work. The world won't let us build ovens..."
Genocide involves "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group"

Have we agreed on a method for determining intent?
Maybe this would serve as a fairly recent starting point?

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. 'disaster', 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the Civil War that preceded it."

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So will you explain to us how Israel is commiting genocide on the Palestinians when there are almost six times as many of them now squatting on Israel's land than there were in 1948?

I'd like to know that as well.


Wow, you cannot even go back to a prior post and read it and go to the links there.

Here is a link to a website that defines genocide, and a legal anaysis on this website also shows that Israel is guilty of the crime of genoocide.

Crime of Genocide Law (1950)

I read:

"Genocide" -
pretation. 1.
(a) In this Law, "genocide" means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group (hereinafter referred to as "group"), as such:
(1) killing members of the group;
(2) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(3) inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction, in whole or in part;
(4) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(5) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
(b) In subsection (a), "child" means a person under eighteen years of age

Notice, there is no requirement population decrease, it is the intent to destroy an ethnic group that is the focus of the crime. Palestinian population today has been largely influenced by a naturally high birth rate within this society. I have to wonder how much this is influenced by men taking multiple wives. (I actually have no data that addresses the question I just raised, but it is simply something I find myself thinking about, as I write this post).

Another point, over 5 million Palestinian refugees now live outside Israel and the OPT, many forced to flee, many even formally deported from the region by the Israeli Occupier.


Doesn't that happen to Israel every day?
I'd like to know that as well.


Wow, you cannot even go back to a prior post and read it and go to the links there.

Here is a link to a website that defines genocide, and a legal anaysis on this website also shows that Israel is guilty of the crime of genoocide.

Crime of Genocide Law (1950)

I read:

"Genocide" -
pretation. 1.
(a) In this Law, "genocide" means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group (hereinafter referred to as "group"), as such:
(1) killing members of the group;
(2) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(3) inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction, in whole or in part;
(4) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(5) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
(b) In subsection (a), "child" means a person under eighteen years of age

Notice, there is no requirement population decrease, it is the intent to destroy an ethnic group that is the focus of the crime. Palestinian population today has been largely influenced by a naturally high birth rate within this society. I have to wonder how much this is influenced by men taking multiple wives. (I actually have no data that addresses the question I just raised, but it is simply something I find myself thinking about, as I write this post).

Another point, over 5 million Palestinian refugees now live outside Israel and the OPT, many forced to flee, many even formally deported from the region by the Israeli Occupier.


Doesn't that happen to Israel every day?


No, it does not.

The International Court of Justice tells us Israel occupies East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza, and we see Palestinians resist their Occupation, with both armed resistance and nonviolent resistance.

And there is clear international law that states it is completely proper for those under Occupation to resist their Occupation, and such resistance may be armed resistance.

Palestinians, when they resist the Occupapation, are entirely acting within their legal rights under international law.

Here is one UN document recognizing this clear legal right to resist Occupation under international law.

A/HRC/7/NGO/89 of 25 February 2008

I read:

"Resistance to foreign occupation is a natural and legal right, recognized throughout history. This resistance expresses the right of self-defense, and is not terrorism. It is natural and lawful for the Palestinians and Iraqis to resist foreign occupation of their countries, and the terrorism is the presence of the occupier. Therefore there should be no confusion between resistance and terrorism."

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Georgephilip - I don't see where that has anything to do with 'intent'.

In any case, there were actually more Arab refugees who were Jewish - they had their citizenship and everything they owned taken from them and were ejected from their former homelands. Somewhere between 900,000 and one million people, I've read.

It's simply dishonest to bring in the 'Nakba' without also acknowledging the tragedy of the Arab Jews driven from their homes simply because they were Jews .
Point of no return: The Arabs already exacted 5 times Israel's price
Gosh I wonder whatever happened to the indigenous Zoroastrians when the followers of peaceful Islam paid a visit to Persia?
Georgephilip - I don't see where that has anything to do with 'intent'.

In any case, there were actually more Arab refugees who were Jewish - they had their citizenship and everything they owned taken from them and were ejected from their former homelands. Somewhere between 900,000 and one million people, I've read.

It's simply dishonest to bring in the 'Nakba' without also acknowledging the tragedy of the Arab Jews driven from their homes simply because they were Jews .
Point of no return: The Arabs already exacted 5 times Israel's price

The Jewish refugees is a completely separate and unrelated issue. The Palestinians had nothing to do with that.

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