A small trip to the grocery...a large aggravation.

in nevada a family of four gets around $300 a week. i think a single person gets just under 60. in california, over a decade ago, a family of three would get more than $300 per week.

can i shoot you now?

In Nevada they get $300 a WEEK in food stamps???
That would be $1200 a month - Jesus Christ that is more than most people spend....that is more than I spend on groceries for sure - and there is 4 people in my family.

No wonder California is fucking broke!

Just for fun, I checked this out. $300 a week is incorrect, a basically broke ass family of four is eligible for at most $400 a month.

FNS SNAP Program Eligibility Screening Tool

i based that $300 on what someone told me his family was bagging. i thought he was exaggerating when he said $1400 was put on his card every month so i toned it down.
Actually, i'm a classically trained chef. I know far more about nutrition then you do. Syrenn is also a chef. She knows far more about nutrition then you.

But that's beside the point. Fact is, people who subsist on nothing more than a diet of crap, are for more likely to suffer from health problems then those who don't. Those are undeniable facts. That means, those on the taxpayers back who buy nothing but crap will more than likely end up with problems we taxpayers will end up paying for. And that bill adds up to a hell of a lot more than they are receiving every month. I've already said, I could care less what they buy if it's their money, and their self provided healthcare. I could care less if those on government assistance want to buy themselves an occasional goody. It's those that do nothing but buy crap that I have a problem with. Because in the end, they cost us taxpayers a hell of a lot more money when their arteries clog, or their teeth start rotting out of their head.

I've studied nutrition for over 10 years, my man. I'm in the gym at least 4 days out of a week for most of my adult life, and I know diet and supplementing probably better than any fucking chef I know.

I've seen it all, heard it all, read about it all, and TRIED it all. I GUARANTEE you I know more about it than you, but that's also beside the point.

The fact is, people can smoke for 70 fucking years and live longer, healthier lives than people who ate "properly" and exercised. At the end of the day, the individual physiology is what determine's a person's fate.

It took me many years of trial and error to figure out what was right for MY body. There's no fucking way any person can just decide a diet for someone with certainty that it is even beneficial. NO FUCKING WAY.

What I find most interesting here, is your desire to decide what's best for someone else. Right out of the mother fucking leftist handbook, brother.

You'll have to excuse me while I bask in the unavoidable irony.
Well, good for you. Then why don't you go and subsist on a diet of crap. You know, fried foods, cheetos and shit like that. Wash it down with 2 liter bottles of Dr. Pepper when you're done. Do it day in and day out, and see what it gets ya'!.....See what the doctor tells ya' when he's ripping you a new asshole for being a complete idiot....If you're providing for yourself, I could give a shit if you end up croaking or requiring major medical care because you're a fucking idiot!...That's your fucking problem!....But when it's my dime, paying for your abject stupidity, then it is my problem!

And, it is YOU who is taking a more lefty position. In the lefty's eyes its like, fuck it!...Don't worry about it. The government will take care of it. You need $75,000.00 in emergency medical care because you're an idiot?.....No problem!.....That's what the government is for. That's what that Husband and wife down the street who work forty or fifty hours a week are there for. To provide you with free shit, regardless if your own stupidity causes your problems!...Regardless if your own stupidity is causing your childrens problems.

Now, tell me Mr. nutritionist. A good number of those who engage in that crap have children so, tell me Mr. nutritionist, how healthy is it for a developing child to subsist on nothing but crap?.....Tell me it doesn't directly affect their health......In fact, just for fun and enlightenment, go ask any pediatrician how healthy it is for developing children to subsist on that crap.....You'll more than likely find that you're full of shit!


and what percentage of these folks mr chef do you suppose subside solely on crap?
In Nevada they get $300 a WEEK in food stamps???
That would be $1200 a month - Jesus Christ that is more than most people spend....that is more than I spend on groceries for sure - and there is 4 people in my family.

No wonder California is fucking broke!

Just for fun, I checked this out. $300 a week is incorrect, a basically broke ass family of four is eligible for at most $400 a month.

FNS SNAP Program Eligibility Screening Tool

i based that $300 on what someone told me his family was bagging. i thought he was exaggerating when he said $1400 was put on his card every month so i toned it down.

I think you misunderstood, $300 per MONTH sounds realistic.
I've studied nutrition for over 10 years, my man. I'm in the gym at least 4 days out of a week for most of my adult life, and I know diet and supplementing probably better than any fucking chef I know.

I've seen it all, heard it all, read about it all, and TRIED it all. I GUARANTEE you I know more about it than you, but that's also beside the point.

The fact is, people can smoke for 70 fucking years and live longer, healthier lives than people who ate "properly" and exercised. At the end of the day, the individual physiology is what determine's a person's fate.

It took me many years of trial and error to figure out what was right for MY body. There's no fucking way any person can just decide a diet for someone with certainty that it is even beneficial. NO FUCKING WAY.

What I find most interesting here, is your desire to decide what's best for someone else. Right out of the mother fucking leftist handbook, brother.

You'll have to excuse me while I bask in the unavoidable irony.
Well, good for you. Then why don't you go and subsist on a diet of crap. You know, fried foods, cheetos and shit like that. Wash it down with 2 liter bottles of Dr. Pepper when you're done. Do it day in and day out, and see what it gets ya'!.....See what the doctor tells ya' when he's ripping you a new asshole for being a complete idiot....If you're providing for yourself, I could give a shit if you end up croaking or requiring major medical care because you're a fucking idiot!...That's your fucking problem!....But when it's my dime, paying for your abject stupidity, then it is my problem!

And, it is YOU who is taking a more lefty position. In the lefty's eyes its like, fuck it!...Don't worry about it. The government will take care of it. You need $75,000.00 in emergency medical care because you're an idiot?.....No problem!.....That's what the government is for. That's what that Husband and wife down the street who work forty or fifty hours a week are there for. To provide you with free shit, regardless if your own stupidity causes your problems!...Regardless if your own stupidity is causing your childrens problems.

Now, tell me Mr. nutritionist. A good number of those who engage in that crap have children so, tell me Mr. nutritionist, how healthy is it for a developing child to subsist on nothing but crap?.....Tell me it doesn't directly affect their health......In fact, just for fun and enlightenment, go ask any pediatrician how healthy it is for developing children to subsist on that crap.....You'll more than likely find that you're full of shit!


and what percentage of these folks mr chef do you suppose subside solely on crap?
Can't give an exact percentage. But I bet it's a lot.....Go down to south L.A. where studies have been done on their diets. Basically a good majority subsist on crap. That's why more than 50% of the children fall in the obese category down there. And, there is a hell of a lot of people down there collecting welfare. If 50% of the communities children fall into the obese category, then I see no reason to believe that those numbers wouldn't coincide with the children of those receiving gov assistance.
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Well, good for you. Then why don't you go and subsist on a diet of crap. You know, fried foods, cheetos and shit like that. Wash it down with 2 liter bottles of Dr. Pepper when you're done. Do it day in and day out, and see what it gets ya'!.....See what the doctor tells ya' when he's ripping you a new asshole for being a complete idiot....If you're providing for yourself, I could give a shit if you end up croaking or requiring major medical care because you're a fucking idiot!...That's your fucking problem!....But when it's my dime, paying for your abject stupidity, then it is my problem!

And, it is YOU who is taking a more lefty position. In the lefty's eyes its like, fuck it!...Don't worry about it. The government will take care of it. You need $75,000.00 in emergency medical care because you're an idiot?.....No problem!.....That's what the government is for. That's what that Husband and wife down the street who work forty or fifty hours a week are there for. To provide you with free shit, regardless if your own stupidity causes your problems!...Regardless if your own stupidity is causing your childrens problems.

Now, tell me Mr. nutritionist. A good number of those who engage in that crap have children so, tell me Mr. nutritionist, how healthy is it for a developing child to subsist on nothing but crap?.....Tell me it doesn't directly affect their health......In fact, just for fun and enlightenment, go ask any pediatrician how healthy it is for developing children to subsist on that crap.....You'll more than likely find that you're full of shit!


and what percentage of these folks mr chef do you suppose subside solely on crap?
Can't give an exact percentage. But I bet it's a lot.....Go down to south L.A. where studies have been done on their diets. Basically a good majority subsist on crap. That's why more than 50% of the children fall in the obese category down there. And, there is a hell of a lot of people down there collecting welfare. If 50% of the communities children fall into the obese category, then I see no reason to believe that those numbers wouldn't coincide with the children of those receiving gov assistance.

So to reiterate , you believe that

A) half of kids in the south of LA are obese
B) half of southern LA families are on welfare?

You're an idiot.
and what percentage of these folks mr chef do you suppose subside solely on crap?
Can't give an exact percentage. But I bet it's a lot.....Go down to south L.A. where studies have been done on their diets. Basically a good majority subsist on crap. That's why more than 50% of the children fall in the obese category down there. And, there is a hell of a lot of people down there collecting welfare. If 50% of the communities children fall into the obese category, then I see no reason to believe that those numbers wouldn't coincide with the children of those receiving gov assistance.

So to reiterate , you believe that

A) half of kids in the south are obese
B) half of southern families are on welfare?

You're an idiot.
No con.......Mr. can't get my stories straight, and believe blacks are nothing more than *******. You obviously didn't read my post. A study done in south LOS ANGELES, that's the second largest city proper in the country BTW, said that more than 50% of the children suffer from obesity, as a direct result of their crappy diet. South LOS ANGELES also has a huge number of welfare recipients......I'll try to get the numbers, but it has to be close to 50%.

So, seeing as though you can't comprehend what's in a post, you are the idiot!
Hey Disgruntled Clown Shoes, instead of blaming diet, why not look at the REAL culprit?

Video games and using the television as a babysitter.
I love how the cons whine about Govt intrusion in our everyday lives and now want to get in the middle of the grocery line
I love how the cons whine about Govt intrusion in our everyday lives and now want to get in the middle of the grocery line
Quit trying to twist it RW....Ya' make yourself look like a fool, as you do when you actually try to make the case that Obama isn't an inept clown who doesn't have a clue.
Can't give an exact percentage. But I bet it's a lot.....Go down to south L.A. where studies have been done on their diets. Basically a good majority subsist on crap. That's why more than 50% of the children fall in the obese category down there. And, there is a hell of a lot of people down there collecting welfare. If 50% of the communities children fall into the obese category, then I see no reason to believe that those numbers wouldn't coincide with the children of those receiving gov assistance.

So to reiterate , you believe that

A) half of kids in the south are obese
B) half of southern families are on welfare?

You're an idiot.
No con.......Mr. can't get my stories straight, and believe blacks are nothing more than *******. You obviously didn't read my post. A study done in south LOS ANGELES, that's the second largest city proper in the country BTW, said that more than 50% of the children suffer from obesity, as a direct result of their crappy diet. South LOS ANGELES also has a huge number of welfare recipients......I'll try to get the numbers, but it has to be close to 50%.

So, seeing as though you can't comprehend what's in a post, you are the idiot!

Guess you missed the fact that I caught my error and edited my response before you posted this. Failure.

ALso, don't cite studies unless you intend to actually post the studies.
I love how the cons whine about Govt intrusion in our everyday lives and now want to get in the middle of the grocery line
Quit trying to twist it RW....Ya' make yourself look like a fool, as you do when you actually try to make the case that Obama isn't an inept clown who doesn't have a clue.

What was the point of bringing Obama into this thread? Negs for you.l
I love how the cons whine about Govt intrusion in our everyday lives and now want to get in the middle of the grocery line
Quit trying to twist it RW....Ya' make yourself look like a fool, as you do when you actually try to make the case that Obama isn't an inept clown who doesn't have a clue.

Thanks for showing you can't make a lucid argument without bringing up Obama
Actually, i'm a classically trained chef. I know far more about nutrition then you do. Syrenn is also a chef. She knows far more about nutrition then you.

But that's beside the point. Fact is, people who subsist on nothing more than a diet of crap, are for more likely to suffer from health problems then those who don't. Those are undeniable facts. That means, those on the taxpayers back who buy nothing but crap will more than likely end up with problems we taxpayers will end up paying for. And that bill adds up to a hell of a lot more than they are receiving every month. I've already said, I could care less what they buy if it's their money, and their self provided healthcare. I could care less if those on government assistance want to buy themselves an occasional goody. It's those that do nothing but buy crap that I have a problem with. Because in the end, they cost us taxpayers a hell of a lot more money when their arteries clog, or their teeth start rotting out of their head.

I've studied nutrition for over 10 years, my man. I'm in the gym at least 4 days out of a week for most of my adult life, and I know diet and supplementing probably better than any fucking chef I know.

I've seen it all, heard it all, read about it all, and TRIED it all. I GUARANTEE you I know more about it than you, but that's also beside the point.

The fact is, people can smoke for 70 fucking years and live longer, healthier lives than people who ate "properly" and exercised. At the end of the day, the individual physiology is what determine's a person's fate.

It took me many years of trial and error to figure out what was right for MY body. There's no fucking way any person can just decide a diet for someone with certainty that it is even beneficial. NO FUCKING WAY.

What I find most interesting here, is your desire to decide what's best for someone else. Right out of the mother fucking leftist handbook, brother.

You'll have to excuse me while I bask in the unavoidable irony.
Well, good for you. Then why don't you go and subsist on a diet of crap. You know, fried foods, cheetos and shit like that. Wash it down with 2 liter bottles of Dr. Pepper when you're done. Do it day in and day out, and see what it gets ya'!.....See what the doctor tells ya' when he's ripping you a new asshole for being a complete idiot....If you're providing for yourself, I could give a shit if you end up croaking or requiring major medical care because you're a fucking idiot!...That's your fucking problem!....But when it's my dime, paying for your abject stupidity, then it is my problem!

And, it is YOU who is taking a more lefty position. In the lefty's eyes its like, fuck it!...Don't worry about it. The government will take care of it. You need $75,000.00 in emergency medical care because you're an idiot?.....No problem!.....That's what the government is for. That's what that Husband and wife down the street who work forty or fifty hours a week are there for. To provide you with free shit, regardless if your own stupidity causes your problems!...Regardless if your own stupidity is causing your childrens problems.

Now, tell me Mr. nutritionist. A good number of those who engage in that crap have children so, tell me Mr. nutritionist, how healthy is it for a developing child to subsist on nothing but crap?.....Tell me it doesn't directly affect their health......In fact, just for fun and enlightenment, go ask any pediatrician how healthy it is for developing children to subsist on that crap.....You'll more than likely find that you're full of shit!


Wait a minute...

So now these people are living solely on "crap"?

It went from a lady at a checkout buying a couple items deemed less than healthy, to food stamp recipients universally living completely on CRAP?

You're REALLY not making a good case for yourself :lol:

There's several people on this board who have seen pictures of me, a few of which without a shirt on, so they know my build. I'm cut like a fucking greek GOD, and completely physically fit.

At least half of my diet consists of what you would consider "junk". I eat cookies, ice cream, tastykake pies, pizza, cheese steaks, burgers, you name it. I eat the HELL out of that shit on a routine basis, for the calorie load. Otherwise, I consume large amounts of protein via supplement shakes, and eat a lot of vegetables as well as natural multi-vitamins.

I'm in just as good of shape at 30 as I was at 18. I can eat what I want. My doctor has never said a single bad thing about it, in fact he encourages the calorie intake because I need at least 5,000 calories a day to sustain weight gain.

So don't fucking tell me about what's good and not good for any random individual, because the fact of the matter is that you know a sum total of jack plus SHIT about it.

And to answer your question about kids...no, I don't think it's a good idea for them to eat nothing but crap foods, because their bodies aren't ready to process it properly.

But then, no one here is claiming that food stamp recipients and their children are eating nothing but crap except YOU.
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So to reiterate , you believe that

A) half of kids in the south are obese
B) half of southern families are on welfare?

You're an idiot.
No con.......Mr. can't get my stories straight, and believe blacks are nothing more than *******. You obviously didn't read my post. A study done in south LOS ANGELES, that's the second largest city proper in the country BTW, said that more than 50% of the children suffer from obesity, as a direct result of their crappy diet. South LOS ANGELES also has a huge number of welfare recipients......I'll try to get the numbers, but it has to be close to 50%.

So, seeing as though you can't comprehend what's in a post, you are the idiot!

Guess you missed the fact that I caught my error and edited my response before you posted this. Failure.

ALso, don't cite studies unless you intend to actually post the studies.
Here ya' go. This is the 2002 study. The latest study is due out by the end of the year. According to a local news station, that study will show that child obesity in south L.A. county, the largest concentration of welfare recipients) will rise above 50%. The costs to the city will more than double. Just take a look at what it cost the county 8 years ago.

This is a hot button issue in this neck o' the woods. It's all over the news. The pure costs are helping to further strangle the county.
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I've studied nutrition for over 10 years, my man. I'm in the gym at least 4 days out of a week for most of my adult life, and I know diet and supplementing probably better than any fucking chef I know.

I've seen it all, heard it all, read about it all, and TRIED it all. I GUARANTEE you I know more about it than you, but that's also beside the point.

The fact is, people can smoke for 70 fucking years and live longer, healthier lives than people who ate "properly" and exercised. At the end of the day, the individual physiology is what determine's a person's fate.

It took me many years of trial and error to figure out what was right for MY body. There's no fucking way any person can just decide a diet for someone with certainty that it is even beneficial. NO FUCKING WAY.

What I find most interesting here, is your desire to decide what's best for someone else. Right out of the mother fucking leftist handbook, brother.

You'll have to excuse me while I bask in the unavoidable irony.
Well, good for you. Then why don't you go and subsist on a diet of crap. You know, fried foods, cheetos and shit like that. Wash it down with 2 liter bottles of Dr. Pepper when you're done. Do it day in and day out, and see what it gets ya'!.....See what the doctor tells ya' when he's ripping you a new asshole for being a complete idiot....If you're providing for yourself, I could give a shit if you end up croaking or requiring major medical care because you're a fucking idiot!...That's your fucking problem!....But when it's my dime, paying for your abject stupidity, then it is my problem!

And, it is YOU who is taking a more lefty position. In the lefty's eyes its like, fuck it!...Don't worry about it. The government will take care of it. You need $75,000.00 in emergency medical care because you're an idiot?.....No problem!.....That's what the government is for. That's what that Husband and wife down the street who work forty or fifty hours a week are there for. To provide you with free shit, regardless if your own stupidity causes your problems!...Regardless if your own stupidity is causing your childrens problems.

Now, tell me Mr. nutritionist. A good number of those who engage in that crap have children so, tell me Mr. nutritionist, how healthy is it for a developing child to subsist on nothing but crap?.....Tell me it doesn't directly affect their health......In fact, just for fun and enlightenment, go ask any pediatrician how healthy it is for developing children to subsist on that crap.....You'll more than likely find that you're full of shit!


Wait a minute...

So now these people are living solely on "crap"?

It went from a lady at a checkout buying a couple items deemed less than healthy, to food stamp recipients universally living completely on CRAP?

You're REALLY not making a good case for yourself :lol:

There's several people on this board who have seen pictures of me, a few of which without a shirt on, so they know my build. I'm cut like a fucking greek GOD, and completely physically fit.

At least half of my diet consists of what you would consider "junk". I eat cookies, ice cream, tastykake pies, pizza, cheese steaks, burgers, you name it. I eat the HELL out of that shit on a routine basis, for the calorie load. Otherwise, I consume large amounts of protein via supplement shakes, and eat a lot of vegetables as well as natural multi-vitamins.

I'm in just as good of shape at 30 as I was at 18. I can eat what I want. My doctor has never said a single bad thing about it, in fact he encourages the calorie intake because I need at least 5,000 calories a day to sustain weight gain.

So don't fucking tell me about what's good and not good for any random individual, because the fact of the matter is that you know a sum total of jack plus SHIT about it.

And to answer your question about kids...no, I don't think it's a good idea for them to eat nothing but crap foods, because their bodies aren't ready to process it properly.

But then, no one here is claiming that food stamp recipients and their children are eating nothing but crap except YOU.
I could care less who's seen "your" pictures. I'm 16 years older than you. I'll put my build up against yours any day. I too am a gym rat, workout junkie. Have been since my high school football days and military service. You can post pictures until the cows come home, doesn't mean it's actually you. Get off the soap box, buddy!

What i'm stating dumbass, is that there are a hell of a lot of food stamp recipients who are as stupid as you....They believe it's perfectly fine to eat nothing but crap. As long as the belly is full, they'll be just fine!......And I don't have a problem with people living like that as long as it's all on their dime, too include their healthcare being on their own dime....When it's my dime that is going to pay for their idiocy, yeah, I have a problem with it. The conservative in me says, fuck that shit!
Iamwhatiseem! Don't let's take any of these leftist trolls home with us! ROFL

We can leave them ALL here where they belong. :clap2:
Well, good for you. Then why don't you go and subsist on a diet of crap. You know, fried foods, cheetos and shit like that. Wash it down with 2 liter bottles of Dr. Pepper when you're done. Do it day in and day out, and see what it gets ya'!.....See what the doctor tells ya' when he's ripping you a new asshole for being a complete idiot....If you're providing for yourself, I could give a shit if you end up croaking or requiring major medical care because you're a fucking idiot!...That's your fucking problem!....But when it's my dime, paying for your abject stupidity, then it is my problem!

And, it is YOU who is taking a more lefty position. In the lefty's eyes its like, fuck it!...Don't worry about it. The government will take care of it. You need $75,000.00 in emergency medical care because you're an idiot?.....No problem!.....That's what the government is for. That's what that Husband and wife down the street who work forty or fifty hours a week are there for. To provide you with free shit, regardless if your own stupidity causes your problems!...Regardless if your own stupidity is causing your childrens problems.

Now, tell me Mr. nutritionist. A good number of those who engage in that crap have children so, tell me Mr. nutritionist, how healthy is it for a developing child to subsist on nothing but crap?.....Tell me it doesn't directly affect their health......In fact, just for fun and enlightenment, go ask any pediatrician how healthy it is for developing children to subsist on that crap.....You'll more than likely find that you're full of shit!


Wait a minute...

So now these people are living solely on "crap"?

It went from a lady at a checkout buying a couple items deemed less than healthy, to food stamp recipients universally living completely on CRAP?

You're REALLY not making a good case for yourself :lol:

There's several people on this board who have seen pictures of me, a few of which without a shirt on, so they know my build. I'm cut like a fucking greek GOD, and completely physically fit.

At least half of my diet consists of what you would consider "junk". I eat cookies, ice cream, tastykake pies, pizza, cheese steaks, burgers, you name it. I eat the HELL out of that shit on a routine basis, for the calorie load. Otherwise, I consume large amounts of protein via supplement shakes, and eat a lot of vegetables as well as natural multi-vitamins.

I'm in just as good of shape at 30 as I was at 18. I can eat what I want. My doctor has never said a single bad thing about it, in fact he encourages the calorie intake because I need at least 5,000 calories a day to sustain weight gain.

So don't fucking tell me about what's good and not good for any random individual, because the fact of the matter is that you know a sum total of jack plus SHIT about it.

And to answer your question about kids...no, I don't think it's a good idea for them to eat nothing but crap foods, because their bodies aren't ready to process it properly.

But then, no one here is claiming that food stamp recipients and their children are eating nothing but crap except YOU.
I could care less who's seen "your" pictures. I'm 16 years older than you. I'll put my build up against yours any day. I too am a gym rat, workout junkie. Have been since my high school football days and military service. You can post pictures until the cows come home, doesn't mean it's actually you. Get off the soap box, buddy!

What i'm stating dumbass, is that there are a hell of a lot of food stamp recipients who are as stupid as you....They believe it's perfectly fine to eat nothing but crap. As long as the belly is full, they'll be just fine!......And I don't have a problem with people living like that as long as it's all on their dime, too include their healthcare being on their own dime....When it's my dime that is going to pay for their idiocy, yeah, I have a problem with it. The conservative in me says, fuck that shit!

Yeah, I just happen to have several amateur style pics of some random dude, that I like to hand out to friends I've developed close relationships with on a message board I've frequented for 3 years, and tell them that it's me. One of them had my son in it with me...err, well, actually some random toddler that I like to claim is my son.

Ok dude. :thup:

I'm sorry that you can't maintain a good physique and good health if you eat junk food. That sucks. :lol:
Wait a minute...

So now these people are living solely on "crap"?

It went from a lady at a checkout buying a couple items deemed less than healthy, to food stamp recipients universally living completely on CRAP?

You're REALLY not making a good case for yourself :lol:

There's several people on this board who have seen pictures of me, a few of which without a shirt on, so they know my build. I'm cut like a fucking greek GOD, and completely physically fit.

At least half of my diet consists of what you would consider "junk". I eat cookies, ice cream, tastykake pies, pizza, cheese steaks, burgers, you name it. I eat the HELL out of that shit on a routine basis, for the calorie load. Otherwise, I consume large amounts of protein via supplement shakes, and eat a lot of vegetables as well as natural multi-vitamins.

I'm in just as good of shape at 30 as I was at 18. I can eat what I want. My doctor has never said a single bad thing about it, in fact he encourages the calorie intake because I need at least 5,000 calories a day to sustain weight gain.

So don't fucking tell me about what's good and not good for any random individual, because the fact of the matter is that you know a sum total of jack plus SHIT about it.

And to answer your question about kids...no, I don't think it's a good idea for them to eat nothing but crap foods, because their bodies aren't ready to process it properly.

But then, no one here is claiming that food stamp recipients and their children are eating nothing but crap except YOU.
I could care less who's seen "your" pictures. I'm 16 years older than you. I'll put my build up against yours any day. I too am a gym rat, workout junkie. Have been since my high school football days and military service. You can post pictures until the cows come home, doesn't mean it's actually you. Get off the soap box, buddy!

What i'm stating dumbass, is that there are a hell of a lot of food stamp recipients who are as stupid as you....They believe it's perfectly fine to eat nothing but crap. As long as the belly is full, they'll be just fine!......And I don't have a problem with people living like that as long as it's all on their dime, too include their healthcare being on their own dime....When it's my dime that is going to pay for their idiocy, yeah, I have a problem with it. The conservative in me says, fuck that shit!

Yeah, I just happen to have several amateur style pics of some random dude, that I like to hand out to friends I've developed close relationships with on a message board I've frequented for 3 years, and tell them that it's me. One of them had my son in it with me...err, well, actually some random toddler that I like to claim is my son.

Ok dude. :thup:

I'm sorry that you can't maintain a good physique and good health if you eat junk food. That sucks. :lol:
Hey, i'm a freak for vanilla Hagen Daz. Eat a bowl every friggin night. I'm a candy freak also. Skittles and snickers, baby!......But, I supplement with a well balanced diet. I don't stuff myself with nothing but crap......But even if I did, as long as it's on my dime, and the only one who is going to pay for the damage is me, then so be it. That would be the price of my own stupidity. However, it is not my responsibility to pay for anybody elses own stupidity.....So yes, if a welfare recipient is stuffing themselves with nothing but garbage, particularly their children, then regulate the piss out of 'em.
I could care less who's seen "your" pictures. I'm 16 years older than you. I'll put my build up against yours any day. I too am a gym rat, workout junkie. Have been since my high school football days and military service. You can post pictures until the cows come home, doesn't mean it's actually you. Get off the soap box, buddy!

What i'm stating dumbass, is that there are a hell of a lot of food stamp recipients who are as stupid as you....They believe it's perfectly fine to eat nothing but crap. As long as the belly is full, they'll be just fine!......And I don't have a problem with people living like that as long as it's all on their dime, too include their healthcare being on their own dime....When it's my dime that is going to pay for their idiocy, yeah, I have a problem with it. The conservative in me says, fuck that shit!

Yeah, I just happen to have several amateur style pics of some random dude, that I like to hand out to friends I've developed close relationships with on a message board I've frequented for 3 years, and tell them that it's me. One of them had my son in it with me...err, well, actually some random toddler that I like to claim is my son.

Ok dude. :thup:

I'm sorry that you can't maintain a good physique and good health if you eat junk food. That sucks. :lol:
Hey, i'm a freak for vanilla Hagen Daz. Eat a bowl every friggin night. I'm a candy freak also. Skittles and snickers, baby!......But, I supplement with a well balanced diet. I don't stuff myself with nothing but crap......But even if I did, as long as it's on my dime, and the only one who is going to pay for the damage is me, then so be it. That would be the price of my own stupidity. However, it is not my responsibility to pay for anybody elses own stupidity.....So yes, if a welfare recipient is stuffing themselves with nothing but garbage, particularly their children, then regulate the piss out of 'em.

The diet is way less important than the exercise.

The reason this country is so fat is because we're lazy. The crap food doesn't help, but if people got off their asses and took on a decent exercise routine it would go a long way towards cutting back on the obesity.

Proper supplementing helps a lot too. There are several different vitamins and minerals you can supplement your body with that will aid in a more proper process of usage and digestion.

There are plenty of people on food stamps that have a physiology that lends itself to an ability to handle a less than adequate diet. To say none should be able to enjoy a snack food now and again because lazy people are getting fat and unhealthy, is just not fair.

We as taxpayers have agreed, via our reps and senators, to simply hand them a wad of cash. That's already a flawed system.

Rather than control their purchases, why not develop an entirely new system that avoids that whole problem altogether?

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