A small trip to the grocery...a large aggravation.


You wish.

They should still pay for their junk with the money they earn. It is a broken system that allows for abuse and you know it.

So a person has a job, but makes very little. Just enough to pay the basic bills with nothing left over.

They get SNAP benefits with tax dollars, and you say that because it's YOUR tax dollars, they shouldn't get any snacks at all.

What about THEIR tax dollars? They pay taxes too, but don't get to have THEIR say in their food benefits?

I don't get it. That's about as greedy as it gets.

The specific incident i site in this thread, the women had enough for beer, cigarettes and fashion magazines. The money she used on those i am sure she could more then afford any junk food she choose.

And actually if they are living below a certain level of income, they don't pay taxes.

So because some woman is an asshole, the rest should get screwed?

And the taxes are still taken out of the paycheck. They have to wait until tax return time to get it back. So that's not really a valid argument for why they shouldn't get to have say in the tax dollars throughout the year, while the government is taking it and playing with it.
No, I'M saying that even if they aren't working and collecting a check, I don't have a problem with them buying an occasional goody. It's the ones who buy nothing but crap that I have a problem with......And I believe that is also what Syrenn is trying to say. Just as I have a major problem with those who use welfare as their way of making a permanent living. That shit is rampant in L.A. and it needs to stop. FINALLY, it seems as though people are waking up to this shit.

No, Syrenn is saying not a single "junk food" item WHATSOEVER from SNAP benefits.

I've said that like 4 times now, he ignores it.

Syrenn is saying no soda, chips, candy, snack cakes, and cookies, and thinking about it, ice cream too.


So a person has a job, but makes very little. Just enough to pay the basic bills with nothing left over.

They get SNAP benefits with tax dollars, and you say that because it's YOUR tax dollars, they shouldn't get any snacks at all.

What about THEIR tax dollars? They pay taxes too, but don't get to have THEIR say in their food benefits?

I don't get it. That's about as greedy as it gets.

The specific incident i site in this thread, the women had enough for beer, cigarettes and fashion magazines. The money she used on those i am sure she could more then afford any junk food she choose.

And actually if they are living below a certain level of income, they don't pay taxes.

So because some woman is an asshole, the rest should get screwed?

And the taxes are still taken out of the paycheck. They have to wait until tax return time to get it back. So that's not really a valid argument for why they shouldn't get to have say in the tax dollars throughout the year, while the government is taking it and playing with it.

If they get the money back then they are not paying taxes. Period.

I am saying several things.

There are huge abuses in food stamp system. That is usually the way it works, if a few fuck up everyone pays for it.

Food stamps should be used for food and not junk food.

The people who are in the food stamp program are more then welcome to buy as much junk food as they want with money they earn. (or are given to in welfare benefits)
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The specific incident i site in this thread, the women had enough for beer, cigarettes and fashion magazines. The money she used on those i am sure she could more then afford any junk food she choose.

And actually if they are living below a certain level of income, they don't pay taxes.

So because some woman is an asshole, the rest should get screwed?

And the taxes are still taken out of the paycheck. They have to wait until tax return time to get it back. So that's not really a valid argument for why they shouldn't get to have say in the tax dollars throughout the year, while the government is taking it and playing with it.

If they get the money back then they are not paying taxes. Period.

I am saying several things.

There are huge abuses in food stamp system. That is usually the way it works, if a few fuck up everyone pays for it.

Food stamps should be used for food and not junk food.

The government takes the money from their paycheck, and fucking plays with it all year. So they get it back in February, but they had to deal with the rest of the year not having it when they really needed it.

While we're handing out billions of dollars in "aid" to countries who don't give a fuck about us, and using those tax dollars they're taking from the poor person to do so, you're finding a reason to complain that the poor person who dealt with losing that money all year long to fund Pakistan bought a fucking ho-ho.

That's really sad, syrenn.

The specific incident i site in this thread, the women had enough for beer, cigarettes and fashion magazines. The money she used on those i am sure she could more then afford any junk food she choose.

And actually if they are living below a certain level of income, they don't pay taxes.

So because some woman is an asshole, the rest should get screwed?

And the taxes are still taken out of the paycheck. They have to wait until tax return time to get it back. So that's not really a valid argument for why they shouldn't get to have say in the tax dollars throughout the year, while the government is taking it and playing with it.

If they get the money back then they are not paying taxes. Period.

I am saying several things.

There are huge abuses in food stamp system. That is usually the way it works, if a few fuck up everyone pays for it.

Food stamps should be used for food and not junk food.

The people who are in the food stamp program are more then welcome to buy as much junk food as they want with money they earn. (or are given to in welfare benefits)

You said it food. they are called food stamps. Not Syrenn approved food item stamps.

How about this Syrenn, how about if Paulie and I decided that because you drive on publicly funded roads and that there is noway you pay enough in taxes to cover the upkeep, law enforcement, etc etc of your share of the cost of that road that from now on you can only drive to work and back... That's fair isn't it? I mean where else do you HAVE to drive to and after all it is OUR dime.

For that matter. noway you pay enough in taxes to cover your children's education. Stay home and educate them yourself.

Oh, and the next time your house catches on fire, aint noway you pay enough in taxes to cover the fire department coming to your rescue.

You get it yet?
So because some woman is an asshole, the rest should get screwed?

And the taxes are still taken out of the paycheck. They have to wait until tax return time to get it back. So that's not really a valid argument for why they shouldn't get to have say in the tax dollars throughout the year, while the government is taking it and playing with it.

If they get the money back then they are not paying taxes. Period.

I am saying several things.

There are huge abuses in food stamp system. That is usually the way it works, if a few fuck up everyone pays for it.

Food stamps should be used for food and not junk food.

The government takes the money from their paycheck, and fucking plays with it all year. So they get it back in February, but they had to deal with the rest of the year not having it when they really needed it.

While we're handing out billions of dollars in "aid" to countries who don't give a fuck about us, and using those tax dollars they're taking from the poor person to do so, you're finding a reason to complain that the poor person who dealt with losing that money all year long to fund Pakistan bought a fucking ho-ho.

That's really sad, syrenn.

That is about the size of it. In the end they still don't pay taxes.

And im just as pissed off at the aid we send to other countries..but that is a different thread.

Again, i don't care if they buy a ho ho, ding dongs, twinkies or moon pies, so long as they are purchasing them with something other then food stamps.
If they get the money back then they are not paying taxes. Period.

I am saying several things.

There are huge abuses in food stamp system. That is usually the way it works, if a few fuck up everyone pays for it.

Food stamps should be used for food and not junk food.

The government takes the money from their paycheck, and fucking plays with it all year. So they get it back in February, but they had to deal with the rest of the year not having it when they really needed it.

While we're handing out billions of dollars in "aid" to countries who don't give a fuck about us, and using those tax dollars they're taking from the poor person to do so, you're finding a reason to complain that the poor person who dealt with losing that money all year long to fund Pakistan bought a fucking ho-ho.

That's really sad, syrenn.

That is about the size of it. In the end they still don't pay taxes.

And im just as pissed off at the aid we send to other countries..but that is a different thread.

Again, i don't care if they buy a ho ho, ding dongs, twinkies or moon pies, so long as they are purchasing them with something other then food stamps.

Meanwhile, there's still people who are above the poverty line and getting SNAP benefits. They don't get all their taxes back. Do you have justification for you deciding for them how they spend their tax dollars they get back in SNAP?

The way I see it, even for those below poverty...they lost money all year that the government took and played with. They had to loan the government ~20% of their income all year. The least they can get back is a couple bucks for a snack in interest.

Banks don't loan money to you without getting something in return. A poor person can loan those tax dollars to the government a enjoy a fucking bottle of soda for their troubles.
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The government takes the money from their paycheck, and fucking plays with it all year. So they get it back in February, but they had to deal with the rest of the year not having it when they really needed it.

While we're handing out billions of dollars in "aid" to countries who don't give a fuck about us, and using those tax dollars they're taking from the poor person to do so, you're finding a reason to complain that the poor person who dealt with losing that money all year long to fund Pakistan bought a fucking ho-ho.

That's really sad, syrenn.

That is about the size of it. In the end they still don't pay taxes.

And im just as pissed off at the aid we send to other countries..but that is a different thread.

Again, i don't care if they buy a ho ho, ding dongs, twinkies or moon pies, so long as they are purchasing them with something other then food stamps.

Meanwhile, there's still people who are above the poverty line and getting SNAP benefits. They don't get all their taxes back. Do you have justification for you deciding for them how they spend their tax dollars they get back in SNAP?

The way I see it, even for those below poverty...they lost money all year that the government took and played with. They had to loan the government ~20% of their income all year. The least they can get back is a couple bucks for a snack in interest.

Banks don't loan money to you without getting something in return. A poor person can loan those tax dollars to the government a enjoy a fucking bottle of soda for their troubles.

You noticed, I suppose, that she completely ignored my post concerning roads, school, and the fire dpt. wonder why?
That is about the size of it. In the end they still don't pay taxes.

And im just as pissed off at the aid we send to other countries..but that is a different thread.

Again, i don't care if they buy a ho ho, ding dongs, twinkies or moon pies, so long as they are purchasing them with something other then food stamps.
so the folks putting out ho hos ding dongs and twinkies aren't responsible for millions of dollars in tax revenue? what makes you determine the value of their goods and their competitiveness in the market at their own expense?
What i'm stating dumbass, is that there are a hell of a lot of food stamp recipients who are as stupid as you....They believe it's perfectly fine to eat nothing but crap. As long as the belly is full, they'll be just fine!......And I don't have a problem with people living like that as long as it's all on their dime, too include their healthcare being on their own dime....When it's my dime that is going to pay for their idiocy, yeah, I have a problem with it. The conservative in me says, fuck that shit!

:eusa_hand: survey says its the IDIOT in you, sorry.
Well, good for you. Then why don't you go and subsist on a diet of crap. You know, fried foods, cheetos and shit like that. Wash it down with 2 liter bottles of Dr. Pepper when you're done. Do it day in and day out, and see what it gets ya'!.....See what the doctor tells ya' when he's ripping you a new asshole for being a complete idiot....If you're providing for yourself, I could give a shit if you end up croaking or requiring major medical care because you're a fucking idiot!...That's your fucking problem!....But when it's my dime, paying for your abject stupidity, then it is my problem!

And, it is YOU who is taking a more lefty position. In the lefty's eyes its like, fuck it!...Don't worry about it. The government will take care of it. You need $75,000.00 in emergency medical care because you're an idiot?.....No problem!.....That's what the government is for. That's what that Husband and wife down the street who work forty or fifty hours a week are there for. To provide you with free shit, regardless if your own stupidity causes your problems!...Regardless if your own stupidity is causing your childrens problems.

Now, tell me Mr. nutritionist. A good number of those who engage in that crap have children so, tell me Mr. nutritionist, how healthy is it for a developing child to subsist on nothing but crap?.....Tell me it doesn't directly affect their health......In fact, just for fun and enlightenment, go ask any pediatrician how healthy it is for developing children to subsist on that crap.....You'll more than likely find that you're full of shit!


Wait a minute...

So now these people are living solely on "crap"?

It went from a lady at a checkout buying a couple items deemed less than healthy, to food stamp recipients universally living completely on CRAP?

You're REALLY not making a good case for yourself :lol:

There's several people on this board who have seen pictures of me, a few of which without a shirt on, so they know my build. I'm cut like a fucking greek GOD, and completely physically fit.

At least half of my diet consists of what you would consider "junk". I eat cookies, ice cream, tastykake pies, pizza, cheese steaks, burgers, you name it. I eat the HELL out of that shit on a routine basis, for the calorie load. Otherwise, I consume large amounts of protein via supplement shakes, and eat a lot of vegetables as well as natural multi-vitamins.

I'm in just as good of shape at 30 as I was at 18. I can eat what I want. My doctor has never said a single bad thing about it, in fact he encourages the calorie intake because I need at least 5,000 calories a day to sustain weight gain.

So don't fucking tell me about what's good and not good for any random individual, because the fact of the matter is that you know a sum total of jack plus SHIT about it.

And to answer your question about kids...no, I don't think it's a good idea for them to eat nothing but crap foods, because their bodies aren't ready to process it properly.

But then, no one here is claiming that food stamp recipients and their children are eating nothing but crap except YOU.
I could care less who's seen "your" pictures. I'm 16 years older than you. I'll put my build up against yours any day. I too am a gym rat, workout junkie. Have been since my high school football days and military service. You can post pictures until the cows come home, doesn't mean it's actually you. Get off the soap box, buddy!

What i'm stating dumbass, is that there are a hell of a lot of food stamp recipients who are as stupid as you....They believe it's perfectly fine to eat nothing but crap. As long as the belly is full, they'll be just fine!......And I don't have a problem with people living like that as long as it's all on their dime, too include their healthcare being on their own dime....When it's my dime that is going to pay for their idiocy, yeah, I have a problem with it. The conservative in me says, fuck that shit!
I think you guys should post your shirtless pictures and let the ladies decide if we approve of your diets.

Wait a minute...

So now these people are living solely on "crap"?

It went from a lady at a checkout buying a couple items deemed less than healthy, to food stamp recipients universally living completely on CRAP?

You're REALLY not making a good case for yourself :lol:

There's several people on this board who have seen pictures of me, a few of which without a shirt on, so they know my build. I'm cut like a fucking greek GOD, and completely physically fit.

At least half of my diet consists of what you would consider "junk". I eat cookies, ice cream, tastykake pies, pizza, cheese steaks, burgers, you name it. I eat the HELL out of that shit on a routine basis, for the calorie load. Otherwise, I consume large amounts of protein via supplement shakes, and eat a lot of vegetables as well as natural multi-vitamins.

I'm in just as good of shape at 30 as I was at 18. I can eat what I want. My doctor has never said a single bad thing about it, in fact he encourages the calorie intake because I need at least 5,000 calories a day to sustain weight gain.

So don't fucking tell me about what's good and not good for any random individual, because the fact of the matter is that you know a sum total of jack plus SHIT about it.

And to answer your question about kids...no, I don't think it's a good idea for them to eat nothing but crap foods, because their bodies aren't ready to process it properly.

But then, no one here is claiming that food stamp recipients and their children are eating nothing but crap except YOU.
I could care less who's seen "your" pictures. I'm 16 years older than you. I'll put my build up against yours any day. I too am a gym rat, workout junkie. Have been since my high school football days and military service. You can post pictures until the cows come home, doesn't mean it's actually you. Get off the soap box, buddy!

What i'm stating dumbass, is that there are a hell of a lot of food stamp recipients who are as stupid as you....They believe it's perfectly fine to eat nothing but crap. As long as the belly is full, they'll be just fine!......And I don't have a problem with people living like that as long as it's all on their dime, too include their healthcare being on their own dime....When it's my dime that is going to pay for their idiocy, yeah, I have a problem with it. The conservative in me says, fuck that shit!
I think you guys should post your shirtless pictures and let the ladies decide if we approve of your diets.


Mine is around somewhere.
Poor people should not be allowed to buy any of this stuff with OUR MONEY

4 -12 packs of soda pop. Not allowed...let them drink water...FROM THE TAP
2 - packages of bologna. No processed meats. You can find perfectly good meat lying on the side of the road
1 giant bag of cheese-ball puffs. Let them buy milk and make their own damn cheese...lazy bastards
1 giant bag of cheese popcorn. Grow your own corn, why must we make things easy on poor people?
1 loaf of bread. Buy flour and yeast....make your own damn bread
2 - 1 litre cold coke bottles (guess they can't wait till they get home..need it now) See above...tap water is free

Annnnd...3 packs of cigarettes. Cigs they can buy....its there own money and this is America
Poor people should not be allowed to buy any of this stuff with OUR MONEY

4 -12 packs of soda pop. Not allowed...let them drink water...FROM THE TAP
2 - packages of bologna. No processed meats. You can find perfectly good meat lying on the side of the road
1 giant bag of cheese-ball puffs. Let them buy milk and make their own damn cheese...lazy bastards
1 giant bag of cheese popcorn. Grow your own corn, why must we make things easy on poor people?
1 loaf of bread. Buy flour and yeast....make your own damn bread
2 - 1 litre cold coke bottles (guess they can't wait till they get home..need it now) See above...tap water is free

Annnnd...3 packs of cigarettes. Cigs they can buy....its there own money and this is America

The lazy bastards can also make their own cigs. Let them buy a pack of Zig Zags and collect butts from the side of the road and roll their own.

The specific incident i site in this thread, the women had enough for beer, cigarettes and fashion magazines. The money she used on those i am sure she could more then afford any junk food she choose.

And actually if they are living below a certain level of income, they don't pay taxes.

So because some woman is an asshole, the rest should get screwed?

And the taxes are still taken out of the paycheck. They have to wait until tax return time to get it back. So that's not really a valid argument for why they shouldn't get to have say in the tax dollars throughout the year, while the government is taking it and playing with it.

If they get the money back then they are not paying taxes. Period.

I am saying several things.

There are huge abuses in food stamp system. That is usually the way it works, if a few fuck up everyone pays for it.

Food stamps should be used for food and not junk food.

The people who are in the food stamp program are more then welcome to buy as much junk food as they want with money they earn. (or are given to in welfare benefits)

You know.......my gross income last year was around 16,000 for the year.

I still had to pay around 400 bucks in taxes.
Syrenn how come you never answered my questions about the roads, the schools , and the fire dept?
Syrenn how come you never answered my questions about the roads, the schools , and the fire dept?

We are spacificaly speaking about the food stamp program and what they should and should not cover.

Roads, schools and fire dept are all covered from everyone's taxes and everyone can use them. That is unless you don't pay taxes and are using them for free. Then again, i guess the government owes me for the public school part as i do not use the public school system.
Syrenn how come you never answered my questions about the roads, the schools , and the fire dept?

We are spacificaly speaking about the food stamp program and what they should and should not cover.

Roads, schools and fire dept are all covered from everyone's taxes and everyone can use them. That is unless you don't pay taxes and are using them for free. Then again, i guess the government owes me for the public school part as i do not use the public school system.

No, actually there are provisions you have to meet to use any government resource. Including schools (must have your shot records) roads (must be licensed) and fire departments (must have your address prominently displayed in front of your residence) all those are just examples. Likewise, anyone who meets certain requirements can get food stamps. It certainly isn't limited to a few people.

Are you suggesting that only some people's taxes go towards food stamps? That's what it looks like.

No the gov't doesn't owe you. That is the part you don't get, we trade our taxes for services for all. You don't get to pick and choose which services your taxes will go towards (well technically you do get a say, that's what elections are for, but you don't get a direct say.)

Did you miss 9th grade civics class?

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