A small trip to the grocery...a large aggravation.

Yeah, I just happen to have several amateur style pics of some random dude, that I like to hand out to friends I've developed close relationships with on a message board I've frequented for 3 years, and tell them that it's me. One of them had my son in it with me...err, well, actually some random toddler that I like to claim is my son.

Ok dude. :thup:

I'm sorry that you can't maintain a good physique and good health if you eat junk food. That sucks. :lol:
Hey, i'm a freak for vanilla Hagen Daz. Eat a bowl every friggin night. I'm a candy freak also. Skittles and snickers, baby!......But, I supplement with a well balanced diet. I don't stuff myself with nothing but crap......But even if I did, as long as it's on my dime, and the only one who is going to pay for the damage is me, then so be it. That would be the price of my own stupidity. However, it is not my responsibility to pay for anybody elses own stupidity.....So yes, if a welfare recipient is stuffing themselves with nothing but garbage, particularly their children, then regulate the piss out of 'em.

The diet is way less important than the exercise.

The reason this country is so fat is because we're lazy. The crap food doesn't help, but if people got off their asses and took on a decent exercise routine it would go a long way towards cutting back on the obesity.

Proper supplementing helps a lot too. There are several different vitamins and minerals you can supplement your body with that will aid in a more proper process of usage and digestion.

There are plenty of people on food stamps that have a physiology that lends itself to an ability to handle a less than adequate diet. To say none should be able to enjoy a snack food now and again because lazy people are getting fat and unhealthy, is just not fair.

We as taxpayers have agreed, via our reps and senators, to simply hand them a wad of cash. That's already a flawed system.

Rather than control their purchases, why not develop an entirely new system that avoids that whole problem altogether?
I've already said that I don't have a problem with them buying a few goodies. It's the ones that buy nothing but goodies that sticks in my friggin' craw......I live in ventura county now becuase of friendlier tax laws. Our home is literally yards away from the LA/Ventura county line. While living in LA county, the san fernando valley in particular, It was not uncommon to see the welfare recipients stuffing their carts with nothing but crap. children in tow, and fat rolls hanging from their arms. Those people were walking timebombs just waiting for their hearts to give out. And of course, it is we who pay the taxes that will end up footing the bill for their slovenly ways....It's not right.
Hey, i'm a freak for vanilla Hagen Daz. Eat a bowl every friggin night. I'm a candy freak also. Skittles and snickers, baby!......But, I supplement with a well balanced diet. I don't stuff myself with nothing but crap......But even if I did, as long as it's on my dime, and the only one who is going to pay for the damage is me, then so be it. That would be the price of my own stupidity. However, it is not my responsibility to pay for anybody elses own stupidity.....So yes, if a welfare recipient is stuffing themselves with nothing but garbage, particularly their children, then regulate the piss out of 'em.

The diet is way less important than the exercise.

The reason this country is so fat is because we're lazy. The crap food doesn't help, but if people got off their asses and took on a decent exercise routine it would go a long way towards cutting back on the obesity.

Proper supplementing helps a lot too. There are several different vitamins and minerals you can supplement your body with that will aid in a more proper process of usage and digestion.

There are plenty of people on food stamps that have a physiology that lends itself to an ability to handle a less than adequate diet. To say none should be able to enjoy a snack food now and again because lazy people are getting fat and unhealthy, is just not fair.

We as taxpayers have agreed, via our reps and senators, to simply hand them a wad of cash. That's already a flawed system.

Rather than control their purchases, why not develop an entirely new system that avoids that whole problem altogether?
I've already said that I don't have a problem with them buying a few goodies. It's the ones that buy nothing but goodies that sticks in my friggin' craw......I live in ventura county now becuase of friendlier tax laws. Our home is literally yards away from the LA/Ventura county line. While living in LA county, the san fernando valley in particular, It was not uncommon to see the welfare recipients stuffing their carts with nothing but crap. children in tow, and fat rolls hanging from their arms. Those people were walking timebombs just waiting for their hearts to give out. And of course, it is we who pay the taxes that will end up footing the bill for their slovenly ways....It's not right.
I've been under the impression that you weren't cool with food stamps going towards any "junk" foods AT ALL. Not even a bag of chips or a case of soda, or whatever.

If you're ok with an occasional snack now and again after someone busts their ass all week for a paycheck that just barely manages to cover the rest of their living expenses, then this argument is over :thup:
The diet is way less important than the exercise.

The reason this country is so fat is because we're lazy. The crap food doesn't help, but if people got off their asses and took on a decent exercise routine it would go a long way towards cutting back on the obesity.

Proper supplementing helps a lot too. There are several different vitamins and minerals you can supplement your body with that will aid in a more proper process of usage and digestion.

There are plenty of people on food stamps that have a physiology that lends itself to an ability to handle a less than adequate diet. To say none should be able to enjoy a snack food now and again because lazy people are getting fat and unhealthy, is just not fair.

We as taxpayers have agreed, via our reps and senators, to simply hand them a wad of cash. That's already a flawed system.

Rather than control their purchases, why not develop an entirely new system that avoids that whole problem altogether?
I've already said that I don't have a problem with them buying a few goodies. It's the ones that buy nothing but goodies that sticks in my friggin' craw......I live in ventura county now becuase of friendlier tax laws. Our home is literally yards away from the LA/Ventura county line. While living in LA county, the san fernando valley in particular, It was not uncommon to see the welfare recipients stuffing their carts with nothing but crap. children in tow, and fat rolls hanging from their arms. Those people were walking timebombs just waiting for their hearts to give out. And of course, it is we who pay the taxes that will end up footing the bill for their slovenly ways....It's not right.
I've been under the impression that you weren't cool with food stamps going towards any "junk" foods AT ALL. Not even a bag of chips or a case of soda, or whatever.

If you're ok with an occasional snack now and again after someone busts their ass all week for a paycheck that just barely manages to cover the rest of their living expenses, then this argument is over :thup:
I believe I stated in this thread or the other related thread that I have no problem with them buying a liter or two of soda. Nor do I have a problem with them buying a bag or two o' rinds. Everybody deserves a treat every now and then. I have a peroblem when I see 'em buying 4 cases of soda and 5 bags o' rinds to go along with a whole host of complete and utter garbage that's filling their carts.....And if they have kids in tow, it burns my proud white ass even more......Ya' see how it goes up here. People don't fully read a thread and the hammering begins.....All of a sudden I became this completely intolerant ttyrant who's trying to monitor everybody's lives.....That is not the case at all.
I've already said that I don't have a problem with them buying a few goodies. It's the ones that buy nothing but goodies that sticks in my friggin' craw......I live in ventura county now becuase of friendlier tax laws. Our home is literally yards away from the LA/Ventura county line. While living in LA county, the san fernando valley in particular, It was not uncommon to see the welfare recipients stuffing their carts with nothing but crap. children in tow, and fat rolls hanging from their arms. Those people were walking timebombs just waiting for their hearts to give out. And of course, it is we who pay the taxes that will end up footing the bill for their slovenly ways....It's not right.
I've been under the impression that you weren't cool with food stamps going towards any "junk" foods AT ALL. Not even a bag of chips or a case of soda, or whatever.

If you're ok with an occasional snack now and again after someone busts their ass all week for a paycheck that just barely manages to cover the rest of their living expenses, then this argument is over :thup:
I believe I stated in this thread or the other related thread that I have no problem with them buying a liter or two of soda. Nor do I have a problem with them buying a bag or two o' rinds. Everybody deserves a treat every now and then. I have a peroblem when I see 'em buying 4 cases of soda and 5 bags o' rinds to go along with a whole host of complete and utter garbage that's filling their carts.....And if they have kids in tow, it burns my proud white ass even more......Ya' see how it goes up here. People don't fully read a thread and the hammering begins.....All of a sudden I became this completely intolerant ttyrant who's trying to monitor everybody's lives.....That is not the case at all.

I swear I saw you say you didn't mind as long as it's with their own money.

But whatever though, it's clarified now and that's cool.
I've studied nutrition for over 10 years, my man. I'm in the gym at least 4 days out of a week for most of my adult life, and I know diet and supplementing probably better than any fucking chef I know.

I've seen it all, heard it all, read about it all, and TRIED it all. I GUARANTEE you I know more about it than you, but that's also beside the point.

The fact is, people can smoke for 70 fucking years and live longer, healthier lives than people who ate "properly" and exercised. At the end of the day, the individual physiology is what determine's a person's fate.

It took me many years of trial and error to figure out what was right for MY body. There's no fucking way any person can just decide a diet for someone with certainty that it is even beneficial. NO FUCKING WAY.

What I find most interesting here, is your desire to decide what's best for someone else. Right out of the mother fucking leftist handbook, brother.

You'll have to excuse me while I bask in the unavoidable irony.
Well, good for you. Then why don't you go and subsist on a diet of crap. You know, fried foods, cheetos and shit like that. Wash it down with 2 liter bottles of Dr. Pepper when you're done. Do it day in and day out, and see what it gets ya'!.....See what the doctor tells ya' when he's ripping you a new asshole for being a complete idiot....If you're providing for yourself, I could give a shit if you end up croaking or requiring major medical care because you're a fucking idiot!...That's your fucking problem!....But when it's my dime, paying for your abject stupidity, then it is my problem!

And, it is YOU who is taking a more lefty position. In the lefty's eyes its like, fuck it!...Don't worry about it. The government will take care of it. You need $75,000.00 in emergency medical care because you're an idiot?.....No problem!.....That's what the government is for. That's what that Husband and wife down the street who work forty or fifty hours a week are there for. To provide you with free shit, regardless if your own stupidity causes your problems!...Regardless if your own stupidity is causing your childrens problems.

Now, tell me Mr. nutritionist. A good number of those who engage in that crap have children so, tell me Mr. nutritionist, how healthy is it for a developing child to subsist on nothing but crap?.....Tell me it doesn't directly affect their health......In fact, just for fun and enlightenment, go ask any pediatrician how healthy it is for developing children to subsist on that crap.....You'll more than likely find that you're full of shit!


Wait a minute...

So now these people are living solely on "crap"?

It went from a lady at a checkout buying a couple items deemed less than healthy, to food stamp recipients universally living completely on CRAP?

You're REALLY not making a good case for yourself :lol:

There's several people on this board who have seen pictures of me, a few of which without a shirt on, so they know my build. I'm cut like a fucking greek GOD, and completely physically fit.

At least half of my diet consists of what you would consider "junk". I eat cookies, ice cream, tastykake pies, pizza, cheese steaks, burgers, you name it. I eat the HELL out of that shit on a routine basis, for the calorie load. Otherwise, I consume large amounts of protein via supplement shakes, and eat a lot of vegetables as well as natural multi-vitamins.

I'm in just as good of shape at 30 as I was at 18. I can eat what I want. My doctor has never said a single bad thing about it, in fact he encourages the calorie intake because I need at least 5,000 calories a day to sustain weight gain.

So don't fucking tell me about what's good and not good for any random individual, because the fact of the matter is that you know a sum total of jack plus SHIT about it.

And to answer your question about kids...no, I don't think it's a good idea for them to eat nothing but crap foods, because their bodies aren't ready to process it properly.

But then, no one here is claiming that food stamp recipients and their children are eating nothing but crap except YOU.

Incorrect, Syrenn is also making that claim. Of course she also claims that SNAP users all announce that they are using SNAP and loudly ask that their groceries be rang up seperate from their non groceries.
I've been under the impression that you weren't cool with food stamps going towards any "junk" foods AT ALL. Not even a bag of chips or a case of soda, or whatever.

If you're ok with an occasional snack now and again after someone busts their ass all week for a paycheck that just barely manages to cover the rest of their living expenses, then this argument is over :thup:
I believe I stated in this thread or the other related thread that I have no problem with them buying a liter or two of soda. Nor do I have a problem with them buying a bag or two o' rinds. Everybody deserves a treat every now and then. I have a peroblem when I see 'em buying 4 cases of soda and 5 bags o' rinds to go along with a whole host of complete and utter garbage that's filling their carts.....And if they have kids in tow, it burns my proud white ass even more......Ya' see how it goes up here. People don't fully read a thread and the hammering begins.....All of a sudden I became this completely intolerant ttyrant who's trying to monitor everybody's lives.....That is not the case at all.

I swear I saw you say you didn't mind as long as it's with their own money.

But whatever though, it's clarified now and that's cool.
No, I said if they are paying for their own healthcare, I have no problem with them stuffing their faces with nothing but that crap. If the taxpayers are paying for their healthcare, then I have a problem with them stuffing their faces with nothing but that crap. If they want to buy a few goodies now and then, I don't have a problem with it. None whatsoever.
Well, good for you. Then why don't you go and subsist on a diet of crap. You know, fried foods, cheetos and shit like that. Wash it down with 2 liter bottles of Dr. Pepper when you're done. Do it day in and day out, and see what it gets ya'!.....See what the doctor tells ya' when he's ripping you a new asshole for being a complete idiot....If you're providing for yourself, I could give a shit if you end up croaking or requiring major medical care because you're a fucking idiot!...That's your fucking problem!....But when it's my dime, paying for your abject stupidity, then it is my problem!

And, it is YOU who is taking a more lefty position. In the lefty's eyes its like, fuck it!...Don't worry about it. The government will take care of it. You need $75,000.00 in emergency medical care because you're an idiot?.....No problem!.....That's what the government is for. That's what that Husband and wife down the street who work forty or fifty hours a week are there for. To provide you with free shit, regardless if your own stupidity causes your problems!...Regardless if your own stupidity is causing your childrens problems.

Now, tell me Mr. nutritionist. A good number of those who engage in that crap have children so, tell me Mr. nutritionist, how healthy is it for a developing child to subsist on nothing but crap?.....Tell me it doesn't directly affect their health......In fact, just for fun and enlightenment, go ask any pediatrician how healthy it is for developing children to subsist on that crap.....You'll more than likely find that you're full of shit!


Wait a minute...

So now these people are living solely on "crap"?

It went from a lady at a checkout buying a couple items deemed less than healthy, to food stamp recipients universally living completely on CRAP?

You're REALLY not making a good case for yourself :lol:

There's several people on this board who have seen pictures of me, a few of which without a shirt on, so they know my build. I'm cut like a fucking greek GOD, and completely physically fit.

At least half of my diet consists of what you would consider "junk". I eat cookies, ice cream, tastykake pies, pizza, cheese steaks, burgers, you name it. I eat the HELL out of that shit on a routine basis, for the calorie load. Otherwise, I consume large amounts of protein via supplement shakes, and eat a lot of vegetables as well as natural multi-vitamins.

I'm in just as good of shape at 30 as I was at 18. I can eat what I want. My doctor has never said a single bad thing about it, in fact he encourages the calorie intake because I need at least 5,000 calories a day to sustain weight gain.

So don't fucking tell me about what's good and not good for any random individual, because the fact of the matter is that you know a sum total of jack plus SHIT about it.

And to answer your question about kids...no, I don't think it's a good idea for them to eat nothing but crap foods, because their bodies aren't ready to process it properly.

But then, no one here is claiming that food stamp recipients and their children are eating nothing but crap except YOU.

Incorrect, Syrenn is also making that claim. Of course she also claims that SNAP users all announce that they are using SNAP and loudly ask that their groceries be rang up seperate from their non groceries.
At my grocery store, the food stamp recipients prefer to grab the PA intercom mic and announce 'Pork rhinds on your dime in lane 6, bitches! Pork rhinds on your dime in lane 6!'
I've been under the impression that you weren't cool with food stamps going towards any "junk" foods AT ALL. Not even a bag of chips or a case of soda, or whatever.

If you're ok with an occasional snack now and again after someone busts their ass all week for a paycheck that just barely manages to cover the rest of their living expenses, then this argument is over :thup:


That is what Wicked Jester and i have both been saying all along. Have all the junk you want if you pay for it yourself.
I've been under the impression that you weren't cool with food stamps going towards any "junk" foods AT ALL. Not even a bag of chips or a case of soda, or whatever.

If you're ok with an occasional snack now and again after someone busts their ass all week for a paycheck that just barely manages to cover the rest of their living expenses, then this argument is over :thup:


That is what Wicked Jester and i have both been saying all along. Have all the junk you want if you pay for it yourself.

well if they are earning a paycheck they are paying taxes so in essence they have paid for their own SNAP benefits, so its their money, they can do as they please. You fail.
Wait a minute...

So now these people are living solely on "crap"?

It went from a lady at a checkout buying a couple items deemed less than healthy, to food stamp recipients universally living completely on CRAP?

You're REALLY not making a good case for yourself :lol:

There's several people on this board who have seen pictures of me, a few of which without a shirt on, so they know my build. I'm cut like a fucking greek GOD, and completely physically fit.

At least half of my diet consists of what you would consider "junk". I eat cookies, ice cream, tastykake pies, pizza, cheese steaks, burgers, you name it. I eat the HELL out of that shit on a routine basis, for the calorie load. Otherwise, I consume large amounts of protein via supplement shakes, and eat a lot of vegetables as well as natural multi-vitamins.

I'm in just as good of shape at 30 as I was at 18. I can eat what I want. My doctor has never said a single bad thing about it, in fact he encourages the calorie intake because I need at least 5,000 calories a day to sustain weight gain.

So don't fucking tell me about what's good and not good for any random individual, because the fact of the matter is that you know a sum total of jack plus SHIT about it.

And to answer your question about kids...no, I don't think it's a good idea for them to eat nothing but crap foods, because their bodies aren't ready to process it properly.

But then, no one here is claiming that food stamp recipients and their children are eating nothing but crap except YOU.

Incorrect, Syrenn is also making that claim. Of course she also claims that SNAP users all announce that they are using SNAP and loudly ask that their groceries be rang up seperate from their non groceries.
At my grocery store, the food stamp recipients prefer to grab the PA intercom mic and announce 'Pork rhinds on your dime in lane 6, bitches! Pork rhinds on your dime in lane 6!'

My local wal mart has a special food stamp aisle. as you are being checked out , your items are displayed on a 60" flat screen TV for all to gawk at.
Well, good for you. Then why don't you go and subsist on a diet of crap. You know, fried foods, cheetos and shit like that. Wash it down with 2 liter bottles of Dr. Pepper when you're done. Do it day in and day out, and see what it gets ya'!.....See what the doctor tells ya' when he's ripping you a new asshole for being a complete idiot....If you're providing for yourself, I could give a shit if you end up croaking or requiring major medical care because you're a fucking idiot!...That's your fucking problem!....But when it's my dime, paying for your abject stupidity, then it is my problem!

And, it is YOU who is taking a more lefty position. In the lefty's eyes its like, fuck it!...Don't worry about it. The government will take care of it. You need $75,000.00 in emergency medical care because you're an idiot?.....No problem!.....That's what the government is for. That's what that Husband and wife down the street who work forty or fifty hours a week are there for. To provide you with free shit, regardless if your own stupidity causes your problems!...Regardless if your own stupidity is causing your childrens problems.

Now, tell me Mr. nutritionist. A good number of those who engage in that crap have children so, tell me Mr. nutritionist, how healthy is it for a developing child to subsist on nothing but crap?.....Tell me it doesn't directly affect their health......In fact, just for fun and enlightenment, go ask any pediatrician how healthy it is for developing children to subsist on that crap.....You'll more than likely find that you're full of shit!


Wait a minute...

So now these people are living solely on "crap"?

It went from a lady at a checkout buying a couple items deemed less than healthy, to food stamp recipients universally living completely on CRAP?

You're REALLY not making a good case for yourself :lol:

There's several people on this board who have seen pictures of me, a few of which without a shirt on, so they know my build. I'm cut like a fucking greek GOD, and completely physically fit.

At least half of my diet consists of what you would consider "junk". I eat cookies, ice cream, tastykake pies, pizza, cheese steaks, burgers, you name it. I eat the HELL out of that shit on a routine basis, for the calorie load. Otherwise, I consume large amounts of protein via supplement shakes, and eat a lot of vegetables as well as natural multi-vitamins.

I'm in just as good of shape at 30 as I was at 18. I can eat what I want. My doctor has never said a single bad thing about it, in fact he encourages the calorie intake because I need at least 5,000 calories a day to sustain weight gain.

So don't fucking tell me about what's good and not good for any random individual, because the fact of the matter is that you know a sum total of jack plus SHIT about it.

And to answer your question about kids...no, I don't think it's a good idea for them to eat nothing but crap foods, because their bodies aren't ready to process it properly.

But then, no one here is claiming that food stamp recipients and their children are eating nothing but crap except YOU.

Incorrect, Syrenn is also making that claim. Of course she also claims that SNAP users all announce that they are using SNAP and loudly ask that their groceries be rang up seperate from their non groceries.

I never said any such thing about anyone announcing anything, quote me saying that you lying sack of shit! Speaking loudly is not announcing anything.
I've been under the impression that you weren't cool with food stamps going towards any "junk" foods AT ALL. Not even a bag of chips or a case of soda, or whatever.

If you're ok with an occasional snack now and again after someone busts their ass all week for a paycheck that just barely manages to cover the rest of their living expenses, then this argument is over :thup:


That is what Wicked Jester and i have both been saying all along. Have all the junk you want if you pay for it yourself.

well if they are earning a paycheck they are paying taxes so in essence they have paid for their own SNAP benefits, so its their money, they can do as they please. You fail.

That's the part that some here don't seem to get.

It's like it's everyone ELSE'S tax dollars except the person getting the benefits.

I'll take some fucking SNAP benefits if it gives me back some of my tax dollars that are being wasted on clunkers and credit card bills, not to mention BILLIONS in aid to countries who don't really care much for us.
I've been under the impression that you weren't cool with food stamps going towards any "junk" foods AT ALL. Not even a bag of chips or a case of soda, or whatever.

If you're ok with an occasional snack now and again after someone busts their ass all week for a paycheck that just barely manages to cover the rest of their living expenses, then this argument is over :thup:


That is what Wicked Jester and i have both been saying all along. Have all the junk you want if you pay for it yourself.

well if they are earning a paycheck they are paying taxes so in essence they have paid for their own SNAP benefits, so its their money, they can do as they please. You fail.

You wish.

They should still pay for their junk with the money they earn. It is a broken system that allows for abuse and you know it.
Feeding the poor is not the issue I have. Paying for health-care for people who drink, smoke, do drugs & destroy their body with pure junk food when we provide debit cards that allow them to buy healthy food is what pisses me off.

Now we will be more burdened with their destructive behavior.

If they don't give a damn about their health then why should I.
I've been under the impression that you weren't cool with food stamps going towards any "junk" foods AT ALL. Not even a bag of chips or a case of soda, or whatever.

If you're ok with an occasional snack now and again after someone busts their ass all week for a paycheck that just barely manages to cover the rest of their living expenses, then this argument is over :thup:


That is what Wicked Jester and i have both been saying all along. Have all the junk you want if you pay for it yourself.

well if they are earning a paycheck they are paying taxes so in essence they have paid for their own SNAP benefits, so its their money, they can do as they please. You fail.
No, I'M saying that even if they aren't working and collecting a check, I don't have a problem with them buying an occasional goody. It's the ones who buy nothing but crap that I have a problem with......And I believe that is also what Syrenn is trying to say. Just as I have a major problem with those who use welfare as their way of making a permanent living. That shit is rampant in L.A. and it needs to stop. FINALLY, it seems as though people are waking up to this shit.

That is what Wicked Jester and i have both been saying all along. Have all the junk you want if you pay for it yourself.

well if they are earning a paycheck they are paying taxes so in essence they have paid for their own SNAP benefits, so its their money, they can do as they please. You fail.

You wish.

They should still pay for their junk with the money they earn. It is a broken system that allows for abuse and you know it.

So a person has a job, but makes very little. Just enough to pay the basic bills with nothing left over.

They get SNAP benefits with tax dollars, and you say that because it's YOUR tax dollars, they shouldn't get any snacks at all.

What about THEIR tax dollars? They pay taxes too, but don't get to have THEIR say in their food benefits?

I don't get it. That's about as greedy as it gets.

That is what Wicked Jester and i have both been saying all along. Have all the junk you want if you pay for it yourself.

well if they are earning a paycheck they are paying taxes so in essence they have paid for their own SNAP benefits, so its their money, they can do as they please. You fail.
No, I'M saying that even if they aren't working and collecting a check, I don't have a problem with them buying an occasional goody. It's the ones who buy nothing but crap that I have a problem with......And I believe that is also what Syrenn is trying to say. Just as I have a major problem with those who use welfare as their way of making a permanent living. That shit is rampant in L.A. and it needs to stop. FINALLY, it seems as though people are waking up to this shit.

No, Syrenn is saying not a single "junk food" item WHATSOEVER from SNAP benefits.
well if they are earning a paycheck they are paying taxes so in essence they have paid for their own SNAP benefits, so its their money, they can do as they please. You fail.

You wish.

They should still pay for their junk with the money they earn. It is a broken system that allows for abuse and you know it.

So a person has a job, but makes very little. Just enough to pay the basic bills with nothing left over.

They get SNAP benefits with tax dollars, and you say that because it's YOUR tax dollars, they shouldn't get any snacks at all.

What about THEIR tax dollars? They pay taxes too, but don't get to have THEIR say in their food benefits?

I don't get it. That's about as greedy as it gets.

That's exactly it, they are greedy. And stupid if they think you or I or anyone else is okay with the system being abused. All I am personally saying is I'm okay with having a system that can be abused if it means people who would otherwise go hungry get food, including some snack food.

They don't seem to understand that if you qualify for X amount of money , that's what they are giving you, may as well spend it or it will just sit in your account. And I've already shown that 6 people can eat pretty good on $500 a month so I assume that 4 people can on $400, including snacks.
well if they are earning a paycheck they are paying taxes so in essence they have paid for their own SNAP benefits, so its their money, they can do as they please. You fail.
No, I'M saying that even if they aren't working and collecting a check, I don't have a problem with them buying an occasional goody. It's the ones who buy nothing but crap that I have a problem with......And I believe that is also what Syrenn is trying to say. Just as I have a major problem with those who use welfare as their way of making a permanent living. That shit is rampant in L.A. and it needs to stop. FINALLY, it seems as though people are waking up to this shit.

No, Syrenn is saying not a single "junk food" item WHATSOEVER from SNAP benefits.

I've said that like 4 times now, he ignores it.
well if they are earning a paycheck they are paying taxes so in essence they have paid for their own SNAP benefits, so its their money, they can do as they please. You fail.

You wish.

They should still pay for their junk with the money they earn. It is a broken system that allows for abuse and you know it.

So a person has a job, but makes very little. Just enough to pay the basic bills with nothing left over.

They get SNAP benefits with tax dollars, and you say that because it's YOUR tax dollars, they shouldn't get any snacks at all.

What about THEIR tax dollars? They pay taxes too, but don't get to have THEIR say in their food benefits?

I don't get it. That's about as greedy as it gets.

The specific incident i site in this thread, the women had enough for beer, cigarettes and fashion magazines. The money she used on those i am sure she could more then afford any junk food she choose.

And actually if they are living below a certain level of income, they don't pay taxes.

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