A Special Memorial Day Message From VP Kamala Harris:

Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 28, 2018

Talk about disrespect on Memorial day. How soon they forget!
Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 28, 2018

Talk about disrespect on Memorial day. How soon they forget!

There are plenty of valid reasons to disapprove of Kamala Harris. Feigning outrage over this tweet, however, is a petty, partisan, pearl clutching attempt.
She’s a synapse away from leading this nation. Memorial Day is not about having fun and BBQ’s.
It is hard to believe that this was a mistake. You would think that, unlike Trump, she has public relations people doing her social media. If she does not, then she has to know the politicians' unwritten rules of sensitivity and general politeness - she's a Democrat for crying out loud, and if she is going to need the military for the Communist coup, then she needs to be on the ball.
That Ho is a great example of the shitheads that stole the election from the American people.

A piece of Libtard shit that these Moon Bat dimwits voted for and then ignored the fact she and Dufus stole the election.

Second that. ^^^:thup:
So, I just heard that she failed a joke about vibrators at the Commencement of the Naval Academy.
She was saying some stupid stuff about electrical engineers converting from coal to solar, and she went into a joke, "ask any Marine what she would rather carry, twenty pounds of batteries, or a solar panel?"

That monster is quite possibly the ugliest Indian/Jamaican in history not to mention the way it talks, pushing the tongue up to sound nasal.
She is very good looking. I would hate to see what you consider pretty.

Cosmetic beauty is only superficial. Ugliness extends all the way to the heart, mind and soul.
As we see on these boards. Many of you guys are afraid of strong women.
AOC is your hero?
I respect her.

For what?

Tell us.....

Better don't tell us. :rolleyes-41:
Stupid bitch.


'Enjoy the long weekend': Kamala Harris is slammed for smiling tone deaf Memorial Day tweet that doesn't acknowledge fallen soldiers"​

Kamala Harris accused of disrespect after tweeting about Memorial Day

So you think she should bow and scrape to Republicans.
I can clearly recall trump calling McCain a losers because he got captured.
You hypocrite have respect for the memorial day but conveniently and deliberately forgot how he rubbish the veterans. You squalid hypocrites.
Stupid bitch.


'Enjoy the long weekend': Kamala Harris is slammed for smiling tone deaf Memorial Day tweet that doesn't acknowledge fallen soldiers"​

Kamala Harris accused of disrespect after tweeting about Memorial Day

So you think she should bow and scrape to Republicans.
I can clearly recall trump calling McCain a losers because he got captured.
You hypocrite have respect for the memorial day but conveniently and deliberately forgot how he rubbish the veterans. You squalid hypocrites.
I was ALSO HORRIFIED when Trump disparaged McCain---BUT---I did serve in the
Navy and---BELIEVE IT OR NOT-----being captured by the enemy is sorta a "STAIN"
It seemed cold hearted to me, of course. But that is the ethos. Trump did military
school and LEARNED THAT------he is also a victim of ----HOOF IN MOUTH DISEASE
It would be worth it to make her president just to watch all the right wing minds explode.
A strong, tough Black woman, they would be shaking in their boots.
Beijing Biden didn't pick her for being strong, his choice was based on race. Because Beijing Biden picker her based on her skin color and gender, she will NEVER be known for being picked because of her strength or any other merits.
You have obviously never seen her at Senate hearings.
Beijing Biden has replaced her reputation at senate hearings with a reputation of having been pity picked because of her skin color and gender. I suppose that her new reputation is more honorable than how she made her way up the ladder to those senate hearings though...
She is very sharp, tough and intelligent , and would be a good President.
This may all be true, but she will always be known for being selected because of her skin color and gender, instead of any of her strengths. She will likely take over that position in the near future, but it won't be because she was elected by we the people. She was rejected by her own party early in the primaries, and she was selected because of her skin and gender by somebody who acquired his position via fraud.
Well, she actually has OTHER "merits" in the course of making her career... And the ethnicity on her mother's side is a perfect match. As for WHO actually CHOOSES and APPROVES all politicians in our country is a conspiratorial organization named called "The Council on Foreign Relations".
Stupid bitch.


'Enjoy the long weekend': Kamala Harris is slammed for smiling tone deaf Memorial Day tweet that doesn't acknowledge fallen soldiers"​

Kamala Harris accused of disrespect after tweeting about Memorial Day

So you think she should bow and scrape to Republicans.
I can clearly recall trump calling McCain a losers because he got captured.
You hypocrite have respect for the memorial day but conveniently and deliberately forgot how he rubbish the veterans. You squalid hypocrites.
I was ALSO HORRIFIED when Trump disparaged McCain---BUT---I did serve in the
Navy and---BELIEVE IT OR NOT-----being captured by the enemy is sorta a "STAIN"
It seemed cold hearted to me, of course. But that is the ethos. Trump did military
school and LEARNED THAT------he is also a victim of ----HOOF IN MOUTH DISEASE

I always laugh when they said he couldn't join the military because he had bad feet. One wag said one was always in his mouth and other kept getting shot.

Seriously, what he said was unforgivable. It was a blight on every serviceman in history who laid their life on the line.
It shows the ignorance and narcissism of that boighrad and there was virtual no criticism from the republicans about it. Why?
Because he was their boy. They suspended decency and traditional respect for veterans for political reasons and a president who is so dumb he couldn't find his butt without a map.
No POTUS has ever been that disrespectful lime that before but they let it go through without a murmur.
They are lower than an alley cat.
It would be worth it to make her president just to watch all the right wing minds explode.
A strong, tough Black woman, they would be shaking in their boots.
Beijing Biden didn't pick her for being strong, his choice was based on race. Because Beijing Biden picker her based on her skin color and gender, she will NEVER be known for being picked because of her strength or any other merits.
You have obviously never seen her at Senate hearings.
Beijing Biden has replaced her reputation at senate hearings with a reputation of having been pity picked because of her skin color and gender. I suppose that her new reputation is more honorable than how she made her way up the ladder to those senate hearings though...
She is very sharp, tough and intelligent , and would be a good President.
This may all be true, but she will always be known for being selected because of her skin color and gender, instead of any of her strengths. She will likely take over that position in the near future, but it won't be because she was elected by we the people. She was rejected by her own party early in the primaries, and she was selected because of her skin and gender by somebody who acquired his position via fraud.
Well, she actually has OTHER "merits" in the course of making her career... And the ethnicity on her mother's side is a perfect match. As for WHO actually CHOOSES and APPROVES all politicians in our country is a conspiratorial organization named called "The Council on Foreign Relations". View attachment 495695
Indian from MYSORE has somehow become a "CREDENTIAL" ----with whom?
Not only is her mom an indian from Mysore---mom married a NON HINDU---
I cannot tell you how horrified lots of hindus would be-----a MIXED MARRIAGE
But---Indians are really respectful of EDUCATION and (wealth)----so it is ok .
Dad is not really african black-----and she is even MORE DILUTED----yet SOMEHOW
she is the POSTER CHILD FOR-----black like me
It would be worth it to make her president just to watch all the right wing minds explode.
A strong, tough Black woman, they would be shaking in their boots.
Beijing Biden didn't pick her for being strong, his choice was based on race. Because Beijing Biden picker her based on her skin color and gender, she will NEVER be known for being picked because of her strength or any other merits.
Well, she actually has OTHER "merits" in the process of making her career... And the ethnicity on her mother's side is a perfect match. As for WHO actually SELECTS and APPROVES all politicians - this is the conspiratorial organization called the "Council on Foreign Relations".
Stupid bitch.


'Enjoy the long weekend': Kamala Harris is slammed for smiling tone deaf Memorial Day tweet that doesn't acknowledge fallen soldiers"​

Kamala Harris accused of disrespect after tweeting about Memorial Day

So you think she should bow and scrape to Republicans.
I can clearly recall trump calling McCain a losers because he got captured.
You hypocrite have respect for the memorial day but conveniently and deliberately forgot how he rubbish the veterans. You squalid hypocrites.
I was ALSO HORRIFIED when Trump disparaged McCain---BUT---I did serve in the
Navy and---BELIEVE IT OR NOT-----being captured by the enemy is sorta a "STAIN"
It seemed cold hearted to me, of course. But that is the ethos. Trump did military
school and LEARNED THAT------he is also a victim of ----HOOF IN MOUTH DISEASE

I always laugh when they said he couldn't join the military because he had bad feet. One wag said one was always in his mouth and other kept getting shot.

Seriously, what he said was unforgivable. It was a blight on every serviceman in history who laid their life on the line.
It shows the ignorance and narcissism of that boighrad and there was virtual no criticism from the republicans about it. Why?
Because he was their boy. They suspended decency and traditional respect for veterans for political reasons and a president who is so dumb he couldn't find his butt without a map.
No POTUS has ever been that disrespectful lime that before but they let it go through without a murmur.
They are lower than an alley cat.
Believe it or not------unless he really WANTED to join up-----his defect would render him---
exempt. ( I was a "NAVAL" officer----and cannot explain to you why I know)
There are plenty of valid reasons to disapprove of Kamala Harris. Feigning outrage over this tweet, however, is a petty, partisan, pearl clutching attempt.
Sure, how can you even SAY anything TODAY about such "trifles" as 1 million 308 thousand 258 Americans who perished only on the battlefields (without those who died in military hospitals and later from wounds. And without those who died in other political adventures, like the "Iraqi war against the WMD" and clandestine Special Operations)?!

But YOUR motives for this comment I clearly UNDERSTAND...

It's not a "violation" that I wrote the word "understand" in capital letters???
Source: United States: war fatalities1775-2021 | Statista
Last edited:
Stupid bitch.


'Enjoy the long weekend': Kamala Harris is slammed for smiling tone deaf Memorial Day tweet that doesn't acknowledge fallen soldiers"​

Kamala Harris accused of disrespect after tweeting about Memorial Day

So you think she should bow and scrape to Republicans.
I can clearly recall trump calling McCain a losers because he got captured.
You hypocrite have respect for the memorial day but conveniently and deliberately forgot how he rubbish the veterans. You squalid hypocrites.
I was ALSO HORRIFIED when Trump disparaged McCain---BUT---I did serve in the
Navy and---BELIEVE IT OR NOT-----being captured by the enemy is sorta a "STAIN"
It seemed cold hearted to me, of course. But that is the ethos. Trump did military
school and LEARNED THAT------he is also a victim of ----HOOF IN MOUTH DISEASE
But, as usual, it was after McCain had disparaged trump and all of his supporters.
Just as happened with the Elijah Cummings deal.
Trump isn’t a politician. That’s part of the appeal.
I thought his Carly Fiorina insults were bad. Not warranted.
Stupid bitch.


'Enjoy the long weekend': Kamala Harris is slammed for smiling tone deaf Memorial Day tweet that doesn't acknowledge fallen soldiers"​

Kamala Harris accused of disrespect after tweeting about Memorial Day

So you think she should bow and scrape to Republicans.
I can clearly recall trump calling McCain a losers because he got captured.
You hypocrite have respect for the memorial day but conveniently and deliberately forgot how he rubbish the veterans. You squalid hypocrites.
I was ALSO HORRIFIED when Trump disparaged McCain---BUT---I did serve in the
Navy and---BELIEVE IT OR NOT-----being captured by the enemy is sorta a "STAIN"
It seemed cold hearted to me, of course. But that is the ethos. Trump did military
school and LEARNED THAT------he is also a victim of ----HOOF IN MOUTH DISEASE
But, as usual, it was after McCain had disparaged trump and all of his supporters.
Just as happened with the Elijah Cummings deal.
Trump isn’t a politician. That’s part of the appeal.
I thought his Carly Fiorina insults were bad. Not warranted.
That's a pathetic excuse for standing by that idiot trump. If Obama had done that you'd be wanting blood.

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