A Special Prosecutor Must Investigate Kim Foxx's Handling of the Jussie Smollett Case

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

"I skipped law class the day they taught penalizing multiple felonies. I was getting my nails done."

Chicago columnists blasted Kim Foxx's decision to drop the 16 felony counts against hoaxer Smollett. Chicago police union called for a federal investigation into Kim Foxx’s handling of the case.....her sub rosa actions on the Smollett family’s behalf after she was contacted by Tina Tchen, Michelle Obama's onetime aide. “Amateur hour is over.” ....this is nothing new for Kim Foxx. We’ve been complaining about her for two years on so many levels. Her office is just completely out of control.”

Equally reprehensible are the idiots at Southern Illinois University School of Law who gave her a law degree. And those at Southern Illinois University Carbondale who let her out. Black Privelage...works every time!

Black Privilege

Yup. That's a real website and a real app!!!!!

This is exhausting, but it has to be done. We deserve answers. We deserve open court files. We deserve transparency in every case.

We deserve a state’s attorney who will treat the rich and the poor the same — not someone who will make decisions based upon who calls on the phone about it,” O’Brien wrote. “We deserve a state’s attorney who will tell us what is happening — not seal the file so we can’t read it.

Does our state’s attorney prosecute people who break into our homes or rob us with guns or knives? We need an answer — and it’s shocking that we even have to ask.

This is a fight worth fighting — for us, our children and our system of justice. The rule of law is why people fought and died for our country, so the least we can do is fight for some answers.

Let’s get what we are paying big taxes for, the truth. The whole truth. Under oath. Let’s get it.

(Excerpt) Read more at chicagotribune.com ...
We should have picked our own cotton; black crybabies are simply a fundamentally evil race whose only stupid, primitive reaction to anything is hate-filled, baby-tantrum violence against anyone who isn't black.

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