A Sure WINNER ~Beto: I Promise I’ll Let Boys Compete In Girls’ Sports

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Bull Dykes are sure to back up Beano's call! How this could even be a DeathRAT policy is beyond me.....Where are the Feminists?

Hotair ^ | 06/16/2019 | Jazz Shaw


Since Beto O’Rourke began tanking in the polls after his initial boomlet, he’s been scrambling for ways to push further to the left than some of his more successful (thus far) opponents. His latest bid in this effort is a new LGBT platform that was rolled out this week. In it, he promotes the LGBTQ+ Equality Act, which we’ve discussed here previously. Beto focuses on things like housing, education and employment, but makes no mention of the negative impact this measure will have on the already threatened world of competitive female sports. (Daily Caller)

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke’s new plan on LGBT issues includes forcing schools to include male athletes who identify as transgender girls on female sports teams.

O’Rourke’s plan for “LGBTQ+ Equality,” which he released Wednesday, includes passing the Equality Act, which would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make “sexual orientation and gender identity” protected characteristics under federal anti-discrimination law.

The House passed the Equality Act in May with unanimous Democratic support, but it’s unlikely to get a vote in the Republican-controlled Senate.

“Beto will work with Congress to ensure that every person in our country is safe and respected,” O’Rourke’s plan states, pledging to get the Equality Act passed.

A request for comment on the question of how this agenda will affect female athletics from the O’Rourke campaign was not answered.

I wonder if any of the members of our vaunted press corps or the moderators at the upcoming debates will put this question to Beto. In their rush to demonstrate who cares the most about the LGBT community (and subsequently attract their votes in the primary next year), the Democrats are in the process of running over girls and women in sports. You’ll recall that a man recently won an NCAA women’s track championship only a year after declaring that he was now a she. (His previous performance when competing against the men was rather dismal.) Democrats are supposed to be the party of “fairness,” right? How fair is this?

These Democrats, including Beto, might be overplaying their hand by a wide margin. Last month we saw polling indicating that only 23% of Americans believe that males “identifying” as females should be allowed to compete against actual, biological females in sport. And it’s a fairly bipartisan view. Not even one-third of Democrats think this should be allowed.

In their rush to prove their LGBT bona fides, candidates like Beto may find themselves alienating a significant majority of the electorate. Of course, that depends on the media doing their job and bringing up this aspect of the aforementioned Equality Act and getting the candidates on the record about it. While it’s possible, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
An American powerlifting organization is facing a discrimination complaint in Minnesota after it said that JayCee Cooper, who was born a biological man, could not compete in any women’s events.

USA Powerlifting is preparing to defend its policy against any impending legal actions Cooper takes in order to keep it in place because they officials with the organization believe that it is important in maintaining federal protections for women, The Daily Caller reported.

“At some point, we are going to have to defend the biology and stand on women being a protected class, and it might as well start in Minnesota,” Larry Maile, USA Powerlifting president, told the news site.

(Excerpt) Read more at thenationalsentinel.com...
Can you pick out the 2 trannies and a 3rd place woman just by their "smiles"?

If I was Rip van winkle I would think this has to be some sick movie that came to life.
Progs, WTH? Your Democrats come up with lunatic ideas to entertain your base. That seems to suggest something is VERY wrong with left behavior.

Meanwhile Trump does us a bitchen job, while you pin false labels on him like racist, traitor, worst POTUS ever yadda yadda. Go figure.
If I was Rip van winkle I would think this has to be some sick movie that came to life.
No shit.......I feel like I am living in Bizarro World. I definitely don't belong here. Chicks with dicks competing in weightlifting, Drag queens reading to grade school kids at libraries....lamestream media praising a ten year old drag queen as he/she dances in queer bars for tips?????

Yeah, beam me up, Scotty.

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