A Tale of Lies, Deceit, and Terrorism: the Birth of Israel

roudy copy and paste from .frontpagemag. com without giving credit to the author?:eusa_naughty:
Steven Plaut is a professor at the Graduate School of the Business Administration at the University of Haifa and is a columnist for the Jewish Press. A collection of his commentaries on the current events in Israel can be found on his "blog"
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roudy copy and paste from .frontpagemag. com without giving credit to the author?:eusa_naughty:
Steven Plaut is a professor at the Graduate School of the Business Administration at the University of Haifa and is a columnist for the Jewish Press. A collection of his commentaries on the current events in Israel can be found on his "blog"

Nope. Fanger the farter just farted again:

But does it matter? The guy is a piece of shit anti Semite just like you.

FrontPage Magazine - A Poetic Anti-Semite at La Verne University

FrontPage Magazine - A "Poetic" Anti-Semite at La Verne University

William A. Cook is a far-left professor of English at the University of La Verne in southern California. He is a regular correspondent for Counterpunch, and most of the drivel that he writes there is anti-Israel and anti-Jewish, although some is also anti-Christian. A professor of English literature with a highly-dubious academic record (in fact with none at all that we could uncover) at a third-rate college, he sees himself as having the credentials and expertise to make pontifical pronouncements on everything from the workings of capitalism to the history of the Middle East.

La Verne "University"is a small college outside Los Angeles, which is... not exactly Stanford. US News and Report lists it as "third tier", which may be charitable. Established in 1891, it is affiliated with the Church of the Brethrenand has a grand total of 1650 students.

Cook holds a PhD from Lehigh University, claims to know something about Nathaniel Hawthorne, and was once Academic Vice President at La Verne. We had trouble finding any academic work he has ever done on anything at all. Instead, all he seems to write are his own "poems", often with a leftist political message, and Bash-the-Jews articles for Alexander Cockburn over at Counterpunch. Fact checking, for Cook, means citing other Counterpunch columnists who have the same bias as himself, and "objective" scholars like Noam Chomsky.

Much of Cook's "poetry" is simply anti-American boilerplate, the rest is anti-Semitic or anti-conservative. His "poetry" includes one gem called "Dubya Was A Little Boy" (Cook invariably refers to the President as "Dubya" in his scribblings, such as in Yet Another Bush Doctrine), and another one is about Rachel Corrie ( In Memoriam: Rachel Corrie), the clueless undergraduate from Evergreen State University who committed suicide as part of an attempt to protect Palestinian terrorists and their smuggling tunnels. The former "poem" reads, in part: "This orange-coated giant, Went out from Israel, The land of the Philistines, To slaughter the Palestinians." A professor at a church-institution thinks Israel is the Land of the Philistines!

In yet another "poem," The Ghosts of Terezin, he describes survivors of Nazi concentration camps going to Israel and supposedly turning into brutal Nazis. He spends a lot of time writing about genocide, but mainly about how the US and Israel are perpetrating it: "Genocides and holocausts (sic) arise out of unchecked zeal, unquestioned duty, and silent acquiescence. They are fueled by blind belief, personal fear, and a sense of superiority that gives license to slaughter. Both the United States under Bush and its clone under Sharon exemplify the presence of racism resulting in genocidal devastation as they impose their respective wills on Iraqis and Palestinians."

Cook's latest self-composed anthology is a collection of his "poems" he calls "Psalms for the 21st Century." Imagine the hubris of this professor of English at a church-affiliated institution, comparing his own "poems" to a Book in the Bible! The realPsalms, traditionally attributed to King David, often celebrate Jews going out and killing anti-Semites. Cook dares to call his pro-terror, anti-Jewish "poems" by that same name.

Cook is a regular in the Cockburn stable. Among his many literary masterpieces on Counterpunch is An Open Letter to Osama bin Laden. In this letter, he tells Osama:

"Let's turn now to your second concern: American domination of nation-states and the consequences of that control. No where in your statement do you grapple with why America dominates these nations; no where do you differentiate among Americans who condone practices that result in that domination and those who do not; and no where do you offer alternatives to America's willingness to use its power to control, rather you undertake to justify your use of the same means to accomplish your end. Is not this a mirror image of the hypocrisy you level at the United States?… Over the past 50 years, corporations have evolved into transnational corporations that use America as a base of operations…They enforce their will through legislation controlled by those they have put into office. They create International Monetary Funds and impose World Bank regulations on nations to ensure their continued growth and profit…. They are parasites on humanity. These powerful corporations use American military might to protect their interests even as they gain increased wealth through the increase in military expenditure….Peace to you and to all whom you love."

Cook makes little effort to hide the fact that he simply hates America. He writes: "It's the American people that are maligned; it's our values that are desecrated; it's our nation that has been placed under this horrific pall by an administration willing to subvert its most cherished ideals." In addition, he insists the US bombed Japanese cities in World War II out of racism and sheer cussedness.

In another Cook screed, A World Wide Intifada? Why?, he tells a comic-book pseudo-history of how the Jews "stole Palestine" from the "Palestinians", and blames them for world terrorism. In that piece he openly supports the Palestinian aim of annihilating Israel altogether. In Calling It Like It Is he waltzes in with an analysis of terrorism, writing:

'The very actions condemned by Bush about Hamas are actions that other nations find condemnatory about Bush. Terrorism is as terrorism does, or so one would think….A 'terrorist' is one who attempts to dominate and coerce by intimidation, and 'terrorism' is 'a method of resisting a government.' These definitions incriminate Osama bin Laden and the undeclared leaders of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah, but they also incriminate the ultra right Zionists in Israel, and, one could argue, the hard-right Evangelical Zionists in America. More tellingly, and this is the point of this article, they incriminate the United States under Bush and Israel under Sharon."

In Israeli Democracy he offers his scholarly opinion as a crackpot poet that Israel is not a democracy at all because it does not have a written constitution. Of course, Britain and some other democracies also have no written constitition, but you would not expect a La Verne literature prof to know that. Cook adds, "Non-Jews (in Israel) are taxed differently than Israeli citizens and the neighborhoods in which they live receive less support." As it turns out, non-Jews in Israel pay the same tax as Jews, and the towns and neighborhoods in which non-Jews live get funded proportionately more than those of Jews; but why does a "poet" need to bother with facts? The main form of discrimination in Israel is against Jews, who get conscripted into the military, while most non-Jews do not.

If you would like to tell the Church of the Brethren what you think of such a character being employed as a professor at one of its institutions, contact Lerry Fogle, executive director, 1451 Dundee Ave.,Elgin, IL 60120, Phone: 800-323-8039/847-742-5100 Fax: 847-742-3998 E-mail: [email protected]

The President of La Verne is Stephen Morgan, President, Address: 1950 Third St. 1950 3rd Street La Verne,CA 91750-4443 (909)-5933511

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What are you jabbering on about? That land was acquired by the Palestinian Administration and then sold to the Jews? What does it matter, they didn't buy very much as they owned less than 5% of the land in 1943.

View attachment 39437

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

And proves you are wrong in every post you make about Israel.

Here you go another quote from the source of the Peel commission

Evidence of Haj Amin al-Husseini Before the Royal Commission LORD PEEL: ... Just one question, then. You want completely to stop Jewish immigration. What do you want to do with the 400,000 Jews here at present?
MUFTI: They will live as they always did live previously in Arab countries, with complete freedom and liberty, as natives of the country. In fact Moslem rule has always been known for its tolerance, and as a matter of fact Jews used to come to Eastern countries under Arab rule to escape persecution in Europe. According to history, Jews had a most quiet and peaceful residence under Arab rule....

This region had not been under Arab rule for centuries but under Turkish rule. Turks were far more tolerant and fair with Jews then most Arabs ever were. They gave refuge to Jews and others fleeing Christian terror in Europe for centuries. In the mid 1800's they gave formal legal protection to Jews (something Arabs refuse do even today) and encouraged Jewish immigration. They strongly approved of Zionism because the whole region was a depopulated wasteland and hoped to bring prosperity to a crumbling Ottoman Empire.

LORD PEEL: And the condition of the fellahin as regards, for example, education. Are there more schools or fewer schools now?
MUFTI: They may have more schools, comparatively, but at the same time there has been an increase in their numbers.
The "increase in numbers" is the truth. The British while blocking Jewish immigration had allowed Arabs to pour in surrounding countries to swell the Arab population and appease people like this. In 1921 the whole region (see map above) only had 700,000 people. If this was so bad, why did so many move in?

SIR L. HAMMOND: Is there any conscription for the army now?

He admits the Arabs are not taxed, forcibly conscripted into the military, have schools, etc. out from under Muslim rule. But...

SIR L. HAMMOND: Would the people like to have that back?
MUFTI: Yes. Provided we have our own Government.

What he really means is the rule of him and his wealthy family. That way he can steal everything he can get. Palestine, a British creation from WWI was a wasteland and economic basket case as are Muslim lands today. The only wealth and development in the whole region was that done by Jews. He wanted it all and his family had never done anything for a single poor Arab even to this day. Arafat, according to Forbes, is worth over $300 million while his people starve. Who says stealing from one's own people isn't profitable?

SIR L. HAMMOND: Then am I to take it from his evidence that he thinks the Arab portion of the population would be more happy if they reverted to a Turkish rule than under the present Mandatory rule?
MUFTI: That is a fact.

What are you jabbering on about? That land was acquired by the Palestinian Administration and then sold to the Jews? What does it matter, they didn't buy very much as they owned less than 5% of the land in 1943.

View attachment 39437

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

Hahahahahahaaaaaa! Here comes Monti's 'table' posts again!

Which the Peel commission destroys utterly as these are based on the Mufti's LIES
What are you jabbering on about? That land was acquired by the Palestinian Administration and then sold to the Jews? What does it matter, they didn't buy very much as they owned less than 5% of the land in 1943.

View attachment 39437

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

And proves you are wrong in every post you make about Israel.

Here you go another quote from the source of the Peel commission

Evidence of Haj Amin al-Husseini Before the Royal Commission LORD PEEL: ... Just one question, then. You want completely to stop Jewish immigration. What do you want to do with the 400,000 Jews here at present?
MUFTI: They will live as they always did live previously in Arab countries, with complete freedom and liberty, as natives of the country. In fact Moslem rule has always been known for its tolerance, and as a matter of fact Jews used to come to Eastern countries under Arab rule to escape persecution in Europe. According to history, Jews had a most quiet and peaceful residence under Arab rule....

This region had not been under Arab rule for centuries but under Turkish rule. Turks were far more tolerant and fair with Jews then most Arabs ever were. They gave refuge to Jews and others fleeing Christian terror in Europe for centuries. In the mid 1800's they gave formal legal protection to Jews (something Arabs refuse do even today) and encouraged Jewish immigration. They strongly approved of Zionism because the whole region was a depopulated wasteland and hoped to bring prosperity to a crumbling Ottoman Empire.

LORD PEEL: And the condition of the fellahin as regards, for example, education. Are there more schools or fewer schools now?
MUFTI: They may have more schools, comparatively, but at the same time there has been an increase in their numbers.
The "increase in numbers" is the truth. The British while blocking Jewish immigration had allowed Arabs to pour in surrounding countries to swell the Arab population and appease people like this. In 1921 the whole region (see map above) only had 700,000 people. If this was so bad, why did so many move in?

SIR L. HAMMOND: Is there any conscription for the army now?

He admits the Arabs are not taxed, forcibly conscripted into the military, have schools, etc. out from under Muslim rule. But...

SIR L. HAMMOND: Would the people like to have that back?
MUFTI: Yes. Provided we have our own Government.

What he really means is the rule of him and his wealthy family. That way he can steal everything he can get. Palestine, a British creation from WWI was a wasteland and economic basket case as are Muslim lands today. The only wealth and development in the whole region was that done by Jews. He wanted it all and his family had never done anything for a single poor Arab even to this day. Arafat, according to Forbes, is worth over $300 million while his people starve. Who says stealing from one's own people isn't profitable?

SIR L. HAMMOND: Then am I to take it from his evidence that he thinks the Arab portion of the population would be more happy if they reverted to a Turkish rule than under the present Mandatory rule?
MUFTI: That is a fact.

Why should anyone believe propaganda to which you add additional propaganda comments to and yet not believe source documents like U.S. Government sponsored Survey of Palestine?
What are you jabbering on about? That land was acquired by the Palestinian Administration and then sold to the Jews? What does it matter, they didn't buy very much as they owned less than 5% of the land in 1943.

View attachment 39437

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

And proves you are wrong in every post you make about Israel.

Here you go another quote from the source of the Peel commission

Evidence of Haj Amin al-Husseini Before the Royal Commission LORD PEEL: ... Just one question, then. You want completely to stop Jewish immigration. What do you want to do with the 400,000 Jews here at present?
MUFTI: They will live as they always did live previously in Arab countries, with complete freedom and liberty, as natives of the country. In fact Moslem rule has always been known for its tolerance, and as a matter of fact Jews used to come to Eastern countries under Arab rule to escape persecution in Europe. According to history, Jews had a most quiet and peaceful residence under Arab rule....

This region had not been under Arab rule for centuries but under Turkish rule. Turks were far more tolerant and fair with Jews then most Arabs ever were. They gave refuge to Jews and others fleeing Christian terror in Europe for centuries. In the mid 1800's they gave formal legal protection to Jews (something Arabs refuse do even today) and encouraged Jewish immigration. They strongly approved of Zionism because the whole region was a depopulated wasteland and hoped to bring prosperity to a crumbling Ottoman Empire.

LORD PEEL: And the condition of the fellahin as regards, for example, education. Are there more schools or fewer schools now?
MUFTI: They may have more schools, comparatively, but at the same time there has been an increase in their numbers.
The "increase in numbers" is the truth. The British while blocking Jewish immigration had allowed Arabs to pour in surrounding countries to swell the Arab population and appease people like this. In 1921 the whole region (see map above) only had 700,000 people. If this was so bad, why did so many move in?

SIR L. HAMMOND: Is there any conscription for the army now?

He admits the Arabs are not taxed, forcibly conscripted into the military, have schools, etc. out from under Muslim rule. But...

SIR L. HAMMOND: Would the people like to have that back?
MUFTI: Yes. Provided we have our own Government.

What he really means is the rule of him and his wealthy family. That way he can steal everything he can get. Palestine, a British creation from WWI was a wasteland and economic basket case as are Muslim lands today. The only wealth and development in the whole region was that done by Jews. He wanted it all and his family had never done anything for a single poor Arab even to this day. Arafat, according to Forbes, is worth over $300 million while his people starve. Who says stealing from one's own people isn't profitable?

SIR L. HAMMOND: Then am I to take it from his evidence that he thinks the Arab portion of the population would be more happy if they reverted to a Turkish rule than under the present Mandatory rule?
MUFTI: That is a fact.

Why should anyone believe propaganda to which you add additional propaganda comments to and yet not believe source documents like U.S. Government sponsored Survey of Palestine?

Because the US had nothing to do with Palestine at the time, so why where they making surveys in the first place.
Yeah, sure.

Much of the above material (except the blue) was collected by Joseph E. Katz = .eretzyisroel org/~jkatz/evidence.html


Presenting a Jewish perspective on the history of Palestine and Israel,
Yeah, sure.

Much of the above material (except the blue) was collected by Joseph E. Katz = .eretzyisroel org/~jkatz/evidence.html


Presenting a Jewish perspective on the history of Palestine and Israel,

You deluded Nazis anti Israel sources all the time. Not to mention pro Palestinian Arab sources.
Yeah, sure.

Much of the above material (except the blue) was collected by Joseph E. Katz = .eretzyisroel org/~jkatz/evidence.html


Presenting a Jewish perspective on the history of Palestine and Israel,

You deluded Nazis anti Israel sources all the time. Not to mention pro Palestinian Arab sources.
I hardly think eretzyisroel is an anti Israel source, Nazi, you may be right there
Yeah, sure.

Much of the above material (except the blue) was collected by Joseph E. Katz = .eretzyisroel org/~jkatz/evidence.html


Presenting a Jewish perspective on the history of Palestine and Israel,

You deluded Nazis anti Israel sources all the time. Not to mention pro Palestinian Arab sources.
I hardly think eretzyisroel is an anti Israel source, Nazi, you may be right there

I wasn't talking about that source Nazi Jos
If this is the intention of the Jews, then they have been miserable as executing it. Instead the Palestinian population is growing. i am sure that if Israel was under Chinese control, there would be no Palestinian presence.

I am also not sure what these kind of discussions bring to the table. Yeah Israel was created haphazardly mostly due to the brits but it is what it is and it is time to accept that both peoples have a right to live in peace in 2 states.

I really doubt if the Chinese would put up with the Israelites.
Or did they mean eretz yisrael
Yeah, sure.

Much of the above material (except the blue) was collected by Joseph E. Katz = .eretzyisroel org/~jkatz/evidence.html


Presenting a Jewish perspective on the history of Palestine and Israel,

You deluded Nazis anti Israel sources all the time. Not to mention pro Palestinian Arab sources.
I hardly think eretzyisroel is an anti Israel source, Nazi, you may be right there

I wasn't talking about that source Nazi Jos
whats a Jos?
But seriously fanger, I have during my time here taken the time to read articles and information like you have posted here in this thread. I have seriously gone and viewed/read/investigated all the information that the pro-pali's have posted. And done so with an open mind.

But then I suddenly realize I am going down the rabbit hole because suddenly all the blame is put on Israel. There is hardly if ever any mention of violence at those sites ever perpetrated by the Arabs and/or Palestinians. It is like the Israelis just have visited nothing but aggression and violence against the 'Palestinians" while the "Palestinians" have just sat back and been peaceful little doves.

Your article does exactly the same thing. It leads one to believe that there wasn't any civil war from (Arab Revolt) 1936-1939, Arab revolt/civil war during 1947, no Arab attack during 1948, no nothing of the sort. No massacre in Hebron in 1929.

At least the "Zionist" sites do claim the violence the Israelis have visited back upon their foes all through the years.

So to sum it up. Fuck you and your lies.

The Israelis are like vultures and the Palestinians are like mice.
But seriously fanger, I have during my time here taken the time to read articles and information like you have posted here in this thread. I have seriously gone and viewed/read/investigated all the information that the pro-pali's have posted. And done so with an open mind.

But then I suddenly realize I am going down the rabbit hole because suddenly all the blame is put on Israel. There is hardly if ever any mention of violence at those sites ever perpetrated by the Arabs and/or Palestinians. It is like the Israelis just have visited nothing but aggression and violence against the 'Palestinians" while the "Palestinians" have just sat back and been peaceful little doves.

Your article does exactly the same thing. It leads one to believe that there wasn't any civil war from (Arab Revolt) 1936-1939, Arab revolt/civil war during 1947, no Arab attack during 1948, no nothing of the sort. No massacre in Hebron in 1929.

At least the "Zionist" sites do claim the violence the Israelis have visited back upon their foes all through the years.

So to sum it up. Fuck you and your lies.
Have a nice time in the occupied territories, and take some lube for when the israeli's want to check out your "back passage"
What are you jabbering on about? That land was acquired by the Palestinian Administration and then sold to the Jews? What does it matter, they didn't buy very much as they owned less than 5% of the land in 1943.

View attachment 39437

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

And proves you are wrong in every post you make about Israel.

Here you go another quote from the source of the Peel commission

Evidence of Haj Amin al-Husseini Before the Royal Commission LORD PEEL: ... Just one question, then. You want completely to stop Jewish immigration. What do you want to do with the 400,000 Jews here at present?
MUFTI: They will live as they always did live previously in Arab countries, with complete freedom and liberty, as natives of the country. In fact Moslem rule has always been known for its tolerance, and as a matter of fact Jews used to come to Eastern countries under Arab rule to escape persecution in Europe. According to history, Jews had a most quiet and peaceful residence under Arab rule....

This region had not been under Arab rule for centuries but under Turkish rule. Turks were far more tolerant and fair with Jews then most Arabs ever were. They gave refuge to Jews and others fleeing Christian terror in Europe for centuries. In the mid 1800's they gave formal legal protection to Jews (something Arabs refuse do even today) and encouraged Jewish immigration. They strongly approved of Zionism because the whole region was a depopulated wasteland and hoped to bring prosperity to a crumbling Ottoman Empire.

LORD PEEL: And the condition of the fellahin as regards, for example, education. Are there more schools or fewer schools now?
MUFTI: They may have more schools, comparatively, but at the same time there has been an increase in their numbers.
The "increase in numbers" is the truth. The British while blocking Jewish immigration had allowed Arabs to pour in surrounding countries to swell the Arab population and appease people like this. In 1921 the whole region (see map above) only had 700,000 people. If this was so bad, why did so many move in?

SIR L. HAMMOND: Is there any conscription for the army now?

He admits the Arabs are not taxed, forcibly conscripted into the military, have schools, etc. out from under Muslim rule. But...

SIR L. HAMMOND: Would the people like to have that back?
MUFTI: Yes. Provided we have our own Government.

What he really means is the rule of him and his wealthy family. That way he can steal everything he can get. Palestine, a British creation from WWI was a wasteland and economic basket case as are Muslim lands today. The only wealth and development in the whole region was that done by Jews. He wanted it all and his family had never done anything for a single poor Arab even to this day. Arafat, according to Forbes, is worth over $300 million while his people starve. Who says stealing from one's own people isn't profitable?

SIR L. HAMMOND: Then am I to take it from his evidence that he thinks the Arab portion of the population would be more happy if they reverted to a Turkish rule than under the present Mandatory rule?
MUFTI: That is a fact.

The Nazi Mufti successfully convinced all the Arab countries to commit genocide on all the indigenous Jews as well as ethnic cleanising.

But why are we surprised? Monte is a Nazi who sympathizes with terrorists.
He meant chos, as in silent fart.

Good job using a map from a lunatic Nazi source, Goozo.

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