A Tale of Two Frauds


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Is that a flame zone post?
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Cliff notes?
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Is that a flame zone post?
Well...marxist...blah blah blah...Comrade....yadda yadda yadda....Stalinist....booga booga....
Yep, an Uncensored post.
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Cliff notes?

I didn’t read it either. Something about him and his schizophrenic other self.
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Is that a flame zone post?

In what way? Because it doesn't support your shameful party?
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Cliff notes?

Reading, like thinking, is a bit beyond the abilities of you Marxists, Creepazoid.
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Is that a flame zone post?

It was the name calling.

In what way? Because it doesn't support your shameful party?
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th
You got the business, and I fear public education has dumbed down enough young people to send us into a death spiral.
I'll note that the brainwashed Progs in this thread won't bother to read the OP.

They do get 10 Points for Consistency.

Unc - I hope you're are right and that normal people can overcome the massive voter fraud the Prog-Dems are cooking up.

My view: The Dems as a party are in their death throes. Identity Politics has them engaged in an internecine battle to see which Intersectional Minority is the Biggest Victim of All. There is no room in the party for the old school moderates who actually love America. So what is taking control is a fringe element. America at large will not support such a fringe.
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Is that a flame zone post?

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Cliff notes?

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Is that a flame zone post?
Well...marxist...blah blah blah...Comrade....yadda yadda yadda....Stalinist....booga booga....
Yep, an Uncensored post.

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Cliff notes?

I didn’t read it either. Something about him and his schizophrenic other self.

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Is that a flame zone post?

It was the name calling.

In what way? Because it doesn't support your shameful party?

So says the enemy of the state.

red november.jpg
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th
You got the business, and I fear public education has dumbed down enough young people to send us into a death spiral.

That is a risk. I made a comment to mr. boe last night in regards to the recent news that med school students these days do not have the manual dexterity to perform surgery. This generation (raised by boomers) is probably our worst generation in our history; which is why their boomer high tech parents are desperate to develop robotics. They don't trust their own kids to do anything.
I'll note that the brainwashed Progs in this thread won't bother to read the OP.

They do get 10 Points for Consistency.

Unc - I hope you're are right and that normal people can overcome the massive voter fraud the Prog-Dems are cooking up.

My view: The Dems as a party are in their death throes. Identity Politics has them engaged in an internecine battle to see which Intersectional Minority is the Biggest Victim of All. There is no room in the party for the old school moderates who actually love America. So what is taking control is a fringe element. America at large will not support such a fringe.

I agree, but remember that a wounded and cornered animal is the most dangerous of all.
I'll note that the brainwashed Progs in this thread won't bother to read the OP.

They do get 10 Points for Consistency.

Unc - I hope you're are right and that normal people can overcome the massive voter fraud the Prog-Dems are cooking up.

My view: The Dems as a party are in their death throes. Identity Politics has them engaged in an internecine battle to see which Intersectional Minority is the Biggest Victim of All. There is no room in the party for the old school moderates who actually love America. So what is taking control is a fringe element. America at large will not support such a fringe.

I agree, but remember that a wounded and cornered animal is the most dangerous of all.

That's what we're seeing now with Antifa attacks, PussyHat harassment of people in restaurants, and deplatforming of conservatives.

They started it. Our only option is to fight back until they are destroyed as a political movement.
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Is that a flame zone post?

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Cliff notes?

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Is that a flame zone post?
Well...marxist...blah blah blah...Comrade....yadda yadda yadda....Stalinist....booga booga....
Yep, an Uncensored post.

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Cliff notes?

I didn’t read it either. Something about him and his schizophrenic other self.

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Is that a flame zone post?

It was the name calling.

In what way? Because it doesn't support your shameful party?

So says the enemy of the state.

View attachment 226454
Too many quotes, didn't read.
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Is that a flame zone post?

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Cliff notes?

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Is that a flame zone post?
Well...marxist...blah blah blah...Comrade....yadda yadda yadda....Stalinist....booga booga....
Yep, an Uncensored post.

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Cliff notes?

I didn’t read it either. Something about him and his schizophrenic other self.

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Is that a flame zone post?

It was the name calling.

In what way? Because it doesn't support your shameful party?

So says the enemy of the state.

View attachment 226454
Too many quotes, didn't read.

Me neither. I think it’s about Trump’s sons.
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Is that a flame zone post?

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Cliff notes?

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Is that a flame zone post?
Well...marxist...blah blah blah...Comrade....yadda yadda yadda....Stalinist....booga booga....
Yep, an Uncensored post.

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Cliff notes?

I didn’t read it either. Something about him and his schizophrenic other self.

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th
Is that a flame zone post?

It was the name calling.

In what way? Because it doesn't support your shameful party?

So says the enemy of the state.

View attachment 226454
Too many quotes, didn't read.

Me neither. I think it’s about Trump’s sons.
I'm waiting for the movie.
It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Is that a flame zone post?

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th

Cliff notes?

Is that a flame zone post?
Well...marxist...blah blah blah...Comrade....yadda yadda yadda....Stalinist....booga booga....
Yep, an Uncensored post.


Cliff notes?

I didn’t read it either. Something about him and his schizophrenic other self.

It was the worst of times, at least the worst since the first American civil war.

The democrat party had lost power, the loss of power let the object of their deranged and maniacal hatred would appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would alter the power of the party for generations. Since the 1960's, the democrat party has relied on the courts to pass laws that cannot be passed legally in the legislature. Laws that defy the will of the American people. For nearly 70 years the courts and particularly the SCOTUS has been the means for cramming the radical left agenda of the democrat party down the throat of an unwilling nation.

But the court was already evenly split with 4 justices who support the Constitution and 4 radical leftists who seek to legislate from the bench. Justice Kennedy has long been the swing vote, effectively a one man dictator who held the power of the fate of the nation in his word alone.

But President Trump was set to appoint another pro-Constitution justice, ending any chance for the Marxists to further their agenda against the nation. President Trump selected a moderate, a Washington DC insider that no one could possibly object to. Except that the democrats had no care of WHO would join the court, they saw that their strangle hold over the nation was to be lost. The Marxists vowed to fight. Chuck Schumer said they would do ANYTHING, NOTHING would be off the table, in their fight to hang on to their power.

During the confirmation hearings, two of the most shameful piles of shit to ever infect our capital spent days with colored wigs and oversized shoes rolling on the floors and bouncing off the wall while flinging feces at anyone in range. As disgraceful as the Kory and Kamala Klown show was, it was destined for failure.

In the end the clown show was over and the vote would be had. BUT the sleazy Stalinists would not be halted by mere law, THEY were determined to win through any means, as Schumer had threatened from the outset. So they brought out their secret weapon. They had one of their agents make a claim that 36 years ago something happened somewhere at some time, so Kavanaugh must be denied his position.

As the weeks have gone past since this disgusting lynching by the filthy Stalinist democrats, the evidence of just what a complete fraud this always was (Chinese agent Feinstein should go to prison for her actions) became ever more clear.

The Marxists had intended to derail the appointment of a pro-Constitution justice, but the affair blew up in their crooked little faces. America was angry and outraged, at them for this. And it showed on the first day of early voting. Not only was there no blue wave, it was clear that the democrats were going to be wiped out.

When the Marxists had lost through legal means, they had resorted not just to dirty tricks, but outrageous and criminal acts in a desperate bid to derail the American legal, political, and justice system.

Now it was voting time and the democrats were being slaughtered, what could these Marxists do to turn it around? All hope seemed lost.

But like magic, out of nowhere a slew of non-bombs began to show up at addressed to the Supreme ruler of the democrat party, George Soros, and his top generals in Washington and Hollywood. Just like the Christine Ford situation, it was exactly what the Stalinists needed at exactly the right rime. This couldn't be more helpful to the democrats if they had recruited Cesar Sayoc to send the dummy bombs themselves.....

Is America stupid enough to fall for EXACTLY the same shit a second time around? We'll know on November 7th
It was the name calling.

In what way? Because it doesn't support your shameful party?

So says the enemy of the state.

View attachment 226454
Too many quotes, didn't read.

Me neither. I think it’s about Trump’s sons.
I'm waiting for the movie.

You're in luck.

The Killing Fields (1984) - IMDb
Is that a flame zone post?


Cliff notes?

Well...marxist...blah blah blah...Comrade....yadda yadda yadda....Stalinist....booga booga....
Yep, an Uncensored post.

I didn’t read it either. Something about him and his schizophrenic other self.

So says the enemy of the state.

View attachment 226454
Too many quotes, didn't read.

Me neither. I think it’s about Trump’s sons.
I'm waiting for the movie.

You're in luck.

The Killing Fields (1984) - IMDb
You're planning on killing two million people?

Probably shouldn't brag about it on the internet.

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