A third mole has now been revealed this time inside the White House


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Fiona Hill, a George Soros insider, is another globalist mole inside the White House.

Hill, who also serves on the globalist Council on Foreign Relations, was first brought to the White House in 2017 by then-National Security Adviser Gen. H.R. McMaster, who was the first major mole exposed.

Hill still serves on the National Security Council, despite McMaster’s departure in March.

Third Mole Exposed Inside White House

Oh no more dirt bag being dug on on shadow gov. morons. What's even more hysterical are the sheep who follow this bs and believe it all . Because MSNBC, CNN, HUFFSPOST told them it's so . Trump is committing this or that lmfao.
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Fiona Hill, a George Soros insider, is another globalist mole inside the White House.

Hill, who also serves on the globalist Council on Foreign Relations, was first brought to the White House in 2017 by then-National Security Adviser Gen. H.R. McMaster, who was the first major mole exposed.

Hill still serves on the National Security Council, despite McMaster’s departure in March.

Third Mole Exposed Inside White House

Oh no more dirt being dug on on shadow gov. morons. What's even more hysterical are the sheep who follow this bs and believe it all . Because MSNBC, CNN, HUFFSPOST told them it's so . Trump is committing this or that lmfao.

The whole city is just one big mole on Soros' ass.
Is that a woman?

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