A thoughtful trumper?


Platinum Member
Oct 13, 2016
Multi-Dimensional Warrior
Actually, yes. A friend of mine who is deep into the conspiracy posted this on his FB page.
1. I donā€™t wear a face mask, unless itā€™s required in a building. Itā€™s the perfect breeding ground for bacteria that can end up in your mouth and down into your lungs. Masks are not meant to be worn for extended periods of time and can affect the amount of oxygen reaching your lungs.... and well, that can lead to a whole other list of problems.
2. I donā€™t wear gloves because I'd have to change them every single time I touched something else . Otherwise, it's just cross contamination with the same gloves. When I'm inside a public bldg., I don't touch my face. When I leave a public bldg., I sanitize my hands.
3. I do social distancing because I respect others personal space, but not because I'm afraid of my fellow Americans or neighbors. I respect your choice or needs.
4. Rest assured I have brains enough to stay home and away from people if I'm sick or show symptoms of being sick.
5. I wash my hands with soap and water because...well, that's just common sense.
6. I will not be forced to take a vaccine. That's my personal choice. Also, if I believe a drug will save my life, I will get it .... one way or the other.
7. I will not live in fear. If you want to stay in your house and not go out because you're "doing the right thing," that's fine. That's you. But I'm not going to let the media scare me into thinking this is a mass panic.
8. I will continue to go out and support my local community as much as possible.
9. I believe Covid-19 is a virus, not a plague.
10. I do not call this the "new normal" because it isn't normal, and I will not allow it to become normal.
Do some research on basic things like what is good about sunshine and fresh air for any illness. Look into your constitutional rights and how they are being suppressed or taken away all together. Find out what builds a healthy immune system and how the measures being given weaken it. Look beyond the press and media and find what is true and not hype..... Or not! The choice is yours. Just like my choice is as stated above.
Thank you for respecting me and my choice as I respect you and your choice to stay home.
That is why he is my friend.
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My new neighbor must be a fiddle player. He was required by law to go door to door telling his neighbors about his fiddling.
What is a fiddle player? its must be something other than a fiddle player.
Actually, yes. A friend of mine who is deep into the conspiracy posted this on his FB page.
1. I donā€™t wear a face mask, unless itā€™s required in a building. Itā€™s the perfect breeding ground for bacteria that can end up in your mouth and down into your lungs. Masks are not meant to be worn for extended periods of time and can affect the amount of oxygen reaching your lungs.... and well, that can lead to a whole other list of problems.
2. I donā€™t wear gloves because I'd have to change them every single time I touched something else . Otherwise, it's just cross contamination with the same gloves. When I'm inside a public bldg., I don't touch my face. When I leave a public bldg., I sanitize my hands.
3. I do social distancing because I respect others personal space, but not because I'm afraid of my fellow Americans or neighbors. I respect your choice or needs.
4. Rest assured I have brains enough to stay home and away from people if I'm sick or show symptoms of being sick.
5. I wash my hands with soap and water because...well, that's just common sense.
6. I will not be forced to take a vaccine. That's my personal choice. Also, if I believe a drug will save my life, I will get it .... one way or the other.
7. I will not live in fear. If you want to stay in your house and not go out because you're "doing the right thing," that's fine. That's you. But I'm not going to let the media scare me into thinking this is a mass panic.
8. I will continue to go out and support my local community as much as possible.
9. I believe Covid-19 is a virus, not a plague.
10. I do not call this the "new normal" because it isn't normal, and I will not allow it to become normal.
Do some research on basic things like what is good about sunshine and fresh air for any illness. Look into your constitutional rights and how they are being suppressed or taken away all together. Find out what builds a healthy immune system and how the measures being given weaken it. Look beyond the press and media and find what is true and not hype..... Or not! The choice is yours. Just like my choice is as stated above.
Thank you for respecting me and my choice as I respect you and your choice to stay home.
That is why he is my friend.
Many trumpers and non-trumpers think this way. Partisans like you must make everything political and denigrate your political opponents.


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