A tiger at Bronx Zoo in New York City tests positive for coronavirus


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
This is pretty shocking and sad :omg:

A tiger at New York City's Bronx Zoo has tested positive for COVID-19, the Wildlife Conservation Society said in a statement.

The tiger, a 4-year-old female Malayan tiger named Nadia, developed a dry cough and a decrease in appetite. She was tested out of an abundance of caution, and the results were confirmed by the USDA's National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Iowa, the society said.
The zoo said the cats were infected by a person caring for them who had COVID-19 but was asymptomatic or had not yet developed symptoms.

More Information, Link : Tiger at Bronx Zoo in New York City tests positive for coronavirus
I recall a house cat getting the virus a couple weeks ago somewhere in Europe.

Hopefully, like HIV and FIV (Human and Feline Immunodeficiency Viruses), this virus doesn't affect other species.
Yes that's what I understood, the virus seems to contaminate only human and feline.
Yes I hope that the tigers will recover and that people will not give up their cat! it's horrible just thinking about it
This is pretty shocking and sad :omg:

A tiger at New York City's Bronx Zoo has tested positive for COVID-19, the Wildlife Conservation Society said in a statement.

The tiger, a 4-year-old female Malayan tiger named Nadia, developed a dry cough and a decrease in appetite. She was tested out of an abundance of caution, and the results were confirmed by the USDA's National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Iowa, the society said.
The zoo said the cats were infected by a person caring for them who had COVID-19 but was asymptomatic or had not yet developed symptoms.

More Information, Link : Tiger at Bronx Zoo in New York City tests positive for coronavirus

Wow. That's weird, so did it mutate? You wonder if it's spreading among stray cats?
It's strange indeed, and we still don't know the culprit of the virus, we used to say the pangolin but that no longer seems to be the case.
As norwegen said these are the Human and Feline Immunodeficiency Viruses, Yes cats they can again it's strange
I think it is not common and felines cannot transmit it to humans if they are contaminated, but again I am not sure, norwegen could answer us ?
Sad. No innocent animal deserves this crap humans evolved
Yes, especially since we are led to believe that the culprit of the virus would be an animal my little finger tells me that the fault would be rather human
In France, Coronavirus: a cat infected in France, probably by its owners, a first.

The Alfortville veterinary school recalls that "there is no evidence that pets play a role in the spread of the virus".

Le Parisien

© LP/Aurélie Audureau Le Parisien

For the first time in France, a naturally sick cat from Covid-19 has been identified. It was allegedly contaminated by its owners. A few cases, five in all, have already been reported worldwide, in Belgium, New York (two cases) and Hong Kong.
The sick cat in France was spotted by the mixed virology research unit of the National Veterinary School (EnvA) of Alfortville (Val-de-Marne), of the National Food Safety Agency, Environment and Work (ANSES) and INRAE (National Institute for Agronomic Research), in conjunction with the Pasteur Institute.

"At this stage of scientific knowledge, it seems that cats are not easily infected with the virus. But to protect their pets, people with Covid-19 are advised to limit close contact with their cats, "said the veterinary school.
The sick cat lived with a person who was himself sick with Covid-19.

The EnvA has investigated several cats suspected of being infected as part of a study. "Rectal and nasopharyngeal swabs" were taken. The cat tested positive was after a rectal swab; nasopharyngeal swabs were negative. The animal had "respiratory and digestive problems".
The veterinary school insists that "cats are not easily infected, even in contact with infected owners", which is the case in this case, however. However, people with Covid-19 are advised to "limit close contact with their cat, wear a mask in their presence and wash their hands before petting".
"There is no evidence that pets and farm animals play an epidemiological role in the spread of the virus," said EnvA.

Coronavirus : un chat infecté en France, probablement par ses propriétaires, une première

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