A Tiger By The Tail

PC you are conflating Millenial Gen Y with Gen Z (born in 2,000 or later) Gen Z tends to be much more conservative and rational than Ys.
"Identity Politics Devours Itself

There is a biblical principle that everything produces after its own kind. Cats produce cats. Dogs produce dogs. Apple trees produce apples. Orange trees produce oranges. Love produces love. Hate produces hate. What does identity politics produce?

It produces bigotry. It produces division. It produces a victim mentality.

We’re seeing it today in the Democratic party. Joe Biden is now a racist. Nancy Pelosi is a racist. The party is reaping what it sowed. Everything is seen through the lens of identity politics.

There can be no disagreement about issues. Instead, the disagreement is based on race or ethnicity or skin color or social status.

This is what identity politics has created. It must ultimately eat its own.

This is what happens when you build a movement based on victimology. On division. On class warfare.

This is what happens when you focus on race more than issues. Skin becomes more important than substance and outward appearance than material differences."
Identity Politics Devours Itself

And I'm lovin' it!!!!!
"AOC and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi don’t even talk to one another. It’s nasty. A full-blown Democratic civil war was brewing. I know that’s said a lot on both sides, but this could have been a true ‘going to the mattresses’ moment.

...the left wing blood sports that had been occurring on the Hill ever since Pelosi and moderate House Democrats pushed through the Senate border package, which was loathed by the far left.

...this crew drew the battle lines at Netroots Nation over the weekend: those black and Hispanic lawmakers who side with Speaker Pelosi are pretty much race traitors. Their agenda and Pelosi simply do not mesh. They will come to blows again soon. After all, the border situation still isn’t resolved and there is no doubt the Department of Homeland Security will need more money to deal with the overcrowding at the detention facilities, another problem exacerbated by Democratic intransigence ...

...as new polling shows this crew, their agenda, and their message is overwhelmingly unpopular. With more media exposure, they’re defining the larger Democratic Party with voters in swing House districts. It’s a downright bloodbath."
Oh, So Maybe That’s Why Trump Decided To Take A Swipe At Ocasio-Cortez And Her Crew

Go 'squad' Go!!!!!!
Perhaps a time for Americans to enjoy the schadenfreude, get the popcorn, .....and watch.

1. Back in May, a wise wonk wrote:

The establishment Democrats are battling not to go down to defeat with communists and anti-Semites at the fore.....but the best they can do is choose the lying incompetent crook freeloader Biden.
More Stuff You Didn't Know

2. In the last decade or so, the Democrat Party has become an alien party (see what I did there) in terms of American values.....

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

See if you recognize the similarity in this Margaret Mead, anthropologist, quote: The natives are superficially agreeable, but they go in for cannibalism, headhunting, infanticide, incest, avoidance and joking relationships, and biting lice in half with their teeth.

One wonders, if she were still alive, what her views of this Democrat Party would be.

3. Having embraced the haters in the search for votes.....


4. ....the establishment Democrats now hope.....hope......to regain control.

"Nancy Pelosi Smacks Down AOC and Company Over ‘No’ Votes on Border Funding"
Nancy Pelosi Smacks Down AOC and Company Over 'No' Votes on Border Funding

The desire of Pelosi and company is to install a moderate...read 'Biden'....and hope to pick up the votes their extremism has thrown away.

5. But.....when they chose a Muslim as President, they opened the door to the sort of insanity not easily erased.

See what this means:
"Michelle Obama won't comment on Biden apology, holds off on endorsement at Essence Festival"
Michelle Obama won't comment on Biden apology, holds off on any endorsement

Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.

Phase one....done.

those who ran the tea party in 2012 grabbed the tiger by the tail, i could argue...if i wanted to be passive-aggressive

What, exactly, are you trying to say????

You wouldn't be stupid enough to deny the OP.....would you?
i disagree with the OP...the days to come will prove you wrong. i dont need to say anything.

"i dont need to say anything."

Couldn't be better....or more amusing.

You disagree, just can't come up with any way to indicate same.

Time to be brutally honest: you are not equipped to compete at this level. You are doomed to remain little league for your entire life. Such are the vicissitudes one must face.

by the end of Beto's 2nd term, America will have been united forever, and that includes AOC & Pelosi/Kamala & Biden
That's fucking hilarious, Mal!!

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