A tragedy is no reason


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
We live in a free society. Tragedies are going to happen. Those of you willing to lose freedom to stop what can not be stopped are either to emotional or to stupid to understand what you are proposing.

Unbelievable the things people will support because of a tragedy that probably could not be stopped no matter what we do.

You would lock people up because the behave different then you, you would strip protections promised in the Constitution to prevent the unpreventable.

Step back and LOOK at what you are willing to sacrifice because of a tragedy that will happen again at some point no matter what steps you take.
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You think the gun nuts and NRA scum would just STFU and let people grieve.

They have no common decency.

This tool wants us to believe that 20 children have to die so we can remain 'free'. What a load of crap!!
You think the gun nuts and NRA scum would just STFU and let people grieve.

They have no common decency.

This tool wants us to believe that 20 children have to die so we can remain 'free'. What a load of crap!!

So throw some money around, pass some laws, expect the problem to go poof, and by all means launch a few expletives toward those that abide by the law? I would think by now a mature grown man would have realized that the problem is directly related to the decay in our society and not with those that have a strong moral foundation and respect for the law.
You think the gun nuts and NRA scum would just STFU and let people grieve.

They have no common decency.

This tool wants us to believe that 20 children have to die so we can remain 'free'. What a load of crap!!

You don't like the 2nd Amendment? get an Amendment through Congress and get 37 States to agree. That is your only solution. And you won't try it because you know 37 States will NEVER agree to lose the right of ownership of Firearms.

Get this through your stupid head, the 2nd means individual right to ownership and the type of firearm protected by the second is military type weapons, rifles, shotguns and hand guns.

You don't like that? Pass an amendment to change the 2nd.

You cowards won't try that because you know what would happen to that attempt. You think you can just ignore the Constitution.
We live in a free society. Tragedies are going to happen. Those of you willing to lose freedom to stop what can not be stopped are either to emotional or to stupid to understand what you are proposing.

Unbelievable the things people will support because of a tragedy that probably could not be stopped no matter what we do.

You would lock people up because the behave different then you, you would strip protections promised in the Constitution to prevent the unpreventable.

Step back and LOOK at what you are willing to sacrifice because of a tragedy that will happen again at some point no matter what steps you take.

I agree.
Your founding fathers could not have forseen the advent of assault rifles or other automatic weapons. If they had been able to, then these tragedies wouldn't take place and the 2nd amendment wouldn't exist. It's just a pity that some Americans think they still live in the wild west and find this amendment so critical to their sense of what they call 'freedom'.
Your founding fathers could not have forseen the advent of assault rifles or other automatic weapons. If they had been able to, then these tragedies wouldn't take place and the 2nd amendment wouldn't exist. It's just a pity that some Americans think they still live in the wild west and find this amendment so critical to their sense of what they call 'freedom'.

Yep, and it's clowns and fools that think words and reason will enable people to digest lead, that police forces can protect law abiding citizens from the criminal element. As for the founding fathers, their concern was the preservation of power in the hands of the people not governments. So our founding fathers may have had a better understanding of society and human nature then yours.
Your founding fathers could not have forseen the advent of assault rifles or other automatic weapons. If they had been able to, then these tragedies wouldn't take place and the 2nd amendment wouldn't exist. It's just a pity that some Americans think they still live in the wild west and find this amendment so critical to their sense of what they call 'freedom'.

The founders foresaw the people having weapons equal to those of the government, the primary reason for the 2nd Amendment is to maintain the ability of the people to overthrow a tyrannical government. The second purpose was to allow people to protect themselves and they use guns about 2 million time a year to do so, I guess you would prefer an additional million or so victims without guns.
Your founding fathers could not have forseen the advent of assault rifles or other automatic weapons. If they had been able to, then these tragedies wouldn't take place and the 2nd amendment wouldn't exist. It's just a pity that some Americans think they still live in the wild west and find this amendment so critical to their sense of what they call 'freedom'.

Our second amendment was always meant as defense against an oppressive government. Those who spout how it was meant for hunting and self protection know nothing. Our second amendment was given to us for the purpose of bringing down our own government if we have to, and anybody who tries to take away that right will regret it.
This is Adam's Lanza's mother whom he shot in the face and she died. Her name: Nancy Lanza.


Dec. 15, 2012

The aunt of Connecticut shooter Adam Lanza said the shooter's mother pulled him out of Newtown's public school system because she was unhappy with the school district's plans for her son.

Adam Lanza's mother Nancy, 52, was the first victim of his Friday shooting spree. Lanza shot Nancy in the face and then drove her car to Sandy Hook Elementary School, where he killed 20 students and six adults before taking his own life.

Marsha Lanza, who is Adam's aunt and Nancy's ex-sister-in-law, called her former sister-in-law an "awesome ... giving person." She also told Evelyn Holmes of ABC-owned-and-operated station WLS in Chicago that Nancy had once been a classroom aide at the Sandy Hook school.

Marsha, who lives in the Chicago suburb of Crystal Lake, said that Nancy had home-schooled Adam after pulling him out of the Newtown public school system. "She mentioned she wound up home-schooling him because she battled with the school district," said Marsha.

She did not know when Adam had left school. According to former classmates, Adam had attended the local high school at least through part of 10th grade.

Nancy Lanza divorced her husband Peter in 2009, when Adam was 17. "She didn't have to work because my brother-in-law left her very well off," said Marsha. "As part of their divorce settlement she got the house."

Marsha also said, however, that Nancy had purchased guns because she was living alone in a big house. Nancy was originally from New Hampshire, said Marsha, and comfortable with weapons.

According to police, a Glock handgun, a Sig Sauer handgun and a Bushmaster rifle were recovered after the shooting at Sandy Hook. Authorities say that Nancy Lanza had five weapons registered to her, including a Sig Sauer, a Glock and a Bushmaster. Police have not confirmed that hers were the weapons used in the slayings.

Adam Lanza's Mom Pulled Him Out of School: Relative - ABC News
This wasn't even the largest mass killing of students in the US....the one in VT years ago was #2 and #1 was back in the early 1900s from a bomb blast at a school.....a freakin bomb blast that killed more students.

So would people be calling for chemicals to be banned from some bomb blast that could kill 100 kids in a school????
You think the gun nuts and NRA scum would just STFU and let people grieve.

They have no common decency.

This tool wants us to believe that 20 children have to die so we can remain 'free'. What a load of crap!!

You don't like the 2nd Amendment? get an Amendment through Congress and get 37 States to agree. That is your only solution. And you won't try it because you know 37 States will NEVER agree to lose the right of ownership of Firearms.

Get this through your stupid head, the 2nd means individual right to ownership and the type of firearm protected by the second is military type weapons, rifles, shotguns and hand guns.

You don't like that? Pass an amendment to change the 2nd.

You cowards won't try that because you know what would happen to that attempt. You think you can just ignore the Constitution.

Congress has every right to regulate interstate commerce. They can limit the types of weapons that can be SOLD to an individual. You should be free to purchase as many 3 cartridge shotguns you want, and throw in a six shooter or two.

You think the gun nuts and NRA scum would just STFU and let people grieve.

They have no common decency.

This tool wants us to believe that 20 children have to die so we can remain 'free'. What a load of crap!!

You'd think the anti constitution, anti firearms scum would just STFU and let people grieve.

They have no common decency.

This tool thinks that when 20 children die they should exploit that to punish legal, law abiding firearm owners and infringe on the second amendment. What a load of crap!!
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great you made one stupid thread of fail and decided to make another one about your stupid guns.

Shut up already.
You think the gun nuts and NRA scum would just STFU and let people grieve.

They have no common decency.

This tool wants us to believe that 20 children have to die so we can remain 'free'. What a load of crap!!

You'd think the anti constitution, anti firearms scum would just STFU and let people grieve.

They have no common decency.

This tool wants us to believe that 20 children have to die so they can exploit that to punish legal, law abiding firearm owners and infringe on the second amendment. What a load of crap!!

shut up welcher, your opinion is irrelevant, coward.
We live in a free society. Tragedies are going to happen. Those of you willing to lose freedom to stop what can not be stopped are either to emotional or to stupid to understand what you are proposing.

Unbelievable the things people will support because of a tragedy that probably could not be stopped no matter what we do.

You would lock people up because the behave different then you, you would strip protections promised in the Constitution to prevent the unpreventable.

Step back and LOOK at what you are willing to sacrifice because of a tragedy that will happen again at some point no matter what steps you take.

Well, we can't stop it if we don't even try, can we?

Frankly, I'm asking what we are giving up, exactly? The right of crazy people to have guns? Really? This is the "right" you are willing to go to the wall for?
You think the gun nuts and NRA scum would just STFU and let people grieve.

They have no common decency.

This tool wants us to believe that 20 children have to die so we can remain 'free'. What a load of crap!!

You'd think the anti constitution, anti firearms scum would just STFU and let people grieve.

They have no common decency.

This tool wants us to believe that 20 children have to die so they can exploit that to punish legal, law abiding firearm owners and infringe on the second amendment. What a load of crap!!

shut up welcher, your opinion is irrelevant, coward.
I surely enjoy seeing you upset. Gives me new purpose to be here.

Read my posts or put me on ignore.

Your choice dick for brains.
Your founding fathers could not have forseen the advent of assault rifles or other automatic weapons. If they had been able to, then these tragedies wouldn't take place and the 2nd amendment wouldn't exist. It's just a pity that some Americans think they still live in the wild west and find this amendment so critical to their sense of what they call 'freedom'.

The founders foresaw the people having weapons equal to those of the government, the primary reason for the 2nd Amendment is to maintain the ability of the people to overthrow a tyrannical government. The second purpose was to allow people to protect themselves and they use guns about 2 million time a year to do so, I guess you would prefer an additional million or so victims without guns.

Your argument is as weak as you. The answer your suggesting is wrong, the better answer is NOT to have Americans armed to the teeth. I guess you were watching bill o'fucker cause that's the way he framed then argument. He was talking about the mass shooting in Colorado though. Saying if a gunman walks into the movies, would you rather be on the floor or have a gun your self. When you put it that way, anyone will say they would rather have a gun, but what should be the argument is how to stop him from going the the movies in the first place, look we had 2 mass shootings this week, you answer give people ore guns? That is wrong, it will make things worse, not better.
Joe, these fuckers will and don't get it, 2 mass shooting in 1 week, their answer, give more people guns.
The 20 children and six adults killed in the Newtown school massacre were all shot multiple times, many with a rifle, Connecticut’s chief medical examiner said Saturday.

The children – 12 girls and eight boys – were all 6 or 7 years old, Dr. H. Wayne Carver said at an afternoon news briefing.

“This is a very devastating set of injuries,” Carver said. “I believe everyone was hit more than once.”

Carver said he personally performed seven autopsies and those children had between three and 11 wounds each. Two were shot at close range, the others at a distance.

Asked whether they suffered, he grimly replied, “Not for very long.”

Conn. school massacre victims all shot multiple times, chief medical officer says - U.S. News

You gun nuts don't seem to care about this at all. I PRAY that your guns are taken away. You're all crazy.

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