A train wreck in slow motion


Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2021
New Mexico
As I have been predicting, the mirage of Trump's poll numbers will begin to tank and finally bottom out before we go into November.
Even against Joe Biden. It is already begun.
If he can't be out there non stop, flapping his yap, lying to and firing up his base with incessant lies, hate speech, and tribal fear mongering, be is weak and impotent.
He has to be making headlines but lately the only headlines he is making suck. And his base is taking notice.

"All jokes aside, Trump’s denial is par for a narcissist’s course," Rubin wrote. "He can admit no weakness. He expects his base to freakishly admire his physique(!). And, most important, he and his followers have grounded his 2024 campaign on the myth that President [Joe] Biden (who bikes, dashes off to war zones and works out five times a week, according to his doctor) is the enfeebled one.

"One wonders whether Trump’s attacks on Biden’s aging are yet another example of habitual projection.'"

Trump demands that his followers reject what they see and believe whatever he tells them, but even his supporters must have noticed how weak and diminished he has appeared in court, Rubin wrote.

"The trial is aggravating Trump’s lifelong fear of humiliation and his insistence on being the toughest bully on the block," Rubin wrote. "Any objective observer would acknowledge that things have not been going his way, to put it mildly."

The judge has held him in contempt and threatened him with jail, while his former friends and employees have delivered devastating and embarrassing testimony that has bolstered the prosecution's case. Rubin said he must realize on some level the trial isn't helping his re-election chances.

"Trump cannot afford to lose the aura of power, control and defiance he wields to keep his supporters entranced," she wrote. "A weak, sleepy and docile Trump is not what drew them to the cult. You can understand why Trump might prefer to saw logs than to confront his worst nightmare."

As I have been predicting, the mirage of Trump's poll numbers will begin to tank and finally bottom out before we go into November.
Even against Joe Biden. It is already begun.
If he can't be out there non stop, flapping his yap, lying to and firing up his base with incessant lies, hate speech, and tribal fear mongering, be is weak and impotent.
He has to be making headlines but lately the only headlines he is making suck. And his base is taking notice.

"All jokes aside, Trump’s denial is par for a narcissist’s course," Rubin wrote. "He can admit no weakness. He expects his base to freakishly admire his physique(!). And, most important, he and his followers have grounded his 2024 campaign on the myth that President [Joe] Biden (who bikes, dashes off to war zones and works out five times a week, according to his doctor) is the enfeebled one.

"One wonders whether Trump’s attacks on Biden’s aging are yet another example of habitual projection.'"

Trump demands that his followers reject what they see and believe whatever he tells them, but even his supporters must have noticed how weak and diminished he has appeared in court, Rubin wrote.

"The trial is aggravating Trump’s lifelong fear of humiliation and his insistence on being the toughest bully on the block," Rubin wrote. "Any objective observer would acknowledge that things have not been going his way, to put it mildly."

The judge has held him in contempt and threatened him with jail, while his former friends and employees have delivered devastating and embarrassing testimony that has bolstered the prosecution's case. Rubin said he must realize on some level the trial isn't helping his re-election chances.

"Trump cannot afford to lose the aura of power, control and defiance he wields to keep his supporters entranced," she wrote. "A weak, sleepy and docile Trump is not what drew them to the cult. You can understand why Trump might prefer to saw logs than to confront his worst nightmare."

As I have been predicting, the mirage of Trump's poll numbers will begin to tank and finally bottom out before we go into November.
Even against Joe Biden. It is already begun.
If he can't be out there non stop, flapping his yap, lying to and firing up his base with incessant lies, hate speech, and tribal fear mongering, be is weak and impotent.
He has to be making headlines but lately the only headlines he is making suck. And his base is taking notice.

"All jokes aside, Trump’s denial is par for a narcissist’s course," Rubin wrote. "He can admit no weakness. He expects his base to freakishly admire his physique(!). And, most important, he and his followers have grounded his 2024 campaign on the myth that President [Joe] Biden (who bikes, dashes off to war zones and works out five times a week, according to his doctor) is the enfeebled one.

"One wonders whether Trump’s attacks on Biden’s aging are yet another example of habitual projection.'"

Trump demands that his followers reject what they see and believe whatever he tells them, but even his supporters must have noticed how weak and diminished he has appeared in court, Rubin wrote.

"The trial is aggravating Trump’s lifelong fear of humiliation and his insistence on being the toughest bully on the block," Rubin wrote. "Any objective observer would acknowledge that things have not been going his way, to put it mildly."

The judge has held him in contempt and threatened him with jail, while his former friends and employees have delivered devastating and embarrassing testimony that has bolstered the prosecution's case. Rubin said he must realize on some level the trial isn't helping his re-election chances.

"Trump cannot afford to lose the aura of power, control and defiance he wields to keep his supporters entranced," she wrote. "A weak, sleepy and docile Trump is not what drew them to the cult. You can understand why Trump might prefer to saw logs than to confront his worst nightmare."

I agree. Since 2020 I've often spoken of his following and perception. He's a Yuge loser.
As I have been predicting, the mirage of Trump's poll numbers will begin to tank and finally bottom out before we go into November.
Even against Joe Biden. It is already begun.
If he can't be out there non stop, flapping his yap, lying to and firing up his base with incessant lies, hate speech, and tribal fear mongering, be is weak and impotent.
He has to be making headlines but lately the only headlines he is making suck. And his base is taking notice.

"All jokes aside, Trump’s denial is par for a narcissist’s course," Rubin wrote. "He can admit no weakness. He expects his base to freakishly admire his physique(!). And, most important, he and his followers have grounded his 2024 campaign on the myth that President [Joe] Biden (who bikes, dashes off to war zones and works out five times a week, according to his doctor) is the enfeebled one.

"One wonders whether Trump’s attacks on Biden’s aging are yet another example of habitual projection.'"

Trump demands that his followers reject what they see and believe whatever he tells them, but even his supporters must have noticed how weak and diminished he has appeared in court, Rubin wrote.

"The trial is aggravating Trump’s lifelong fear of humiliation and his insistence on being the toughest bully on the block," Rubin wrote. "Any objective observer would acknowledge that things have not been going his way, to put it mildly."

The judge has held him in contempt and threatened him with jail, while his former friends and employees have delivered devastating and embarrassing testimony that has bolstered the prosecution's case. Rubin said he must realize on some level the trial isn't helping his re-election chances.

"Trump cannot afford to lose the aura of power, control and defiance he wields to keep his supporters entranced," she wrote. "A weak, sleepy and docile Trump is not what drew them to the cult. You can understand why Trump might prefer to saw logs than to confront his worst nightmare."

I know you LOVE President Trump! Just hang on! He is going to be back in the White House pretty soon! :)
As I have been predicting, the mirage of Trump's poll numbers will begin to tank and finally bottom out before we go into November.
Even against Joe Biden. It is already begun.
If he can't be out there non stop, flapping his yap, lying to and firing up his base with incessant lies, hate speech, and tribal fear mongering, be is weak and impotent.
He has to be making headlines but lately the only headlines he is making suck. And his base is taking notice.

"All jokes aside, Trump’s denial is par for a narcissist’s course," Rubin wrote. "He can admit no weakness. He expects his base to freakishly admire his physique(!). And, most important, he and his followers have grounded his 2024 campaign on the myth that President [Joe] Biden (who bikes, dashes off to war zones and works out five times a week, according to his doctor) is the enfeebled one.

"One wonders whether Trump’s attacks on Biden’s aging are yet another example of habitual projection.'"

Trump demands that his followers reject what they see and believe whatever he tells them, but even his supporters must have noticed how weak and diminished he has appeared in court, Rubin wrote.

"The trial is aggravating Trump’s lifelong fear of humiliation and his insistence on being the toughest bully on the block," Rubin wrote. "Any objective observer would acknowledge that things have not been going his way, to put it mildly."

The judge has held him in contempt and threatened him with jail, while his former friends and employees have delivered devastating and embarrassing testimony that has bolstered the prosecution's case. Rubin said he must realize on some level the trial isn't helping his re-election chances.

"Trump cannot afford to lose the aura of power, control and defiance he wields to keep his supporters entranced," she wrote. "A weak, sleepy and docile Trump is not what drew them to the cult. You can understand why Trump might prefer to saw logs than to confront his worst nightmare."

Trump's poll numbers are NOT sinking in the swing states, you know, the states which will decide the election. It doesn't matter if Trump's poll numbers go down in California and New York.
Trump's poll numbers are NOT sinking in the swing states, you know, the states which will decide the election. It doesn't matter if Trump's poll numbers go down in California and New York.
Believe what you want.
Prepare to be shocked. As I said it's a slow motion train wreck. It takes a while for trends to filter all the way down to the MAGAt basement but the indicators are appearing. The "cracks" in the facade if you will.
A LOT is going to change in the polling before fall.
Believe what you want.
Prepare to be shocked. As I said it's a slow motion train wreck. It takes a while for trends to filter all the way down to the MAGAt basement but the indicators are appearing. The "cracks" in the facade if you will.
A LOT is going to change in the polling before fall.
and biden has a lot of time to fuck up too.....
and biden has a lot of time to fuck up too.....
Not even the same thing. Biden has never been a cult god. He is just your run of the mill, old, doddering, burnt-out, semi but nothing provable corrupt, career politician.
He doesn't have far to fall between now and November.
Trump on the other hand is standing on the edge of a cliff....and his plunge is going to be epic.
That's the problem with your entire image being a house of cards; when it falls apart it is sudden and dramatic.

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