A Tribute to the REAL MAN OF THE YEAR; Donald J Trump


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is a great video of comments about Trump Trump before the Democrat slander machine attacked his image.

The media attacked him...the democrats attacked him and the republicans attacked him and he still won. God voted for Donald Trump.
For the first time in 8 years, I'm proud of my country.
Did you discuss this with Michelle Obama? :lmao:

I am sure JGalt would never say anything that the Wookie would disapprove of, lol.
They both said the same thing, except at different times, so who's right?

There is a difference you know. I'm not an angry Black Liberation Theologist with a Marxist background, who got into college on Affirmative Action and wrote a thesis on how racist America is.

I'm proud because America is returning to it's rightful place as a world leader, not because we are genuflecting to those countries which hate us.

She also said “For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country." I've been an adult quite a while longer than her 22 years of adulthood when she said that. I've been both proud and ashamed at various times, but for the first time in 8 years as I said, I am very proud of this country.

So screw that Sasquatch.
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Makes my heart skip a beat and brings a tear to my eye. I am so glad my oldest 2 kids were old enough to remember the election of Donald J Trump. I hope my oldest and maybe my 2nd oldest can help me on his reelection campaign in 2020.
For the first time in 8 years, I'm proud of my country.
Did you discuss this with Michelle Obama? :lmao:

I am sure JGalt would never say anything that the Wookie would disapprove of, lol.
They both said the same thing, except at different times, so who's right?

There is a difference you know. I'm not an angry Black Liberation Theologist with a Marxist background, who got into college on Affirmative Action and wrote a thesis on how racist America is.

I'm proud because America is returning to it's rightful place as a world leader, not because we are genuflecting to those countries which hate us.

She also said “For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country." I've been an adult quite a while longer than her 22 years of adulthood when she said that. I've been both proud and ashamed at various times, but for the first time in 8 years as I said, I am very proud of this country.

So screw that Sasquatch.
It's pretty disgusting and alarming for a president's wife, the First Lady to admit that she has never been proud of her country only until her racist radical Leftie husband gets elected president. Yet the crooked media as usual yawned and brushed off that comment as if it was nothing. Pathetic.
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I guess trump is due our congratulations.

Here's to you donald, keep sucking Putin's turds. Your supporters are proud of you.

And I guess that matters, to someone like you.

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