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A Tutorial For Trump Supporters On Climate Change

It's colder now than it's been in years. Where are you hiding the heat? C'mon, where's the heat?

If you had read the OP and other posts I made on page 1, you'd know that with a thinning thermosphere from man's carbon activities here on the surface, we would experience colder Winters and hotter Summers in general. However, due to the water molecule's need for massive heat in order to melt (unlike other molecules) in Summers as the ice sheets were shrinking with winds blowing across them, you would EXPECT to feel cooler Summers until those sheets' sizes reached a tipping point where their melting could no longer cool the lower regions in Summer. Then, get ready to broil...

In those cooler Summers during this crucial "get busy and do SOMETHING!" phase..the greedy heat-needs of melting ice is literally robbing the heat from surrounding areas and so those areas experience the feeling on the skin of "a cooler Summer". But this won't last. So enjoy it while you can.

We're in a continuum in which there still might be time to turn this thing around. But we'd better act fast. And that's why I proposed in post #82 for Trump to initiate the new type of energy that China, Spain, Morocco & the ME are quickly scurrying to beat us at. Free fuel to run steam turbines is nothing to turn your nose up at.

I was really stunned to learn that leaving one 100w light bulb on or your computer, burns pounds of coal per day for just one of those devices!

Coal Power Plants - Jason Munster's Energy and Environment Blog If you have a 100W incandescent bulb, and you leave it on for a day, you just burnt 2 lbs. of coal. Good job. If turning off your lights to save on electricity is not enough to get you to shut em off, just picture that much coal burning to keep that light on. Your laptop computer uses about 2-3 pounds if it runs the entire day. Your TV, if left on, will burn more like 10 lbs. of coal a day.

By getting our energy from carbons instead of concentrated solar radiation creating steam, we are literally destroying our planet. This is like insisting that people still drive horse and buggy to work while the rest of the world drives brand new efficient cars. We are propping up an industry that knows it is finite, knows it will be necessarily dead one way or the other in 30 or 40 years, just so some really rich and really lazy people don't have to switch over their monopolies and assets to this simpler way of creating steam to run turbines. I suspect also some ME bloggers posing as Americans are furiously trying to keep us dependent and dumbly ignoring reality because what else does the ME have to offer the world besides oil? Goat meat? Camels? Lentils?

They DO have sunshine though. And the ME has even seen the writing on the wall with the oil problems. China can't even breathe, she's burning so many carbons locally. It's a huge mess that has a cure: a simple car headlamp reflector and a chunk of cardboard or dry wood aimed at the sun, even in Winter in northern climates, will spell out that answer quite simply and clearly.
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It's colder now than it's been in years. Where are you hiding the heat? C'mon, where's the heat?

If you had read the OP and other posts I made on page 1, you'd know that with a thinning thermosphere from man's carbon activities here on the surface, we would experience colder Winters and hotter Summers in general. However, due to the water molecule's need for massive heat in order to melt (unlike other molecules) in Summers as the ice sheets were shrinking with winds blowing across them, you would EXPECT to feel cooler Summers until those sheets' sizes reached a tipping point where their melting could no longer cool the lower regions in Summer. Then, get ready to broil...

We're in a continuum in which there still might be time to turn this thing around. But we'd better act fast. And that's why I proposed in post #82 for Trump to initiate the new type of energy that China, Spain, Morocco & the ME are quickly scurrying to beat us at. Free fuel to run steam turbines is nothing to turn your nose up at.

Are you a scientist or just another statistic downloader? Gotta go do some work. Friend of mine has a furnace that hasn't been used in 3 or 4 years, now he's freezing and the danged thing won't turn on. Wonder if al gore has furnaces in his seaside mansion. Probably not.
This is why I posted this thread.

You are nothing but a parrot. You bawk, you bitch, and then you insult those trying to teach you about reality.

WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

Yes, your birdbrain has never had HuffPo answer that for you, so you can get "your" "opinion." That is because the "climate scientists" who run the HuffPo climate section CENSOR that question.... DUH...
Apparently you don't understand even the simplest of equations so why should I waste the time trying to explain complex action and reactions in a multiplanic event to a monoplanic thinker with no capacity to follow them? go read your little golden book of liberal talking points and forget the facts. OH algebraic expansion means it is subject to an expansion rate that is not linear it is like the rate of decay of some radio isotopes It increases at a rate that increases in a curve that is not constant and increases its curvature until at some point the amount of material has decayed to an amount that the increase cannot be sustained and then it starts to decrease in curvature until it is completely spent.. Go back to a league you can be a bench warmer in.

Obfuscation is a known diversion technique...lol..

You mean how STEAM or MOVING WATER turns the FINS of TURBINES to produce A FLOW OF ELECTRICITY which the common reader experiences at his house or business as "the light switch working"..? :lmao: Those turbines are not fussy about where the steam comes from. So why not free from the sun? China, Spain, Morocco & the ME are already building these linear solar thermal arrays as fast as their little fingers can fly. Will we be the sad "last century Amish" nation yet again, relying on the horse and buggy to power our homes? Or will we upgrade to the "automobile"?

I was suggesting that Mr. Trump, being a business whiz, might find that not having to pay $3 million a year in coal or oil fuel for a power plant, where your competitors still do, might put one ahead of the pack in energy production and profiting. See post #82 for details.

It isn't free from the sun, moron. Do you imagine that PV cells are free? Please name a solar power installation that was built for free.
This bs was done with ozone, you guys got.rid of cfcs.........thanks for helping out poor folks do.to.thos debunked.myth.

NASA disagrees. They say the thermosphere is thinning because of petrochemical burning and processing releasing compounds into the outer atmosphere that react chemically with the gases there, causing them to become more dense and flatten thinner our outer "insulation" on our tar paper shack.

Models predict that emissions of carbon dioxide are causing the upper atmosphere to cool and contract, and therefore reduce the density of gases in the layer spanning from 90 to 649 km (60 to 400 miles) above the surface—known as the thermosphere. According to a study by the Naval Research Laboratory, the density of the thermosphere has decreased about 10 percent over the last 35 years. NASA Visible Earth: Thinning Upper Atmosphere
How a Weak Scientist Can Double His Income

In order to get the trillions it wants to colonize the Moon and Mars, NA$A needs to create the illusion that the Earth is dying and we will all have to leave it by the end of the century.
It isn't free from the sun, moron. Do you imagine that PV cells are free? Please name a solar power installation that was built for free.

Oh golly...you know we're not talking about PV cells. You know we're talking about parabolic mirrors merely focusing the sunlight on a tube that then heats water to steam to run turbines, just like coal, oil & nuclear do..

Nice try though. You have to be an industry blogger. Because they always do this on the topic of solar thermal steam. They say "but solar panels are expensive!" as if we were talking about solar panels... :lmao:
As the atmosphere, which acts like a shield and blanket at the same time, begins to disappear from destructive chemical reactions caused by things men are doing on the earth's surface, you would expect colder winters as CLIMATE CHANGE continues (not "Warming" per se)

In the Winter, with a thinner "blanket" you would expect colder-colds. In the Summer, guess what we find? Warmer warms as the shield function of our atmosphere thins.

I guess Trumpees think it's fun to look at climate change like an infant. That way the pesky little details of what's actually happening can be denied. That way, industry doesn't have to encounter the hassles and expense of complying with global climate practices aimed at saving our planet. The simple minded greedy apes just want their bunches of bananas. They don't want to hear about the inconvenient details of how their greed is destroying their home.

"But for awhile there we were having much cooler Summers than normal!"..

Yes, yes we were. Again, climate change deniers will have to stretch their taxed little brains further to understand the "silly" science behind all the mystery.

Water, which is also ice, which makes up the ice caps on both poles of our planet, is a funny element. It has what is known in chemistry as a "high specific heat". What that means is, that it takes a lot of energy to change it from a solid to a liquid, a liquid to a gas, or a gas to a plasma. Many other compounds or elements do not need as much heat as water to do this. As an element or molecule, like water, approaches a phase change from solid ice to liquid water, it takes on the most energy in the form of heat to complete the phase change.

So, to put that in layman's terms, while the Summer's were cooler, the ice caps' acceleration in melting were "stealing the heat" from the atmosphere....which we all felt on our skins as "a cooler Summer". "So climate change isn't really happening!!" Except that it is. Just not the neat little way that most minds would like to box it in.

Do three experiments at home that will help you understand the full scope of how our climate is changing for the worse as far as organic life is concerned.

1. The ice cube experiment. Put an ice chunk on the counter in a warm home. Hold your hand away from it. Then hold your hand near it. As your hand comes near to it, but doesn't actually touch it, you will feel cold. That is because as the ice melts, it is stealing heat from the immediate surroundings, including your hand as it approaches. Put a fan behind the ice chunk next. Place your hand in front of the stream of air blowing past the chunk. You'll notice cold too; and this will accelerate the melting of the ice. This is how the warmer wind functions blowing across the ice caps in Summer. The size of the ice caps are their ability to make the "false cool Summers" more noticeable. As they shrink in size, these cool Summers will not be felt as widely.

2. The atmosphere "blanket" test. Now that it's Winter, you can go outside and try this simple test. Take a thick warm blanket outside and cover yourself with it as you sit for awhile in a chair. Then, take it off and replace it with a sheet. Sit for the same amount of time. Which is colder? The thinner sheet mimics the thinning atmosphere and the colder Winters showing up as the earth's climate change.

3. The atmosphere "shield" test. In Summer, go out in the middle of July on a sunny day and sit under a solid type of shelter from the sun for awhile. Then, sit under an opaque or semi-clear piece of corrugated roofing. Or just directly in the sun without any shield. Which is hotter?

For extra credit, the Winter solstice (shortest day) is near. On that day, should the sun be shining, take an automobile headlamp reflector, remove the bulb exposing just the bulb clip. Using a pair of welding glasses for safety, place a piece of paper or a small dry piece of wood in the clip. Aim the reflector directly at the sun, even later in the day if you like. DO NOT look directly at the center of the reflector or anywhere near it, even with welding glasses. It will be at its weakest and lowest potential of energy for the entire year. Wait several seconds until the wood or paper catches fire. Douse quickly with water you have nearby.

This extra credit is the key to solving both our energy crises AND climate change. The less we damage our atmosphere with chemicals related to the petroleum industry and relying on it to give us energy, the more we can slow down the damage to everything; not the least of which, ourselves.

I take it you would agree with the below.

Averaged over all land and ocean surfaces, temperatures warmed roughly 1.53 degrees Fahrenheit (0.85 degrees Celsius) from 1880 to 2012, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
How much has the global temperature risen since 1880? | UCAR - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

So for nearly 90 years from 1880 to 1970 the temperature reading stations depended on these three elements.
1) The human eyeball can discern the difference on a mercury bulb thermometer of 2°F right.
2) That the humans recording the temperatures and humans re-recording and humans re-re-recording could read the handwriting.
3) That standing outside in -30° or 120° degrees was uncomfortable.

Plus this known fact:
When "The number of [Siberian] stations increased from 8 in 1901 to 23 in 1951 and then decreased to 12 from 1989 to present only four (4) stations, those at Irkutsk, Bratsk, Chita and Kirensk, cover the entire 20th century. IEA analysts say climatologists use the data of stations located in large populated centers that are influenced by the urban-warming effect more frequently than the correct data of remote stations…
The scale of global warming was exaggerated due to temperature distortions for Russia accounting for 12.5% of the world’s land mass. The IEA said it was necessary to recalculate all global-temperature data in order to assess the scale of such exaggeration.

Adding all these factors is it possible the world temperature increase of 1.5°F maybe off?
Mercury Is As Good As Gold

What we really have to fear is thermometer warming.
It isn't free from the sun, moron. Do you imagine that PV cells are free? Please name a solar power installation that was built for free.

Oh golly...you know we're not talking about PV cells. You know we're talking about parabolic mirrors merely focusing the sunlight on a tube that then heats water to steam to run turbines, just like coal, oil & nuclear do..

Nice try though. You have to be an industry blogger. Because they always do this on the topic of solar thermal steam. They say "but solar panels are expensive!" as if we were talking about solar panels... :lmao:

So you think hundreds of acres of parabolic mirrors focused on a tube filled with a coolant and pointed at the sun by computerized motors is free?

There's a reason rational people think environmental wackos are a bunch of dumbasses. It's because you are.

The reason that "industry bloggers" (people that know the facts, in other words) do this all the time is because those are the facts, moron. Solar power expensive, whether they are PV or parabolic mirrors.
Donald Trump Will Be the Only World Leader to Deny Climate Change Is Real

As future president, Donald Trump has promised to dismantle President Barack Obama’s progress toward improving the environment. He has supported the Keystone XL pipeline and removing regulations on the gas and oil industries. He wants to reduce the influence of the Environmental Protection Agency, which he called a “disgrace,” and scrap the Clean Power Plan, which would compel power plants to reduce their carbon emission. He wants to “cancel” the Paris climate change deal. And he also once claimed that global warming is a hoax “created by and for the Chinese.Donald Trump Will Be the Only World Leader to Deny Climate Change Is Real

Well Mr. Trump. You's got some learnin' to do. Average-student business-major Donald Trump; who doesn't take regular security briefings from experts even, cuz, you know, he's smarter than they are on everything...has suddenly deemed himself smarter than world scientific consensus. He might as well declare that green is now purple. What will be next in his world of make-believe?

Even the chemical industry disagrees with you; and dozens of other professional organizations, including NASA. Who is smarter Trumpees? Your guru Donald Trump? Or almost all world scientists?:

American Chemical Society
"Comprehensive scientific assessments of our current and potential future climates clearly indicate that climate change is real, largely attributable to emissions from human activities, and potentially a very serious problem." (2004)4 http://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/


Tutorial for you:

Scams and hoaxes in climate change business are also real, and in no shortage.

Or do you actually believe that taxing people to death helps to stop climate change? I doubt that... Not too strange that those who worship taxes rail on the issue... ain't it so?
Donald Trump Will Be the Only World Leader to Deny Climate Change Is Real

As future president, Donald Trump has promised to dismantle President Barack Obama’s progress toward improving the environment. He has supported the Keystone XL pipeline and removing regulations on the gas and oil industries. He wants to reduce the influence of the Environmental Protection Agency, which he called a “disgrace,” and scrap the Clean Power Plan, which would compel power plants to reduce their carbon emission. He wants to “cancel” the Paris climate change deal. And he also once claimed that global warming is a hoax “created by and for the Chinese.Donald Trump Will Be the Only World Leader to Deny Climate Change Is Real

Well Mr. Trump. You's got some learnin' to do. Average-student business-major Donald Trump; who doesn't take regular security briefings from experts even, cuz, you know, he's smarter than they are on everything...has suddenly deemed himself smarter than world scientific consensus. He might as well declare that green is now purple. What will be next in his world of make-believe?

Even the chemical industry disagrees with you; and dozens of other professional organizations, including NASA. Who is smarter Trumpees? Your guru Donald Trump? Or almost all world scientists?:

American Chemical Society
"Comprehensive scientific assessments of our current and potential future climates clearly indicate that climate change is real, largely attributable to emissions from human activities, and potentially a very serious problem." (2004)4 http://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/


Tutorial for you:

Scams and hoaxes in climate change business are also real, and in no shortage.

Or do you actually believe that taxing people to death helps to stop climate change? I doubt that... Not too strange that those who worship taxes rail on the issue... ain't it so?

They don't really care if it cures AGW. The tax increases are the end goal, not saving the climate.
Tutorial for you:...Scams and hoaxes in climate change business are also real, and in no shortage.

Or do you actually believe that taxing people to death helps to stop climate change?

Yes, taxing businesses who use too much carbon does help to stop climate change. How hard is that for you to grasp?

Given: NASA says the thermosphere is thinning due to human carbon use on the planet.

Given: the less carbon used by humans, the less damage to our thermosphere; which is like our "home's" insulation; protecting us from too much heat (after the ice sheets hit a critical small size) in the Summer and too much cold in the Winter.

Given: the carbon tax forces companies to increase their profits by tagging on things like geothermal or solar thermal steam-powered adjuncts to existing carbon facilities. There is even geothermal power plant potential in the Northeast. But look out West! It's like a veritable goldmine of sun-soaked acreage underlain by hundreds of thousands of geothermal reserve acres.

It turns out America really does have massive potential to be a world leader in energy production (and jobs created thereby). Only the energy is way too clean for current industry moguls. For some reason, they're even willing to sacrifice profits on the altar of :bowdown: "must foul the planet if we make money off of it!"

Given, for one person's TV to stay on all day = 10 lbs of burning coal...is wholly unacceptable.

Yes! Yes carbon taxes slow climate change! And, when power companies install these solar thermal adjuncts, especially in sunny regions, every sunny day they don't burn carbon, they're getting a tax break AND greater profits by charging the customers the same electric fee but not paying for any fuel! The last bit Mr. Trump should take a second look at. It's the type of "Make America Great Again" program that will win him world accolades...and tons of cash if he himself invests via proxies while he's in Office..

They're just rows of parabolic mirrors that focus sunshine on a tube a few feet above them. The tube takes the heated thermal oil to heat exchangers that then boil water to steam. The steam runs a turbine exactly the same way steam from coal or oil or nuclear heat does. Those steam turbines just don't care where the steam comes from as it turns out. Very simple stuff.

If your company taps geothermal steam or heat sources instead, you get free fuel 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Imagine the profits then? :eusa_think: charging the same rate as if you would if you were burning coal, oil or deadly dangerous nuclear fuel?

Mr. Trump ought to take a look at our geothermal potential here in the US. He's talked about fracking (drilling deep into the ground for the purposes of energy extraction). Why not just drill in once here or there and have a permanent supply of energy that doesn't foul our earth more?


Free "drillable heat" for the taking! Charge the same rate as if fracked & burned oil! Only without the irreversible environmental damage!

There's even geothermal power production potential in the Northeast. And look out West! There are 100s of thousands of sun-soaked acres underlain by the same amount of geothermal heat reserves at easy to tap depths. Imagine free fuel 24 hours a day 365 days a year, while charging the same rate as burning coal, oil or nuclear just to create steam? Wow Mr. Trump. There's your profit-cow and jobs right there.

As it turns out, America does have the potential to be a world leader in power production. Just not the type that fouls the earth irreparably. Now if we could just convince the carbon moguls to want more profits and not bow :bowdown: at the altar of "must foul the earth in order to make money" (even if doing so is more expensive to them and all of us), we'd be getting busy making America Great Again.
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Tutorial for you:...Scams and hoaxes in climate change business are also real, and in no shortage.

Or do you actually believe that taxing people to death helps to stop climate change?

Yes, taxing businesses who use too much carbon does help to stop climate change. How hard is that for you to grasp?

Given: NASA says the thermosphere is thinning due to human carbon use on the planet.

Given: the less carbon used by humans, the less damage to our thermosphere; which is like our "home's" insulation; protecting us from too much heat (after the ice sheets hit a critical small size) in the Summer and too much cold in the Winter.

Given: the carbon tax forces companies to increase their profits by tagging on things like geothermal or solar thermal steam-powered adjuncts to existing carbon facilities.

Given, for one person's TV to stay on all day = 10 lbs of burning coal...is wholly unacceptable.

Yes! Yes carbon taxes slow climate change! And, when power companies install these solar thermal adjuncts, especially in sunny regions, every sunny day they don't burn carbon, they're getting a tax break AND greater profits by charging the customers the same electric fee but not paying for any fuel! The last bit Mr. Trump should take a second look at. It's the type of "Make America Great Again" program that will win him world accolades...and tons of cash if he himself invests via proxies while he's in Office..

They're just rows of parabolic mirrors that focus sunshine on a tube a few feet above them. The tube takes the heated thermal oil to heat exchangers that then boil water to steam. The steam runs a turbine exactly the same way steam from coal or oil or nuclear heat does. Those steam turbines just don't care where the steam comes from as it turns out. Very simple stuff.

If your company taps geothermal steam or heat sources instead, you get free fuel 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Imagine the profits then? :eusa_think: charging the same rate as if you would if you were burning coal, oil or deadly dangerous nuclear fuel?

Mr. Trump ought to take a look at our geothermal potential here in the US. He's talked about fracking (drilling deep into the ground for the purposes of energy extraction). Why not just drill in once here or there and have a permanent supply of energy that doesn't foul our earth more?


Free "drillable heat" for the taking! Charge the same rate as if fracked & burned oil! Only without the irreversible environmental damage!

Ok, one more time, slowly























to climate





Tutorial for you:...Scams and hoaxes in climate change business are also real, and in no shortage.

Or do you actually believe that taxing people to death helps to stop climate change?

Yes, taxing businesses who use too much carbon does help to stop climate change. How hard is that for you to grasp?

Given: NASA says the thermosphere is thinning due to human carbon use on the planet.

Given: the less carbon used by humans, the less damage to our thermosphere; which is like our "home's" insulation; protecting us from too much heat (after the ice sheets hit a critical small size) in the Summer and too much cold in the Winter.

Given: the carbon tax forces companies to increase their profits by tagging on things like geothermal or solar thermal steam-powered adjuncts to existing carbon facilities. There is even geothermal power plant potential in the Northeast. But look out West! It's like a veritable goldmine of sun-soaked acreage underlain by hundreds of thousands of geothermal reserve acres.

It turns out America really does have massive potential to be a world leader in energy production (and jobs created thereby). Only the energy is way too clean for current industry moguls. For some reason, they're even willing to sacrifice profits on the altar of :bowdown: "must foul the planet if we make money off of it!"

Given, for one person's TV to stay on all day = 10 lbs of burning coal...is wholly unacceptable.

Yes! Yes carbon taxes slow climate change! And, when power companies install these solar thermal adjuncts, especially in sunny regions, every sunny day they don't burn carbon, they're getting a tax break AND greater profits by charging the customers the same electric fee but not paying for any fuel! The last bit Mr. Trump should take a second look at. It's the type of "Make America Great Again" program that will win him world accolades...and tons of cash if he himself invests via proxies while he's in Office..

They're just rows of parabolic mirrors that focus sunshine on a tube a few feet above them. The tube takes the heated thermal oil to heat exchangers that then boil water to steam. The steam runs a turbine exactly the same way steam from coal or oil or nuclear heat does. Those steam turbines just don't care where the steam comes from as it turns out. Very simple stuff.

If your company taps geothermal steam or heat sources instead, you get free fuel 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Imagine the profits then? :eusa_think: charging the same rate as if you would if you were burning coal, oil or deadly dangerous nuclear fuel?

Mr. Trump ought to take a look at our geothermal potential here in the US. He's talked about fracking (drilling deep into the ground for the purposes of energy extraction). Why not just drill in once here or there and have a permanent supply of energy that doesn't foul our earth more?


Free "drillable heat" for the taking! Charge the same rate as if fracked & burned oil! Only without the irreversible environmental damage!

mirrors are made of glass, right? glass with silver backing, right?

do you understand that it takes a lot of energy to melt silicon to make glass and a lot of energy to mine and process silver?

there is a lot more to the equation than you lefties are willing to admit.
taxing businesses who use too much carbon does help to stop climate change.


"stop climate change" - lol...

You can't stop the tectonic plates from moving by raising taxes. This is all a scam and you are part of it.
Co2 is not polution.


The highly correlated satellite and balloon raw data show no warming in the atmosphere.

Theory rejected.
mirrors are made of glass, right? glass with silver backing, right?

do you understand that it takes a lot of energy to melt silicon to make glass and a lot of energy to mine and process silver?

there is a lot more to the equation than you lefties are willing to admit.

You mean the one time, right? Just like the one time costs & upkeep any power plant has? How much energy does it take to construct a coal burning power plant? And BTW, no, the parabolic reflectors are sheet metal. If you watched the installation of them you'd know that in the youtube on page #1 here. It takes sheet metal to build a coal fired power plant too. So if you want to play pound for pound cost of installation and time and materials and energy etc. etc...we can "go there". You've lost already so I'd let it ride if I were you.

The experiment I outlined on page on for anyone to see what power we have here in the US and are completely neglecting...while China, Morocco, Spain and the ME are charging ahead on... was done with a PLASTIC car headlight reflector with a simple reflective chrome type paint finish. Put a piece of wood or cardboard in the clip where the bulb used to be, put on your welding glasses...and without looking directly at the center where the wood is, watch as it catches fire just mere seconds after you point it at the sun. THAT'S what's hitting the tube above the parabolic reflectors in a solar thermal plant, heating the oil within to up to 300 degrees C. THAT is what then goes to the heat exchangers to boil water that then goes on to run the turbines.

Co2 is not polution.


The highly correlated satellite and balloon raw data show no warming in the atmosphere.

Theory rejected.

NASA says differently. Your infantile "rebuttal" of thousands of scientific findings, corroborated and peer-reviewed is REJECTED. :eusa_naughty: "Show no warming in the atmosphere".. :lmao: Well here on earth though, where the rubber hits the road, we're accelerating alarming weather and bizarre weather to the point of crop interruption, heat strokes and cold snaps that you would expect if the atmosphere was THINNING from carbon use by humans...instead of "warming".

Yes, a colder thermosphere would cause to shrink, like your dick if you jumped into an ice pond. But being a builder myself, I've always been in favor of staying cooler in Summer and warmer in Winter by having fluffy (not flattening) insulation in my walls and ceiling channels....and my thermosphere...
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Tutorial for you:...Scams and hoaxes in climate change business are also real, and in no shortage.

Or do you actually believe that taxing people to death helps to stop climate change?

Yes, taxing businesses who use too much carbon does help to stop climate change. How hard is that for you to grasp?

Given: NASA says the thermosphere is thinning due to human carbon use on the planet.

Given: the less carbon used by humans, the less damage to our thermosphere; which is like our "home's" insulation; protecting us from too much heat (after the ice sheets hit a critical small size) in the Summer and too much cold in the Winter.

Given: the carbon tax forces companies to increase their profits by tagging on things like geothermal or solar thermal steam-powered adjuncts to existing carbon facilities. There is even geothermal power plant potential in the Northeast. But look out West! It's like a veritable goldmine of sun-soaked acreage underlain by hundreds of thousands of geothermal reserve acres.

It turns out America really does have massive potential to be a world leader in energy production (and jobs created thereby). Only the energy is way too clean for current industry moguls. For some reason, they're even willing to sacrifice profits on the altar of :bowdown: "must foul the planet if we make money off of it!"

Given, for one person's TV to stay on all day = 10 lbs of burning coal...is wholly unacceptable.

Yes! Yes carbon taxes slow climate change! And, when power companies install these solar thermal adjuncts, especially in sunny regions, every sunny day they don't burn carbon, they're getting a tax break AND greater profits by charging the customers the same electric fee but not paying for any fuel! The last bit Mr. Trump should take a second look at. It's the type of "Make America Great Again" program that will win him world accolades...and tons of cash if he himself invests via proxies while he's in Office..

They're just rows of parabolic mirrors that focus sunshine on a tube a few feet above them. The tube takes the heated thermal oil to heat exchangers that then boil water to steam. The steam runs a turbine exactly the same way steam from coal or oil or nuclear heat does. Those steam turbines just don't care where the steam comes from as it turns out. Very simple stuff.

If your company taps geothermal steam or heat sources instead, you get free fuel 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Imagine the profits then? :eusa_think: charging the same rate as if you would if you were burning coal, oil or deadly dangerous nuclear fuel?

Mr. Trump ought to take a look at our geothermal potential here in the US. He's talked about fracking (drilling deep into the ground for the purposes of energy extraction). Why not just drill in once here or there and have a permanent supply of energy that doesn't foul our earth more?


Free "drillable heat" for the taking! Charge the same rate as if fracked & burned oil! Only without the irreversible environmental damage!

There's even geothermal power production potential in the Northeast. And look out West! There are 100s of thousands of sun-soaked acres underlain by the same amount of geothermal heat reserves at easy to tap depths. Imagine free fuel 24 hours a day 365 days a year, while charging the same rate as burning coal, oil or nuclear just to create steam? Wow Mr. Trump. There's your profit-cow and jobs right there.

As it turns out, America does have the potential to be a world leader in power production. Just not the type that fouls the earth irreparably. Now if we could just convince the carbon moguls to want more profits and not bow :bowdown: at the altar of "must foul the earth in order to make money" (even if doing so is more expensive to them and all of us), we'd be getting busy making America Great Again.

The "thermosphere" is thinning? Who is the quack who dreamed up this idiocy? There's no such thing as "the thermosphere." Only the numskulls who were fooled by the AGW con are gullible enough to believe there is something called a "thermosphere," and that it's 'thinning."

The rest of your post is almost as dumb and almost as hilarious.
If you had read the OP and other posts I made on page 1, you'd know that with a thinning thermosphere from man's carbon activities here on the surface,

As even Bri could point out, your science there isn't good. The atmosphere isn't "thinning", not at all.

However, it's still better than the denier 'science'. It's only half-wrong, while deniers get every bit of science and logic wrong.

Why? Because every denier, without exception, is a right-wing-fringe political cultist.

In contrast, real climate science crosses all political boundaries all across the world, because it's actual science. Climate science is non-political, while denialism is 100% politics.

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